
Cruising spot gay in Liffré

proposed by miforet35  (16/07/2020)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Liffré
Area :  Bretagne
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Mi-Forêt : en venant de Rennes (A84), 1ère sortie Liffré, au rond point à droite, passer le restaurant L' Escu de Runfao (ex Reposée) et suivre la route jusqu'au bout (il y un haras), prendre à droite, environ 1km plus loin, après être passé au dessus de l'A84 il y a 3 petits parkings sur le coté gauche et 3 autres 500 mètres plus loin.
Address :
Route Forestière du Grand Coin
35340 Liffré

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20 d. ago
Qui aujourd’hui message en MP

24/12/2024 in 12h30
I'm there at the end of the afternoon

23/12/2024 in 13h26
Any males to be emptied in the forest these days? Preferably late afternoon, at nightfall 5:30-6:00 p.m.?

22/12/2024 in 10h51
Qui aujourd’hui ?message en mp

08/12/2024 in 12h38
si la météo se calme un peu je passerai

08/12/2024 in 09h37
Quelqu'un dispo aujourd'hui ? j'ai envie d'aller y sucer des queues autour de 18h00

08/08/2024 in 18h32
I spend 9-10 p.m. there

04/08/2024 in 21h27
@softail Cool ! j'y serais mardi soir pour pomper au jus

04/08/2024 in 20h16
@harald35 Ça arrive, j'ai croisé un mec a poil il y a 15 jours dans ces heures là...

04/08/2024 in 19h18
Crowded in the evening during the week around 9-10 p.m.? Would like to try an exhibitionist plan, carry around naked and suck cocks...

29/06/2024 in 17h42
Même expérience que phil avec goldwing35 , des insultes en plus et un commentaire mon compte , un fou

29/06/2024 in 09h15
Goldwing35... Un gars qui blacklist et traite les gens de mythos sans raison. Ne te réabonne pas le site, ce ne sera pas une grande perte. Rappel des faits : je suis resté 45 min sur les 3 parkings (& nous étions plusieurs). Ta voiture (modèle indiqué par message après l'heure du rdv) est passée deux fois SANS se stationner ! Je t'ai demandé plusieurs fois où tu étais stationné, si le rdv était ailleurs que sur les 3 parkings... Je n'ai eu que des messages désagréables, un mauvais commentaire me traitant de mytho et un blacklist.

05/06/2024 in 01h23
Since the good weather is retuurning, I'm going to resume my habits: from 4:30 p.m. on Monday and Thursday of next week. I'm waiting for nice cocks and cumshots on my tongue.

30/05/2024 in 10h54
Would there be people there today between noon and 2 p.m.? Contact by PM or directly on site. There are parking lots on both sides of the road, which side is preferable to meet?

20/05/2024 in 20h23
Anyone around here tomorrow noon?

19/05/2024 in 08h10
I will come for a walk today from 9.30 to 10.30. Want to suck and good hot milk. PM me if interested

06/05/2024 in 22h28
Endroit sympa mais désert ce midi.

06/04/2024 in 20h44
Je viendrai marcher demain vers dix heures. J’en profiterai pour sucer les queues juteuses que je croiserai.

14/01/2024 in 13h42
Qui aujourd’hui ?message en MP

25/11/2023 in 01h35
Given the cold coming and the winter time, it would be good to set appointments around 1:30 p.m. I want 2 things: a nice cock to suck and which ejaculates in 10 minutes (fed up with 30 minute blowjobs for almost nothing) or if requested, a well-prepared anal sex announced.

01/11/2023 in 13h09
Du monde aujourd'hui?

20/10/2023 in 01h59
Bad weather sets in as does the hunt: we lost a lot of time. Is there a transfer to Thorigné? On the first day off hunting I will still be in my favorite place around 4:30 p.m., even if the ground is a little wet.

15/10/2023 in 02h46
Le site si riche devient triste : peu fréquenté (y'a-t-il eu un problème ?) et parmi les présents, des marcheurs qui ne connaissent pas les codes. Revenez-y !

04/10/2023 in 02h16
Ce mardi j'ai eu un grosse satisfatcion d'un "étranger"( 7 éjacs !)Attention, la chasse est commencée, donc privilegiez les lundi, mercredi? VENFREDI ET we.

01/10/2023 in 18h05
Y a du monde en ce moment ?!

13/09/2023 in 01h14
Ce mardi 11 septembre, encore une heure pour rien. Il y avait des voiitures et quelques mecs mais apparemment pas pour la drague. Cela devient désolant : les belles heures de ce lieu idéales seraient-elles passées ? La prochaine fois je prends des cartes de visite avec mon surnom et un moyen de me joindre. Mais, est-ce que les habitués du site sont-ils encore idèles à ce lieu et est-ce qu'ils sont abonnés à ce site web ?

18/07/2023 in 13h38
Who today? women couples or men.. message in pm

08/06/2023 in 02h25
J'y serai ce jeudi 7 juin vers 15 h : j'ai hâte de goûter !

08/05/2023 in 01h42
I impatiently await the retuurn of good weather for good relations: I like the nectar of your cocks, real dessert and not what is said about it on the sites of gay stories. If I suck and swallow it's because the perm is a real mil.

21/04/2023 in 01h47
Great disappointment: hardly anyone, even though the weather was fine. In 2 hours I had the right to a blowjob (one that I had already sucked) with a good taste of sperm. Etque damn! Where are you ? I will be back on May 2 or 3: if the weather is nice, show up around 3 p.m.

20/04/2023 in 01h15
Why is this place deserted or almost: 1h30 of cruising and sometimes 2 pipes, one of which is weak! I will definitely be there this Thursday around 5:15 p.m.!

09/03/2023 in 11h45
Trav Betty get today

05/03/2023 in 16h36
Of the world ?

04/03/2023 in 13h33
Trav Betty available Thursday March 9 receive

13/02/2023 in 01h52
ce lundi 13/02 je serai à15 h 45 pour 1 heure : 2 ou 3 bites à sucer à fond ! Le barbu habtuel.

02/01/2023 in 12h08
Crowded this afternoon?

16/12/2022 in 09h26
Passing by this afternoon to make me suck

10/12/2022 in 01h32
I'm tired of waiting. IT'S cold and I only flirt for 1/4 hour. This Saturday the 10th I'm alive for a nice cock, or 2 and 3. I'll be there around 4 p.m.

20/11/2022 in 09h07
I'm going there tonight at 6:30 p.m. to suck cocks at nightfall. Round and massive wall males very welcome.. I'll most likely be naked in my car.. and in the woods.

29/10/2022 in 13h02
De monde cet après midi?

15/10/2022 in 14h33
Crowded this afternoon?

11/10/2022 in 14h15
People tonight?

08/10/2022 in 01h09
Surprised to find nothing these days (except Tuesday and Thursday): this Friday I surveyed in search of a good blowjob: nothing! And it's been going on for quite a while. Did something happen that reduced the number? In principle, I'll try again on Monday around 4:30 p.m.!

02/10/2022 in 18h48
People right now?

24/09/2022 in 01h57
I don't understand that with the favorable weather I haven't found any of those who like my blowjobs. Does anyone have an explanation?

22/09/2022 in 01h39
This Thursday 22 I'll be there from 5 to 6.30 p.m.: I'm waiting for nice cocks with 5 to 6 cumshots.

18/09/2022 in 18h31
Are there people there right now?

14/07/2022 in 02h39
vendredi 15 entre 16h et 18 h je veux sucer et avaler bonne liqueur, y comprisàrépétition et voyeur éventuel. Je suis u habitué du lieu et ma barbe ne doit pas effrayer ; j'aime les éjacques sans spsms mais préfaère les beau coups avec 5 à 7 spasmes.Je drague plutôt près du parking de droite n allan ur St Sulice. A bon baiseur, salut !

21/06/2022 in 19h15
Trav betty passing Friday, June 24th late afternoon

01/06/2022 in 06h33
I will be there Friday from 8 p.m. Kisses

16/05/2022 in 10h38
Qui ce midi, à Mi-Forêt ??? Laissez moi un message ! Bisous

15/05/2022 in 19h05
Good evening everyone I'll be there tomorrow Monday, hoping to meet someone, who knows.

15/05/2022 in 18h14
Who early evening?

07/05/2022 in 16h33
Hello, I'm going to walk tomorrow morning 11.00 a mi forest. If anyone wants to get sucked, let me know.

06/03/2022 in 17h20
People in the late afternoon?

11/02/2022 in 01h14
Avis à cux qui le souhaitent : ce vendredi après-midi, entre 15 et 16 h 30( pas après) je serai heureux de connaître 3 ou quatre jus différents. Mon signe : barbe.

31/12/2021 in 10h17
7 blowjobs ... Mytho ... :-)

31/12/2021 in 01h32
Surprising: very busy place but no other registered, hence the difficulty in making appointments, simpler than the ordinary flirtation. The redoubt led me there this Wednesday and Thursday: in all 7 blowjobs including 6 well decorated! But it becomes too risky if my inhabitants are not there, when there are people! (I count about 18 regulars) Contrary to what is said the taste of sperm is sublime! Winter will put an end to that, long live spring.

17/12/2021 in 01h49
Come on, another possibility this Friday around 3:30 p.m. 4:30 p.m.: please be ready to give juice, that's my reward.

16/12/2021 in 01h39
Vendredi de 15 h 30 à 17 h 30 : dernière séance, venez pour je goûte votre sirop ! Après il faudra attendre le printemps.

15/12/2021 in 02h28
Ce mardi fut maigre :deux très bonnes et abondantes suettes avec des éjac à 5 t 7 coups: quel bonheur fugace que cette liqueur qui se pose en rythme sur la langue ! et ce goût de miel!! Peut-être à vendredi vers 16 h (fin à 17h). Bises à mes jureurs.

14/12/2021 in 00h24
This Monday between 3 and 5 pm: the foot, I was able to do 5 beautiful fellatio including a double at 1 minute intervals, to the satisfaction of my males who are becoming regulars. Thanks to them, beautiful ejaculations with spasms (between 4 and 7) and delicious liquors, cheaper than coffee and tastier! If the weather allows it, I will be there again on Friday between 3 p.m. and 4:30 p.m .: provided that at least 8 ° C and no wind. If you want a specific date, say so.

07/12/2021 in 17h47
Hello would be there on Monday December 13th the day sent message if interested 9h 17h

28/11/2021 in 00h07
Now the time has passed from outdoor fellatio: I'm looking for a nice cock with a good cumshot indoors in Rennes or near to the east.

16/11/2021 in 19h24
Damn I just passed, no one tonight ...

16/11/2021 in 05h20
Cc I would be in the middle of the forest from 10 p.m. this Friday. Black Clio. Looking forward to

14/11/2021 in 01h07
On a walk, Sunday November 14, late afternoon...

22/10/2021 in 02h15
I'll be there this Friday between 4 and 5 p.m. to suck and swallow some good cumshots!

11/10/2021 in 17h04
On a late afternoon stroll...

05/10/2021 in 11h18
Small tour in the early afternoon ...

04/10/2021 in 18h18
I'm there until 9 p.m. white Peugeot boxer van

03/10/2021 in 14h33
Anything this afternoon?

29/08/2021 in 18h05
Présent. Y a du monde ?!

13/08/2021 in 18h29
It's a shame I'm on Villejean

12/08/2021 in 18h20
People tonight ?!

08/08/2021 in 19h40
From the world now?

19/07/2021 in 13h20
Who finally afternoon?

15/07/2021 in 08h16
People at the end of the day today?! Around 7/7:30 p.m.?!

02/05/2021 in 14h58
Is there anyone at the moment?

22/03/2021 in 09h47
Hello Who to get sucked I also receive otherwise I leave my number but contact only by SMS

26/11/2020 in 14h56
hello there is someone this afternoon around 4:30 p.m. to take a little ass hurt me sms at 0603652891

11/10/2020 in 16h07
Passive beautiful ass nipples of female for real active guy. In mp if you want a good bitch

26/09/2020 in 17h28
Hi looking to re. meet home who kissed me well on Saturday noon 26.09.2920 Me very beautiful tanned ass rather slutty. I liked being yours. Contact me.

29/08/2020 in 15h34
hello ... who to suck me tomorrow morning sunday?

20/08/2020 in 17h57
Hello . A couple tomorrow around 3pm?

12/08/2020 in 00h56
Who is available in the evening serious plan not Mito that of reality and mutual Pleasure

07/08/2020 in 21h15
Who is available in the evening late enough for a good sex plan

03/08/2020 in 12h13
I'm going today if it says somebody give me a sign

10/06/2020 in 20h41
Who Available for plan jerks sucks in the evening after 9pm?

03/06/2020 in 08h09
I'll take a walk in the afternoon to see if there is a guy to take

02/06/2020 in 15h56
Who will be available in the evening after 9pm this week?

02/06/2020 in 08h29
is there a lot of people this afternoon to take care of a little hole that likes cock between 3.15pm and 6pm

25/05/2020 in 21h09
Hi, who is available in the evening for a caress plan, jerks off, sucks an appointment in the middle of the forest, a real plan

14/04/2020 in 16h57
SLT bi for nice plan available in the afternoon or evening 206 blue

11/02/2020 in 11h44
hello there this Tuesday around 3 pm space 5 black

18/01/2020 in 07h07
What good give appointment and never come ?? There are some who really have nothing to do but fun to waste the time of others ... to the wise ... hello

17/01/2020 in 10h27
Cpl 35 I will go there. If you see a black motorcycle .....

16/01/2020 in 11h05
we will be the low Friday around 15heure

16/12/2019 in 13h30
we will be tomorrow vers14 time with my boyfriend for trio with one or more I'm greedy

14/12/2019 in 15h31
thank you for this great trio yesterday again I hope

10/12/2019 in 15h37
I spend tonight would be naked in my car 18h30-20h00, I pump any tail that present

31/10/2019 in 12h02
Lope sexy 48 years for real active guy: likes to get spanked little slaps on the face and crude words. Me fucked by a male who so desire to show myself and to share me. I fuck has hair live or bitch down and collar and hood. PLEASE GIVE ME WANT IN STATING SCENARIO

29/07/2019 in 11h34
Hello, World midday (woman or couple)? Fancy a cheeky break with shared pleasures ... Restate me in MP

25/07/2019 in 19h28
Who tonight after 22j30 to get sucked take my dog ​​and especially m water the breasts cum sticky Trav sexie and very salooe available to all night I also like to be treated like a whore bised

17/06/2019 in 12h23
Yes I will be there bb

16/05/2019 in 13h48
Lope sexy 48 years (sometimes trav down POPPERS string ..) RESEARCH WORK ALREADY CONFIRMED FOR GIRLFRIEND APM LINGERIE AND MAKE UP TO MAKE ME VERY FEMELLE.GOUINAGE OK BUT AM SEE acitve PASSIVE TO SEE ... For real active guy: love receive spankings little slaps on the face and crude words. Me fucked by a male who so desire to show myself and to share me. I piss and cum me live hair or dog down and collar and cagoule.PLan Sauna ok PLEASE GIVE ME WANT IN STATING SCENARIO

27/04/2019 in 14h12
CONTACT IN MP BUT I AM NOT subscribed ... Seeking guy over 40 regular plan for active magnet kiss my piss on me and fill me in my mouth. Live like finding myself a coat or bitch with poppers ... Me very nice ass nice sexy body good submissive bitch and playful

23/04/2019 in 13h26
Available for Live Sex active plan. Can be a naked or lope trav. Poppers good bitch exib so desire.

28/11/2018 in 16h19
someone wants to be milked by a greedy mouth? I spend in the forest tonight to 18.30

20/11/2018 in 19h01
I went a while ago (Nov. 20) at 18h there was a pretty Working in his white car Clio if the person is recognized not hesitate to contact me via private message thank you

08/11/2018 in 21h27
It there's someone tonight to suck or more?

21/08/2018 in 10h51
Not many people would say it

16/08/2018 in 17h31
World available next week ??

08/08/2018 in 08h53
Are there in the world?

07/08/2018 in 11h41
Pity available and interested aparament person but I would have this afternoon all the same.

06/08/2018 in 16h34
Who goes there tomorrow? Morning or afternoon whatever! If possible woman or couple. Send me a message if you vouler.

22/01/2018 in 16h51
I'll be there tonight between 19:00 and 20:30, my mouth was available for hedonists, would have hair

09/01/2018 in 12h24
I spend this evening between 18:30 and 20:30. Like me carry around a hair at night and make me matter when I impale myself on the towbar of my car .. My holes was available ..

04/12/2017 in 15h34
The guys available?

28/11/2017 in 15h52
I'm available for the guys?

28/11/2017 in 13h45
Guys at the end of the afternoon? Hetero / bi and only young!

12/09/2017 in 15h54
Guys Bi / Straight to drain in between friend outside? Around Liffré Exterior plan. Mec 18 to 35 years !!!!

08/08/2017 in 20h16
Who available tonight quiet plan outside guy in bi / hetero Twinks! Motion / Juice ultra discreet and fun! Come PV

07/08/2017 in 15h38
Young guys for appointment this evening or tonight? Send private message sinn jme moves not!

03/08/2017 in 07h04
I go in 30/49 minutes just to be clear BI / Straight? Quick discreet map without fuss

02/08/2017 in 17h25
Hi guys? Straight guys to drain between buddy! Come in pv guys! Me young well-hung guy looking for delirium among pal!

02/06/2017 in 15h24
Who joined me for 16h plane motion between young bg-hung?

10/05/2017 in 11h21
Guys will be there this afternoon? Plan underway sucks juice from young guy if possible! Make signs guys!

20/04/2017 in 11h56
That this afternoon? Young guy for discreet quick plan without fuss! Come in pv pr appointment

18/04/2017 in 15h26
Who will be there in 1 hour plane between young bloke motion sucks juice quiet!

27/03/2017 in 13h50
Young lecs around 16:30 for peaceful plan?

05/01/2017 in 15h00
Who tonight youth sportid discreet bi? 5:30 p.m. / 6:15 p.m. ....

02/01/2017 in 16h21
5 p.m. to 7 p.m....

02/01/2017 in 14h51
I'll be there tonight! The sporty young guys bi / hetero? For quiet and discrete plane ??

27/12/2016 in 11h52
Who's going to tonight? young

24/05/2016 in 13h10
Who goes there ? I'll be there Friday or this weekend !!!!!

29/04/2014 in 16h46
The world tonight?

29/12/2013 in 09h59
I will come good walk just for women or couples this week journée.MP

14/11/2013 in 14h00
looking woman or couple halidib@hotmail.fr

13/11/2013 in 17h55
Emilie19: You're everywhere at once or only mytho ...?

13/11/2013 in 17h55
Emilie19: You're everywhere at once or only mytho ...?

19/09/2013 in 20h04
Arghhhh !!!!!!!!!!! And after noon, you come too ??? :-)

04/09/2013 in 12h36
That this afternoon? From 14 to 17.30 ...

28/08/2013 in 13h07
Oops !!! J forgot: My ass "all tanned" :) Reminder passage: before any possible appointment, I like to see a picture (Ok profile) who, or rather what ... ;-)

28/08/2013 in 11h42
Yesterday great! :-) Who for my ass this afternoon?

13/08/2013 in 02h17
I'm going twice ... person

25/07/2013 in 08h25
It was at where?

18/07/2013 in 18h20
navy blue Dacia

17/07/2013 in 11h56
Monday there was a cpl of the Channel, fully tattooed every 2! Someone saw them?

02/07/2013 in 17h24
Hi, what is the age range? me 25 years I look for guys my age there he's my age the of this?

25/06/2013 in 14h40
Hello, I would be 15 to 17 days ... :)

24/06/2013 in 23h23
White Clio I try to make me pump the evening around 17.45 on Tuesday, Monday and Wednesday A more

26/04/2013 in 15h23
J 'there was yesterday and before yesterday and really not many people !!! Except of course the usual frantic / drawn by a single car drive forward, which barred the they saw that this was not a cpl in while it's at least 20 times they go around !!! And that spin, and rotate .... I say to you: the Diesel is still quite expensive !!! :-) super nice plan anyway: a black Break !!! great guy friendly and not complicated! ;-)

13/02/2013 in 21h23
It's dead tonight person: O (

13/02/2013 in 20h28
I am to 20:45 I want to make a splash before bed.

29/09/2012 in 20h12
No active in the corner tonight?

09/09/2012 in 16h56
No woman a couple or a trans ille and ugly !!! someone just tell me where to find real sex

26/08/2012 in 13h12
'm interested :-)

24/08/2012 in 13h56
J were there yesterday and I took a good shot in my butt: Extra! :-)

03/08/2012 in 13h56
They say may be to discourage ca ...

01/08/2012 in 20h05
I go there very often and know people there and never heard of that!

26/06/2012 in 11h26
Alban: it is odd, when a couple is walking by the bottom there is rather a lot of people to follow the ...

25/06/2012 in 20h04
We were there yesterday couples and people took care of us

03/06/2012 in 10h53
I am for the morning

27/05/2012 in 19h30
jy'd tonight

24/05/2012 in 19h18
Sorry, I was there this afternoon: Very nice :-) from elsewhere and would go back tomorrow but probably in the after noon ....

07/05/2012 in 19h48
poppers: we find more! banned in France! Snifff ....

07/05/2012 in 18h55
Valerie is also trav?

05/05/2012 in 16h33
there are moving from time to time ...

04/05/2012 in 16h50
I know ny'm never at this hour: by cons in the after noon they turn ... but doing nothing

04/05/2012 in 14h00
Do anyway blunder cops ...

04/05/2012 in 14h00
Do anyway blunder cops ...

01/05/2012 in 12h37
not too young, it's a shame for the way ...

… close history