Hotstore (Sexchop and Ciné x)


Cruising spot gay & straight in Namur

proposed by rosetto  (17/01/2025)

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Type : Cinema gay & straight
City :  Namur
Area :  Namur
Country :  Belgique

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Huge shop with a lot of choice, a bit expensive but wise advice. Presence of 2 movie theaters, one for straight people and the other for LGBTQI +, very clean place. Possibility to rent a dungeon too ;-) Very nice encounters to do !!!

Website :
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Phone : 081 658 444

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01/12/2024 in 23h59
Anyone on Tuesday after 4pm?

07/09/2024 in 10h58
Anyone here this afternoon?

30/08/2024 in 13h30
I will be passing by on September 6th. I am not from here, for a couple with a bi man.

25/03/2024 in 10h06
Want to come and discover the cinema on Saturday, who can show us around (+45 years old desired, chocolate welcome)

12/10/2023 in 18h32
Hello, we will be at the Namur x cinema this Wednesday, October 18 in the afternoon. We are looking for men to satisfy Madam. You will not be disappointed with her good blowjobs. Please answer us if you are interested.

16/05/2022 in 06h13
hello we will be present this Wednesday 18 for a party of sex men invited for my wife if you are interested contact us for their

21/04/2022 in 11h47
Bonjour Couplefou, oui j'aimerais vous rencontrer. Contactez moi en MP.

21/04/2022 in 11h34
Bonjour si vous êtes intéressé par un couple libertin nous serons disponibles les mercredis sur rendez-vous

09/09/2021 in 16h42
Hello we will be at cinema X on Tuesday September 14th around 1 p.m. Nice cocks are welcome

12/08/2021 in 17h36
We went there and we recommend this place for couples. If there is no one, the manager contacts men and you don't have to wait long for them to arrive. Very clean place

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