Ce samedi soir à partir de 22H pour femmes, ou trav/trans si très féminines.
before yesterday at 20:58
Qui veut se faire pomper ce soir?
Bonjour De retour sur Grenoble prêt a m'amuser
I might go for a walk Saturday evening with my doll who is in the photo on my profile only for active guys I would be with her as a man
Je recois a Grenoble palais des sports pour sucer now, qui veut?
J'arrive pour vous pomper
le challenge de ma soumise etait Son challenge etait de sucer un mec a meyla un a veurey contrat rempli a une vitesse éclair
I will expose my beautiful submissive at 11am this morning come and offer her your cock she has a sweet mouth and a great ass
Tonight from 10:30 p.m. I will be with my submissive a sex bomb
Meilleur vœux 2025,que cette année soit remplie de sexe. Je crois cette après midi si vous voulez fêter ce premier jour de l’année avec moi
No good cock to eat right now?
Good evening to all. I am receiving tonight I have something to drink and smoke and two possibilities: Dominant for submissive Or sexual object to use If there is someone hot come pv for more details To all!!!
Coucou tout le monde. Je reçois dès maintenant jusqu’à tard dans la nuit. Venez en PV et on se prépare un bon petit scénario si vous voulez. Je n’est pas beaucoup de tabou, très endurants et très très chaud. Au plaisir d’en discuter
Je recois a Grenoble ce soir pour pomper et vider tes couilles, qui est interessé?
Bonjour. Je recherche deux travesti pour un plan à trois avec moi ,annonce très sérieuse. Venez en mp on passera une très bonne soirée j’en suis sûr :-)
Je reçois ce soir pour un apéro sexe. Si il y a des intéressés venez en PV
Je reçois cette après midi
Je reçois encore ce soir hier ça m’a pas suffit mdr. Venez mp
Si quelqu’un est chaud pour jouer avec ma bbc toute la nuit sans modération contacter moi
Coucou, une envie nocturne ou matinale ?
Y'a du trav se soir ? Je passe se soir me dégourdir un peu les jambes et pas que a se soir.
Y'a du monde en ce moment le soir ou sa caille trop et y'a personne car j'aimerais me faire éclater les trous puis prendre hôtel proche pour idem si des mecs me le payent !
Une envie nocturne ou matinale ? Je m'occupe de vous !
Je crois en toute intimité ce soir pour trav,trans,femme,couple voir homme. On peut ce passer une soirée à deux ou à plusieurs. Au choix: je vous laisse ma bbc à dispo et vous en faite ce que vous voulez ou alors en mode dominant comme vous voulez. Grosse bises et j’espère à toute à l’heure
Je recherche travesti sexy pour me lécher sucer mes pieds ma queue juteuse
Qui veut se faire pomper now?
Bonjour Je cherche pour cet AM 15 octobre quelqu'un pour s'amuser réciproquement, Branle, suce,doigtage, voir plus si affinités. Sur Grenoble et agglomération !!
Salut ! J'y serais ce soir en legging violet. Cul dispo pour un max de mecs
Avec ce temps rien de mieu que d’avoir de la compagnie. Je reçois chez moi au chaud. Venez MP
Passage demain soir, j'espère y croiser du monde
Je reçois ce soir. Femme ,couple , homme , trav, trans. Venez pv
JEUDI 19 SEPTEMBRE, dès 20h30 et jusque tard dans la soirée. Je serai là pour profiter de vos désirs et partager des moments bien chauds. Je suis plutôt très passif mais toujours ouvert etc... . Alors, si vous avez de l’énergie à revendre et les couilles bien pleines et que vous êtes prêts à vous amuser, venez me rejoindre ! De plus, si vous êtes dans le coin de 14h00 a XXX temps selon l'affluence, je serai également à l'hôtel Première Classe Grenoble Sud - Gières Université. (Le lendemain le Vendredi 20 je serais au lieux de drague de Etang de Veurey à côté du pont de Veurey a Voreppe de 12h a 16h00)
Je reçois cet après midi si l’envie vous prend de jouer avec une bbc vous viens venez vite en pv
Qui veut se faire pomper ce matin? Je recois a Grenoble
Ce soir je serais ur place vers 19h30 pour jeune homme .
Qui travestie sexy disponible ?
Salut salut nous sommes un couple de 40 ans nous y sommes allé cet après midi, on espérait trouver une personne pour se joindre à nous , pour une première expérience pour nous, il n y avait personne. Nous sommes à l hôtel ce soir à Meylan, si quelqu un veut se joindre à nous….
Qui veut se faire pomper maintenant, ici ou ailleurs?
J'y suis aller jeudi dernier pour découvrir , beaucoup de passif , mais quand meme trouver deux bites , dont d'un jeune black bm , donc content pour mon cul , j'y retournerais surtout en MI septembre je pense
Merci tina23 d avoir confirmés mes messages.....il parait que avant beaucoup de couples C fini normal plus d actifs....les gens tournent en rond avec leur voitures Moi de meme je n y retournerais plus si je faisais la liste des faux RDV elle est énorme et prendre le risque de gambader en trav la bas est devenu trop grand car la police peut nous embarquer pour exhibitions et l amende peut etre hyper salée donc le jeu n en vaut pas la chandelle
yass738 n'est pas fiable menteur et je confirme une voiture de la police est passer autour de mon fourgon trafic aménagé sans plus mais à bien stopper à ma auteur bon une nuit sans mecs que des passage de voiture ne n'y retournerai plus.
Ce qu il faut savoir sur ce lieu C moi même qui est dit beaucoup de contrôles de gendarmerie Il ne faut pas rêver ils ne font rien a un mec habillé ils ont contrôlé un ami a moi de Bourgoin. Monsieur de Bourgoin vous venez prendre l air ici sa réponse effectivement et demain je vais prendre l air champ Elisée Paris il y a le couvre feu en France les gendarmes non Monsieur C juste comme cela .....Lui vous voulez mes papiers ils sont dans ma voiture EUX non merci Monsieur bonne soirée. Moi-même je me suis fait contrôler j ai dit je cherche King burger Eux suivez nous on vous montre .... J ai juste voulu dire pour nous les travs mini jupe raz le cul on prend des risques. Donc les actifs pas de problème pour vous ils cherchent surtout un mec qui se promène a poil régulièrement ils l'ont déjà interpellé à Veurey
yass738 est un gros mytho que des rdv bidons fausses photos comme si on etait les lapines de 2 jrs .... completement stupide il faudrait grandir un peu dans ta tete
Perso j’y vais ce soir et j’espère croiser des trav
On était 3 travestis hier soir il faut croire que tout les hommes actif sont en vacances ou que les travestis leur font peur
Dispo pour vous vider merci de me mp pour rdv
J'y suis pour actif chaud a 22h45 jusqu'à tard
Quelqu’un de très très chaud aujourd’hui ? Femme , homme , trav , trans, couple. Je suis très ouvert,endurant,gicleur et peut même recevoir. À vos message pour de belle et bonne proposition. Biz à tous
je serais mercredi soir avec une copine trav aprés il faudra attendre le 15 septembre ou on sera 3 voir 4 trav ensemble on aime actifs on n a rien contre les gays ou autres ont respecte mais on veut des actifs
Je serai au Parc Île d'Amour à Meylan le mardi 20 août, dès 20h30 et jusque tard dans la soirée. Je suis plutôt passif mais toujours ouvert etc... . Alors, si vous avez de l’énergie à revendre et les couilles bien pleines et que vous êtes prêts à vous amuser, venez me rejoindre ! De plus, si vous êtes dans le coin de 14h30 a XX temps selon l'affluence, je serai également à l'hôtel Première Classe Grenoble Sud - Gières Université. Venez nombreux et n’hésitez pas à faire un tour pour vous faire plaisirs . ?
Hello J'y serai ce soir vers 22h. Recherche bonne bite épaisse. A +
J'y serais pour vider de la bite le MARDI 20 AOUT de 20h30 a assez tard selon les teubs dispo pour y découvrir LE PARC DE L'ILE d'AMOUR a Meylan ( parking ) , je suis passif ! En espérant que les routes d'accès soit accessible normalement ! Si je peux je prends un Hotel pas loin au besoin pour plus tard je verrais , hesitez pas
Alors le 20 août des actifs le soir pour mes trois
je suis a la recherche d un autre lieux le soir aprés 22 h trop de descente de gendarmerie sur celui ci Contactez moi
Coucou les chéris mon bilan sur l'ile d'amour Meylan ou je suis allé régulièrement en juillet déjà les RDV sur ce site que des faux plans et ils sont nombreux ensuite sur place beaucoup de voyeurs sans plus deuxièmement on vient te voir et on te demande crument tu suces ???????????????MOI NON j'ai mal aux dents comment je vais dire oui j'ai passé 1 h à me faire des lavements je vais sucer une bite je ne sais même pas s'il a pris une douche MDR En conclusion une fois sur 100 on rencontre une personne respectueuse y vais juste dans ce but même si C très rare j'aime l exhibe Quant aux couples juste une fois rencontré un..... Je donne juste mon bilan sur ce lieu je n'ai rien contre personne et pratique
Hello, J'y serai ce soir vers 23h. Je recherche une bonne bite épaisse. A +
Who is available in Grenoble this afternoon? From 11:30 a.m.?
J'y serais pour vider de la bite le MARDI 20 AOUT de 20h30 a assez tard selon les teubs dispo pour y découvrir , je suis passif ! En espérant que les routes d'accès soit accessible normalement ! Si je peux je prends a hotel pas loin au besoin pour plus tard je verrais
Ce soir je suis en mode pompeur et être pomper. Si y’a des queue bien chaude passer pv
Coucou, je cherche des mecs tentés pour gangbang hard en extérieur un soir prochain ;)
Alors les routes d'accès je vous prie sont elle de nouveau accessible , j'aimerais découvrir
I am receiving this evening around Villard Bonnot, if anyone is interested, contact pm. Ps: am very hot
Trop envie d’une bonne gorge profonde et je la rend en retour qui veut venir chez moi
3eme spot que je fais ce jour et il y a personne, je suis pourtant cho bouillant
Hello J'y serai ce soir pour bite bien épaisse. A +
Coucou je compte aller y faire un tour ce soir pour de belle trav
Les bandes mous et les faux RDV frequentes BCP ce lieux pôurtant nous sommes de plus en plus de belles travesties Heureusement des rares personnes respectueuses mais pour combien de temps
Messieurs je peux vous offrir mon corps a vos mains expertes ce soir
Merci a la jolie femme accompagnée de son homme de m'avoir fait passer un bon, moment monsieur a participé également , a refaire !
J'y serai se soir pour me faire sucé !
Salut, alors les travaux et l'accessibilité ça dit quoi et le fréquentation surtout ?? Merci pour vos réponses
Salut, je m'offre moi et mes orifices pour vidange complète vessies et couilles
Messieurs je peux vous offrir mon corps a vos mains expertes ce soir
Ya du monde en ce moment ?
Coucou, en place, pour vidanger vessies et couilles
Après plusieurs semaines d'abstinence, j'y serai cette nuit pour les amateurs de cul serré
In place To empty your bladder and balls
Recherche un actif/alpha en se début d'après-midi.vers 13h30.
Well, after August 23 I will go and find out because in my opinion it plays on attendance + vacations, hoping to find lots of active people there!
Je devrai y faire un tour demain vers 13h30-14h30. En espérant croiser des actifs.
Meylan/La Tronche : construction du réseau de chaleur La construction de réseau de chaleur de Meylan se poursuit cet été et impactera la circulation sur certaines rues à Meylan et à La Tronche. À compter du 8 juillet, trois voies sont concernées : le chemin de la Revirée ne sera accessible qu’aux riverains (jusqu’au 2 août) ; l’avenue du Vercors à Meylan sera en sens unique de circulation jusqu’au 16 août (les automobilistes et la ligne de bus C1 seront déviés). Enfin, côté La Tronche, une voie de circulation de l’avenue du Vercors, pour quitter l’agglomération en direction du Grésivaudan, sera neutralisée jusqu’au 26 juillet. Par ailleurs, le chemin du Champ-Moutet, entre l’avenue du Vercors et le parc de l’île d’Amour, sera fermé du 29 juillet au 23 août (sauf riverains). Enfin, la route qui passe devant le centre commercial Carrefour de Meylan sera interdite à la circulation du 26 août au 13 septembre, avec une déviation par l’A41. Pour rappel, le réseau de chaleur urbain de Meylan, principalement alimenté par l’incinérateur de déchets Athanor, desservira à terme l’équivalent de 2 600 logements, pour 4 700 tonnes de CO2 évité par an (soit 4 000 véhicules retirés de la circulatio
Qui sait quand les travaux d’accès en voiture sera réouvert , j'aimerais découvrir et je pense que ses travaux joue sur la fréquentation ?
pas de blabla inutiles j offre mes petites fesses ce soir 23 h viens jouer avec mon corps....... blonde en mini jupe
Cuckoo. I'm passing through the park for an hour. Hoping to come across assets. Please note, the car access woods are closed for work. You have to go around to get there. Provide GPS.
Who wants to get pumped today outside (here or elsewhere) by a male bottom?
Sorry everyone last night the weather was not good, but this evening I will be there, at the Parc de l'île d'amour Friday evening...As a dog to be mated in a group in a chain. I have a deep throat, a mouth retractor and will be dragged on a leash by a master, to be given to active people in Rut... I want to be your submissive, an object, treated like a whore, violated, and undergo all your fantasies. OK!!!
Do male liabilities still exist?
Présente en mode pute, talon bas jupe perruk faux sein string a partir de minuit. Je veux etre bz comme 1 chienne et 1 la chaine
I will be at the Parc de l'île d'amour Friday evening...As a dog to be bred in a group in a chain. I have a deep throat, a mouth retractor and will be dragged on a leash by a master, to be given to active people in Rut... I want to be your submissive, an object, treated like a whore, violated, and undergo all your fantasies. OK!!!
This evening I will be an island of love as a docile little girl who lets herself see the work, accessed by the small roads of the plain
Quelqu'un pourrait t'il me faire savoir si les travaux d'acces au parking via le " chemin de champs moutet " sont il fini sur la route menant au parking , j'aimerais découvrir , j'hésite a m'y rendre jeudi soir ici donc ( ile d'amour ) ou a Argonay en haute savoie ( parking )
les travaux sont il fini sur la route menant au parking , j'aimerais découvrir , j'hésite a m'y rendre jeudi soir ici ( ile d'amour ) ou a Argonay en haute savoie ( parking )
Salut, cherche mecs ce matin pour vidange complète vessie et couilles
Je serai au Parc de l'île d'amour ce wd…En chienne à saillir en groupe à la chaîne. J'ai une gorge profonde, un écarteur de bouche et serai traînée en laisse par un maître, pour être donnée aux actifs en Rut… Je veux être votre soumise,un objet,traitée en pute, violentée, et subir tout vos fantasmes. OK!!!
Je suis très très très chaud ce soir
Passif sportif recherche 2 mecs a sucer en fin d'aprem, qui est chaud?
Quelqu’un dispo cette nuit ? Sur ce lieu ou ailleurs
Je lis que des travaux vers le burger king bloquent la route mais qu'apparemment, possibilité de passer via la route qui longe l'autoroute puis passe par dessus après le concessionnaire BMW. Du coup, il y a quand même du monde ce soir ? Car très envie de sucer et me faire sucer sous poppers
j'irais faire un tour quand tout sera bien réouvert , flemme de faire le tour !! Mais hate de découvrir l'endroit en esperant plein plein d'actif le soir
La route est fermée mais on peut tout de même y accéder en suivant les panneaux déviation Ce n'est pas si long Les deux parkings sont toujours accessibles
Réouverture de la rout qui longe l'autoroute par le BURGER KING LE 9 JULLET on se donne tous RDV le JEUDI 11 JUILLET LA BAS ?
Qui veut se faire pomper aujourd'hui par un jeune mec sportif? Exterieur ou chez moi, plan vidage direct non blabla
Samedi 22 juin de 20h30 a 1h00 environ , je recherche des males actifs et chaud au parc ile d'amour , parking coté autoroute ! Ce sera une première ce lieu pour moi !!
Qui tout de suite pour sucer un bon chibre ?
D'après vous quel est le meilleur lieu de Grenoble , je voulais venir ici mais je sais pas si cela craint ! Et si ça marche vraiment le soir .. vos experiences et avis svp ? On m'a dit qu'il y avait des travaux cette semaine a cet endroit c'est vrai ou pas ?
Qui veut passer la nuit avec moi faite moi signe je suis chaud bouillant
Je recois ce soir si jamais vous etes interressé. Les trav et trans sontle bienvenue bien sur. Venez en Mp
the road closed works you have to go through the plain
WELL EDUCATED LITTLE GIRL I will be out for a walk around 10:30 p.m. I let one or more of you do as you please
Who wants to get pumped tonight by a handsome masculine guy? Outdoors or at home, direct shot
je suis hyper chaude j y vais ce soir comme un jouet
I will be there on Saturday June 22 I think, I really hope for people for my holes.. I am passive I have an hour drive so I will be there around 8:30 p.m. until all my holes are taken several times... Ah ah
Bonjour a tous, je suis dispo ce soir me contacter en mp Bises a tous et a toute.
je suis la bas en min jupe dans 45 minutes
J'y serais sûrement le samedi 22 juin je pense, j'espère vraiment vraiment du monde pour mes trous.. je suis passif j'ai une heure de route donc je serais là bas vers 20h30 jusqu'à ce que tout mes trous soit pris... Ah ah
I will be there this evening after 10 p.m.
Hello ! Si le temps le permet je passerai ce soir vers 22h30-23h pour rencontrer... Les coquins qui y seront et qui oseront sortir de leurs voitures Couple, trans, trav bienvenue (et souhaités hihi)
Salut !! Je suis a UNE heure de route de ce lieux , j'aimerais savoir sachant que je suis PASSIF si il est intéressant et quand ( heure ) ou si il y mieux ? Car j'aimerais le découvrir et en avoir plein les trous ! J'irais peut être Samedi 1er juin en After Gay pride de Grenoble genre 21h30 00h30 il y aura peut être du males enfin j'espere bien ! ( Ah oui est ce sécure ou pas ?
HELLO Tina working back in July August and September I am a good licker gobber pompous swallower good mouth deep throat good tongue games love foreplay am discreet me 0642950311 text to satisfy the horny males.
I'll have your juices now.
Je serai demain 24-05-24 pour sucer de 12h30 à 13h30
Out this evening, in Grenoble and surrounding areas.
Who wants to get sucked in the sun today? Here or elsewhere no worries
Ce soir pour vidanger vos vessies et couilles, et pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Hello, any guys to fuck me in GB tonight Saturday 4, there? Mp?
Salut , j'aimerais savoir si c'est vraiment bien l'ile d'amour j'aimerais y aller mais je sais pas si vraiement du mode encore et si ça crait et quand y aller surtout ! je suis a 1h00 pas envie de bouger pour rien je suis passif , merci
Pour plan direct sans blabla je vidange vessie et couilles
Bonjour, beau black ttbm endurant gicleur et mince cherche femme,couple,trav ou trans. Je suis sans tabou et ouvert a toute prosition.
Available tonight all night
Available this evening island of love :) for several guys
salut c'est tina je suis à l'ile d'amour ce soir
4 guys for my mouth and my pussy tonight. Well fucked against a tree, for a long time taking turns. Thank you my darlings :)
Tempted by an outing this evening, passive submissive, to be completed, uro possible.
Hello I can receive all night, if you want a good time with a TBM metisse contact me. Couple, woman, trav, trans.....open to everything.
Tina bonne Trav pompeuse gobeuse lecheuse avaleuse sera vendredi 12 avril de 19H00 àtoute la nuit pour mâles en rut serai en berlingo blanc avec galerie sur le toit suis discrete moi 0642950311 sms merci
De passage vers 21h00 cherche actif 20-45ans -> MP
Un Actif 20-45 ans bg dispo?
Ce soir 03/04/24, bonne cochonne, salope, pour vous vidanger la vessie et les couilles.
tina bonne trav bonne pompeuse bonne gobeuse bonne lecheuse bonne gorge profonde sera ce soir à l'ile d'amour dans son berlingo pour mâles en rut suis discrete moi 0642950311 sms merci
Passif, sportif, viril je recois toute l'apres midi a Grenoble pour pomper et vider des couilles. Plan direct mais discret.
Un actif 20-45 ans dispo vers 22:30?
Who is available this evening? 20-45 years old and active please
I'm here to suck big cocks
Qui ce soir? Ouvert a toute proposition et dispo pour la nuit. Venez mp bises a tous
Qui veut se vider je suis présent pour vous sucer ce jour de 8h30 à 10h
tina good pompous lecheuse gobeuse swallower soon present in the evening at the park with my berlingo me discreet 0624886824
BBC available all night for women, couples, trav, trans....
I'll be there in 15 minutes to get emptied
Hello everyone. I'm looking for trans trav...who can accommodate me for the night
I will be there this evening if interested.
looking for BG enter 25-45 years active for my ass. condom obligatory!!! want to suck and lick a good pair of balls. MP
Who to empty himself in my mouth, or......
Qu’est ce que c’est compliqué de trouver des plans cul dans la région
Coucou de passage toute la soirée... Si feeling contactez moi
I'll be there in 2 hours, PM for suggestion
Qui pour plan suce a midi
Qui dispo pour une bbc ici ou au bois francais.
J4Y SERAI LE 9 au soir en berlingo blanc avec galerie SUR le toit en mode dogging moi 0642950311 SMS MERCI j'ai pris aussi un formule 1 à st martin d'heres pour le 9 à 14H00 JUSQU4AU 10 MIDI rue de la condamine quartier de la mayencin 38610 gieres
Je peut y etre a midi si interessé(e)
tina available tomorrow JANUARY 03 ALL DAY 2ND TEL ME FOR PLAN 0642950311 kisses to all
BONJOUR Tina bonne trave gobeuse lecheuse avaleuse gorge profonde sera du 11 décembre au 15 avril au 2 alpes je reçois et bouges pendants les deux jours de repos suis discrete moi 0624886824 sms merci JE DESCENDS EN GOLF BLEUE
J'y serai sans doute entre 12h30 et 13h30 dans ma voiture
Quelqu'un à sucer vers 16h ?
J'attends vos grosses queues pour les vider
Très certainement de passage entre midi et deux en espérant croiser du beau monde.
bonjour quelqu’un pour me vider ou s’exhiber ce matin ou demain matin ??
Je serai Tina en bonne trav pompeuse avaleuse gobeuse dans mon fourfon et sur le banc en nature dès ce soir 21h00 à lundi matin
suis de de pansage en trav soumise de nuit pour me faire enculer en tenue féminine pour seulement celui qui aimerai me prendre comme on prendrais une vrai femme suis votre soumise a votre service j'aime cela quand cet partager suis a votre service
Tina bonne trav présente en golf bleue samedi 30 et dimanche 1 er octobre pour plan interieur ou nature à 1 ou plus...............
J'ai sucé une super queue hier soir a l'ile d'amour, a genoux dans les bois. Ce mec est il là?
Coucou, Du monde ce vendredi soir ?
bonjours les mâles en rut Tina bonne trav soumise chienne gobeuse et lecheuse voir pompeuse serai dimanche 17 au soir dans son fourgon trafic aménagé pour vous satisfaire et pour le plaisir suis discrete moi 0642950311 sms merci je resterai jusqu'au 23 septembre bises....................
Good evening everyone. There is a very good chance that I will be there tomorrow from 12 p.m.
Good evening, no one to empty me??? Who wants a good squirt!!!
small change of date I will be there from Sunday September 17 to 30 at Lac de Taillat next to the Ile d'Amour parking lot I will have a beige converted traffic van with bike in the back....more discreet
Tina trav very good pompous and very good submissive will be from September 15 to 20 at the park of the island of love in her beige traffic van fitted out towards the tailhat lake at the bottom discreet place and I will be able to around the lake and pump lick swallow see more and also receive inside my van I will be there day and night for more information me discreet 0642950311 sms thank you
J'aimerais bien y aller mais je ne sais si cela vaut le coup de faire 1h00 de route si le lieu est naze ou pas ,j'hesitre entre ici , le lac du bourget au tremblay,le lac de francin a montmelian ou le parc haut feuilly a saint priest des connaisseurs de l'ile d'amour , , des avis ?
Grosse envi de gicler a gogo
Bonjour tout le monde. J’ai un fantasme, je suis motard et je serai en balade dans votre région entre le 16 et le 20 août, mon fantasme serait d’être accueilli par un couple du site pour une soirée étape ! Je viens chez vous en fin de journée, je plante ma tente pour la nuit, j’apporte un petit quelque chose pour boire ou manger suivant ce que l’on définira ensemble et après on passe la soirée tranquillement ensemble. Je n’attends absolument rien de spécial de cette soirée, juste passer une bonne soirée, peu m’importe ce qu’il se passera ou pas! Si accueillir en voyageur pour une soirée peut vous intéresser n’hésitez pas à me contacter. Peut-être à bientôt !
I would like to go there but I don't know if it's worth the 1 hour drive if the place sucks or not, any connoisseurs, any opinions?
Alright, I'm going, we'll see. In 30 minutes, on their knees in the little wood, those who know know
I'm looking for 2 or 3 guys to suck outside tonight, I kneel down and you can cum on my face. Who is volunteering?
J'y suis pour des mecs actifs et chaud !! Et coup de gueule !! : Oh, les aînés, toujours à nous coller aux basques ! Vraiment, c'est touchant cette persévérance à vouloir nous suivre comme des détectives privés. Mais désolé, on n'a pas besoin de garde du corps ou de baby-sitter, surtout avec cette mémoire sélective qui vous joue des tours. On pourrait presque vous baptiser "les adorables pique-assiettes" ! Et quand on vous dit "non", c'est comme si vous l'aviez entendu dans une langue étrangère. Vous savez, ce n'est pas parce qu'on vous observe avec une moue ennuyée que vous allez nous décrocher la lune ! Votre insistance est presque mignonne, mais par pitié, laissez-nous tranquilles. Et pour être clair, "non" signifie vraiment "NON", sans besoin de sous-titres. Alors, allez déguster vos souvenirs, mais nous, on préfère vivre dans le présent, merci bien !
ça marche vraiment bien cette endroit
ce soir tenue sexy mini jupe je vous offre mes jolies fesses
des gens pourrait me dire si ce lieu fonctionne bien et comment il fonctionne ? Du monde ? Du monde quand ? Dangereux ? Facile d'accès ? Ou exactement ? Merci
Anyone wanna get pumped in there tonight? Poppers provided
Qui travestie sexy disponible ?
Qui veut se faire vider les couilles en extérieur aujourd'hui?
Bonjour, qui dispo ce matin pour se faire sucer et me baiser jusqu'à plus soif???
Qui veut se faire pomper aujourd'hui en extérieur?
Afin de découvrir le lieu quelqu'un après 16h très envie sucer queue lisse et plus mais à voir
Who wants to get pumped outdoors today? Any place
Who wants to get pumped outdoors today?
tonight 10:30 p.m. in sexy outfit for active
Une travestie cochonne disponible ?
Je recois a poil ce soir a Grenoble pour pomper
if it doesn't rain I will probably go Wednesday evening 10:30 p.m. Contact me in pm
Mouth a bite available this afternoon on the island of love for several cocks at the same time, who wants to empty?
Young 35-year-old hetero sucks off several guys tonight, on his knees, on the chain, mouth available. Who is interested?
little whore at your disposal 10:30 p.m.
I really like Saturday night I'm going tonight 10:30 p.m. second parking lot
I had a great time Saturday night parking lot at the top I like with several males you can contact me in pm
hello everyone Next weekend I'll be with another guy who'll take me if you want to come it's with pleasure I'll do a message in the week or Friday evening when I'll be with him to tell you when we'll be Kisses the cuties Contact me in pm
Longing for a slobbery blowjob
I can be there between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. If workers are interested in pumping my black cock, don't hesitate to contact me.
Which sexy transvestites available?
Very hot to make me suck thoroughly today and hopefully not a good fuck. Send your proposals
Someone available at île d'amour for 5:30 p.m. 6 p.m.
hi someone between 12 and 1:39 p.m. for poan sucks in dude
Really want to discover this place... Want beautiful squirts, exhib...
Does anyone know if there are tbm see more in Grenoble? I would like to try but I have the impression that it does not exist in the area.
hi someone 7:15 p.m. mutual suck/wank in the back of my car?
Goodbye Grenoble, my mission ends. I really liked this cruising spot. I met nice guys with good dicks. See you soon everyone. Hi .
Thank you to the big black man who broke my jaw with his huge cock, a real killer!!!!!
I will surely be there at the beginning of the afternoon, showing off with a friend in a white van, first parking lot
Despite the rain full of good dicks to pump late afternoon. Special mention for the shaved head guy, very very big dick. We sucked it at 2. I like to share.
Suis passé à l’instant… ça mouille !!! Putain de temps. Le Renault capture orange se reconnaît ? Contacte moi stp. Lechouilles à tous
I'm looking for 2 or 3 guys to pump at the same time outside today, who's interested?
I went back there tonight. 2 very nice cocks in the mouth. This place is worth a detour. I will go for a walk in the Mistral Park next time.
Discovered this place tonight. I went there around 7 p.m. A bit late. But 2 good cocks disgorged anyway. The people of Grenoble are cool. Question attendance is from 5 to 7. At 9 p.m. there was no one left.
Hi. Best wishes to all. I am available from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. for a good little plan. If interested pass PV. KISSES
Between noon and two to empty big cocks
In this rainy weather I will get sucked off in the car or even more. Come PM
I can be there from 12 to 2 p.m. if a trav or trans is interested come PM
I'm going by for 3 p.m., some to get in the back of my car to suck and get sucked (tinted glass
On the other hand, I don't think Veurey works well at night. And anyway at night no place is really safe. Besides, the island of love during the day sucks, it's full of innocent sportsmen and families...
The rumors seem quite recurrent and for a long time. Being well aware that there is a Roma camp nearby, even if homophobia affects all social and ethnic categories of traditional and marginal societies at the same time are at risk on this level... Personally, I don't go there anymore and amuses me a lot in veurey ... certainly a little further but the problems of this type do not exist to my knowledge.
I have heard of attacks on this place as soon as it is dark. A man was allegedly attacked with acid on his car; another who is chased by an individual with a baseball bat…. Is it true ? Or just rumours?
Does a bi or straight couple want to mess up today? Here or somewhere else
ATTENTION: for the past few days, there have been Travelers installed in the large car park at the back and young people have been wandering in bands to the first car park! Suddenly the gendarmerie is not bad! make a mistake!
Me passive, I receive in Grenoble this evening 10:30 p.m., 2 active guys to suck and make me fuck.
Young man offers a couple a naughty moment outside in his converted van tonight. Threesome, exhib or dogging.
Young man offers a couple a naughty moment outside in his converted van tonight. Threesome, exhib or dogging.
A hot trav or trans to play with my bbc in this rainy weather. Come PM
I'll be there tonight around 11 p.m. to suck you off see more white mercedex
I'm there tonight around 11 p.m. to suck and get fucked by good cocks. Strict cleanliness otherwise c ciao I'll be on the BMX track
Hi I'm going there tonight. There's no doubt that there will be a good asset to cheer me on. See you this evening (around 10:00 p.m.) See you +
Who to suck now. Ereipapassif when I say I'm there it's true. And sorry but I did not see your message
Bbmanba you're never there and you don't answer your messages when you ask who is interested.
Ma bbc a envie de gicler. Des trav dans les parage. Venez mp
My bbc has a big urge to squirt. Jobs in the area. Come pm
Really want us to play with my cock. Come in PM
hello, I'm going there tonight, after a drink with friends. So, I will be very hot for those who are interested. Around 10 p.m. / 10:30 p.m.
Available tonight for perverse domi guy. MP
hello I'll go for a walk tonight at 8 p.m. for a cool manly plan.
Bbc available tonight from 11 p.m. for women, trans couples and travs. Do not hesitate to contact me I answer everyone. At the head
I get naked to pump tonight, in Grenoble, who is interested?
hello, Which active guy tonight or tomorrow night?
I will be present tonight mini skirt flush the buttocks
I'm recruiting cocks to suck tonight outdoors, here or elsewhere, who's interested?
Hello, passing through the region. I would like to discover this place tonight. Clarification ?
Today I have a big desire to be sucked for a long time until the juice
Are there people tonight? I want to fill my mouth
A job available tonight? I can receive
Who wants to get pumped now without blabla? I receive in Grenoble
I'd like to take a look there between 12 and 2 p.m.
Cc someone motivated to join me
Hello, on site tonight from 23:15 to 01 pm. Message....
Tomorrow morning at 7:15 a.m. are there any black cock lovers ready to be sucked thoroughly and without limit. Come PM and it's all yours.
Salut, j’y serais demain soir sur le parking du fond, vers la piste de BMX Je vous aime propre et les couilles bien pleine.
Hi. In this rainy weather, I'll have my tail eaten in the shelter of my car. Come PM if interested
Who wants to get pumped in there tonight? I'll be on my knees with my mouth open
I'll be there from 12:30 p.m. come PM if there's anyone interested that I'm not going there for nothing
Who wants to be pumped to several tonight at the Island of love?
I really want a spanking and being taken doggy style in front of everyone tonight
A desire to make me suck see more. If work available I will be delighted.
CC this afternoon I'm at sun beach chambery with a girlfriend and tonight 10:30 p.m. we'll be on the island of love
Someone wants to suck it in the car with their weather, we'll be warmer
hello men I'll be there tonight
If anyone is going tomorrow morning from 7 a.m. let me know in pm
If someone is going tomorrow morning around 7 a.m. let me know
I'll be there tonight mini skirt flush the buttocks
Passing by for a quick plan!!! Looking for nice cocks to suck and more so good feeling
Finally I'm not going then. Anyone else have a suggestion?
Too risky between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. there is a lot of passage. I only go there in the evening. And even in the evening there is almost never anyone.
Good morning. I am black tbm and I can come tomorrow between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to get sucked and see more. I have a preference for trans and trav and couple but I am open to any proposal. Pm for all interested.
I canceled following a storm see you soon
Je vais passer faire un tour ce soir vers minuit. Petite exhibe.
too much desire surely I will go tomorrow evening
No one at 12:00 a.m. on a Monday. Sad.
Anyone who wants to get pumped there anonymously tonight midnight send me a PM, I'll give the details of the exact location! I recruit good clean tails
I want to suck off strangers on the chain tonight on the Ile d'amour, who's coming with me?
Passive 35 year old hunk receives 2 guys to suck them off at the same time, this afternoon in Grenoble, who's hot?
I'll be at the park Saturday morning from 9 a.m.
Slt Libre vers 12h00/12h30 Kelkun ou kelkune intéressée
maybe jy take a tour of the guys available tonight?
Does a couple want an exhib or dogging plan this weekend? Island of love or elsewhere. Moi Jh bi physique maintained 35 years.
Does a couple want an exhib or dogging plan today? Here or somewhere else. Me JH physical maintained 35 years.
I'm looking for 2 good cocks to suck at the same time today, not necessarily on the island of love, anywhere
People at 5 p.m.? I would go and have a look
Someone is going to love island to suck
Me passive 35 years old, I would like to suck several cocks in a row or at the same time tonight, who is willing? Contact me in MP for details
Passing by this evening to naughty... A few cars for the moment
I'm there I empty big cocks
I will be tonight around 8 p.m., I ch men under 45 to relieve, come don't hesitate, get out of your cars!
Qui veut se faire vidanger ?? MP
De passage ce soir entre 21h30 et 23h. Si vous voulez qu'on s'y retrouve n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un message :) Et sinon ne soyons pas timide et sortons de nos voitures...
While waiting for better days read my latest erotic story https://lieuxdedrague.fr/histoire-erotique/une-sissy-a-la-muscu-episode-5-et-fin-/10089
Slt Quelqu'un maintenant sur Grenoble vers parking Alpexpo pour coquiner ? Passif ou Actif !!
Does a bi or straight couple want to play outside today? Here or somewhere else
Does an exhib or multiple couple want to have fun tonight? Here or somewhere else
Who wants to get pumped now? Here or in Grenoble, me 30 years old passive good slut
Who for a little juice job?
A couple whose hbi wants to have fun tonight? Here or somewhere else
I rectify: there are people in the woods :)
Anyone tonight?! Surprising….
Young transvestite whore, I'll be on the island of love tonight from 10:15 p.m. Any hot males around? PM
I was not there many people
J'y suis. Sortez vos grosses queues et je les vide.Kangoo blanc...
Hi, I plan to go for a walk tonight if anyone joins me?
hello everyone, 41 years old in an active and passive wheelchair, I'm going for a little walk in the afternoon this Monday from 2:30 p.m. I will be in the woods to: - suck you until you cum or / and - give you my cock for your anus Do not hesitate to approach me (showing your cock or your ass)
I will go to 23 to suck you see more in white mercedex whore mode
I'll be there tonight at 9 p.m. at work to make me feel all over the place, don't hesitate to take advantage
Who wants to get pumped on the island of love tonight by jh bi docile?
I'll be there on Saturday around midnight mercedex blanche for you to empty your balls
Well I'll try around 1 in the morning with a little luck
I can't go before 10:30 p.m. And over there when there is ze ro lune you see that damn I wonder how we can find someone
Bi guy with converted van looking for a bi or straight couple for any outdoor plan tonight
I went there Friday end of apm 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm, undergrowth on the left, a treat.
As with all places, attendance varies depending on the day, the weather, the hour. I was there Sunday evening and it was very good.
J y suis aller vers 23h55 et je suis resté 30min pas un chat rien. Ce lieux est devenu a chier
how sad ... there was nobody
hello to all, 41 years old in an active and passive wheelchair, I'm going for a little walk in the afternoon this Monday from 3 p.m. normally so I'll be in the woods to: - suck you until you cum or/and - offer you my cock for your anus
Jh bi submissive is looking for a Domi couple today or tonight
A couple amateur dogging or threesome tonight? Here or somewhere else?
Hello, I will be with a friend trav for plurality this Thursday. Interested guys?
Hello, I'm looking for 4-5 rather dominant/active guys for a gangbang one evening next week. ;-)
Are there really people there? It looks empty yet I would like to go
I go there early in the afternoon If anyone interested send me a message
I'm not far, if anyone interested send pv
bjr I'm at the park, go and empty yourself I'm very available ,,
Hello, I am thinking of making a passage this evening. Guys available?
Available by truck tonight, PM for info ;)
Un couple bi veut il s'amuser ce soir? Ici ou ailleurs, plan bi ou exhib/dogging?
I went there this morning a bit of rain under the trees its going, thank you to the two handsome males in heat ,,, in work clothes ,,
Hello everyone, 41 years old in an active and passive wheelchair, I'm going for a little walk in the afternoon on Friday; If people are interested in sucking me or sitting on my cock in the woods, let me know… or on the contrary if you want to empty yourself in a mouth, let me know too… I love to take me good squirts on the face do not hesitate to come and approach me (with the tail looking even better) from 2:30 p.m.
I go there in the afternoon
Who wants to get sucked outdoors now?
I wanna pump dicks blindfolded tonight, who's hot?
Little virile bitch is looking for a domi guy to make me drink and then run me outside tonight. I want a guy who takes me to the park to suck cocks of blindfolded strangers.
Little virile bitch is looking for a domi guy to make me turn drinking then turn me outside tonight. I want a guy who takes me to the park to suck cocks of blindfolded strangers.
I would like to meet a couple today, here or elsewhere but outside, to suck Msr in front of or with Ms.. Are rascals interested?
Hello everyone, 41 years old in an active and passive wheelchair, I'm going for a little walk this afternoon; If people are interested in sucking me or sitting on my cock in the woods, let me know… or on the contrary if you want to empty yourself in a mouth, let me know too… I love to take me good squirts on the face do not hesitate to come and approach me (with the tail looking even better) from 2:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.
Hello everyone, a rascal or a couple available tomorrow night? I can move or receive at the hotel, kisses
Male passive guy, I would like to suck 3 cocks outdoors tonight, dogging mode, who's hot?
Biker out for a ride, I would like to sneak into a couple who want to play outside this afternoon, no matter where!
Does a bi couple want to fool around tonight?
bonjour à tous, 41 ans en fauteuil actif et passif,je vais certainement faire une petite balade un après-midi la semaine prochaine; Si des gens sont intéressés pour me sucer ou s'asseoir sur ma queue dans les bois, faites-moi signe… ou au contraire si vous avez envie de vous vider dans une bouche, faites-moi signe aussi… j'adore me prendre des bonnes giclées sur la figure j'attends vos propositions
Hello I am visiting next week in the 38, day to be determined according to your availability I can move or receive at the hotel (not a formula 1 obviously). I am looking for a woman or a couple. Let me know if interested, naughty kiss.
Does a couple want to play today? Here or elsewhere, exhib or bi trio ...
Biker out for a ride, I would like to sneak into a couple who want to play outside this afternoon, no matter where!
Good evening everyone, does a couple want to play outside tonight? Exhib or other?
Does a m / f couple want to be naughty here or elsewhere, tonight or tomorrow? Exhib, voyeurism, bi trio or not, anything is possible
The TENDER30 profile is a myth, beware !!
Does a m / f couple want to be naughty tonight? Exhib, voyeurism, bi trio or not, anything is possible
Who is hosting this afternoon in Grenoble / Crolles / Pontcharra for a nice moment, or even to massage me?
I'm there until 5:30 p.m. / 6 p.m. for transvestite
I'm looking for a good tail to pump this afternoon at the park, discreet of course
Passive I receive at my house now, does anyone have poppers?
Can be there tonight for hot nigga
Hello, I'm going there later from 1:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. mini black bike gray cap Mika38
Hello was it from my early morning between 5:30 am 7:00 am contact me
Hello, did you have my early morning between 5:30 am 7:00 am
Do a couple want to have fun with a jh bi passive this weekend? At the park or at home in Grenoble
thank you to the hooded guy on the site this morning, I had a lot of pleasure, not cool for m, having stung my thongs ..
Merry Christmas to everyone
As if by chance, no answer ...
I want to suck 2 guys at the same time tonight, who's available?
Yes last night despite the cold, a guy in his fifties with a bit of a stomach and a mustache, a good blowjob. A stroke of luck perhaps?
has anyone seen people recently because if so I'm going to go?
has anyone seen people recently because if so I will go?
Me bi passive, who is going tonight?
I will be sucked well. Here or somewhere else
good luck with the confinement there is nobody, with the cops roaming .. good end of the evening
I plan to spend there tomorrow around 11am, for a good plan
hello everyone I'm in the park, it's raining a bit, I'm a girl, really want to suck, black men welcome I'm next to the hive.
I am submissive, not effeminate, but on a leash. Today I receive in Grenoble a domineering asset, 40 years and over, who is hot?
BI COUPLE, she 25 and he 35 years old, we are looking for a bi active guy, 30/40 years old, for this evening. Who is hot? We receive!
hello everyone I'm at the park this morning, I'm a guy this morning, I really want to suck, to get caught, I have condoms.
I want to suck multiple cocks while getting caught, at the park or at home, who is active and motivated?
hello I am in the park, go empty yourself, I am in black leegins I move in the park, see you all now.
DE passage on Grenoble this evening to empty a nice tail or several!
bjr j, went there this morning no cops, i stayed around 2 h 00. you don't have to go there in daylight ??
hello to all j, went there last night as a girl j, haven't seen any cops, there were guys who flirt with, have been going well as always for 32 years
@monicatrav: 2 weeks ago, one Sunday evening I was accosted by them in the parking lot. The lady asked me what I was doing there and I just said I was walking around. They know indeed "that things are happening in the woods", but who in Grenoble does not know. In the end, she told me "don't surprise you with your pants down". But that is valid for everywhere! So yes they do, but as long as they don't see you in action there is no risk.
Thumbtack! Two evenings I spend there and twice I avoid the gendarmerie for a few seconds! Has it become a cop at this point now?
I am on the green island but I CANNOT receive !!
Hello Anyone in Grenoble to have fun now with me?
hello men, j, would be there tonight at 22:00. to empty you, I suck j, swallow, get caught ,,, I would be in girls .....
I can go there in 3 hours if someone is interested
hello everyone I'm at the park this morning in undress, I have condoms.
good evening men ,, who tomorrow morning, for a stroll in the park, I'm looking for active ,,, tomorrow morning 6 h 00 ??
Hello everyone, a woman or a couple for a drink and sex in nature. Spa possibility there nigt at home
I'm going now 10:30 am on 08/10/20
hello everyone, who's going to the park tomorrow morning all naked,? about 5 a.m.?
Are there still people in this place? I really want an exhibitionist plan with an active guy or more
j, I'm there in 10 minutes, I'm looking for sucked without condoms, big cocks welcome, blacks, butter do not s, abstain ,,, I would be in the undergrowth to the left of the parking lot ..
We should go there in half an hour to exhibit in the car and no longer a handsome guy with prior contact via the site. Ms. looks hot tonight only for known profiles. Otherwise, come jerk off on the car, show your cocks and cum on the body. Partner gray
hello, j, went there this morning morning, j, sucked 3 mature guys ,, only one my motherfucker ,, the park al, love islands ,, the top of the meetings, this apm I am at the lake at MEYLAN site naturist, there are only guys, a +
Great meeting Friday morning .. I got caught
Hello Anyone this Thursday afternoon at the love island park?
bjr everyone j, go all now, I would be in mini black shorts with a small top, in the undergrowth to the left of the parking lot past you empty.
Young bi man, available tonight on the island of love, looking for an exhib or bi couple
Is there a couple planning to go there soon?
Vote massively zero it's the only way
Hello, this Place, already existing for a long time under: https://lieuxdedrague.fr/lieu-de-drague/parc-de-l-ile-d-amour-/16230 has NONE to exist HERE, also deletion requested ... RAS the BOL of this shit gaypourmecs shit already ejected under qrcode!
good evening everyone, a great evening last night, I can not be available every evening, thank you all who came to fill me, too good after 33 years that I go to the park, that happiness. kisses to all
I want to suck 3 guys at the same time in the bushes tonight, who's hot?
good evening everyone, I would be there tonight if there was no rain, I would be a bitchy, provocative girl without panties available for all very juicy dicks ..
I want to suck 3 guys at the same time in the bushes tonight, who's hot?
A motivated bi or exhib / dogging couple?
Anyone passing by in the afternoon?
Hi, have activities resumed there? I would like to go there but afraid of being alone
hello everyone I am on site in the undergrowth, I am looking for active men, bm or tbm smooth sex welcome. see you all right away.
looking for my qqun accompany tonight
T is there a place where you can park a vehicle by 2m? Or a person who can bring my one night?
j, are going away I would undress in the woods, I, have no condoms ,,,
Someone to take care of me tonight?
j, there am I in little black skirt, black stockings and little jacket, j, have no condoms ...
Still a very good meeting .... Thank you dear unknown;) This in a regal
Who to plan with Transvestite BCBG for 19.11 tomorrow, Tuesday between noon and two?
Who to plan with Transvestite BCBG for 19.11 tomorrow, Tuesday between noon and two?
of the weather it ready I will come discover this place
Beautiful meeting this morning
If a couple is exib far this morning you can join me in MP
Available Wednesday night October 9 in Grenoble and chipboard. I'm preppy sexy outfit ready to go home or place of your choice. Open to all proposals Hmmm ....
Attention, for the duration of the weekend of October 5 and 6, the parking at the back, the children to games and bike trail is close! There are tents to ride on, apparently for an animation is passing during the weekend!
For chicken: although I think this is not the place to meet you, I just want to clarify that when we sent her spaghetti closeup photo directly to a person without knowing or knowing their desires and expectations , this is not friendly it seems to me is not it? And by the way, whether for yourself or for a majority of men, unfortunately, stop confusing "bitch" with "bitch"! A word ....
Hello .. I search for this ultra transvestite slut evening to turn I'll be at the hotel I would go to the island of love with her to submit to men contact him privately I will give my phone number
Monicatrav you have no respect I do not even know and I was blacklisted in life there are things that it is hard to understand in each village has a yes if Grenoble I believe you found clever and cunning that will not invent
Hello I am looking transvestite to turn tonight to Lille love or elsewhere contact me privately I will give my phone number looks very serious I am about Grenoble
Want to be a bitch bitch offered to couple (s) and be exhibited this Tuesday night ..... Open to offers. Contact me by message. No male below 40 years or dirty or "feels piss" or clumsy. Thank you in advance. Monica.
Hello Someone receives this AM to have fun on Mutually Grenoble?
Hello Somebody now receives for that one likes to 2 or more of Grenoble? Very want to .........
Ch appointment for me to take this Sunday night 18/08 to island park of love between 21 and 22h, leave a message on my profile
bjr I search for trav Form submitted next week I will be a day and a night I do not know the day contact me pv only for trav
Si la météo le permet, ce soir tard (ce samedi) j'irai y faire un tour en tenue sexy, sur le parking fréquenté par les couples vers l'aire de jeux, après le pont. Respect et hygiène de rigueur ! Les crevards, les morts de faim, les sent la pisse, et les moins de 40 ans : pas pour moi !
I'll be there from 17h to 19h for me to fill out the sperm ass, no selection and real.
Ji vai if there are people interested
Very want to go for a walk in the evening dressed preppy bitch! for couples (s), wife (s) (one can dream lol) and human (s). No crevards or died of starvation and disrespectful against otherwise next, and gentlemen are minimal with proper hygiene, the "smell of piss" beurkkkk. PS: three times the same be indicated on the site, it's galley once not enough?
Very want to go for a walk in the evening dressed preppy bitch! for couples (s), wife (s) (one can dream lol) and human (s). No crevards or died of starvation and disrespectful against otherwise next, and gentlemen are minimal with proper hygiene, the "smell of piss" beurkkkk
Very want to go for a walk in the evening dressed preppy bitch! for couples (s), wife (s) (one can dream lol) and human (s). No crevards or died of starvation and disrespectful against otherwise next, and gentlemen are minimal with proper hygiene, the "smell of piss" beurkkkk
Hi, guys group to kiss me tonight? : P envy ...
I'll be tonight. Please. Come to empty his balls. I fucked her mouth and ass -from 45 please
Ch bogoss has drained that for a good blowjob?
Who would want me to pump? - Please 45years
Hi jy pass circles laced ...
places infested individual countries IS asks you €€€€ aggressively so DANGEROUS
Who this weekend to pump do this and more if affinity, wave by private message
Hello kelkun or kelkune for coquiner on Greater Grenoble now! !!
Good evening people, I, am going tonight, j, have condoms, anal is frozen, I, too want to have guys ssss
This place is in 3 copies to the site = waste of time. How to remove unnecessary duplication 2 ????????????????
j, there would be this morning to empty, I would undress.
bjr has all you skip sucked, I, really want sex, j, have condoms, sex big welcome.
jy be first on February 18 in drag
I spend Thursday, January 10 noon for man woman and bi couples I am active and hugs let mp
tomorrow, Friday I will be the only Friday night I visit I look slutty and submitted trav
For couples or single F in the day, or can small outdoor getaway in offices and even private sauna in the late afternnon on the face
For couples or single F in the day, or can small outdoor getaway in offices and even private sauna in the late afternnon on the face
j, there'll all away, I would be in black leggings, in the undergrowth to the right of the park,
a trav trans or to suck me tonight?
I'm still a guy naked ass ,, but we there are more guys available on the website ???????? Finally, the park there is always something sucked or kissed me, has all away ..... right park
j, there would all go away you empty ,, undergrowth to the right of the park.
still valid announcement at 14:00 !!
Kelkun now to have fun with my b ... and my cl Greater Grenoble
Woman or couple to externally around Grenoble or office? Make a sign, I'm available and I really feel like crap!
it is not hot, but very ,, desire has sucked all away
which to suck me this after noon?
toutemouillée you will be in every corner of the park?
Tomorrow 2/11 between 12 and 14 to suck me? This place or the same sector ... Contact in mp
hello all guys, tomorrow I'll go walking on the dike of, isere has gieres 38610, I try to make a new cruising grounds, there are plenty of naughty places appointment at sunrise days feet. ,, pass the passage levels of feet GIERES (the Japin) parking, left, then walking ..
beautiful world tonight there?
Good evening, j, there will tonight 22: 00, I, want too many men ,, I would be right next to the park, I would be with my master tonight ,, I had to undergo many ,,,, ,, j have anus dilate
j, there am this morning, I would be very short mini course, I, I have condoms sucks, made me thoroughly, blacks men, welcome ..
j, there was all on, I would be right in the park had just emptying ..
Hi I receive home or car motion sucks. Who rested?
I'll be there tonight to suck see if you have another suggestion contact me biz
j, there would be this morning, the pleasure you suck ,, I would be in the woods to the right of the park.
go you empty, big welcome tail, j, have condoms
Bjr qq now I suck on the first car?
the world tonight for a plane q
Anyone interested in being sucked and take a man under a woman, now ...
t ask me to come and kiss you like a bitch, and t offer?
t or Sabrina lapute I come fuck and t buy you as a beautiful bitch ...
really want to suck a good dick, if possible guy under 50, make me roll shovels and fondle my ass
Slut in the park that night from 23h to 5h
Slut submitted to the park that night from 23h to 5h
Big dog tonight DRESSED up like a hooker looking for active males
available that I receive tonight
hello all I would almost naked for you empty, it is not cold this morning ..humm
World Site the bottom is tonight?
J will be even Sunday, July 1 and Monday, July 2 at 23h
J will be Sunday evening and Monday evening 1 and 2 July after 23h
If you want to empty your balls this weekend Contact me
I would this morning in the woods to the right of the park
bjr has all away I would be in the woods to the right of the park ,,
Cc jy am Sunday, 06.17 to cho guy and active
which tonight has nightfall pm ..
eager to guys this morning.
j um, have the fire in the c .., really want, I 'am there tonight j, have condoms ,,,
j, there am, go you empty
Hello / Good evening everyone! I just found this place as I was told very hot? So I intend to go there in the afternoon, 22 M kind, but am curious to know beforehand what the best days and time slots? Because I love to be fucked, even if the string plurality ... Always sexy underwear, boots or thigh high heels, stockings and garter belt under mini flush the crease of the buttocks for easy, smooth top and short jacket, if never sucks outdoors, I love masturbating and even be fucked, so long in the sweetness that "hussar" wildly as quickly nipples I susceptible pinched, pulled, slammed buttocks and under a rain raw words? In short, "Female bite" to fucking without moderation, so who could tell me a little, a lot, passionately most? But hygiene, cleanliness, mutual respect, good manners required and assured me, well naturally. So your feathers and answers here or PM? Horny, Nastash --- @
Want to discover this place this weekend. Let me messages if you also ...
Kelkun to have fun with me this AM On Grenoble # !!!
Someone Bjr to 11:00 for a fun w me on the Grenoble area !!!
hello guys I would go this morning you empty ..
Very Bjr want fun and m ....... this AM on Grenoble
hello men, j, have the fire in the ass, well ,,,,,, open to all on
that I suck and give his ass last night?
j, really want to suck cocks, juicy.
Who wants to take care of me in front / behind this AM on Grenoble?
hello Who wants to have fun with me this AM on Grenoble?
Who wants to have fun with me this AM on Grenoble?
Dude I Ki 30 years Pump? Ch guy under 40
Who wants to have fun with me this AM on Grenoble?
eager to suck the juicy cock ...
Getting there by public transport?
j, have the fire in the ass, was all on ,,,,
available which I run in the morning
Kelkun this morning to have fun with me on Grenoble?
j, there would be tonight eager to suck several cocks ,, in the woods right park ..
Bjr Someone to have fun with me at 4:20 p.m. on Wednesday Grenoble ??
kelkun free this AM to have fun with me in Grenoble + - 30 kms
I would be past this morning ,, you empty
Kelkun to have fun with me this AM
Who's to look after me !!!!
available for that plane tonight?
I would this morning past drained you I suck in my car warm ..
I would be in the right side wooden park I suck you in my car after meeting
j, there would be this morning, right next to the park, I suck you in my car after meeting in the woods.
Re Hard agglomeration Grenoble see Veurey, St Egreve, etc ...
Add this morning from 10:15 to 24:15 for coquiner and maybe more .... on .... Greater Grenoble A + x +++
Add this morning from 10:15 to 12:15 for coquiner and maybe more ....
Available now on Grenoble area for coquiner and + !!
Libre tomorrow from 10:15 on L agglomeration, to have fun see .....
greetings to all I would side right of the park, in the undergrowth j, have condoms. was all on ..
hi buddies, j, there would be this morning I dilated to you empty, kisses to all.
Hello everyone, this morning then walk foot park on the dike of, isere has gieres 38610 is my naughty said her well I'll see.
it's not hot I would be in trousers this morning, j, have condoms and freezes ,, past you empty ..
I would be the little undergrowth to the right of the parking lot, was all on ..
I'd like to go tonight but I unable to understand where that is because I'm not what anyone is interested
I either never had a problem but I was there the same day, it was young people with lost animals research paper, to get people to stop but Laguiole closed in hand ... I left quietly but they have driven all the world ... Damage
has in 25 years at the park meylan I never had a single problem but not violated (damage). the sex, with men of all ages. j, are going this morning ..
Caution, however, last night around 23h, when I moved in the parking lot at the top, two cars blocked my way "manner interception Starsky and Hutch", blocking me against the earthwork. I managed to free myself riding on the shoulder. I do not know if they wanted to make a bad joke or if they had more warlike intentions (I am not out of my car to ask them), I settled on (quickly) from. They then go to the other car .... These two cars (a small Peugeot and Mégane) were led by youngsters. So stay still attentive and cautious, there is not that kind of walkers ...
this dating site is great at night after 20 pm there bcp 30 men sucked or to take it in the woods too too good. j often goes.
To avail this evening 23/07 Pipe, deep throat, fuck, piss ... From 23:45 in the woods ;-)
Good evening, which tempted gb hard this evening 27/07? :-)
On the island of love tonight, to avail of the guys who want to empty. Blowjob, fucking, uro ...
Hi this shorty apm sunbathing in the park of the island of love, and perhaps more, kisses to all j, there would be 14 h 30
Available now to qqun could to hold my ass !!
Available now to qqun that s care of my butt!
Re also free this AM on the Grenoble area for ... ......
Hello Add this morning! Who wants to take care of me in front / behind the Grenoble area !!
Who Grenoble agglomeration and to have fun with me in front / behind this morning !!
Bjr Am not far from Meylan so if wants qqun s after me front / back !! Avail this morning on the Grenoble area !!!!
I would come well join you there .... toutemouillée pleasure allain
Who to kiss me tomorrow morning from 7 am to 8:15 30
Who to kiss me tomorrow morning from 7 am to 8:15 30
Who to come kiss me tomorrow morning from 7:30 to 8:15 Leave msg private
the path of the nurseries is indicated by GPS? easy access ? whether we are able to be 23.00 tonight. Thank you for your reply
Hi J'm there for ........ 07/1216
BJR I visit Wednesday, 7 to 1:30 p.m. active bi (and liabilities)
hello somebody on site tonight?
Who warm for meeting tonight'm thong under my jeans I suck EYME caught if condom
The 17/07 Jo am now only around because hot for a plane sucked see
passive hairless al island of love tonight feel like a good plan sucks motion and desire s if there is a trav c're even better response message in private
Not go there when there are gypsies
This evening, beautiful trav whore to the island of love for group of direct guys pipe. Deep throat, cum shower, piss ...
Ji would be held tonight in sexy sucked max and get caught by one or more top guy sent me a private message. At any
Ji would be held tonight in sexy for me to take and suck Max sent me a private message. Kisses
Hello everybody would ji tonight all night. In thong and tights for getting caught with hood and suck Max sent a message very quickly deprives kisses
Tonight from 23:00, making available pipe / sodomy / uro ... Direct Plan plurality!
Ji will be held tonight in little sexy to suck or more sent me a private msg kisses very quickly
I am available pm me for details as
hi I would svoir if that place and still relevant? and whether an asset to my mouth and especially my ass from 11/05
Last available tonight bitch held in the island of love from 22:00 to 23:00. crude words, humiliation, blowjob, deep throat, anal sex, cum shower and piss ok. Limits = no hard SM (hitting, brands ...) hood for Sodo (can empty on me or in the mouth).
of trav, trans or woman or couple tonight at the park?
Get guys tonight gb Grenoble.
Tonight management Island of Love, come to me and jump pumping! Pissing ok!
Good dog rn heat available tonight I get to plurality or by a chain. blowjob, fuck, cumshot, uro possible.
I spend the evening from 22:40 to blow me and suck cocks. Do not hesitate ! Blowjob, deep throat, bukkake, uro!
It's a pity hard to find people on the island of love. So I get gang-bang to catch me. If tried, let me know. xxx
I would be tomorrow morning at 6am to 00 you sucked I leave the undergrowth 8 h 00, spent emptying.
Who ji evening until 23:30 am to suck and let my buttock was available if good feeling
Louse that evening getting sucked ji am jusqua 23h send a msg in private
Jy am to tail in mouth now
Jy am to tail in mouth now
Hi J''y worm will be 11:30 p.m. tonight to put my ass available
who to suck my cock tonight 18H
who to suck my cock to 18H tonight
Tonight the island of love guys ...
I go there to make me take if there are people
Ji would be the 13/5 around 5am I can move elsewhere when or discrete plane sucks see especially soft and discreet
I am now to suck discreet white car send msg in private
Ji would 5am at 6am on 25/04/15 in white car I can move elsewhere if desired pm for more info I connected all night
Who 23415 available this morning at around 5:30 6hvoir 7am for a discreet and soft map
I went yesterday, I started to suck round guy and I never saw it coming, I found myself with a tail in my hole, result sticky hole bareback and a second that chains, good evening with spring which helps the weather. Awesome.
Wednesday 8th, I'd be so RDV .20h45
This is a quiet place ???
Black megabyte e nreak tonight ntenue travbotte smooth bi bm trio or more ok if prorpe ask myself behind the quick hp and trav tb bm mepiles prorpe tact preppy thank you this diamnche 22 retuurns Monday 12 pm if ,,, ??
I'll be there from 18:30 to give my big hole and / or grandpa.
envi tonight to be a sex toy! Send appointment message after 23h
hi who can tell me if this place and still relevant?
hi who can tell me if this place and still relevant?
hi who can tell me if this place and still relevant?
J confirms bcp Always passage but each remains bcp in a car ... We sometimes wonder what some people, instead of sex dredge or meeting point to discuss the end of fat? little young to global.
Hello everyone I wonder if this place and always actulité. whether a guy is he interested end this Sunday 13 am to make me discover sex between man (I want the total). thank you in advance for your response
for very hard cocks sucked all is very juicy, I would be very little shorts court in jeans A +
THIS evening I go for a walk in the woods. Subjected to abuse, uro ok ...
In the woods tonight in slutty outfit! In plurality, uro ..
Hello I receive several MALE ASSETS together tomorrow at 2 p.m. at my house in downtown Grenoble. Get in touch if interested. On the program: sucking, donning with protection, and final shower of sperm. I am excellent sucker and nice ass...
a pretty bung mattait noon clairement..mais not quite a clear sign ... shame ... for very large gole ...
Thank you to the woman and her cute shorts super mini jean putting her buttocks prominently this very sexy treat midi..un
Available this evening from 22h: gb, bukkake, uro ...
anyone know how long the road will be blocked?
jy couple will tonight seek another couple
I passed Friday 9:30 p.m. tonight, too good j, sucked 4 guys, I take 2 beautiful evil, a gift tbm, super toujour place is, I am going to very short shorty with small heels, all on a guy I followed his al gender, area, I half a lap I pump them after 5 minutes there were 2 other guys trying to be masturbated next to my face, the more resistant my sodomized as a beast ... as soon as possible I go back it's really good for us to corner gay liabilities.
I go tonight. Bne trav bitch :)
yes it's great park of the island of love, true drag her all year.
it's a great place for meeting guys. j, have often very good meeting.
which for a nice plane tonight?
someone to kiss tomorrow night?
Are there really couples? Whenever I get jumped by the unaccompanied guys. Atmosphere a bit heavy ... very suitable place for cons.
Hi there is t he world in the early after noon this week (work, wife or anyone can h)
passing salvation between 12h and 14h on 9/01 for live plan. a disguised would be ideal but accepts all (h, f, trav or trans)
Who on Wednesday night (7/11) in transvestite for sucking me and getting sucked ??
Here precisely Wednesday is children's day! :-( Watch out though, this place is nocturnal, diurnal not (contrary to what is written on the blurb). As against the 2 places nearby St Egreve and Veurey, them, no problem because it is not accessible, corners are clueless.
Hi is available Wednesday evening around 17:00, I want to suck without the fuss and good dick
I want a guy to kiss without headaches 36 187 90 kg I am virile man to French wood
you got pictures of the woman?
I finished my job around 17:00, I can be there for 5:30 p.m.
I try to suck at French Woods wants
and for those seeking Q planes ago the site VIVASTREET section gays and lesbians, uncensored (or very little)
busybuzz hardly surprising, given: 1 / room temperature 2 / that this is not a place of day (for the 954th time that you said ... the day there are athletes, and families walk it's still not advisable to go fuck in the middle!)
nilsbachh hi! me cute 24years passive emulation to pump the right tail well until thoroughly testicle!
nilsbachh you kel age? how you're screwed? what are you looking for?
legay38 I have not seen tai Sunday around 15.30 16.00 c where cruising areas? in parking lots or in the park?
who goes there this after noon tomorrow or early evening?
blah lunch ..> 45-50 years ...
This place is THE place gay reference in Grenoble, and the guys do not just suck. By cons to go during the day is a little craignosse not because people run away, there may be kids ... place to be at night or at least all afternoon. Like all outdoor places can also be cops. The parking is gay side of highway. On the other parking lot there may be couples night, but it does not go outside (no places or hide).
On September 20 I have sucks a guy in AC car and five guys took my turn has super soiree role
I would be 08 and March 9 in the afternoon if I have an interesting proposal. I am passive and I want a juicy cock. Notice to amateur!
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