Nous y étions aujourd'hui à midi. Très bon plan. La cabine couple est un peu chère si on fait descendre un complice... Le mieux c'est que les complices prennent une cabine à part. Petit bémol : le point d'eau qui était nickel il y a un an est déglingué et hors service.
Hello, Anyone passing by this afternoon?
pompeur de bites amateur d ejac faciales je viens le 4 fevrier de 12.30 a 14.30 j aurai cabine entre ouverte j aime faire video ejac faciale sur ma gueule alors rejoins moi grosses queues et grosses ejaculations très appréciées
Du monde 17h pour se vider ?
Qui pour le faire découvrir la semaine prochaine en fin d'après midi ?
Je viendrai demain samedi vers 17h pour sucer. J'aile recevoir la pisse en bouche, à genoux la tête au dessus des toilettes.
Hello, I'm passing by this afternoon, probably for a wank in the cabin. Who would be available?
En mp pour le numéro de téléphone et abstenez vous d'indiquer des numéros bidons svp comme celui indiqué juste avant (Leclerc)... On voudrait connaître les tarifs des cabines couples et si on peut descendre à trois.
Est ce que quelqu'un connait le numéro de téléphone du sex shop svp ? On ne le trouve nulle part
Je vais à Odyssex cet après-midi vers 14 heures. Habillé en nylon noir, tanga. Je cherche quelqu'un entre 60 et 75 ans pour m'amuser.
Good evening. Is it open on January 1st?
Anyone for tomorrow the 31st during the day!?
cherche bite à sucer en cabine avec capote, dispo demain.
Merci au couple qui est passé hier soir vers 22h30. Madame m'a laissé lécher la chatte pendant que son mec l'enculait.
Envie de sucer, voir me faire enculer, ce soir :)
J'y passerai se soir après le taf qui me donne sont cul afin de cracher dedans, que je l'utilise comme une vaginette
Hello, Anyone passing by this afternoon?
Hi everyone I'm going there tomorrow around 8am to 10am so if there is a woman or trans (feminine) or trans or couple interested in meeting me there he or she will be properly soiled
En debut d'aprem, une derniére fois avant l'année prochaine :)
Qui pour me prendre demain matin?
Salut jamais fait avec mec, suis intéressé dans ce séc shop. Est ce que c’est un endroit sûr ou vaut mieux être accompagné pour la 1re fois?
Très certainement demain vendredi en début d'aprem ~ 14h... Nu en cabine, juste avec un tanga noir en dentelle...
je serais de passage d'ici 1h a l'odyssex
Bonjour j'irais au aux alentours de 16h pour une première fois si vous voulez éjaculer sur moi ça sera avec plaisir .
je pense y faire un passage dans l'après midi
J'ai passé un super moment avec un grand mec poilu hier soir vers 23h 30. Je t'en remercie. Si tu te reconnais fais-moi signe en MP, avec plaisir pour se revoir.
Très envie de m'y mettre à dispo de.males actif entre 13.30 et 15h Des mecs de dispos?h Hésitez pzs
Salut je cherche 1er expérience gay dans un sex shop, besoin d’être accompagné par un gars safe pour initiation
Salut, je vais passer vers 18h 30 ce soir
I will be passing by the Odyssex this afternoon, for a cabin plan with whoever wants to… contact me, or find me… :)
@toutfaire, 20€ for 2 hours in cabins in the basement. You enter the cabin, you start a film, you leave the door ajar and you let the magic happen ;)
Hello everyone. What are the prices?
@pinto75... pour un hétéro c'est souvent qu'on te force a vider des c...... ""pinto75avant-hier à 09:54 C’est pas sa rdv vec une personne c’est une personne pas 4 bande de merde oui je vous est vide mais c’était à contre cœur""
@pinto75 ils t’ont forcé à les vider??? Comment? T hetero!!
@pinto75 les gens sont vraiment bizarre
On me donne rdv pour me vidée j’y vais il me dit tu te souvient de moi je lui dit non on c’était pris la tête sur ce site alors il a crée un nouveau compte ma donné rdv il mon agresse et force à ts les vide et c’est moi ki est signalé chapeau
Cherche femme désirant pomper en cabine ou dispo pour cuni Contact?
Lope à utiliser qui passe à l ´odyssex aujourd’hui
J'y serai à 17h pour vider de bonnes queues
Un TV ou ts pour m'y accompagner a 13h
J'y serai cette après-midi avec bas body et porte jartelle
Peut être cette après-midi
J'y vais maintenant cherche trav pour me vider
Penses-tu être le 11/11 à quelle heure ?
Hello je pense y passer cette après midi et demain. Qui pour se vider en faciale et me sodo À dispo de tous
Salut, je vais m'y rendre ce midi entre 12h et 14h 30.
Belle fin de journée hier... Me suis bien fait prendre par 3 bonnes vous etes sur ce site, faites moi signe ;)
J'y serai à 18h pour sucer
I'm looking for someone to suck, contact me, no blah blah.
J'y serai ce soir pour me faire sucer
J'y suis demain apres midi pour me faire sucer. Envoie MP si ok.
Tres envie d’u aller des ce matin.. grave envie de me faire pomper ca interesse qqun?
Je serai là bas début d'après-midi, qui a envie de me donner son cul ?
J' y suis allée personne, je cherche à sucer des queues
Anyone out tonight around 8pm?
I'm going there today around 6 p.m.
Je serais à l'hôtel eiffel capitole, 9 rue viala, Paris 15ème, le mercredi 15 octobre à partir de 20h. Je reçois dans ma chambre hommes mûrs bm pour plan suce, leche, branle, j'aimeêtre biffler et qu'on jouisse surle visage. Envoyez moi un message sur ma mp si intéressé. Je donnerai mon numéro de chambre.
@mga56. Oui, c'est ouvert 7/7 jusqu'à minuit
Bsr. Est ce ouvert le dimanche ? Et jusqu'à quelle heure? Merci. Bien a vous
Présent mercredi pour trav/trans salope et soumise. Rdv en mp.
J'y passe aujourd'hui entre 12h30 et 14h30.
Bonjour j'y serai de 16h a 16h30 environ
Fanny suceuse au jus à baiser Que cette am à l ´odysex. Si du monde j’y passerai dans l’après midi.
Je vais m'y rendre vers 15h30
Cherche couple ou femme ou trans en vêtements féminins sexy pour bien me vider les couilles le weekend prochain
I'm going there around 4pm today.
je recherche un couple pour réaliser un fantasme ou sa femme me suce est le mec aussi puis je baise les deux
Je peux y passer dans une demi heure pour satisfaire ces messieurs. Des amateurs ?
Ch mec mature BM pour initiation. Écris moi!
Au plaisir toi que j’ai suce longuement jeudi.. Tres bon moment ds ce lieu
BG pompeur passif, j’y serai à l’heure du dej pour vider des queues
Bonjour . j'y serai en début d’après midi pour me vider
Homme seul cherche Couple pour fantasme ou madame est monsieur s'occupe de ma bite puis je baise madame devant monsieur ou je baise monsieur est madame
Full balls for a woman or a playful couple this weekend?
Hi I'll be on the 7th late morning if there's a nice tail I'm there
Not bad the X account, I follow you we organize to cross paths (I'm straight) but I like the exhibition and jerking off in front of guys who suck each other it excites me. If a couple wants to watch it's even better.
Hi! I created an account on X to share videos of my cabin plans in the sex shops of the capital. Soon videos taken at the Odyssex. Subscribe: @HandlerTiran
Fanny lope chatte lisse suce au jus serait en libre service ce dimanche de 12 à 14h
Je vais m'y rendre vers 18h30 ce soir. Il y avait pas mal du monde vendredi dernier.
J’y serai ce soir vers 18h pour pomper ! À tt
J’y serai dans 20 minutes
Salut un trans ou trav dans la cave ou chez moi dans le 15eme maintenant svp envoyé c'est maintenant pas taleur
Je serais là demain à 12h
Moi quand j'y vais je paie 20 €. J'ai pas de carte, on te dit dans quel cabine et elle est à toi. Après si tu veux laisser ta porte ouverte ou allez voir dans la cabine d'à côté il y a pas de soucis. Et je ne suis jamais resté plus de 2 heures.
Tu achètes une carte à puce rechrgeable. Une fois insérée dans le lecteur vidéo le temps se décompte. Tu peux l'utiliser en une fois ou en plusieurs jusqu'à concurrence du crédit acheté.
Bonjour, j’irai bien faire un tour mais je suis pas sur d’avoir compris le principe quand je lis qu’avec 20 euro on peut rester 2 h. Ca marche comment ? Merci.
J'y passerai bien en debut d'apres midi ....Besoin de me vider.
1ere fois que je descendais. C'est plutôt pas mal, en tout cas le concept permet de concrétiser ailleurs que chez soi. Bilan sur 1h (mais les 20€ permettent de rester 2h): 5 mecs dont 4 qui ont pris ma chatte, mais aucun n'a réussi à jouir dedans. Peut-être à cause de la capote, car avec moi c'est obligatoire pour tout. Donc bilan mitigé :)
Des mâles demain dimanche vers 14h pour ma bouche et mon cul? (Tout avec capote)
Du monde à 12h30 ? Je vais y passer pour bien m’amuser avec vos queues ;)
Hier soir la fermeture encore merci à la petite
Je vais passer vers 18h30 ce soir. Venez nombreux.
Le soir il n'y a pas grand monde à Odyssex, c'est souvent vide. Vaut mieux y aller l'après-midi.
À t’il du monde le soir dans la semaine
Bonjour ça ouvre à quel heure ?. Merci
Ça sera 21h, pour madame si y a des étalons a vider
Semaine prochaine pour ma part ;-)
Je veux dire y a du monde vers 20h pour moi et ma femme?
Homme bi actif, qui à l'Odyssex cet après-midi ?
Un mec qui veut se faire sucer ce dimanche après-midi?
Passage cet am pour me faire toucher et sucer comme une chienne
Salut est ce qu’un couple ou une femme veut venir partager ma cabine ??
In the morning it is very variable....
Qui de present cet am?. Mp
Qui dispo pour m accompagné après 16h j' ai jamais été ?
Je vais venir mais je ne connais pas le lieux?? Y a des Glory?!
Qui ce soir vers 22h-00h ?
Quel est le meilleur moment pour venir satisfaire ma gourmande de femme?
J’y serai ce soir à partir de 21h à disposition de tous les actifs
Il y a des femmes ou couple qui y vienne ??
Dimanche 4 août en début d’après midi … Pour un actif … un passif soumis clean et qui prend plaisir ainsi !
1 et août vers 13h pour bonne queue voulant une bouche gourmande
Lope en tenue je serai présente demain à 19h. Suce lèche jus sodo protégée À partager avec plaisir
Moment sympa cet am.. avec plein de bonnes queues
Qui ce soir pour me pomper devant un bon film ? J'y serai vers 20h
J'y serai sans 5 minutes pour sucer et me faire prendre.
Je serai a l'Odyssex, vendredi 26 juillet de 17h à 18h dans cabine video au sous sol. Venez nombreux la porte restera entrpuverte je sucerai toites les queues qui se présenteront j'avale ou si vous préférez je vous donnerai ma chatte de salope à baiser, défoncer et féconder. Je suis alain une vieille salope en manque de queue et de sperme
Je vais passer vers 18h ce soir après le taf. Happy Friday !
Hello Is there a glory hole in this sex shop? THANKS.
Hello Which woman is available to pump in the cabin while I caress her breasts?
Exact Sophie, good welcome, to have peace of mind, I take a large cabin for 30 e, with film, we can hold three people there, 1 or 2 hours, it's better than taking a card debited every 30 minutes! Looking forward to meeting you there, I invite you whenever you want, or to Glory, even better!
It's true that it's expensive, but a "neutral", clean, large establishment that warmly welcomes all sexualities into Paris necessarily has a price. The only problem with Odyssex is that too often the cabins are occupied by undecided people who are content to look at each other. Good meetings to all
I'm going there this evening around 5:30 p.m.
Je compte à passer vers 18h ce soir. Happy Friday!
Je pense aller samedi, si ils y a des bites a sucer, ou des travestis.
20€ plutot. Pour 2h. Et c’est pas décompté à la minute mais à la demi heure me semble-t-il..
For Ericaparis12, the Odyssex to my knowledge is always open and the cabins, individual or double, are normally clean. But the individual price is €15 if I remember correctly!
Hello, is it really still open? I would like to go there this evening on work
I'm going to put my mouth there around 11:30 p.m.!
Bonjour, Je passerai bien aujourd'hui. Qui veut y aller ?
Bonjour ...Je pense y passer en fin d'après midi, pour me vider . MP !
@mlonsdale, le plaisir était tout pour moi. Tu as un beau cul poilu et mouillé que j'aurais pu lecher pendant des heures. Merci à toi.
Bonsoir, me déplace à l'Odysexx ou reçois chez moi pas très loin ! Grosse envie de baiser urgente ! Ouvert à toutes les perversions...
Cherche gros producteur de sperme TBM avec de grosses couilles bien pendantes à gober, sucer, lécher, déguster et vider en plan extérieur direct le soir tard après minuit, j'avale jusqu'à la dernière goutte. Queue et couilles sans poils ainsi qu'une hygiène irréprochable. Laisser message en PV éventuellement avec tel pour fixer rdv, possibilité de plan régulier, j'aime grave la queue, les couilles et le sperme mais pas que ;)
I go there on Wednesday between 5 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. I suck, I get fucked and I particularly like to get on my knees with my face over the toilet to have piss on my face and in my mouth.
Une petite exhib d'une coquine?
Present de 11h30 a 13h30 pour sucer et me faire baiser je serai à quatre pattes en cabine le cul à l air
passif salope envie de sucer et me faire defoncer par meks virils
Bonjour, j'ai bien envie d'y aller en fin d'après-midi pour m'occuper d'une chatte à bouffer et defoncer sans modération...hésitez pas Message PV . Bisou
Quelqu'un va à l'odyssée cet aprem
Good morning . I'm thinking of emptying out this afternoon in the cabin....MP
Bonsoir, j'y serai demain matin si des trav veulent bien me sucer et plus
J'y serai vers 16h00 si y'a une trav trans ou femme qui donne sont cul
Bonjour. Bien envie d’y passer cet apres midi. MP
Pas grand monde ce lundi après midi, mais un bon plan a trois, un peu court à mon goût) Merci les gars.
Can you tell me how it’s going? I am passive and I would like to know how to access the basement, how it is downstairs, if it is very busy in the afternoon on Monday How much does it cost in the end
I'm there. Take a walk if you want to vent.
J'y serai ce lundi entre 12 et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul. Très envie de jus !!
Who will take my little pussy in the cabin this afternoon? Contact by PM
J'y serai aujourd'hui pour sucer et me faire prendre à partir de 17h.
J'y serai ce jeudi entre 12 et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul. Très envie de jus !!
J'y vais là en espérant pomper
Hello… Who wants to empty out at the beginning of the afternoon?
I'll be there tomorrow to suck some good cocks and get fucked
If a woman wants to pump under the gaze of her man, let me know
Passing through Paris I don't know this place. Is it possible to be naked in the cabin and possibly be joined for sex? I would like to go today around 11:30 a.m.
Too bad I can't get off anymore since I don't have a card at the moment I really enjoyed fucking a guy's wife while having my balls and cock sucked (he sucked my cock to wipe the wet of that girl before I fuck him is that girl
Who at the start of the afternoon? MP.
I'll go tomorrow afternoon, for work, couple. MP!
Demain en fin de journée pour s’occuper d’un hetero curieux …?
Un couple ou une femme de passage pour jouer avec gros seins? et un bon cunni
Ok les gars c'est mort pour demain elle se rétracte Je peux rien y faire. Désolé
Serai finalement à l odyssex mardi 7 mai tout l apres midi avec une amie. Pas un top model 64 ans mais un dévidoir à sperme. Pour vieux vicieux pervers
will be at odyssex tomorrow and Tuesday to suck as much cock and juice as possible
I will be there this Thursday between 12 and 2 p.m. to offer my mouth and my ass. I really want juice!!
Qui peut m’en dire plus ? Sympa du monde ?
Mee75 présent demain matin en même temps à l'Odyssex (Paris 14), dans 1 sexshop à Pigalle, dans 1 autre à gare du nord... et comme 3 lieux au même moment ne suffisent pas, il sera aussi en même temps dans 1 sexshop à Madeleine ! Impressionnant... lol
J’y suis de 13 à 15h avec une trav
Hello j y passe cet aprem a partir de 15h ;)
Tomorrow around 4:45 p.m. for ball emptying. My favorite would be a black
Coucou présent le samedi 20 avril en soirée laissez message
Hello....I'm thinking of going there at the beginning of the afternoon to empty myself.
I will be there tomorrow Friday between 12 and 2 p.m. to offer my mouth and my ass. I really want juice!!
Bonjour à tous les coquins,femme,trans dispo ce soir pour s'amuser en cabine ?hésitez pas à m'envoyer un message PV
Good morning ; I would like to spend this afternoon there, for a couple or for work. Don't hesitate to PM me!
J'y serai demain mercredi entre 12 et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul. Très envie de jus !!
Quelle lope vient demain après-midi habillé en salope avec les culottes de sa femme à renifler et à spermer
Présent demain pour trav salope et soumise. Rdv en mp.
Je vais y passer ce dimanche 7/04. Envoies message en privé pour heure de rdv
Bien envie de sucer vers 11h. Ou jardin Atlantique ?
Je vais passer vers 18h - 18h 30 ce soir (vendredi)
Belle rencontre chaude dans cet établissement : inoubliable
J'y serai demain mercredi entre 12 et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul. Très envie de jus !!
Good evening, Is the Odyssex freely accessible? thank you
Good evening, I met a guy this Sunday evening around 8:30 p.m. who came with a woman who left and then came back for a second shot. If you recognize yourself, send me a message in PM.
bonsoir, J'irai bien demain en début d'après midi si cela dit à quelqu'un ;)
Bonjour à toutes et tous , Je ne connais pas cet endroit , quelqu'un peut me dire s'il y a un droit d'entrée et le prix ?????? je vais m'y rendre demain jeudi vers 13h , y a t'il des femmes , couples ou trav/trans dans cet endroit ? Si une femme ou trav/trans qui a envie d'une belle queue chaude s'y rend nous pourrions nous retrouver sur place , laissez moi un message . Merci d'avance à la personne qui pourra me renseigner , à charge de revanche !
Bonjour ! Trav, f,ou cpl dispo cet après midi en cabine ? MP !
Qui me baise ce soir ?? J’ai envie d’y aller en collant et string. Contact en Mp
J'y serai demain mercredi entre 12h et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Je passe ce midi vers 12h 30 pour m'amuser pendant la pause déj.
J'y serais demain vers 15h pour m'y faire sucer longuement (j'espère). Lunettes rondes et barbe courte poivre et sel.
I'll be there this evening (Friday 1) after work around 6:30 p.m.
Passing around 5:30 to make my mouth available
I am looking for an active man to accompany me tomorrow Thursday between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. I am passive, in lingerie but not hairless. I also like to show off...
I will be there tomorrow Thursday between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to offer my mouth and my ass.
Good morning . really want to get emptied this afternoon on site.
I will be there this Sunday around 8 p.m. to lick and fuck whoever wants
I'm there, who's coming to get thoroughly pumped?
I'm going to go to Odyssex once or twice this Friday and I really, really want to pump and empty some nice, juicy cocks. Contact privately for appointment time
I'll be there around 5 p.m. to make my mouth available under poppers
J'y serai demain mercredi entre 12h et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Bonjour . J'y serai en milieu d’après midi pour trav ou couple. MP !
J'y serait vers 16h00 16h15
J'y serai demain jeudi entre 12h et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Pas grand monde ce midi. Je retente ma chance demain. Même heure, même programme ;-p
J'y serai demain lundi entre 12h et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
I will be there Tuesday evening to have fun and show Madame in photos and videos on my phone
Je cherche un homme actif pour m'accompagner ce soir vers 22h. Vous m'offrez la cabine double, je me mets en lingerie et vous récompense en nature...
J'y serai demain mercredi entre 12h et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Hello j'y vais demain vers 16h15 16h30 je recherche trans trav(féminine pas qui ressemble a un camionneur) ou femme qui veux se faire exploser l'anus sans retenue
J'y serais demain vers 17h pour m'y faire sucer longuement (j'espère). Lunettes rondes et barbe courte poivre et sel.
J’y suis en mode trav pour trav ou H en dessous ou collant grande cabine du bas
J'y fais un tour en grande cabine lundi en début d'après-midi, moi en collant lingeries talons, pour sucer trav et h en dessous
Je vais m'y rendre après le taf vers 18h pour bien entamer le weekend
@bihommefun je connais bien ce lieu, il y a des cabines de projection en sous sol dont deux grandes cabines "couple". L'accueil est sympa et bienveillant, on peut baiser sucer s'exhiber se branler en toute quiétude sans problème
J'y serai demain mardi entre 12h30 et 14h30 pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Passing through the area at the end of the day, very early in the evening, want to stop by to pump and purge some nice, juicy cocks.
fredcollant75: my sincerest apologies, I confused it with the Odessa baths
fredcollant75: seriously, do you really think that this 100% gay place accepts transvestites?
Hello, I will be there tomorrow Tuesday from 12 p.m., I invite you to the large cabin, I am looking for work or active hours in pantyhose, I will be wearing lingerie, thigh-high tights, no wig, no makeup, I love sucking! hygiene, condoms and strict respect
Hello, I really want to empty myself with a trv, trans or couple this afternoon.... MP!
Who goes there from 11 a.m. today?
J'y serai demain lundi entre 11h30 et 13h30 pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Correction: the proposal concerns Tuesday January 23, 24. Many apologies.
I offer a gentle mutual masturbation session on Tuesday January 22, 24 between 9 and 10 p.m. in the Odyssex cabin. No fucking or sodomy. Good education and hygiene are non-negotiable (unlubricated condoms essential: I have stock!). Contact me on PM if you are interested. Kisses.
Hi, I'm coming late Monday morning. I hope to find some good cocks. possibility of showing photos of my wife naked if feeling see reciprocity
Du monde ce soir ? Je serai dans le secteur
Good evening everyone, just back from odyssex it's a great place to meet people (although a little cool to get naked) if you are looking for good stiff sex and a welcoming ass to play with without moderation and according to your desires and that you are in my age I suggest you contact me when you want to go there I would be happy to accompany you if you want photos of my body let me know
Bonjour . Bien envie d'y passer en début d'après midi. Un trav, trans, ou couple ? Mp !
J'y serai demain lundi entre 11h30 et 13h30 pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Hello...I'm thinking of going there in the early afternoon, for work or as a couple. Leave me a message.
J'essayerai de passer aussi demain lundi vers 17h pour sucer...
No, no glory holes in this place. I might come by tomorrow afternoon hoping to suck as much as possible.
good evening are there glory in the cabins??
je voudrais y aller demain vers 13h30 mais accompagné d'un actif
Bonne année à tous ! Je vais passer cet après-midi à partir de 15h 30. Venez passer après le taff :o Messages en MP.
J'y suis. Venez vous occuper de mes trous !
I will be there tomorrow Wednesday between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to offer my mouth and my ass.
I'm not very busy at work today. I'll come by around 1 p.m.
Bonjour. Bien envie d’aller me vider. Couple, ou ? Message en MP.
Bonjour de passage en région parisienne pour quelques jours. Travesti passive et soumise pour rencontre avec homme dominant. Ouverte à tout prise et surprise.. bonne fête à tous bises Françoise
I will be there today between 11:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. to offer my mouth and my ass.
People tomorrow at noon or early am?
Hello...Want to go there around 2 p.m. a woman, a couple, a trav? MP
Hello everyone I would like to go there can you give me some information about this place in private knowing that I like to show off is this a place that allows it easily someone tells me that it is #39;is naturist on Wednesday? THANK YOU
Cc I'm going there this evening around 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. after work so if there is a pretty trav trans woman or couple don't hesitate to contact me the code for the door toc 5X
I'll be in the area this evening... Do people go there in the early evening around 8:30 p.m.? I really want to offer my mouth and my throat to beautiful, juicy cocks.
J'y serai ajd'hui entre 12h30 et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
Bonsoir. Comment ça se passe à l'odyssex ? On loue une cabine en gros et après ça baise en bas ? Il y a combien de cabines,?
I would definitely go there to offer my mouth and my pussy. Someone to accompany me? Contact by PM
J’offre ma bouche et mon cul qui m’accompagne ? Contacte MP
Je cherche un actif pour m’accompagner ce midi
En tant que vide couilles, j'y serais ce soir entre 17h30 et 20h30, je mettrai des dessous féminins sous mon survet pour votre plus grand plaisir.
Good morning. What is the best place in Paris for a non-taboo masculine guy who wants to meet straight or bi or at least masculine guys?
I'll be there in 30 minutes. Who else ?
I will be there this Monday between 11:30 a.m. and 2 p.m. to offer my mouth and my ass. Very very looking forward to taking care of some nice cocks.
Hello, I will definitely go there on January 3rd. Open completely. Someone is interested. We can always talk about it, kisses Françoise
Bonjour ...Bien envie d'y passer cet après-midi ....Trav ou couples sur place ?? MP . Bonne journée !
J'y serai ce mardi entre 11h30 et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul. Très très hâte de m'occuper de belles queues.
@bartheman : je sais que les travestis sont très demandés à l'Atlas
Bonjour je serai en région parisienne après le 28 décembre.. je recherche un lieu sympa où les travestis sont appréciés..ou un homme ou plusieurs d ailleurs qui serait tenté pour un plan d'un soir.bisou Françoise
My visit yesterday: mixed. First of all, the cabins seem to be malfuunctioning quite a bit, let's hope this isn't the beginning of the end (no more maintenance, or repairs?). So you have to wait a long time for the guy upstairs who doesn't really know how to manage 2 things at once to tell you where to go. Hard. So I got off without an assigned cabin, because all the ones that worked were occupied (there must have been 4 left in month that weren't working). As for dating: there are guys who don't know what they want, even wondering why they come there. And on a Saturday with rain, not much turnover, so when I left I went to the Sauna next door, at least I was able to suck as much as possible.
Tomorrow I'm going there for 2 hours, do you know what time it opens? PS welcome for trans people I'll let you empty my balls
Who wants to use me there this afternoon, make me suck cock and lick ass? Such. 0669137795
Il y aura du monde entre 12h et 14h ?
Je très envie de ensaier un couple ou un femme pour venir avec moi?
Qui y sera cet après midi. Trav ou couple?
Oui, valises et autres effets personnels, ouvrir un compte d'épargne et repasser ton linge. Les multiples services ne manquent pas à l'Odissex... lol !
Qui est sur place vers 22h30 envi de me faire pompe
Bonjour, je souhaite découvrir cet endroit samedi. Est-ce qu’il y a des vestiaires pour déposer ma valise ?
Salut Qui aujourd'hui y sera?
Un actif TBM qui recevrait pas loin de la gare Montparnasse. Dispo de 17h30-20h.. lire profil avant contact.
Bonjour Mardi et mercredi je donnerai le numéro de ma cabine. Si elle est fermée frapper quatre fois et j'ouvrirai...
Salut, horaires d'ouverture demain ?
Oui ce lieu est tb. Mais c’est la loterie
Pour ceux qui se posent la question, les cabines du sous sol sont bien accessibles. Pas grand monde hier après-midi mais 2 bonnes queues black m'ont bien nourri, bien régalé.
Personne ce soir... J'ai attendu en vain de 22h à minuit.
Je serai là bas vers 18h30 pour bouche et chatte gourmande Très beau sexe épais affamé j adore les mecs en lingerie de femelle
Je devrais y passer vers 23h pour sucer...
Salut, qui a l'Odyssex aujourd'hui ? Je vais faire 1 ou 2 passages... très envie de pomper purger de belles et bonnes queues bien juteuses. Contact en privé pour heure de passage.
Bonsoir j'y passe sûrement vers 20h30 21h00
j'irais bien y faire la salope cet apres midi (mercredi), contactez moi si vous voulez m'utiliser comme vide couilles !
J'y serais les 14 et 15 novembre en soirée. J'attendrai dans la cabine pour sucer et/ou me faire sucer. Le faire lécher le cul et le faire prendre. Merci de me laisser un MP...
Du monde ce soir ? Je compte y passer vers 20h30
Quelqu'un voudrais se faire edger ce soir ?
Bonjour....J'y passerai bien cet après-midi . Un couple ou un trav sur place ? MP svp
J'y serai demain entre 11h45 et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul.
je serai a l odyssex lundi 30 et mardi 31 apres midi et soir. Bienvenus à tout le monde
Bonjour, j'aimerais bien y passer aujourd'hui si une femme ou trans ftm sera présente pour que je m'occupe d'elle, Message en pv si intéressé bisous
Moment sympa vers 14h avec ces 2 queues..;)
I will be there this Wednesday between approximately 8:30 p.m. and 10 p.m. to pump and purge good cocks, and to get pumped too.
A midday rich in tails and juice. I'm going back Thursday.
Hello, du monde le soir en semaine après 20h, par MP, merci
Je compte y aller demain entre 12h et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul. Qqn a des news sur l'inondation ?
envie de me faire inonder ma gueule de salope. j’ai une bonne bouche et un bon cul pour queues bien dures et endurantes
Quelqu'un sait si l'inondation est réparée ?
Oui, et du coup il n'y avait personne. Ils m'ont laissé ma carte pour une prochaine fois, parce que ça coute quand même 20 balles.
N'y allez pas ce dimanche l'inondation n'était toujours pas résolue à 20h...
Je n'étais pas retourné la depuis des années je traverse tout paris et la super inondation donc personne total fiasco... J'avais trop envie de vider !
Je vais essayer de passer cet aprem si quelqu'un veux m'accompagner
Ce lieu est magique ! Je n'ai jamais attendu plus de 10' pour sucer ou me faire sucer. Tellement bon ! Je devrais y être lundi à partir de 19/20h. J'aimerais vraiment en sucer 3 en même temps...
Je peut avoir des info...c payant comment ça se passe..? Merci du retour
How much is the entry fee
I'm going to stop by this evening, I'm looking for a good cock to jerk and edge. PM me.
Yesterday cabin 21. Thanks to the mr who came by
J'adore la cabine numéro 18
Jamais de couple que des mec
Secteur Pigalle ce soir (21h a minuit) , quel est le meilleur sex shop cabines pour trav ? Merci à ceux qui me repondront
Bonjour a tous. Bien envie d’y passer en début d’après-midi. Un trav ou un couple sur place ? Mp svp
J'y serai aujourd'hui entre midi et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul
J’y serai mercredi entre 12h et 14h pour offrir ma bouche ;)
Salut, je vais essayer de m'y rendre vers 18h 30 vendredi 13, en espérant qu'il y aura du monde
Bonjour, quelqu'un ce soir vers 19h-20h???
J'y serai demain jeudi entre midi et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul
J'y vais mardi en début d'après-midi avec un pote pour branle et suce en reniflant des culottes de femmes! Si intéressé, venez en MP. Trave très bienvenue aussi!!!
Je suis dans la cabine numéro: 15
Qui me rejoins se soir dans ma cabine pour se faire limer l'anus en se fesant filmer ? J'y serai après le taf vers 16h00
Du coup j'y vais cette aprem
salut a tous laisser message pour savoir qui vient et pour quelle heures surtout
Qui me rejoins se soir dans ma cabine pour se faire limer l'anus en se fesant filmer ? J'y serai après le taf vers 21h00
J'y serai ce lundi entre midi et 14h pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul
Bjr Mon beau sexe a dispo ce soir vers 17h.pour femelle gourmande trav ou bouche gourmande
Bonsoir comment allez vous ? Je recherche une femme, trans ou trav sexy et féminine qui accepte de se faire filmer en cabine
J'y serai ce midi pour offrir ma bouche et mon cul
Je mettrai à disposition ma bouche demain dimanche 24/09. J’y serai vers 15h
Ma bouche à dispo vers 23.30 en cabine
I go there after work around 5 p.m. I'm looking for a woman, or trans trav for my big cock
J'y serai demain entre midi et 14h et peut-être aussi après 16h puisqu'il y a l'air d'avoir du monde.
Hello I'm there around 12:30 in a large private cabin I'm waiting for TTbmreel but not sure otherwise I'm looking for trav or h in tights
J y serai vers 12 h.pour bouche gourmande et petit cul acceuillant
Je m’y rends demain dimanche 17 sept. vers 15j pour offrir la bouche ;)
J'y vais parés le travail vers 20h30 21h00 si ya un trav trans femme ou couple chaud
J’irai bien cette aprem si un belle queue m’accompagne Contact en mp
Dispo ajd'hui de 11h30 à 13h
Salut, je recherche un ou des actif dispo un mercredi de septembre pour accompagner et jouer avec un de mes passifs. Je pensais d'abord l'envoyer à l'Odysex le matin et au bain d'Odessa l'après-midi si vous êtes intéressé n'hésitez pas à me contacter annonce serieuse !
Salut je recherche une femme, trans ou trav féminine pour me prêté son cul de 16h00 a 17h00 aujourd'hui
Jamais allée ! Y compris pour trav ?
Salut à tous, j'y passerais mercredi midi pour me faire vider les couilles
Who is there today between noon and 2 p.m. to take care of my mouth and my ass?
@vallebo, dommage que tu n'aies pas une photo sur ton profil, ce serait peut-être incitatif ;-)
J'y serais demain soir (dimanche), très envie de vider des hommes murs avec ma bouche
J’y serai aujourd’hui vers 15h30 pour mettre à disposition ma bouche ;)
J'y serai demain entre midi et 14h pour offrir ma bouche, ma queue et mon cul.
I'll be there around 9 p.m. For virile exhibitionist guys to drain directly
Hello, I have just won an invitation for 2 to the preview of Mystère à Venise (the third part of Hercule Poirot directed by Kenneth Brannagh) Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Harlequin. I need a partner to support me if possible according to my criteria.
Vers 17h pour mecs virils à vidanger
Qui pour ma belle queue ce jour vers 12h mec en femelle apprécié ou mec avec sa femme
I come by at the end of the afternoon I receive at home so good feeling want a good gourmet mouth pm if interested
Hello, I will be there this Sunday around 3 p.m. to make my mouth available
Last night (Friday) around 9 p.m. a couple of hunky and well-hung guys were fucking in a downstairs cabin with an open door....but a priori just exhibitionists....too bad I would have taken good care of their cocks
Always nice place. Passage between 3 and 4 p.m. in a good slut (string and stockings). a mature man was there to jerk my cock..
J y serai entre 13h30 et 14h30 pour une bonne bouche
Quel déception pas de gloryhole ici nous somme au cameleon
Bonjour Je cherche une femme ou un couple pour m'accompagner dans le sex shop Plaisir et bonne humeur garantie Merci de me laisser un message si sérieux et complément d'information en pv
Hi, I'm looking for one or more actives available on a Wednesday in September to accompany and play with one of my passives. I thought first of all to send him to the Odysex in the morning and to the Odessa bath in the afternoon if you are interested do not hesitate to contact me serious announcement!
J'y serai demain midi en mode passif.
Hello, Tuesday 29 around 7-8pm I will be there with a bitch (woman) who will have to suck all the cocks that will show up in the gloryhole, she will only suck, then I take her to the chameleon sauna around 8pm- 9 p.m. in paris 12 for her to get fucked.
J'y serai ce midi. En espérant avoir plus de chances qu'hier.
Bonjour, j’y serais ce mercredi pour mettre à disposition ma bouche
Bonjour, j’y serais ce mercredi pour mettre à disposition ma bouche
Hello Yes I confirm that a few times there has been a couple in this sex shop. Rare but beautiful encounters and beautiful surprises
Hello, does it happen that there are women or trans because since I've been going I haven't seen any
Thank you to the pretty and very well endowed jh with whom we had a lot of fun last night. Odyssex: a quiet and hot place.
Hello I am looking for a woman or a couple to accompany me to the sex shop or sauna. Pleasure and good humor guaranteed Thank you for leaving me such a serious message
I will be there Wednesday and Thursday noon to give my mouth and my ass.
Si des suceurs veulent que je les y accompagne n'hésitez pas à m'envoyer un message
Je suis déjà passé ici à plusieurs reprises, très bon lieu mais très variable selon les journées
A partir 15h00, j'exhibe mon trou et suce fond de gorge et + tous zobs réels ! contact MP puis whatsApp.
ANNULATION POUR VENDREDI 18 AOUT. Ma femme doit bosser. toutes nos excuses
Bonjour. Rendez vous a l odyssexe gaité 14 eme vendredi 18 aout de 10 ou 11h à 17h. ATTENTION j y serai avec ma compagne qui veut de la bite et surtout se faire lècher. Donc les purs "gays" c'est pas pour vous
Quelqu'un pour un plan rapide pause déj (12h - 14h)?
Merci au charmant couple rencontré ce soir à Odyssex : vous êtes sensuels, sexuels et charmants. Quel bon moment !
Hello I am looking for a woman or a couple to accompany me to go to a libertine club, sexshop or sauna in Paris or the Paris region. Respect and good humor guaranteed and why not with "bubbles". Thank you for giving me such a serious answer. Good day to all
Disappointed there was no one there yesterday
J'y vais après le travail vers 19h30 20h00 je mettrai le numéro de cabine je recherche trans femme ou gay passif qui se fait prendre le cul est s'il accepte de se faire filmer sans visage c'est encore mieux
I'm coming, nobody but nice a little video with a little handjob niquel too bad nobody to watch me
Bonjour, je recherche des actifs allant dans ce lieu a qui je pourrais envoyer un soumis debutant vennez en pv afin qu'on organise un plan pouvant éventuellement se terminer chez vous ou en sauna
Du monde en fin de journée, début de soirée ?
Quelqu’un pour cet après-midi ?
Hi I'll be there tomorrow around 9 or 10 am I don't know yet
Hello, I am looking for a woman or trans for a photo shoot submitted to men on site.
I'll be there, I know it's far, from November 14 to 16, 2023. I'll be waiting in a cabin, naked, the guys motivated by my mouth and my ass. Do not hesitate I am a real slut. I take poppers. Leave PM for more details...
Hello. I'll be there this afternoon. A trav or a passing couple? PM!
Salut. En branle devant porno cet apres midi de 15h30 à 16h30.
Bonjour...J'y passerai bien en début d'après midi. Un cpl, un trav ? MP Bonne journée.
Hello de passage dans 1h qui dispo en mp
Who else today? Rather between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.?
See you Tuesday 18/07 12:30 p.m. at the Odyssex, for Trav or H by sticking in the cabin,
Des gens en fin de journée ?
J’y suis actuellement. Pas mal du monde. Cherche femmes/couples, venez si vous êtes dans le coin.
Bonjour, Je vais a paris le 28 juillet prochain, et je cherche un hébergement pour la nuit idéalement paris sud et son agglomération. J'espère vous lire prochainement. Pour Hommes seul Femme Seul ou couple. Merci d'avance
cherche un imberbe en fin d’après-midi 19h00
Salut un plan en âpres midi pourrait m'intéresser pour sucer autant de queues que possible.
Je pense y être vers 15 heures, ou une bonne vidange. Trav couple ou femme. Mp!
Bonjour . Bien envie de me vider en cabine cet après-midi. Un trav, couple ou f ? Message MP .
Hello, I am going to Paris on July 28, and I am looking for accommodation for the night, ideally Paris Sud and its agglomeration. I hope to read you soon. For single men, single women or couples. Thanks in advance
On July 14, are there any guys who would like to play with one of my beginner liabilities? Come in pv!
Around 12 p.m. today I go there to make myself available, with poppers....
Well want, want to go empty myself. For work, cpl or woman. MP
Hello who invites me there around noon before my retuurn to the provinces I am bi versatile
Vers 22h j'y passe pour me mettre à dispo, avec poppers.... Godes pour jouer avec mon c...
A partir de 14h en cabine pour pomper bonnes queues
Une trav ou couple pour soumission aujourd’hui ?
Je pense y être vers 15h. MP!
Bonjour...J'y passerai bien cet après midi pour trav ou couple. Écrivez moi !
Hello I go there from 1 p.m. for trav or h by sticking
I really want to go there in the early afternoon. For Trav or couple... Write to me!
Ce lieux a été très chaud dernièrement, bcp de passage, bcp d'hommes, femmes, TV. Je vais essayer de repasser cet a-m.
Jeudi soir à Odyssex un quadra hétéro tbm m’a donné beaucoup de plaisir. Il disait que c’était sa première fois avec un travesti, en tout cas merci, et les autres mecs présents étaient cool eux aussi
I was there at the end of the afternoon and after waiting half an hour when the guys were passing by but doing nothing, an adorable and friendly old rascal came to suck me off and swallowed everything, thanking me. A charming man. And the one who was looking at us through the open door then came in and asked me if he could take me, I said yes of course and he buggered me so well that I came in my hands! I put my rosebud back on and went out with him to spend the evening at his place.
Je suis parisienne jusqu'à dimanche et dispo pour plan exhib, ma bouche ouverte pour sucer de belles queues et recevoir sperme sur mon visage ou avaler. Mon cul lubrifié est également disponible. Je suis habillée plutôt BCBG sur mes dessous sexys, foulard de soie autour du cou et petits talons. J'y serai peut-être vendredi en fin d'après-midi
RDV aujourd'hui 14h30 grande cabine pour trav et H en collant et lingerie
Tres sympa aujourd’hui .. une bonne branle à 4
J’ai toujours voulu tester ce lieu pour m’y faire sucer par une trav. Si ça intéresse quelqu’un ;) Dispo en journée en semaine
Je serai de passage vers 18h15 ce soir.
Bien envie d’y passer vendredi dans la journée pour me faire sucer en tenue sexy (body transparent blanc, collants et talons..) Je suis amateur de tenues sexy mais actif uniquement, je peux éventuellement sucer avec capote si bien excité ! MP si intéressé
Envie d y sucer aujourd'hui vers 11h30. Qui d autre
Oui ça arrive et plutôt cool
Venir avec sa femme à faire tourner... Cela se voit ici?
Salut a toutes j serait sous les coup de 21h 21h30 après le taf je recherche trav féminine trans ou femme
Qui y irait vers 11h30 aujourd'hui ? Envie de pomper tranquille...
Je pense m'y rendre vers 18h ce soir
Qui demain entre 12h et 14h ?
Mardi 16 1O heures 13 heures
Late it's very very random...
I'll be there in 30 minutes Error for the Cassandra!
I plan to go there around 1:30 p.m. If trav, or couple ..... MP!
I'm thinking of going there in the early afternoon.
Passage yesterday around 1 p.m. it was jerking off well
I went there yesterday around 6:30 p.m., it was deserted. I left disappointed.
I'm going there tomorrow afternoon
I'm thinking of going there tomorrow. Enthusiasts?
I'm thinking of going there tomorrow. Enthusiasts?
Not yet totally sure, but possibility to spend there Sunday at the beginning of the afternoon - I will leave a message here Saturday evening or Sunday morning to confirm
I'll be there early in the afternoon. Trav or couples present?
I confirm what you say, it's always clean and pleasant to spend a little time but neither the quality nor the quantity is guaranteed. The tendency is rather to the solo motion in front of the door. But I always enjoy going there. There are sometimes nice surprises but too rare
Passing this afternoon. The place is always so clean and pleasant. no change on the system we can always rent a cabin for a time slot without film limitation (2h / 4h / etc) I had a good time with a very nice male who took care of my tips, my small clit, letting me taste his thick yet short cock. As often, he fingered me, skillfully, but when he took me... debacle... Besides, it's very calm, everyone stays in their cabin and a few "wankers" show up in front of the door and don't don't move... force them to be fired so as not to prevent the others from coming... In short, it's less "wild" than the Atlas but we are well received
Passing by the odyssex this Saturday 29/04 at the end of the evening around 11 p.m.
Anyone around today between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.?
Je compte m'y rendre demain midi entre 12h et 14h,je recherche plans direct en cabine,je suce, avale,en bref je cherche des queues a vider. Laisser sms au 0672193495
Thanks to Christophe with the greedy tongue and the nimble fingers. A very good moment (to repeat).
Who tomorrow between noon and 2 p.m.?
I went there on a Friday in March, naked in red open panties. A beautiful transvestite in a basque and stockings came to join me and we had a good time, I liked it ... to start again.
Hello is there a woman to join me?
People between 12 and 2 p.m.?
Very quiet today after 2 p.m. But it's the lottery.
Any other similar places to recommend? Just to vary because I quite like this very clean place
Who in the late afternoon or evening? Private message for appointment
A real plan with a couple, working woman this afternoon?
Open every day without gender discrimination!
It is true that often people look. I'm there in stockings and thong when I go. Feel free to touch the good slut that I am
I went there quite early. Met another trav with whom we played well in his cabin, and that I sucked off with delight. Few interested guys (they looked but did not enter: the door was ajar) and then retuurning to mine, a man offers me to caress me then to come with him to a hotel room near Montparnasse: there this was a treat, I stayed four hours with him, then we ate in a creperie and I came home full with my wet panties
Hello I am looking for a female or trans couple to fill my Photo Book if you are interested do not hesitate to contact me (nude, erotic nude, topless or pornart) in a cabin to take pictures alone or in the process of get caught.
I might be there this afternoon (in transvestite) to masturbate, suck, swallow while you torture my slutty nipples in sexy and horny lingerie
Nice place. I go there often. If interested let me know
I go there around 3:30 p.m.
Who on Saturday 26 or Sunday 27? Plan sucks, caresses, exhib … answer in MP.
I'll be there around 6:30 p.m. tonight.
I go there around 2.30 pm, big desire to pump the juice!
Hi, passing by this afternoon between 12 p.m. and 1:45 p.m. Don't hesitate to contact me in pm to organize a plan.
I'll be at the best western new orleans montparnasse all week and I hope to take a lot of cocks in my face and ass. No blah blah just direct fucking. Possible to meet in a sex club or in my pad. Male plurality highly appreciated
Du monde demain Samedi vers 15h ? Bien envie de sucer de bonnes queues
I pass in the afternoon. If a young person wants juice, contact by MP
Who today? Longing for a welcoming throat
I haven't been there... How do you know if there's a mouth available if everyone is locked in the cabin?
Queues to clear this morning? Available in large cabin door ajar if appointment by MP
I'm currently knocking there 4 times because I won't have a network
Hello, I'm looking for a trav trans who gives his ass tonight after work at 9 p.m. or 10 p.m.
I was there this afternoon, and it was very uncrowded. 4 or 5 guys, of which only 2 came to my cabin. I sucked one (very nice cock) but he couldn't come... But as his penis was very hard, I took the opportunity to make myself penetrate for a while while he pinched my nipples . result: it was I who came and not him! The second, older one was very tender and caressing and he wanted to suck me, which I didn't refuse, but since I had come 20 minutes before, he must have been disappointed, but he left me the caressing and sucking him in my turn, and he at least came in my mouth! No other visit and after a little walk in the hallway in a basque with stockings and heels, I left
Are there cabins with a gloryhole? I would like to take a friend there just to touch and suck. Answer in PM
I'll be there disguised in sexy underwear and eager for cocks to suck either Wednesday the 22nd or Friday the 24th in the afternoon
Je compte venir avec ma femme mercredi fin d aprem... Abattage dans une cabine à dispo
I am back from it! Great place, very welcoming, the cabins are clean and I was able to jerk off three cocks and spit one out!!! I highly recommend it.
A trans / trav this afternoon to be my submissive with raw words in my cabin?
I'm going there on Sunday at 6 p.m. Another vicious wanker?
Will be at Odyssex this Friday around noon to lick and fuck whoever wants.
Good evening, I wanted to know how much you can enter a projection booth? I would like to go there accompanied by 3 liabilities (including a trav) and 2 assets! So as to stuff asses and get my ass fucked. Once the cabin is full of cum everywhere, we run away!
of the world ajd around 8 p.m.?
Who's going tonight around 6 p.m.? Looking to suck off a well-endowed mature guy.
I plan to spend this Monday evening 30 to lick and bugger. I love this place full of surprises.
Hi, an active domi fucks me exhib plan from 5:00 p.m. Wednesday 1st. Looking for other assets to pound my mouth and anal pussy. The touanate continues Hotel Formula 1 Porte de Châtillon all night. contact pm thank you
Hello, I am a young man who has not been following this place for a few years, I had met a charming old man twice, if you recognize yourself send me a message, I was a young man with long hair and we we hadn't done anything together except discussed, small bottle in the sea
hello active voyeur, I would be fine on Monday around 11am if you want to come with me and take care of me. It would be with pleasure
Passed yesterday noon. A few people. Got sucked off and slapped my ass.. To be redone. I go from tps to another if interested contact pm
hot assets this morning? PM
Anyone around 11:30 a.m.?
Passage this afternoon.. nothing crazy. Like it's the lottery
I will be in the sector it must, very much want to make a passage there around 10:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Of the world ?
I admit it was quiet, and actually few men interested in a transvestite, especially since I don't have a wig and I'm not beardless. But I still managed to get caught twice and it was terribly exciting.
are there hot people around 8 p.m.?
Odyssex is very nice (clean and without problems) but it's better to go there in the afternoon or at the weekend and sometimes there are only men who are little or not interested in trav or trans... sometimes not. Half the time my cabin has been visited by handsome, well-hung guys. I go there with very sexy underwear and in the cabin I undress, I put on make-up and perfume myself then I put on my wig ... and open my door
Too bad, not free this week
yes today, and I only go if someone accompanies me
Qqn ajd between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m.?
contact me to meet there, or elsewhere...
I am looking for an asset to accompany me tomorrow 10/01 around 10am. i will be in lingerie and heels
Passing by around 5 p.m. with a strong desire to pump the chain under poppers... Watering with juice welcome, even more in multi!
Merely. You take a cabin (20€ 2h), you leave the door open (or not..) and you wait
Superb noon with a guy who really slapped my ass.. if you're here let me know! To redo
passif poilu cho du cul envie de sucer de bonnes queues et de me faire enculer comme une bonne chienne
Is it open this January 1st?
I'm going to try to pass tonight around 6:30 p.m. Want to share a spicy moment with other straight/bi guys.
Hello Carocoquine You take a film to watch for 15€. You have the cabin quietly. You can close the door or leave it open, it's up to you. For parking, there is space on Boulevard Edgar Quinet but you have to pay otherwise the vehicle with the camera on the roof (LPR) passes and sends a post-parking package to your home.
And where can we park (closest)?
Bien envie d'y aller...pour une première fois ! Quelqu'un peut me dire comment ça se passe : entrée payante ? Il y a de la place pour poser un manteau ? Faut-il laisser la porte ouverte ?...
Small passage yesterday am.. to be well touched, sucked.. To do again!
Story of me. Go 3-1 to celebrate. The game :)
Come by later with dildos and poppers, want to be available.... Around 9.45 p.m.
There are no rules: sometimes there are people, sometimes no one. Impossible to predict. On weekends it still turns quite a bit from the middle of the afternoon. Downstairs there are only 8 cabins that are open so it will never be crowded.
People tonight around 7 p.m. / 7:30 p.m.?
I'll be there in 30 minutes if there's an anus that wants to impale itself on my cock
Cc I go there after my evening service if there is a dilated anus in need of a thick glans I am available around 9:30 p.m. 10 p.m.
I'm there until 1:30 p.m.
Passing today at 3 p.m. Not many people...just enough to get sucked off..
I may go back there in the evening after my service around 9-10 p.m.
Cc I may be going for a walk tomorrow morning around 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. looking for a woman or trans to dilate her anus in a cabin in front of a movie
I will be there tonight around 7:30 p.m. I would be in a jockstrike in the cabin. Group plan welcome. I have no taboos... Except no filth.
I spend there between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. for work
I'll be there on 11/29 around 9:00 p.m. Well Cho. I love to show off naked... So don't hesitate to come and join me in the cabin... Very cool plan from the perspective.
I'll be there on 11/29 around 9:00 p.m. Well Cho. I love to show off naked... So don't hesitate to come and join me in the cabin... Very cool plan from the perspective. Leave PM...
Jhbm only active seeks plan with trans / trav or passive effeminate, mp
Hello Anyone between 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m.?
I will be passing Wednesday from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. for tomorrow to taste some good tails. My mouth and my hot pussy will be available for mature and vicious males.
It's not very crowded in the morning you have to be lucky.
I'll be near Montparnasse tomorrow make a sign.
Is it frequented in the morning?
I'm on hand if anyone is available
meeting with trav today Tuesday 8/11, around 3 p.m.,
I am looking for work on Tuesday 8/11 around 3 p.m., large cabin if available, I invite
Du côté de Montparnasse cet après-midi. Des actifs de passage??
Good sucker to fuck thoroughly I will be there on 11/29/22 around 9 p.m. and on 11/30/22 1/12 in the evening around 7 p.m. I would be naked waiting in a cabin. I take poppers. Plan to several OK. Don't hesitate to contact me by then.... We can get to know each other and fix an appointment time.
it's a long weekend it may be quieter but nothing predictable
Yes no problem to be in work.
Good sucker to fuck thoroughly I will be there on 11/29/22 around 9 p.m. and on 11/30/22 1/12 in the evening around 7 p.m. I would be naked waiting in a cabin. I take poppers. Plan to several OK. Don't hesitate to contact me by then.... We can get to know each other.
I'll be there this afternoon to get screwed and widen my hole with my dildos too, buttocks looking wide apart available
I can go there around 6 p.m. to suck a good cock if there is an amateur!!!
I will spend Saturday 29 in the morning for a session of dildoing and screwing my ass available to widen my hole
Saturday 2 p.m. a few? For for active very tactile
Nice meeting with ass taken black thong. If you recognize yourself...
With Fanawa at 5 p.m. to watch or touch his huge cock
Bonjour Je pense y aller demain pour tenter l’expérience d’une cabine. Je suis actif ;) N’hésitez pas à me contacter si ça vous branche ;)
I come tomorrow am if possible. Cage, thong, ass to smack if amateurs
Passing by around 7.30 p.m., big desire to pump it with poppers....
I go there who gives his anus preference for trans or sexy trav
There is a lot of traffic yes on weekends but you have to go there after 3 p.m.
Are there people on the weekends? If yes, around what time?
I'll be there around 6 p.m. to pump with poppers
Passive. Good sucker to fuck thoroughly I'll be there on 11/30/22 in the evening around 7 p.m. I would be naked waiting in a cabin. I take poppers. Plan to several OK. Don't hesitate to contact me by then.... We can get to know each other.
A trave this afternoon? I have to get emptied...
I would like to meet a beautiful tail in a woman's thong...
I'm going I'll be there around 7 p.m. who joins me (preference for trav and trans who are penetrated)
I will go and spend this afternoon getting fucked.
I will be there tomorrow afternoon, Wednesday August 31st. Who goes there ?
Hello very much want to go there. Are there window traps or something between the cabins?
PS: contact me in pm with a photo any
⚠️URGENT⚠️ I'm currently there and I'm looking for a woman, trans or female trav (certain criteria) who accept soda I don't have a lub or a condom
Mixed results, it is an understatement to say. All cabins taken but everyone locks himself in and jerks off solo! When finally an asset is revealed, beautiful tail moreover, the mere touch of the condom makes him disband and run away in shame... There is definitely only risk-taking that seems to make you have a hard-on for a long time!
I go there this afternoon around 4:45 p.m. In a chastity cage and rosebud on duty to show off in leather lingerie. My washer and to take and my hungry mouth. Convertible top only
Around 4 p.m., in motion in front of porn, available to share with other virile wankers.
Who goes there around 3 p.m. for me to empty it?
De passage vers 17.30 aujourd'hui, grosse envie de pomper mec(s) en plan direct.... Cabine ouverte passez votre queue.... J'y serai avec poppers
G almost came... I should have
See you tomorrow evening 10 p.m. FOR pluralism with Madame contact us in pm
I'll be there tonight around 10 p.m.! Who is coming? (Do not hesitate to contact me in pm)
So I spent a couple of hours there for 20 euros. Alas no meeting despite an appointment with a member of the site, a misunderstanding that I regret. However, many teachers but few actors. But I remember above all that the place is really very practical, a very good welcome, very clean with a guy who cleans all the time, it's really super clean. Open door of my cabin I was able to show myself without restraint until a good soda dildo session in public. It had been a long time since I had been able to do this safely. I recommend this place a thousand times.
Obviously very calm, no candidates but I'll go for the pleasure of showing off.
I'll be there tomorrow around 4:30 p.m., in feminine leather or lace below, according to your desires. Need and desire to show myself off and offer my pussy to whoever wants it. Contact me by pm.
From the world at the end of the afternoon?
passive ass cho urge to suck and get banged by manly dudes
tomorrow afternoon is there a crowd around 2:45 p.m.
Good evening looking for a couple to suck and lick a pussy and eat a woman's ass
Oh I forgot if you feel like it you can eat her pussy and ass...
My girlfriend (photo on my profile) with voluptuous curves, blindfolded and naked offered to the eyes and hands of whoever wants. You can pet her, play with her big tits, finger her pussy and ass... The more the merrier... Let me know if you're interested. Saturday July 23 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Thank you to the handsome guy with whom I had made an appointment on the chat and who joined me in my cabin, punctual and sensual. He's such a good guy who loves and knows how to do everything. Very much want to see you again.
I'm back, and it was worse than yesterday, despite the fact that I had announced my arrival between 5:15 and 6:30 p.m. I even arrived at 5 p.m. and went down to the cabin to put on "outfit" (very bitchy) and leave the door open. A lot of gay guys not very interested in travs (a caress here, a little blowjob there... but nothing really exciting. And then, around 18, a guy in his 60s with a nice big cock thick, enters my cabin and locks it. He lowers his pants, forces me to my knees and I start a "deep throat" blowjob so much he was shaking my head to push his beautiful sore throat deep in my my palate. He was twisting my nipples (I love it!) and he starts cursing at me "do it yourself you bitch", slapping me and slapping his cock in my face. It obviously turned him on a lot so I added, "Yes I'm a whore" "go ahead treat me like a slut" etc, until he suddenly spit his cum on my face, I get some a little in my mouth, (which I swallow with pleasure) but he enjoys spreading the rest on my face with his cock while waiting for me to cum...on his pumps! Result a new slap spread the rest on my face with his cock while waiting for me to cum...on his pumps! Result a new slap spread the rest on my face with his cock while waiting for me to cum...on his pumps! Result a new slap
I was there this afternoon between 3 and 4. Not many people, I had left the door of my cabin open and I had kept only my sexy black underwear. Two guys passed that I sucked off; the first by pinching his nipples (while he was doing the same thing to me) but he didn't come ("I just arrived he told me... See you later! ") the other, on the other hand, had a nice erection and after having sucked it well, kneading his balls, he came in my mouth: a delight for the slut that I am! And then an exhib and two or three caresses, but no more sex to pump, so I left about an hour after arriving.
I'll be there around 3:30 p.m., big desire to empty some queues, with poppers
Anyone tonight from 9 p.m.? Send me a PM message if interested.
Passage from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. very very very quiet! I think this is the first time I've seen this place so empty. I will try again in the evening around 10:30-11 p.m.... hoping...
Passing through the area this evening, I really want to go there to pump and empty some good tails. Who goes there in the evening?
I intend to let go next Saturday at the beginning of the evening. I hesitate between the Bois de Vincennes and the Odyssex. What is the attendance on a Saturday night at the Odyssex? Do not hesitate to send me messages in pm if my profile interests you...
Who can tell me how it goes and where is the floor below?
I will be there tomorrow Friday 12:15 p.m. passive obedient lope for real vicious male
Who has odyssex tonight 11:30 p.m.
I would have gone there this afternoon but not for nothing... who else?
Pepper and salt wall man over 60 years old appointment when you want A plus
Around 9 p.m., I go there with poppers and dildos for cool and enterprising guys....
Passing through the area this am around 3 p.m. I'll stop by for myself. Posing and pumping some trangil cock
Tomorrow noon I'm looking for a directive to offer me
I was there the day before yesterday at noon. Nice atmosphere, but less crowded compared to before. I think the owner should revise his pricing practices downwards and stop the dubious rule on subscription cards (the consumption of busy hours is in 30min increments. If you consume 1h01 you lose 1h30 on your card!!).
Passage but no one so we went to the provence sauna
Ns let's eat at freedom around 3 p.m. walk rue de la gaité.. ds sex chop never know for sex plan
People tonight Sunday? Passing through, in motion in the cabin around 9 p.m.
I was there around 3 p.m. it was not crazy crazy its closes what time here
passing through Tuesday, May 3 between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. to empty cocks with my mouth and my ass
Hello I just sign that this place has paid Minimum 15€ to have access to view a film and 20€ for several There is no longer a coin booth
Hello, Any people this afternoon?
I come out. The quadra bi that I did there today, by the greatest of the Hazards was nothing less than a perfection of Dude. Rare. I hope to see him there again one day... Whenever he wants.
Bonjour J ai 59 ans je viens dur paris pour trouver un h ou couple hh pour s occuper de moi le 22 a midi au sex shop J aime obeir passif soumi voir lope
I'm going there tonight around 9.30 pm, in the cabin with a dildo to pump directly... If there's anyone who wants to join me to make me available to pump the chain and play with my c... Welcome!
Who one morning around 11:30?
Want to be covered in cum, people available tonight?
Slut tries to pump rather in the afternoon, tell me when except weekends
Passing around 5:30 p.m. if someone wants to suck I jerk off with the door open when I'm alone
Don't hesitate to contact me directly to join me there or propose a plan....
Are there people on Sunday afternoon?
Good evening want to go next week probably Tuesday Want to suck and get sodomized and swallow everything
I go there to pump around 7:30 p.m.
I can be there on Saturday pref for black or mixed race...exib a plus
Will be there today around 11:30 a.m. to suck, lick and fuck
Salut, qui entre midi et deux ? Apparement yaura du monde
People to share a double cabin now? Suck, mutual jerk off.....nice cock wish, like me or better...I'm not far away
Salut J’y serai ce soir vers 22h. Intéressé par les tbm pour plan suce et plus
I'm at Gare Montparnasse who at the toilet in the Montparnasse garden or at the odyssex now???for bm!
Try to make me work my balls and my cock like a good female dog. I'm waiting for you naked in the cabin.
Will be there this Friday 18 from 11am-11.30am to suck lick and fuck
Who for 11:30 a.m.? Want to pump see more exib black métis one more
Will be there today around 11 to suck and take
I'll be there Tuesday, February 08 from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. in the cabin, door ajar, waiting for live shots, jerk off, suck and more....I'm rather passive but not only... no taboos, multiple shots ok, if interested leave text at 0672193495.
Who comes to empty my balls I stay until 6 p.m.
Si grande cabine dispo, j'y serai vers 12h30 avec copine trav, si autre trav dans le coin welcome MP svp
Hi I'll be fine tonight around 10 p.m. with poppers and dildo, watch porn while a guy gives me his cock to pump, see me dildo and take me after Anyone interested?
J'y serai vers 16h en cabine, je suce au jus. Et qui pour me bz ? Q épilé.
Demain en cabine, je suce au jus. Et qui pour me bz ? Q épilé.
J'attends cette aprem. nu et plugue dans une cabine en sous sol que l'on vienne me travailler les couilles et la bite.
qui veux me rejoindre demain 11h-13h pour se faire branler et sucer ?
People tonight around 7 p.m. to suck and jerk off?
je veux passer mardi 1er février entre 11h00 et 13h00 pour branler et sucer. Y aura t'il du monde ?
Yes the travs can come quietly in the cabin. I meet there sometimes
Who's going in 30 minutes?
Passing through Paris on Sunday 23, I'll be there at 9 p.m. to jerk off in the cabin in front of a movie. Jerk off to share with guys like me. PM
La semaine dernière ,couple très jeune,très chaud dans le cabin 12.Le monsieur a invité tout le monde pour une fellation avec happy ending.Elle était très chaude,avale chaque goutte de sperme. Je compte passer cet après midi.Si il y a un couple faites le signe
merci pour les bons moments passes lundi et surtout mardi entre 17h30 et 19h . un veinard a pu se faire sucer et mater des photos de ma femme sur mon tel.merci aussi au black rencontré le soir vers 22h systeme de cartes 20€ les 2 heures
De passage vers 19.30 pour pomper trankil en mattant un porno sous poppers
I would be there today around 2:00 p.m., naked with a plug in my ass, waiting to work my balls and cock. Cabin 16.
I would be naked in the cabin tomorrow between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. research direct plan sucks wanking and more, I'm rather passive but not that ... plan has several ok, I will leave my door ajar, don't hesitate, if interested, leave sms at 0672193495.
Hello, do you have to pass it?
Do you know if there are gloryholes? it's my fantasy
Can someone tell me if it really fucks or occasionally?
Anyone today at 12 p.m.? Plan sucks and wanks between tbm guys in perspective
I will be there around 10.30pm with dildos to pump and take care of my heart ... Available for good cocks
I'm going there tonight….
A couple or a trave today?
Looking for a guy for a plan
People around 11:30 p.m.?
Bonjour J'y serais pour pomper de bonnes queues ce soir mercredi à partir de 19h. Laisses MP si tu veux....
Thank you for your retuurn hcourtois77
To be there yesterday afternoon it was very calm and no torque…
Good evening to you, a woman or couple tomorrow in lodyssex????
hello I went there last night for a premiere, access requires you to take a zapping package at 20€ for 2 hours, I didn't understand anything about how it works but no access at 1€, if there are connoisseurs one explanatory pm would be welcome thank you all
Good 11 p.m. I'm in the. Metro...
J'y serai vers 22.30 avec godes pour pomper et m'occuper de, mon c... À dispo pour bonnes queues
Hello Are the cabins in the basement open at the moment? Thank you for your reply....
I really want to try here in the evening, there is fashion in the evening who can give details,
I will be there around 8 p.m. with a big desire to pump.
First for me tomorrow 15/11 to caress, wank and suck between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Who cho to get sucked thoroughly appointment late afternoon
Well want to stop by around 18 pm is this open today?!
I'll be there on 11/24 around 7 p.m. until... I'm open to all sex plans... If you're interested, leave me a message
J'y serai à 20h pour vider de la queue dans ma bouche.... Avec poppers
I really want to go there tomorrow from 6:30 p.m. First time so please tell me if it's cool for cabin plans or if it's super watched? Am active passive ass clean
A quelle heure ca ferme ? Jaimerais y aller pr sucer a fond des bon actifs sous poppers vers 18h dite moi si vs y allez
Sexraw stop fantasizing you abuse with your ad
To sexraw .. me if I was a woman or if I took my friend to odysex again.... I will avoid your ad
Before finding this kind of woman it will be centuries man unless you go to Thailand
I'm looking for a busty chick like hitomi takana Insasiable nympho To be my wife and juice whore Spreading her thighs continuously to get fucked hard and have her gaping pussy filled with cum
Send me message for tomorrow 12h
I would be there tomorrow at noon. Looking for guys to suck and anal
In the world this afternoon? I would be there from 5 to 8 p.m. to suck sweat and get caught under poppers
We'll keep you posted by then, I can come too
Hello everyone, I'll be there with Ms. on November 22 in the afternoon. I'm going to the cabin with her, I turn her on and then I open the door. I hope a nice man will be there.
Good evening, little informed about the place would like to know the instructions in a succinct way to jerk off and suck safely ... Tomorrow I am available. In order not to encumber the disputes of the interface, leave a message preferably in private. Thank you ...
I'll be by around 10 p.m. tonight. Send me a PM if interested.
Salut grosse envie de pomper aujourd'hui et de servir de vdc... J'y serai vers 21.00 à dispo, poppers... Avec Gode si des mecs ont envie de jouer avec mon cul...hesitez pas à me contacter en mp
dommage les 3 photos bloquent .... j aurais bien mi celles de Laura se promenant à poil dans les couloirs !!!
About ten days ago I went with my young beginner friend. The owner of the sex shop was very warmly welcomed by the boss of the sex shop...and since she was naked under her coat, he gave her nipple clamps to try on. from the shop on the ground floor. with a very nice client in his forties. finally the boss freed us up in the large room for 3 at the back Laura was sucking and fucking in all directions in singles or doubles with liquid and powerful orgasms each time Only Downside it was too hot and I had to open the door .. which allowed some cousins to watch well from a distance Another big thank you to this extraordinary boss An unforgettable evening!
Hello, I think it's the big boss who is unpleasant (the few times he's there) but the rest of the employees are nice. I have always been made very welcome. Even the cleaner is nice. I never had the concern of the cards because I take to the video.
wank75. Admittedly, we must also defend this place, but we must admit that some people have bad, even very bad memories of this place, whether in terms of reception, sales or the surveillance carried out at the level of the cabins on certain days, to push you to consume. So we should not idealize the place. Personally I wanted, 1 month ago, to give it a chance again given all the good comments here. And well missed, I remain on my negative judgment but, indeed, it can please some.
Hello, I'm defending this place, the welcome is very friendly and we were lucky enough to be able to go there during the periods of confinement and deconfinement etc... As for the menu, I'm not saying the opposite but I know few sex shops with cabins where you really feel free.
Hello everyone, I confirm what "paris11eric" says. After discussing it with one of the managers, any half hour started is deducted from the card. So, if we watch 31 minutes, it's 1 hour that is counted! If I stop at 29 minutes but take 2 minutes to go back up... it's 1 hour that goes up in smoke!!! The place is clean and well maintained, but the business policy is very very questionable. So I'll look for another place in the area. If someone can advise me another place, thank you in advance.
I will try to pass in the middle of the afternoon.
The boss is unpleasant unfortunately.
I took a 20€ card or 2 hours of films in the cabin to test the place. I went there 3 times: 20 mins + 25 mins + 35 mins or 1h20. Yesterday, the employee said to me: "nothing left on your card"... "I tell him of my dissatisfaction", he replies "I heard that every half hour counts 15 minutes more..." I was flabbergasted! A scam ? Tomorrow, I will see with the boss. Have you had this kind of setbacks with them? How are the other sex shops with cabins on the street?
Do you still need the CulR code to enter?
I'll be there around 6:30 p.m. to have fun
I'll be there in an hour, I really want to pump with poppers ....
More access at 1€. Normally you need a health pass but I was not asked to present it. You can go from cabin to cabin without being policed (there is still someone cleaning who is downstairs but says nothing about the movements).
Hello, who can tell me if the cabins are still accessible in the basement at 1€? Do I need the health pass? Can we let another into a cabin without being policed by management like in some other sex shops?
Hi, I'm coming tonight around 6/7 p.m. and until 10 p.m., I'll be naked in the downstairs cabin, waiting for nice clean tails. I am equipped with poppers, gel, condoms. I await your orders, ok for group plan. Appointment possible via PM, but no endless discussion please. See you tonight !
Good guy. Want to pump lick ass clean shovel nipple poppers soda. Plan at the Odyssex Sexshop, cabins downstairs. You have to take a cabin. 10 € the card for 1 film 12 € the card for 1h zapping several films. I will be there from 4 p.m.
Hello who is going today? I was thinking of going there around 4 p.m. in these waters
I will be there from 8 p.m. I'm looking for good fun with bm / tbm guys. Feel free to send private messages for appointment
Hello who is available today?
I am looking for a woman to accompany me in a club!
Who's at noon? Pref for black good cock plan ecxib appreciated...pump and more...
I'm going there tonight around 11 p.m. big desire to pump the chain....
I will be there around 6:30 p.m. - Tbm for tbm only
Very good and long sensual and hot moment. Thank you.
I will be there Wednesday evening from 8 p.m. Want nice cocks.
do you need a health pass to access
You have to take a card at the entrance
you have to pay at the entrance? or do we go straight to the stairs?
Hello I know the place well, I'm looking for an active master, to accompany me one afternoon or evening, next week and put me to the slaughter, sucks, sodo…, I love poppers, ok for plan planan, thank you for your messages in mp.
Salut. J'y serais . En cabine . Shirtnoir casquette. Je pomoe , videet donne mon petit boule. Avis aux grosses teubs a vider
Hi I'm going there tonight around 6.15-18.30, big desire to pump direct, poppers, door open
I'll be there tomorrow evening after work around 5:30 p.m.... Who gives me an appointment in front?
Thursday around 7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Curious straight who wishes to discover… who explains to me?
Est ce ouvert cette semaine ? On peut toujours baiser dans les cabines ?
I may go tomorrow Monday 19 around 10:30 am if an active person wants to accompany me.
I'll be there in 30 minutes to suck
J viens d y passer, un mec et sa copine ont hésiter dommage car il y avait de la place dan la 18 Je reviendrai car c est propre
Thank you to the guy who came into my cabin after caressing me really well. As I always say: from the first contact when the hand lands on my body I know if I'm dealing with a bad fucker, an ordinary guy that I will quickly forget or an exceptional lover. JF is of course part of the third. Don't hesitate next time.
an asset to accompany me tomorrow Tuesday around 2pm?
I'm going to go around 11am this morning
Spent Thursday evening, g pumped a super cool guy good cock and cute ... I come back around 12.30 always to pump with poppers
I go there around 11.30 p.m. all in the azure, want to pump under poppers after my evening ...
Who is available on Friday afternoon in female underwear for a good sucking reciprocal licking
If interested in filling my hole Saturday afternoon contact me
I go there at the beginning of August, I love to pump
I'm going this morning around 11 a.m.
I go there around 6:00 p.m., a big desire to pump in the chain, direct plan with poppers.
Fancy a good clean and deep sucker for tomorrow Friday afternoon around 3 p.m. Please send me a little message to find out who's coming.
I'm going there tonight from 6.30pm / 7.00pm. Seeking daddy to relieve. Contact me in MP
Great place even if the last time coming around 10:30 am there was hardly anyone. In the morning it depends on the days we can be lucky ... or not. There are obviously more people in the afternoon, sometimes almost too many. All ages and all profiles.
Hello, I'll be there tomorrow from 3 p.m. accompanied by my submissive bitch, hot female for bukkake: mademoiselle prefers Caucasians and Arabs.
Hello, I'll be there this afternoon around 5pm, I'm a good slut, I'll wait for you naked in the cabin, ready to suck and get sodomized for your good cocks!
Hello I do not know I love to watch touching me suck for info especially if there are beautiful buttocks
I'm going to go tomorrow it looks good
I was there last Friday afternoon. A lot of people. Had the pleasure of making a great plan: thank you to the 2 active guys who joined me in my cabin. It was choosy and good !! I plan to spend there tomorrow (Tuesday June 1st) in the afternoon
I will be there on Sunday June 27 to suck and get fucked
I'm going tomorrow noon to suck see more Very want to empty ...
Big desire to go Sunday at the beginning of the afternoon Want to suck and have it taken and at the same time it would be the top Kisses
I would have a good time around 4 p.m. .... big urge to pump
Cc For those who do not know, I just did a scouting tour: You need a map to be able to go down to the cabins. And the card is either € 15 for a DVD to choose from in the store and which the seller will put in the DVD player behind his counter. Or a zapping pass at 20 € for 2 hours. The convertible tops are € 4 for 3, on the right when entering.
an asset to accompany me and take care of me at 2 p.m.?
I will be there today from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. approximately. Real TBM, kif show off my cock and my ass (no anal). Will be naked or jock in the cabin with the door open. Notice to voyeurs / exhib, I like to see beautiful hairy asses. Wank sucks if RECIPROCAL feeling
I will be fine today at 2 p.m., in lingerie and heels, but I would like to be accompanied by an active
Hello it's open Very want to do my bitch soon
Who is coming tomorrow around 2 p.m.? I'll be there.
Who goes here, I don't know
I was there today from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (booth 11), after a long time without being there. I was not deceived !! Friendly and warm welcome, as usual !! ... And great cabin plan, with 2 TBM males with whom I played the bitch !! .... Huuuummmm .... I'm going back next week !!! ...
There was atmosphere ... this afternoon. An HF couple, both totally naked in an open-door cabin, 2 guys have invited each other, beautiful "show".
I'll be there from 1 to 3 p.m. to empty some good tails!
I'll be there tomorrow morning around 10 a.m. Who is hot?
motivated workers today or Monday ??? MP so interested, very hot ....
Thanks to the 2 guys who broke my ass yesterday, so good. And drizzled with juice in the end. Great.
Who for tomorrow Friday afternoon around 2:30 pm?
I will be there tomorrow Monday May 3 from 1 p.m. Tbm for plan jerks off and sucks with tbm only.
if all goes well and I come to Paris at the end of June, at the beginning of July, I will go there to suck and get caught
Will there be people today? Who plans to go there today?
Thanks to the guy who wore a green trench coat for this very hot moment (Thursday 29th around 1:30 pm). Looking forward to meeting you again;). Do not hesitate to contact me.
I'll be there in half an hour ...
I confirm my visit Wednesday probably from noon ... Work in heat is looking for beautiful tails ...
1st visit yesterday, I was made very welcome, the cabins are very clean. 6-7 people when I arrived ... overall I have experienced worse, still had a little fun!
Hello I plan to go there next Wednesday or Thursday ... Would like to stroke, lick and suck nice cocks ... and more ...
I will be there today from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Real TBM, will be naked or almost stiff cock in open cabin to show off well. Notice to voyeurs/exhib, I like to see beautiful hairy asses. Wank sucks if reciprocal feeling.
Someone to pick up or to pick me up around 1:45 p.m.?
I'm going to go for a walk around 3 pm to see if there is good cock, I'm in serious need of cock.
Hello Back after 3 weeks of leave From Monday I will be traveling by the week I am looking for a hotel where I could freely receive in the evening having bothered at the reception Or accommodation by the week I am two passive also like wear under female clothes see defoie clothes In mp Bis au coquin
I confirm: I'll be there ... Wig bottom skirt In "in heat" mode
Present around 5pm, it closes well at 7pm ?! Me young exhib ready to be pumped and pumped in retuurn write to find each other easily
I confirm, I'm going tomorrow ... Around 4 p.m. Will there be one or two BM guys?
I went there Thursday, very disappointing few people and a couple in a double cabin who monopolized the attention of static maters. Not really fun, I got pumped by a gifted old man, at least I did not waste my time too much but I especially came to get fucked and the watchers who only watch the exhibits without acting it to me left on my hunger Well I would go back there since everything else is closed and the outside places are not secure, trise period for our rear end!
Open this Saturday ?! Would like to be initiated by someone who knows how to suck and more if affinities write to me can be there in 1 hour
I am thinking of going there on Wednesday ...
Sabine or sabin who are you talking to
Sometimes you wonder if people can read ...
Hello everyone I would like to know if the cabins are open and the opening hours thank you very much for your answer
hotboyparis19: just a little bit of curiosity:
During transport time, I would be there from 3 p.m.
I will be there today from 12:15 to 1:30 p.m. approximately. Real TBM, will be naked or almost stiff cock in the cabin door open to show myself well. Notice to voyeurs / exhib, I like to see beautiful hairy asses. Wank sucks if mutual feeling.
Want to suck tomorrow around 1:30 p.m.
I am amazed that it opened
Great desire to pump straight there in an hour ... my ass is available if guys plug me in ... I bring poppers, gel, condom ... by the way, I love taking care of the guy who keeps his mask. ..l
Yes the cabins are open, I was there yesterday
hello I would like to know if sex shops are accessible to people with reduced mobility. thank you for answering me in MP.
Hello everyone, do you know if the cabins are open
It is open! I went there saturday
Guess it's closed during lockdown, yes? No ?
Hello, will you be open in the coming days to buy gadgets?
Hi, how is it going please?
I will be there today from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm approximately. Real TBM, will be naked or almost stiff cock in the cabin door open to show myself well. Notice to voyeurs / exhib, I like to see beautiful hairy asses. Wank sucks if mutual feeling.
I would like to spend there during my lunch break. How does it happen??
it looks nice this place. never been ? is it expensive to access the cabins?
Correction: I'll be there between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. :)
I'll be there tomorrow (Friday) from 5 to 7 p.m. Young slut, dressed as a female, very nice ass. I will be naked blindfolded with the door open to my cabin to wait for your tails :) Hot to be duplicated. Biz
I will be there today from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm approximately. Real TBM, will be naked or almost stiff cock in the cabin door open to show myself well. Notice to voyeurs / exhib, I like to see beautiful hairy asses. Wank sucks if mutual feeling.
Great clean place nothing to say unforeseen passage after a meeting ended early thank you to the 2 mouths which my well emptied Thursday afternoon
I'm there from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. today to empty some good queues!
Message for the attention of fr_col_01 Why blacklist me without waiting for my answer .... ?? Not available today but this weekend it would have been possible and with my dog but hey .... shame ..... thank you to those who will see this message to report ... thank you
Cc qui Tomorrow morning I can be in the cabin for 2 hours to pump, preferably more than 40
I will be there around 12.45, a big desire to pump in the chain, to receive cumshots and to be fingered .... All under poppers ....
Good evening, I want to go back soon Big desire for a big cock in my mouth and ass want to take full in the mouth and enlarge my little hole
Cc I'm available on Tuesday afternoon around 4 p.m.
All the cabins taken two people before me too much waiting, part postponed until tomorrow
I'm there in 45 minutes to pump and see more dressed in female lingerie
I'm going to go between 2 and 4 p.m. I want cocks it's spring!
I went there yesterday at the beginning of the afternoon ... but no cabin available when I arrived around 2pm ... and no gentleman to invite me to theirs! I was however very sexy with my fur jacket and my new wig. There were two men waiting and I did not stand in line but I went for a walk to the nearby Montparnasse cemetery, and I was followed by a gentleman who loved discovering my cock and my sexy lingerie , and who sucked me behind a big grave. He swallowed my sperm, and to thank him I kissed him, so as not to let him feast on my "nectar" alone! See you soon maybe in Odysex if they increase the number of their cabins
The corner is really open I'll come and get emptied next week
Around what time of the day am I active?
Scheduled that I am present today my I would like to know the time when there is more traffic
Cc I will be available tomorrow all day I have a 2h card to go to the cabin what is the best time thank you
Hi, who to go today. Only for transvestite.
Cc I would be there Thursday in the cabin for 2 hours
There are people in the cabins at the moment, I waited a bit before getting one but it was worth it, I got caught totally naked by a beautiful, vigorous and well-ridden quad, I recommend the place !
Cc I would be available Thursday all day and Friday morning
I was told about this place which looks nice, especially in this period when a lot of places are closed and where you can no longer flirt at night ... I plan to go there this week to give a little exercise on my tongue and lips ... Who will tell me more about Odysex? Price, accessibility? public? ... Thanks in advance
A policeman suffers contact with a scrubber Wednesday, February 10, a police officer, aged 24 and from the territorial contact brigade, was on patrol in civilian clothes, at 5.30 p.m., with five other colleagues. In the tram towards La Courneuve, the police noticed a passenger who seemed to stick to the other passengers. Then the rubbing stick comes to stick to a police officer, and puts his hand on the sex of the agent in civilian clothes. The policeman first thinks of an impromptu contact, due to the world present in the tram. But the contact lasts on several stations. The policeman does not lose his cool, he takes out his phone to film the scene and discreetly alerts his colleagues. An irrepressible urge to rub passengers Le frotteur, a 56-year-old man did not resist when he was arrested. If he started by first denying the facts, facing the video taken in flagrante delicto by the police officer, he finally admitted the facts with which he is accused. In police custody, to try to justify his actions, the rubbish man speaks of an irrepressible impulse. He rubbed in public transport
Closed .... no, I just got out of it and was there yesterday too!
I'm disgusted, I went there yesterday they closed the basement ..... it was to my knowledge the last place still open in Paris where we could meet guys in heat
Cc free from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. I don't know where to go either to Odyssex or Cassandra in Saint Ouen L Aumône
Cc I'll be there tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. or 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
A little tour around 3 p.m. ...
Re I forgot I will be there Sunday February 14 between 12:30 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Hi everyone, me c Jamel I will be in odyssex from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. passive me with good big ass and big boobs very slutty contact me if you want to fix a meeting there kisses on your cock Hum
I'll be there from 4:00 p.m. to pump
Cc I took a card of 2 hours valid when I want tomorrow I go back around 4 p.m. 4.30 p.m. in addition I dressed in female underwear tomorrow Ditto for those who want to be pumped up or see more
a big hairy massive guy interested in passive under prep on February 9 around 1:30 pm 2pm to unload his juice in my mouth or my tight little hole?
I take a cabin if one where active people are interested
Cc tomorrow at the end of the day I will spend there black jeans basketball grise with the thong that exceeds I will be in the shop lower for those who want to be pumped see more with poppers
Re I am at the hotel la perle Montparnasse for 4 nights at 500m for those who want to be sucked see more
I will be at the hotel for 4 nights if not too late I will pass before the curfew
@ suceur20 ... Thank you to you! It was super hot, horny and fun to meet you! To do again when you want to the last drop ;-)
It looks pretty good this place to me I'll go for a walk in the afternoon if you go send me a message
Who is going today? Work / passive?
Very good threesome with mecgay75 and another Bm guy! We sucked each other off, we each filed our turn until the juice, it was the foot! Thank you again for this exquisite moment ;-)
I would be there tomorrow around noon who will be there?
I would be there today 05/02/2021 in order to satisfy the present tails ... Blowjobs, massage of the tail, and fuck ... I would be in passive mode, lingerie
Cc I would be at the hotel 500m from odyssex from Monday to Friday morning hoping to have guests or appointments in odyssex
Hi, I would like to get sucked off so I'm going to take a look around 2 p.m.
The price is increased by 50%. Before it cost 10 euros to watch a movie in the cabin, today it's 15 euros. I don't want to go anymore
I'm going to do the bitch this afternoon from 2pm, I would put on thong and fishnet stockings under my tracksuit, hoping to be fertilized to the max.
Hello I could spend this afternoon around 2:30 p.m. Jerk off, suck and see more.
it's like going out in the forest at night ... memories, memories ...
Third time I have been there. The first, well, the second, blah and the third, this afternoon, great! Not many people when I arrived around 2:30 p.m. and I thought I was going to be shit ** ... In the end, I had the right to two guys to suck each other and in the end make me a double. If you recognize yourself (I was in the 17), it's when you want to redo a nice plan ;-)
I'll be there from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. in female underwear For guys to relieve
The only time I went there was a couple, I must have been lucky. I would like to fall on you Lalybay
This place sucks if you like young or even drinking guys. There are only very old guys who are particularly repulsive and who also insist. Yes it is true that from time to time there must be a young lost but personally I have never seen one. And I went there each time at favorable times, that is to say around 6 pm during the week when there was no curfew or on Sunday afternoon. In addition it is expensive because for 2 hours you have to pay 18 euros. In short, it is a waste of money and unnecessary time. Unless you like very old and repulsive guys, I don't recommend anything.
Frankly the person at the reception is super nice! However after a good 10 dozen times I always come with old and dirty guys who open the doors to pay you 2s cock outside and get out. Looks like the living room is walking so many people do nothing and spend their time in the middle of the hallway. I'm working in latex and frankly the guys who go there to do nothing but watch you go home! We want to play
I can spend between 2:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m. I will stay upstairs: quieter, cabins available all the time. Available for caresses, wanks ...
I went there around 4pm. I had a great time with a youngster. He ate my cock, then I lick his ass for a while to get it ready for my cock. He let me fuck her little pussy for a long time. He was a super nice guy and very talented.
I come back to a moment. It was the first time that I set foot there and I do not regret at all :-) It is true that it turns, it dull but I had a good meeting. All it takes is one person at the right time. We sucked each other off and he fucked me for 2 hours. I think to go back tomorrow at the very beginning of the afternoon .....
Down with the boxman there is a cruising ... the c, is just cabins, it's not the same thing ... and indeed on Saturday morning c one of the deadliest moments of the week
I went there on a Saturday morning if I say no nonsense frankly that was my disappointment there was no one I fucked an old man with a beautiful hairy ass but like there were 3 guys in all I stayed 3 hours I sucked a cock also of a guy suit and tie but if you are the very greedy type like me you may be hungry .. it's not like the Boxxman ^^
The place is very good and generally cool, since everything else is closed, everyone disembarks ....
I'm going to go see tomorrow anyway I'm curious
Ah, how I was a bad language! Yes lol will know what they hope for ...
I am used to the place, but now I pass my turn ... as long as there are sanitary measures I will not go back ....
Down if, the proof when I was there a while ago, a couple took the large cabin on the left, And so 4 or 5 old people sticking to the door ... why? Wonder what they were hoping for ....
And bah it's not all that folklo lol! In other words, a couple here ... there is almost zero chance!
I went there at 4 p.m. ... damn c not possible .... only old suckers .... who do not understand when you say no ... c no need to show her ass or her tits when we say no .... And it walks in the corridors, it goes up and it goes down the stairs ... it's not a cruising guys .... I can't wait for the other places to reopen so that these guys retuurn to the atlas Or other...
I spend around 4 p.m. want to pump under poppers see more
If someone is there, can he tell me if there are a lot of people waiting for a cabin to get off? The last time everything was full and I had to wait 20 minutes ....
C4noire and wolfgrr guys read the previous messages, it's explained 1000 times lol
Hello, I would like to visit this place. If you can explain to me
Hello, I would like to visit this place. If you can explain to me
Hello, I would like to visit this place. If you can explain to me
Hello, I would like to visit this place. If you can explain to me
Hello, I would like to visit this place. If you can explain to me
Hi I would like to test this Friday January 29 around 2 p.m. ... if someone can explain to me how it works please? And also know if there will be people to empty me ???
The other sex shops on the street, is it worth it?
Well I'm there ... I'm waiting at the entrance ... it's apparently full ... I don't understand why they don't let in ... we don't come for the movies ...
how is it going to take a cabin send me indication or explain by leaving a msg thank you!
Hello I would be as usual at the hotel maine 500m from the odyssex being alone and bi passive I will book for 4 nights my for 2 people so I could receive at the end of the day or for the night
Michelrp75 wow you have a pussy instead of your bullet hole we thought hahaha mdr lol
It was party time this afternoon between 4 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.
Good morning to you, Woman, couples or pretty sexy trans trav today in one or more cabins? I think I'll be there around 3:30 p.m.
Hello everyone would like to know for a guy who comes to empty himself if it is necessary to take obligatory cabin or not?
For Leadersex You buy a card at the entrance (2h 18 euros) and it is Carlos and his colleague who manages: you file your card and he gives you the booth number (up or down) or you can watch the movies and do whatever you want. For a leader ...
We will be in the cabin from 3:45 pm tomorrow We will leave the door ajar for voyeurs!
I'm there cabin 20 In bitch outfit
Hello, I'm going today Wednesday January 20 early afternoon It's been a while since I dressed as a slut but without a wig Very want to be made available mouth and ass bluntly I love the juice Kisses to everything hour
good not much pity I'm going back to bed
We went there as a couple Thursday January 14 around 5pm A first !!!! we appreciated the atmosphere of the shop which makes you want to go down to the basement, in the cabin. So we took couple cabin n ° 12 The place is very exciting, we left the door closed and just allowed to hear, not to see a man who asked us to open .... Next time , why not leave the door ajar and allow you to be seen through the mirrors of the four walls of the cabin, the idea excites us a lot !!!! See you soon !!
Well those who frequent the place at the moment, tell us how hot is it fucking showing off? Please tell us about your experiences, not enough testimonials ...
Want to go Tuesday 19th But with the curfew at 6 p.m. it makes it a bit complicated as I live in the provinces But I'm going to try to arrive for 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. because I really want to suck and be sodomized and make me fill my mouth and ass well i love to swallow
C card booths you take the duration you want from memory c 12 eur 1h of booth
I will go this weekend for the first time. Are they still coin-operated cabins? How's it going ? Thank you for you directions! I hope to meet people. I'm too hungry!
I should be there tomorrow between 11:00 a.m. and 1:00 p.m.
Cc for my last night in Paris this week I hope to find one or more queues to empty at the end of the day
Hi went there this afternoon between 3 and 4:30 p.m. Nice and pleasant moment with a very sexy black. I loved it if he recognized himself.
I'm going there today from 2pm to 4pm to pump some good tails!
This place one day crowded with people another empty: / but very hot :)
Don't know, plan to go tomorrow around 3 p.m. People for a good time?
I went there dressed as a slut, not many people, we'll go tomorrow
This Tuesday January 12 from 1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. passive good lope exibe blindfold and poppers mask the ass looks lubricated ready for work and anal in the cabin door between open for several assets.
I would be there from 5 p.m.
I'm not dressing up my tomorrow at the end of the day I'll be dressed like a bitch under my jeans
If necessary I will take cabins
As it is one of the last places still open or it's fucking, difficult to find a cabin still free .... The last time I had to wait 20 minutes to be able to go down ...
Tomorrow would be dressed as in profile picture to empty the tail end of the day
Tomorrow would be dressed there as on profile picture to empty the tail
I would be there on Tuesday January 12 from 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. approximately. passive good lope blindfold and poppers mask the ass looks lubricated ready for work and anal in the cabin door between open.
Bjr hotel maine hotel of gaiety also closed who would know a hotel pre a sex shop at a correct price thank you
Yes it's open, it's pretty clean
Hello traveling every week in Paris I am looking for a discreet hotel to organize a discreet evening between guys 3 or 4 I am bi passive see another passive and two active From Monday to Friday morning
want to go there today to make my breasts fondle and jerk off; will there be people around 11:30?
couple 45 she 53 hairless plump, can accommodate very vicious couple for side by side at home, no men alone, do not ask for a photo of you so no need to ask us, description requested but without fuss or blah, we are looking above all sympathy, complicity, simplicity and above all piggy enough, do not hesitate to write to us, non-commercial and serious announcement
Hello everyone, is it possible to come by work in this place?
I will be there for 12.30, with poppers very eager to pump and receive cum .... I will be well put my fingers in the c ... While I suck ...
Thanks to everyone who came yesterday. Madame had her ration of sperm and sex. Nice day for us
I will go pump on site tomorrow around 12h hoping that there are free cabins ... and cock to pump ...
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