H2O SAUNA 100% male


Cruising spot gay in Béziers

proposed by simonblue  (22/10/2024)

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Type : Sauna gay
City :  Béziers
Area :  Occitanie
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Any new gay sauna in Béziers (Hérault). The property is equipped with a Jacuzzi, dry sauna, steam room, smoking room, back rooms, cabin glory holes, sling, evening themes (see website), bar, snacks ..

Website : http://www.h2o-sauna.fr
Address :
Phone : 0954907041

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2 d. ago
peut être jeudi après midi en cabine glory hol je suce si quelqu'un veut venir s'occupé de moi du temps que je suce c'est avec plaisir

3 d. ago
Fin mars en cabine glory suce et donne mon cul en cabine

6 d. ago
Qui me rejoint ce soir Je suis pass

6 d. ago
Bonjour je serais dispo demain apres midi dimanche au H20 , je cherche bon baiseur

6 d. ago
salut . Demain samedi 8 , j'y serai a partir de midi .

7 d. ago
Qui y va ce soir ?

10 d. ago
who thursday early afternoon? i will be at the cabin with holes downstairs to suck cocks and see more depending on the excitement

12 d. ago
le 2 en soiree

13 d. ago
Salut j'y serai ce soir

13 d. ago
ce soir dispo rase lisse ch enculeurs no bla bla plan direct

14 d. ago
I am available from Thursday March 6th in the afternoons, I am passive if anyone wants to accompany me

15 d. ago
quite a few people this afternoon, good mouths, good cocks

15 d. ago

16 d. ago
je suis dispo a partir de jeudi 6 mars les aprèms suis passif

16 d. ago
cc de passage ch plan direct pref h mur ch sodomites moi rase lisse aime jouir du cul

16 d. ago
Qui cette Après midi 26/2 ?

20 d. ago
salut , demain samedi je serai au sauna a partir de midi .

21 d. ago
si je trouve pas de couples samedi a recevoir chez moi qui ma compagne au sauna ?

23 d. ago
bonsoir qui samedi soir ?

26 d. ago
Any volunteers to join us there this afternoon?

30 d. ago
Anyone here this afternoon?

04/02/2025 in 13h58
Salut à tous Au h2o vendredi 7 après midi Mec actif passif chaud exib vicieux pour plusieurs mecs Envoyez mp

02/02/2025 in 09h16
Passing by this afternoon.

02/02/2025 in 08h39
Après midi saunas Des volontaires pour nous y rejoindre ?

01/02/2025 in 17h39
Anyone out tonight?

31/01/2025 in 23h53
Good evening, Monday early afternoon? I'll be down at the cabin with holes to suck

31/01/2025 in 22h39
hi; tomorrow is saturday, it's kiki day. If you want to fuck, I'll be there from noon.

25/01/2025 in 00h20
I'm a regular at the club during the week in the afternoon, and I'd like to try it on Saturday night. I've been told it's pretty hot with lots of active people.

24/01/2025 in 22h51
Hi. Tomorrow, Saturday, I'll be there from noon. Shall we fuck?

18/01/2025 in 18h43
Good evening, I have the flu and I won't be there on Monday as planned, sorry.

18/01/2025 in 15h37
Passing by on Sunday afternoon...?

17/01/2025 in 15h17
Monday 20th around 1:30 p.m. I will be under the Glory Hole to suck cocks if someone wants to join me underneath to jerk me off or maybe more while I suck it's with pleasure

17/01/2025 in 15h16
lundi prochaine vers 13h30 je serai sous la Glory Hole pour sucer des bites si une personne veut me rejoindre dessous pour me branler ou peut étre plus du temps que je suce c'est avec plaisir

14/01/2025 in 20h59
Erreur pas mardi mais lundi prochaine vers 13h30 je serai sous la Glory Hole pour sucer des bites si une personne veut me rejoindre dessous pour me branler du temps que je suce c'est avec plaisir

14/01/2025 in 19h16
mardi prochaine vers 13h30 je serai sous la Glory Hole pour sucer des bites si une personne veut me rejoindre dessous pour me branler du temps que je suce c'est avec plaisir

14/01/2025 in 10h17
la semaine prochaine l'après midi je serai sous la Glory Hole pour sucer des bites si une personne veut me rejoindre dessous pour me branler ou autre du temps que je suce c'est avec plaisir

12/01/2025 in 10h38
Who's going this afternoon?

11/01/2025 in 18h36
Who's going tonight?

08/01/2025 in 11h55
No active this afternoon? If no response I won't make the trip

05/01/2025 in 17h55
Hello, happy new year to all, I will be there on Wednesday 8th from 2 p.m. I want to get fucked so come in large numbers, my ass will be at your disposal at the round table or in the cabin, as you wish, tell me

05/01/2025 in 07h36
Salut à tous Je compte me rendre au h2o vendredi prochain l après-midi Actif passif j aime exib plan à plusieursssss mots crus Me faire sucer bouffer de la bite me faire dévorer le cul Et comme on dit plus si affinités Envoyez moi message privé Peux donner tel Bonne année de sexe !!!

03/01/2025 in 21h29
good evening next week in the afternoon I will be under the Glory Hole to suck cocks

28/12/2024 in 20h55
Who tomorrow afternoon?

20/12/2024 in 19h28
Passing by on Saturday afternoon to have some fun...

20/12/2024 in 09h46
Hello, who is this afternoon?

14/12/2024 in 09h32

13/12/2024 in 15h13
I'll be there tomorrow Saturday 14th around 8pm. I hope to find a valid queue or someone to fill my ass.

13/12/2024 in 06h05
hot gassed this APM can of taboo puts me at the disposal of male no selection am good female dog not to fold insult you offer me to whoever you want accessories possible ask me in private (collar dog hooded blind etc)

11/12/2024 in 21h34
présent ce vendredi 13/12 pour me faire loper dresser utiliser souvent gazé au poppers peut de tabous, fessées (légères) crachat suce fond de gorge forcé sodo )en solo a deux ou plus vous pouvez me partager m’offrir , no selection uro possible insultes, suis bon lécheur de Q suis bonne lope à abuser, humilier insulter on peut parler du plan en PV et se donner rendez vous. peut venir avec collier, cagoule aveugle, autre accessoire sur demande.

02/12/2024 in 13h03
Qui y vas cet après-midi ? Actif passif. Mais je veux être pris aussi

01/12/2024 in 19h59
Good evening, I'm going tomorrow Monday December 2nd. If people are interested we can meet there around 4pm. I'll be there until 6pm. Want to be massaged and also massage of course (and more)

26/11/2024 in 10h02
Passing by this Sunday with a little ass to take!!

25/11/2024 in 21h01
Who is available late afternoon on weekdays around 5pm?

23/11/2024 in 20h00
Passing by Sunday afternoon... Versa ^^

21/11/2024 in 07h21
serais présent ce vendredi 22/11 pour me faire loper dresser utiliser bien gazer au poppers peut de tabous au sauna H2O. fessées (légères) crachat suce sodo ) à deux ou plus vous pouvez me partager m’offrir à votre convenance , no selection uro possible insultes, suis bon lécheur de Q suis bonne lope à abuser, humilier insulter on peut parler du plan en PV et se donner rendez vous peut venir avec collier et cagoule aveugle, autre accessoire sur demande.

19/11/2024 in 22h22
I'll be there tomorrow late afternoon from 5:30/6pm. Send me a message if you're going.

16/11/2024 in 08h20
Bonjour , petit cul a sodomiser cherche un baiseur pour cet apres midi Merci

15/11/2024 in 20h57
A passive and/or active person interested for this Saturday night? Looking for a little ass to sodomize

30/10/2024 in 21h40
I'll go during the week I'll suck at the hole cabin

28/10/2024 in 15h05
Bonjour Est-il possible pour jeudi après-midi ou soir de me faire prendre en double pénétration si intéressé tenez-moi au courant un message privé

25/10/2024 in 19h30
Good evening, possible tomorrow evening Saturday 26. Several possible, it's better. No taboos. Full-on sex evening. If you're up for it, tell me in private before tomorrow evening and I'll go to the club.

23/10/2024 in 22h47
who friday afternoon?

23/10/2024 in 16h35
Hello from the world to get sucked I'm in 15 minutes

21/10/2024 in 16h15
Qui me retrouve demain 22 octobre ? 12h 30 16 h

19/10/2024 in 11h45
Bonne lope soumise, demain dimanche, offrira son petit cul pour plan fist et remplissage. Douche de sperme et de foutre.

19/10/2024 in 10h44
Hi. Tomorrow, Sunday, October 20, I will be at the sauna from noon.

17/10/2024 in 07h13
will be there this Friday October 18th to get fucked, trained, used, gassed with poppers, few taboos in the H2O sauna. slaps, spanking (light), spitting, sucking, sodomy) for two or more you can share me, offer me at your convenience, no selection possible uro insults, I am a good Q licker, I am a good slut to abuse, humiliate, insult we can talk about the plan in PV and make an appointment I can come with a collar and blind hood, other accessories on request.

13/10/2024 in 10h28
On all fours blindfolded little ass offered I receive in direct plan poppers

12/10/2024 in 19h49
Good evening. Tomorrow Sunday 13th, I will be at the sauna from noon. Last Sunday, I had a good afternoon. It fucked well, a bit everywhere and especially in the sauna. I hope it will be as good tomorrow.

08/10/2024 in 10h02
Hello les actifs. Je suis de passage dans la région et je vais cette aprèm mardi découvrir ce sauna. J’ai un look viril avec barbe Mais en fait je suis une réelle salope aimant la queue Alors vient me rejoindre et n’ai pas peur je ne mord pas ! Je suce ;-) Reconnaissable avec ma barbe et mon anneau autour des couilles. À toute

05/10/2024 in 21h51
Hi, I will be there tomorrow Sunday October 6th from noon.

04/10/2024 in 21h06
qui demain 5 octobre soirée No light

04/10/2024 in 09h11
Hello, an active one today

02/10/2024 in 11h56
Who wants to empty their balls in a whore this weekend? All plans

18/09/2024 in 15h31
Envie de me faire pisser dessus et dedans.idem pour le foutre. Plan dilatation et fist poppers très apprécié Qui demain après midi

14/09/2024 in 14h52
Qui demain après midi intéressé par une bonne lope soumise à démonter ? Grand mince lisse recherche mecs pour me fister et me faire boire votre jus doré et crémeux ? Laissez message

13/09/2024 in 22h59
who next week afternoon? want sex

13/09/2024 in 00h25

04/09/2024 in 10h25
Come in large numbers today, I really want to serve as a cum dumpster

03/09/2024 in 15h37
We'll see each other there, I want to be trained as a lope

03/09/2024 in 14h50
Present tomorrow from 12pm to 4pm to have me dismantled, possible to stop on the road between Narbonne and Beziers for an appointment. To your messages

02/09/2024 in 14h44
Who on Wednesday to take care of the little slut that I am? I have no taboos

01/09/2024 in 19h51
Who is joining me tonight for the no light no limits party?

30/08/2024 in 15h29
Tomorrow Saturday, bear day at the sauna, I hope to see some active and passive hairy bearded guys there to have fun

30/08/2024 in 11h34
Are there really people on the site or in this sauna? Advertisement posted 3 days ago and zero offers, that's still weird

29/08/2024 in 13h10
Hello, I am a good married slut, available first week of September, who wants to train and exhibit me, dominate me in front of voyeurs, give me an appointment, I suck no capitate, like easy ejaculation or on ass, open dress but no penis

28/08/2024 in 14h55
People Wednesday 4 to bend down like a slut I have no taboos, on the turntable in the cabin, in the glory hole or tied up as you wish I am open to everything tell me I will do it

27/08/2024 in 13h20
Assets Tuesday 2/09 or Wednesday 3/09?

22/08/2024 in 12h13
Je vais au h2o cet aprem. Esperant un max de gars gros . J aime les mecs rond humm pour bien les vider

19/08/2024 in 11h26
Who this afternoon? I'm going!

13/08/2024 in 15h43
J'aime être traité verbalement et physiquement comme une bonne lope soumise que je suis. Uro et sperme hum... j'avale. Fessée cravache dilatation fist hum.... Qui veut abuser de moi ?

13/08/2024 in 13h26
Hello, I am a good married slut, available first week of September, who wants to train me, show me off, dominate me in front of voyeurs, give me an appointment

04/08/2024 in 08h32
Passing through the opening for a good time of sex and caresses!

02/08/2024 in 21h59
Really want to offer myself to the sling, if interested pm for appointment

01/08/2024 in 18h56
Good evening, who is next week in the afternoon?

30/07/2024 in 19h24
Good evening, I'm going to Béziers on Wednesday 31 in the afternoon. I'll take the opportunity to go to the sauna if someone active wants to accompany me.

29/07/2024 in 19h16
Ultra passive guy, real big sperm sow who loves to serve as a depraved juice tank. I will be in Béziers from the 8th to the 12th for a trashy stay where I serve as a real cum bag... I would like guys who take me to the sauna to make me spin and fill me up without limits.

18/07/2024 in 11h20
I'll be there this afternoon. Sling and asshole. Come stuff me.

16/07/2024 in 15h30
Impossible ce jour d'accéder au H2O. Tous les accès fermés à cause du tour...C'est bien la première fois que des pédales m'empêchent de bander !!!

16/07/2024 in 10h49
J’y serai jeudi après-midi. Bonne lope au sling ou au trou à cul. Je kiffe le jus. MP pour contact.

12/07/2024 in 13h25
Am submitting your desire to suck under the directive of a guy Ki directs me Am available tomorrow Saturday 13 Make an appointment thank you

05/07/2024 in 14h16
Really want cocks, who would be a bossy guy to take me in hand and make me a submissive slut

05/07/2024 in 14h13
Very want cocks, who would be a directive guy to take me in hand and make me a slut

02/07/2024 in 14h46
Anybody active there this afternoon?

02/07/2024 in 13h35
bonjour qui un apres midi de la semaine ?

02/07/2024 in 09h29
Saturday early afternoon to suck and vice versa

02/07/2024 in 08h27
Hi everyone, I'm going there tomorrow afternoon, so Wednesday July 3rd, I want to relieve several guys, leave me a little message to tell me what you want.

30/06/2024 in 00h11
Looking for someone else, more available, with the pleasure of being as slutty as she is

29/06/2024 in 14h05
an afternoon letting yourself go with H20....

24/06/2024 in 08h27
I was there this Sunday afternoon. Quite a few people. I went there to fuck and finally... I got my tight little ass fucked. I loved impaling myself on your cock. If you recognize yourself, thank you. And thank you to Sébastien with whom I ended my afternoon in the hammam

18/06/2024 in 15h05
j'y suis allé le jeudi 16 juin, au début très calme et après 14 heures, joli festival de bites; A la prochaine j'adore sucer; En revanche ce jour la dans le glory hole un mec ma sucé divinement ben . je l'ai retrouvé du côté suceur et sa bouche , sa langue était fraîche. Merci . Si tu te reconnais, fais moi signe l j

06/06/2024 in 22h25
will be there this Friday June 7th to get fucked, trained, used, gassed with poppers, few taboos in the H2O sauna. slaps, spanking (light), spitting, sucking, sodomy) two or more you can share me, offer me at your convenience, no selection uro possible insults, I am a good Q licker, I am a good slut to abuse, soil, humiliate, insult we can talk about the plan in PV and make an appointment I can come with a collar and blind hood, other accessories on request.

28/05/2024 in 23h08

25/05/2024 in 15h05
Comme prévu j'y suis allé hier super après-mid, beaucoup de monde , de belles bites, de jolis corps agréables à caresser.. J'y retounre probablement lundi ou Mardi qui a envie ?

25/05/2024 in 12h26
Quelqu un y va cet après midis Je cherche un actif ou plusieurs…

23/05/2024 in 08h40
bonjour qui va demain 24 mai rJ'y serai à pârtir de 13 heures je traine dans le Glory holr

22/05/2024 in 17h23
Salope soumise à foutre à poils et à remplir. Je suce et avale votre foutre. Joli petit cul à claquer et à remplir.sodo uro et fist sous poppers. Je vous espère nombreux et chauds demain jeudi et vendredi après midi

22/05/2024 in 14h46
Qui va au sauna HeO vendredi 24 mai ?

14/05/2024 in 17h39
No one interested for tomorrow

13/05/2024 in 13h18
Hi everyone, I'll be there Wednesday afternoon to satisfy all your desires together or one-on-one, very little taboo, so make an appointment and tell me what you want

08/05/2024 in 07h44
serais présent le vendredi 10 pour me faire loper dresser utiliser bien gazer au poppers peut de tabous au sauna H2O. gifles fessées (légères) crachat suce sodo ) à deux ou plus vous pouvez me partager m’offrir à votre convenance , no selection uro possible insultes, suis bon lécheur de Q si l'on me force suis bonne lope à abuser souiller, humilier insulter on peut parler du plan en PV et se donner rendez vous je peut venir avec collier et cagoule aveugle, autre accessoire sur demande.

07/05/2024 in 23h17
Who on Monday the 13th afternoon?

02/05/2024 in 07h42
semaine prochaine du 8 au 11 dispo pour venir me faire loper dresser utiliser bien gazer au poppers peut de tabous au sauna H2O. gifles fessées (légères) crachat suce sodo ) à deux ou plus vous pouvez me partager m’offrir à votre convenance , no selection uro possible insultes, suis bon lécheur de Q si l'on me force suis bonne lope à abuser souiller, humilier insulter on peut parler du plan en PV et se donner rendez vous je peut venir avec collier et cagoule aveugle, autre accessoire sur demande.

28/04/2024 in 14h24
Bonne chienne soumise à fister très hard.douche uro et sperme. Fessée cravachée dilatée je serai votre pute. Rdv sms

16/04/2024 in 13h58
Who this afternoon Tuesday 16 04 I go there from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m.

15/04/2024 in 11h13
Bonjour, jy serai cet après midi de 13 h à15h30

11/04/2024 in 13h12
this Friday afternoon 12/04 Lope well gassed with poppers few taboos in the H2O sauna. slaps spanking (light) spit sucks sodomy) two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no selection uro possible insults, I am a good licker of Q if I am forced I am a good slut to abuse soil, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in PV and make an appointment I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request.

09/04/2024 in 08h38
I will be there this afternoon

08/04/2024 in 06h27
great club, it's always lively in general. Too bad there isn't a party all about bi, trans, cross-dressers, gay

07/04/2024 in 09h26
With my guy today for a no taboo plan...

05/04/2024 in 21h34
Good passive ass for active tomorrow in this place to make me grope, and much more. I am also Active and enduring.

31/03/2024 in 11h43
a crazy saturday, no more free lockers,

26/03/2024 in 18h16
samedi aprem, de 15 à 15h deux teteurs lecheurs pour bouffer des queues et des cul

24/03/2024 in 19h47
Who tomorrow, early afternoon?

23/03/2024 in 14h36
samedi 23 vers 16h30 pour les deux cotes du glory hole

15/03/2024 in 17h00
I'll be there Saturday 16th from 9:00pm... Who wants my tight little hole?

15/03/2024 in 12h51
Sunday, March 17 afternoon, a female dog in heat will be bred by a multitude of males. Showered with piss and cum. Hard fisting under poppers. Easy to recognize me, I have a sword tattooed on my back and pubis. As a submissive, insult me ​​directly, it excites me.

15/03/2024 in 07h32

15/03/2024 in 07h03
this Friday afternoon 15/03 Lope gas well with poppers can of taboos in the H2O sauna. slaps spankings (light) spitting sucks anal) with two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no selection uro possible insults, I'm a good licker of Q if I'm forced I'm a good slut to abuse defile, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in minutes and make an appointment. I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request.

14/03/2024 in 01h57
Friday 03/15 Lope under poppers few taboos I make myself available with the authorization of my Dady to whom I must tell everything in the H2O sauna from the start of APM. slaps spankings (light) spitting sucks anal) with two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no uro selection possible hamam shower level insults, I'm a good licker of Q if I'm forced I'm a good slut to abuse defile, humiliate, insult we can talk about the plan in minutes and make an appointment I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request under prep.

08/03/2024 in 09h48
tomorrow Saturday 9/03 Lope under poppers few taboos I make myself available with the authorization of my Dady to whom I must tell everything at the H2O sauna from the beginning of APM. slaps spanking (light) spit sucks sodomy (ssr) two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no selection uro possible level shower of the hammam insults, I am a good licker of Q if I am forced I am a good slut to abuse soil, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in PV and make an appointment I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request under prep

03/03/2024 in 14h15
Hello I'm going it's this afternoon who's going

02/03/2024 in 09h50
Hello from anyone interested in Monday February 4th, please share with someone who is willing to drop without moderation and at your service?

28/02/2024 in 23h05
Superb discovery 1st visit today and really top establishment very clean with many cuddly corners and above all lots of pretty stems a real treat

26/02/2024 in 21h48
Who Tomorrow between 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.?

26/02/2024 in 16h27
Who tomorrow early afternoon?

24/02/2024 in 17h06
hello who next week in the afternoon?

23/02/2024 in 11h30
Sexbinica I receive

23/02/2024 in 11h25
Sunday early afternoon...

20/02/2024 in 14h52
Hello, who is coming next week in the afternoon?

17/02/2024 in 02h00
Me guy looks virile for guy(s) group sex slut available

16/02/2024 in 21h25
jeanjonie you're not coming to the saunas on Saturday anymore? I was counting on you...

16/02/2024 in 21h15
Hi, I no longer come to the saunas, I am no longer in the land at Puissalicon, small air parking lot on the road to Bédarieux, where active people pass through there, I am always open for your success and to be taken in my camper van

16/02/2024 in 10h26
today Friday Lope under poppers a little taboo I am available with the authorization of my Dady to whom I must tell everything in the H2O sauna from the start of APM. slaps spankings (light) spitting sucks anal sex (ssr) with two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no uro selection possible hamam shower level insults, I'm a good licker of Q if I'm forced I'm a good slut to abuse defile, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in minutes and make an appointment I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request

15/02/2024 in 09h35
Hi big slut stoned passing through the saunas on Saturday for the first time looking for active people with endurance for the whole afternoon I'll be in a white thong so as not to miss out

13/02/2024 in 08h46
Who this afternoon 13/02 at the H2o sauna?

10/02/2024 in 08h48
Who comes to get emptied in my mouth and my ass

09/02/2024 in 12h11
Hi, who's going today? I really want to

06/02/2024 in 07h21
Hello who today between noon and two for sex?

04/02/2024 in 17h47
who one afternoon during the week?

22/01/2024 in 16h50
maybe tomorrow afternoon

22/01/2024 in 15h52
who on Wednesday afternoon to fuck me with a lot of lubricant?

22/01/2024 in 15h21
Wednesday from 2 to 4 p.m. to enjoy the black room and hammam

21/01/2024 in 23h04
Who tomorrow from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. for shared pleasure?

15/01/2024 in 19h32
Who tomorrow afternoon Tuesday 16

11/01/2024 in 11h28
Bi teddy bear for uro plan, offer me...

11/01/2024 in 09h27
Lope under poppers few taboos I make myself available with the authorization of my Dady to whom I must tell everything today Thursday at the H2O sauna from the beginning of APM. slaps spanking (light) spit sucks sodomy (ssr) two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no selection uro possible level shower of the hammam insults, I am a good licker of Q if I am forced I am a good slut to abuse soil, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in PV and make an appointment I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request

07/01/2024 in 16h17
Who is interested in fisting and fucking hard a good submissive slut in the next few days??

07/01/2024 in 06h37
Great afternoon at H2O, lots of people this Saturday and a very very hot sauna.

06/01/2024 in 19h57
who tomorrow at H2O?

05/01/2024 in 21h13
Hello, do male/female couples come to H2o? I would like to come with a very close partner, we are a bi couple, both very naughty, very liberated, practically no taboos

04/01/2024 in 15h12
meilleurs horaires et jours pour la frequentation du H2O

31/12/2023 in 18h06
my religion is made, H2O+++, the other: blah blah blah

28/12/2023 in 18h38
tomorrow afternoon from 1:30 p.m.,

26/12/2023 in 12h41
I'm there this afternoon from 2pm come fuck me in the fuck hole.

19/12/2023 in 12h06
Hello bi active could I find some cool guys today?

17/12/2023 in 16h33
Tomorrow December 18, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. Good mouth

16/12/2023 in 21h35
qui le 26 apres midi ?

15/12/2023 in 12h14
I'll be there around 1 p.m. I am passive, looking for a cuddly relationship Blowjob and more if affinity I'm waiting at the jacuzzi

14/12/2023 in 23h00
Lope under poppers can be taboo I make myself available with the authorization of my Dady to whom I have to tell everything today Friday at the H2O sauna from the start of APM. slaps spankings (light) spitting sucks anal sex (ssr) with two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no uro selection possible hamam shower level insults, am a good licker of Q if I am forced good slut to abuse defile, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in minutes and make an appointment I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request

13/12/2023 in 22h10

13/12/2023 in 21h46
who Friday afternoon?

05/12/2023 in 12h15
who tomorrow am to suck me 3pm

27/11/2023 in 10h48
which Monday afternoon around 2 p.m.???

24/11/2023 in 09h10
Lope under poppers can of taboos I am available with the authorization of my Dady today Friday at the H2O sauna from the start of APM. slaps spankings (light) spitting sucks anal sex (ssr) with two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no selection uro possible insults, am a good licker of Q if I am forced, am a good slut to abuse defile, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in minutes and arrange to meet I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request

23/11/2023 in 00h46
Lope under poppers can of taboos I am available with the authorization of my daddy tomorrow Friday at the H2O sauna from the start of APM. slaps spankings (light) spitting sucks anal sex (ssr) with two or more you can share me offer me at your convenience, no selection uro possible insults, am a good licker of Q if I am forced, am a good slut to abuse defile, humiliate insult we can talk about the plan in minutes and arrange to meet I can come with collar and blind hood, other accessories on request

19/11/2023 in 18h43
Guy looks virile, bottom, looking for accomplices same profile to organize a group fuck in a sauna.

19/11/2023 in 14h18
WHO Monday afternoon around 2 p.m.???

17/11/2023 in 18h48
Tomorrow Saturday afternoon I submit for uro and sperm plan. Fist dilatation poppers soft or hard. Plurality OK

17/11/2023 in 15h34
Or tomorrow afternoon???

17/11/2023 in 10h21
Anyone late afternoon or evening today?????

14/11/2023 in 10h31
Are there people during the week?

14/11/2023 in 07h36
Who goes there at 1 p.m.?

12/11/2023 in 22h13
Qui mercredi 13h45 ?

11/11/2023 in 21h58
Who Tuesday afternoon for sex?

04/11/2023 in 21h40
Who next week in the afternoon?

29/10/2023 in 08h51
who this afternoon?

28/10/2023 in 14h34
Qui cet après-midi ? Je vais pas tarder à y aller je pense a 15h

23/10/2023 in 13h01
Who's joining me this afternoon?

21/10/2023 in 06h24
Bonjour , j y serais cet apres midi pour m offrir , si qqun interessé ?

20/10/2023 in 19h27
ce message s'adresse à l'homme de Narbonne qui a passé quelques temps avec moi cet AM dans une cabine. S'il se reconnait j'aimerais qu'il prenne contact

20/10/2023 in 16h30
Hello, who is Monday afternoon for sex games?

20/10/2023 in 08h20
really want to serve as a urinal in the hammam on my knees in the corner of the shower...

19/10/2023 in 07h46
I will be at H20 this am, who will honor me...?

18/10/2023 in 22h11
Who on Saturday afternoon?

18/10/2023 in 16h54
which tomorrow 10/19 at the glory hole from 3:30 p.m.

18/10/2023 in 11h59
Who to hang out with this afternoon?

17/10/2023 in 15h07
Thanks to those who took turns fucking me while I offered my ass to the fuck hole. I enjoyed the one who came in spurts then left for a few moments before pounding me again. It lasted a while. A treat. I'll be there again next Monday.

16/10/2023 in 13h07
I'm there from 2pm. Come fill me up in the sling or the glory hole.

15/10/2023 in 17h52
Who tomorrow afternoon? For sex

14/10/2023 in 20h08
Who Monday afternoon?

14/10/2023 in 12h22
Sauna this afternoon early evening...active guy for passives

04/10/2023 in 10h24
Hello, who this afternoon?

20/09/2023 in 22h21
I'll come by tomorrow from the opening to suck some good cock

19/09/2023 in 09h39
nice time between noon and two... Lots of tails and mouths

19/09/2023 in 08h45
Are there people between noon and two

18/09/2023 in 18h00
Thanks to the guy who sucked me this afternoon! The best, it's been a long time since I've been sucked like that!

18/09/2023 in 16h02
Coming tomorrow from the opening

18/09/2023 in 14h06
Who this afternoon??

17/09/2023 in 01h25
Hello, this afternoon for a rather hairy passive guy

15/09/2023 in 14h01
I'll be there from 4:30pm. Come fill me up in the sling or empty yourself in the glory hole. PM if interested

11/09/2023 in 15h09
Merci au pompeur qui m’a sucer plusieurs fois. Si t’es là…. Dommage que je sois parti tôt , je me serai bien amusé avec le couple (dont un très beau minet, un cul d’enfer) si vous êtes là les gars

11/09/2023 in 11h13
What about this afternoon?

09/09/2023 in 09h10
of the world at the beginning of the week

30/08/2023 in 11h55
Who's interested tomorrow afternoon in fisting a slut?

30/08/2023 in 11h22
I will be there this afternoon around 2:30 p.m.

30/08/2023 in 09h29
this afternoon around 1:30 p.m.

29/08/2023 in 10h55
Je vais sûrement y retourner cette après-midi je suis bi plutôt passif

28/08/2023 in 14h40
J'y retourne cette après-midi vers 15h

28/08/2023 in 05h36
J'y suis allé dimanche après-midi vraiment super je me suis éclatée il y avait beaucoup de monde vraiment très sympa . Merci a tout ceux qui m'ont défoncer

27/08/2023 in 18h46
I'll be there tomorrow between 1pm and 3pm, meet at the glory hole

27/08/2023 in 10h00
I went there last night really very nice. So I will surely go back there this afternoon. I want to get caught.

26/08/2023 in 15h37
Who is available this afternoon here or elsewhere?

25/08/2023 in 19h26
I will be at the sauna on Sunday afternoon...

25/08/2023 in 16h27
great sauna I went there last Wednesday and I had a great time right away... really want to go back

25/08/2023 in 16h02
Afternoon shifts?

25/08/2023 in 15h21
Anyone tonight?

25/08/2023 in 07h04

21/08/2023 in 18h09
Anyone tomorrow afternoon?

21/08/2023 in 16h41
who has already seen the pillory work, there is never anyone

20/08/2023 in 23h52
Hi everyone, I'd love to get fucked at the GloryHole while I get sucked, any good cocks available for me?

19/08/2023 in 16h11
The appointments!!!

18/08/2023 in 20h32
Who at the beginning of September in the afternoon?

16/08/2023 in 17h00
Qui pour me baiser demain après-midi ? H20 ou ailleurs. Je le baise aussi!

16/08/2023 in 14h20
bonjour, je serai le samedi 2 septembre à 20 heures pour la soirée no lihgt; Qui a envie de m'y retrouver dans le noir, Je suce la bite du premier qui me touche.

12/08/2023 in 11h16

11/08/2023 in 15h48
Anyone here tonight? I'll be there around 8:30pm...

08/08/2023 in 12h06
Quick tour this afternoon

04/08/2023 in 21h40
Good evening, still anyone during the day? Thank you

04/08/2023 in 15h53
Anyone? I'm going there in 10 minutes

01/08/2023 in 08h24
This afternoon come fuck me and fill me up with a sling. Biz.

31/07/2023 in 17h22
Hi, I'll be there tomorrow, Tuesday, August 1st. Am open and a good slut. Come and dose me with the sling and empty yourself into my mouth at the glory hole. PM for interested.

31/07/2023 in 00h20
who Monday 31 start of APM to loper me I have no taboos am a good bitch to humiliate in the cabin or in public uro ok in hamàn for example am obedient and motivated very want to offer myself and be used can take a balaclava would be well dosed poppers

30/07/2023 in 10h29
Good submissive and passive lope for uro plan and cum in the mouth and between the thighs. Fist dilation poppers.

28/07/2023 in 14h31
Bi no ci married guy and need a me. Ki makes me discover the sauna and guide me and educate me to be a very very eager slut Give your poropistions I answer all thank you

24/07/2023 in 08h15
People this afternoon???

20/07/2023 in 12h19
Anyone motivated this afternoon? MP

09/07/2023 in 14h26
A mouth available tonight in the corner

07/07/2023 in 15h19
I'll be there today in the early evening, from 9 p.m. until 11 p.m., midnight max... If there's anyone who wants to have a little fun, my mouth and my ass are available...

25/06/2023 in 14h51
who tomorrow to use me mouth and Qq in cabin or in front of public insult light slaps and uro possible

20/06/2023 in 06h21
Who to take care of me this afternoon...?

19/06/2023 in 16h12
Mec marié bi no ci et besoin d un me. Ki me fasse découvrir le sauna et me diriger et m éduquer pour être une salope très très envie Donnez vos poropistions je réponds à tous merci

13/06/2023 in 10h51
who's going this afternoon?

05/06/2023 in 13h39
Hello je vais à H2o cet après-midi. Quelqun intéressé ?

03/06/2023 in 22h17
I'll be there tomorrow Sunday around 1:30 p.m. I hope to have as much fun as last Sunday

02/06/2023 in 12h06
I go there from 12pm to 4pm in hot ass passive mode

27/05/2023 in 07h13
Anyone out tonight 05/27??

18/05/2023 in 10h10
Who interested 0627561589

17/05/2023 in 18h10
Jeudi 18 mai, de 14h à 18h, je mettrai mon petit cul à disposition pour de bonnes sodo et fist. Uro et sperme en bouche et entre les cuisses. Je vous espère nombreux et excités

15/05/2023 in 08h47
Great afternoon Sunday at the H20 sauna lots of people nice cocks to suck two fucked me well and I ended up in slut mode on the turntable sucking cocks and getting fingered by an expert in the field what happiness without forgetting the slaps on the buttocks and the work of the nipples

14/05/2023 in 08h08
Hello, Sunday May 14 from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. I offer myself without restraint to all your desires in submissive slut mode.

12/05/2023 in 09h18
Hi. I'll be there tomorrow (Saturday 13th) for the fluorescent party... I hope to find some really hard cocks there...

08/05/2023 in 18h15
looking for tomorrow afternoon man with fine sex for me soda leave me a message thank you

04/05/2023 in 13h08
Hi guys First Saturday of the month it's all dark after 8pm. Has anyone gone and, if so, are there people there?

29/04/2023 in 16h00
For my birthday I'll be there tomorrow afternoon I'm passive likes to suck and get caught

24/04/2023 in 10h54
Hi. I will be in the sauna today April 24 in lope mode. Turntable, sling. To the pleasure… biz

21/04/2023 in 17h08
I will be there Tuesday 25 from 1:30 p.m.

17/04/2023 in 19h01
Bonsoir Je me tâte à y passer d ici 30 min y a t il du monde ??

10/04/2023 in 14h53
I will probably be tomorrow April 11 in the afternoon in the glory hole, notice to anyone who wants to suck me and get sucked

10/04/2023 in 14h50
Bonor, This sauna is becoming the best in the Hérault if the Koncept in Montpellier does not move a little. I thought that the 8-day closure for work would result in modifications and nothing has changed. I believe the A+ space needs to be thought about and repackaged. I'm happy with the vibe of the H2O and its possibilities.

05/04/2023 in 08h58
Hi. I will be in the sauna today April 5 in lope mode. Turntable, sling. To the pleasure… biz

04/04/2023 in 22h43
Hi . Tomorrow, Wednesday 5, I will be in the sauna from noon. we have a nice little ass plan. Without the fuss . Just to do good.

28/03/2023 in 13h34
Who this afternoon to take care of my stiff cock

27/03/2023 in 22h09
In case of traffic problem, I will go to Paulhan area meaning Lodève Beziers or St people of Aumelas If amateurs, tell me by message

27/03/2023 in 20h40
Who's going to the sauna tomorrow Tuesday Who wants to come? if favorable answer, leave me a message

27/03/2023 in 12h46
Who this afternoon???

24/03/2023 in 08h22
I'll be in the glory hole around 1:15 p.m.

23/03/2023 in 16h08
I really want to go there tomorrow. Who frequents him on a spoir. How is it ? A lot of people ?

22/03/2023 in 22h14
Who Friday? am passive

15/03/2023 in 15h58
vendredi de 13h à 15h... pour se sucer mutuellement et pourquoi pas davantage ?

14/03/2023 in 08h55
Anyone today from 1 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.?

12/03/2023 in 22h12
Who Thursday from 1 p.m. to 3:45 p.m.? For shared pleasure

09/03/2023 in 10h34
Hello, I'll be there this afternoon from 1:30 p.m. in bitch and juice tank mode. come and stuff my ass and mouth on the turntable or the sling.

09/03/2023 in 06h25
tomorrow Friday, from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

07/03/2023 in 16h40
Nobody tomorrow?

07/03/2023 in 08h20
hello who tomorrow Wednesday between 12 pm is 15 pm?

05/03/2023 in 21h34
Who tomorrow 12:30 p.m. 3:30 p.m.?

04/03/2023 in 09h25
Ki guy wants a lope for this am ausauna, if vs put on collar and leash I will have to be your desires and offered to who vs want, message in pm quickly

02/03/2023 in 14h44
I'm a married sissy, want to be taken in hand by a male who directs me to the sauna and offers me to males, I'm shy, available Saturday March 4, give an appointment thank you kisses

26/02/2023 in 09h03
in the world this afternoon???

22/02/2023 in 21h03
Who and available tonight to suck me

22/02/2023 in 18h15
Saturday February 25, I will be there around 12:30 p.m. and for most of the day. I'm looking for nice stiff cocks...

16/02/2023 in 16h44
hello, ttbm assets tonight at the sauna. Am passive b loves getting picked up and sucking cocks

15/02/2023 in 08h10
Hi, who's joining me this afternoon? I really want to discover this place.

14/02/2023 in 13h26
People this afternoon?

13/02/2023 in 19h08
People on Wednesday from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.?

09/02/2023 in 10h10
Who on Sunday? Do you want to discover the place?

07/02/2023 in 11h06
I'll be there this afternoon in juice lope mode. Come and fill me up my ass will be opened and presented, turntable, sling etc...

06/02/2023 in 14h22
Wednesday afternoon from 2 to 5 p.m. with a friend.

06/02/2023 in 13h50
Hello I'm going this afternoon from 14 to 17 approximately

04/02/2023 in 11h05
I'm finally going there this afternoon

03/02/2023 in 18h46
Who goes Saturday or Sunday? passive/active me

02/02/2023 in 16h00
Bjr, me lope want to be taken in hand by an authoritarian guy, to be made available on sling ', want to go there Saturday from 12 to 15 pm give an appointment in pm, kisses

28/01/2023 in 21h55
Who Monday 12:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.?

27/01/2023 in 10h21
yesterday at the very beginning of the afternoon, a very warm atmosphere in the hammam, so many cocks so many mouths so many holes to probe... 2 hours of pure pleasure

25/01/2023 in 12h59
hello, I'll be there this afternoon in lope mode. Come and fill me up at the turntable or the sling.

24/01/2023 in 13h05
Bjr' me passive lope wanting sex wants to be directed by an active domit kime will make you discover the sauna and its recesses want to be at his command and be offered as a female, give an appointment

23/01/2023 in 10h00
Too much ass and not enough Cock

23/01/2023 in 09h26
An asset this afternoon? I am too ! But every time it's me. I want to receive too!!!!

22/01/2023 in 23h39
I will be there tomorrow at the beginning of the afternoon to suck and give my pretty ass to virile men.

22/01/2023 in 23h09
who tomorrow start of APM to loper me I have no taboos am a good female dog to humiliate in the cabin or in public uro ok in hamàn for example am obedient and motivated

21/01/2023 in 18h54
Who on Wednesday?

20/01/2023 in 20h52
Wednesday between noon and 3:30 p.m. I will go suck some cocks at gloryhol

20/01/2023 in 13h37
Who to suck me, see more this afternoon 3 p.m., confirm me in pm, thank you

20/01/2023 in 12h11
For Ki me lope want to be female for male ki direct me to the sauna tomorrow Saturday January 21 from 12:00 to 3:30 p.m., want to be a whore and a bukkake, make myself available on the sling, I am obedient Let try in pm

19/01/2023 in 11h48
Who tomorrow between noon is 3 p.m.?

19/01/2023 in 09h37
People this afternoon?

17/01/2023 in 10h49
Who this afternoon contact in pm

16/01/2023 in 22h23
Who tomorrow from noon until 3:45 p.m.?

15/01/2023 in 16h23
Someone in the week from 12:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.?

15/01/2023 in 06h25
Who today Sunday 15 from 1 p.m. I suck, I get sucked kiss caress and take. I'll be at the glory hole. Leave me a message before

13/01/2023 in 20h07
Available Saturday afternoon, bi passive but also enduring active BM adapts to your request. Kisses

12/01/2023 in 20h00
For Ki me lope want to be female for male ki directs me to the sauna Saturday from 12 am to 3:30 pm, want to be a whore and a bukkake

12/01/2023 in 14h22
no one replied to me, too bad, so I stayed at home, too bad

12/01/2023 in 08h04
Hello. I was thinking of going there this afternoon. 01/12 Someone to pick me up? (A stiff tail of course) And of course I can reciprocate

11/01/2023 in 16h22
So who's coming?

11/01/2023 in 16h14
I will be there at 12 p.m.

11/01/2023 in 16h02
Sorry, from 1:15 p.m.

11/01/2023 in 15h58
bonjour qui a envie de m'accompagner demain jeudi 12 janvier à partir de 18h 15 laissez message

11/01/2023 in 15h54
Who tomorrow between 12 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.?

08/01/2023 in 21h10
I will be there tomorrow Monday. Sling, glory hole, turntable, come fill me up.

08/01/2023 in 16h59
Looking for fine sex to take me gently for maybe an afternoon of the week thank you

03/01/2023 in 19h19
A man with sex end for the month of February to take me? Hmmm

30/12/2022 in 21h46
I'm looking for a group of men to ejaculate on my balls one afternoon in a back room

27/12/2022 in 21h38
I really want to go there tomorrow Wednesday 28 from 1 p.m.

16/12/2022 in 19h44
Hello, I'll be there Saturday, December 17 in the afternoon in Active mode to please your little asses. I'm quite efficient, I like to take my time and get high.

12/12/2022 in 10h25
lundi 12/12 vers 13h environ au H2O, je suis actif et porterai un cockring et si tu aimes sucer tu me prends la queue directement en bouche sans hésiter pas de blablas, tu me lèches les couilles (le cul aussi si tu aimes) même et surtout devant d'autres mecs j'adore être maté. Ejaculation en bouche impératif. JE PRECISE QU'IL N'Y AURA PAS DE RECIPROQUE. Je suis clean, VIH négatif, hygiène irréprochable j'attends bien sur la même chose de toi. Si j'ai un empêchement de dernière minute je laisserai un me message ici. Contact par message privé.

11/12/2022 in 08h35
An asset to join me at the sauna h20 beziers? I'll be there at the opening or at appointment time Private messages for appointment

10/12/2022 in 17h21
Who invites me to the sauna on Monday afternoon?

09/12/2022 in 21h30
Who Monday afternoon?

08/12/2022 in 18h03
People tonight around 7:30 p.m. to take care of a good stiff tail

06/12/2022 in 16h22
Saturday at the beginning of the afternoon to suck and vice versa....

05/12/2022 in 07h24
On the loft this morning someone to suck me off?

30/11/2022 in 07h18
Hi everyone I will be there at the beginning of the afternoon very vicious rather passive and swinger I like having my ass eaten and I love sucking cocks facial ejaculation and crude words very welcome

28/11/2022 in 07h04
lundi 28 à partir de 12h30 environ au H2O, je suis actif et porterai un cockring rouge et tatouages épaules si tu aimes sucer tu me prends la queue directement en bouche sans hésiter pas de blablas, tu me lèches les couilles (le cul aussi si tu aimes) même et surtout devant d'autres mecs j'adore être maté. Ejaculation en bouche impératif. JE PRECISE QU'IL N'Y AURA PAS DE RECIPROQUE. Je suis clean, VIH négatif, hygiène irréprochable j'attends bien sur la même chose de toi. Si j'ai un empêchement de dernière minute je laisserai un me message ici

28/11/2022 in 01h34
Monday 28 between 1:30 p.m. and 5 p.m. who to fuck me and submit me

26/11/2022 in 15h34
Who Monday between 12:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.?

25/11/2022 in 15h39
hello who on Monday 28 between 12:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.?

24/11/2022 in 17h50
Someone Monday between 12 p.m. and 3 p.m. for rascality?

24/11/2022 in 12h51
I'm around Béziers station between 5:30 and 6 p.m. I would like to jerk off a cock or empty myself in super express in public toilets around the station. I'm listening to you

22/11/2022 in 01h25
Hello jy seraile 22/11/2022 from 1 p.m. to suck as many cocks as possible. Big consumer of sperm, do not hesitate to come and give it to me. I have a towel around my neck, and often I wait patiently for someone to fill my mouth either facing the videos in the back or in a large room with a mattress facing the hammam.

19/11/2022 in 14h44
Of the world ? This afternoon

17/11/2022 in 18h24
hello, people around 7:00 p.m. to take care of a very hard tension?

13/11/2022 in 16h39
People tonight

11/11/2022 in 19h04
Who tomorrow afternoon

11/11/2022 in 17h13
Want a spanking

11/11/2022 in 10h49
I will be this afternoon at H20, I am bi passive

11/11/2022 in 10h32
Hello, who is joining me today?

08/11/2022 in 13h08
Thursday at the beginning of the afternoon, to suck lick and vice versa...

07/11/2022 in 22h18
Look for a fine sex to take me

07/11/2022 in 18h53
I'm going there Thursday 10 in the evening.

07/11/2022 in 13h48
Passing by on Thursday

06/11/2022 in 16h28
Submissive slut to be fucked and fisted, will serve as your empty balls. I like to be verbally and physically treated like the slut that I am. Shower of cum and piss will be appreciated. 0627561589

05/11/2022 in 16h54
Passing through France sauna H2o since the guys do not move from their car on the places of cruising... Long live Spain

31/10/2022 in 13h39
Anyone for me this afternoon?

30/10/2022 in 09h20
Passive submissive for uro cum fisting plan

30/10/2022 in 08h56
Plan fist hummmm

30/10/2022 in 00h56
Who Sunday for a moment of pleasure?

22/10/2022 in 10h41
Cet après-midi bonne salope met sa bouche et son petit cul à disposition. Je bois votre pisse et j'avale votre foutre. Plan fist poppers.

21/10/2022 in 16h02
Bonne salope passive et soumise à couvrir de pisse et foutre mettra son petit cul à dispo pour defonce anale et fist. Ce week-end après midi

20/10/2022 in 18h04
I would go there tomorrow Friday 21 around 5:30 p.m. I hope to find a nice valiant cock not too thick to deflower my ass...

17/10/2022 in 08h51
Are you available or?

09/10/2022 in 14h05
demain lundi 10 bonne lope soumis do cile s'offre à homme vcx pour plan en cabine ou en public insultes baffes et fessée light pompe lèche Q pied sodo uro prêt à autre mâle vcx et actif suis à utiliser souillé humilier prise de rendez vous possible je oeut aussi apporter cagoule et masque aveugle

07/10/2022 in 14h55
Hello everyone, I will be at the H2o on Saturday October 8th all afternoon. I love getting screwed by very well-hung guys (see very well-hung guys). Kisses to all and see you Saturday! I am 1.66m tall with a small mustache and a small white goatee

02/10/2022 in 20h02
who Wednesday 5/10 installs me in the pillory

30/09/2022 in 17h30
bonjour J'y serais mercredi à partir de 13 heures

27/09/2022 in 14h36
Qui cet aprèm ? J'y vais je suis actif passsif

22/09/2022 in 18h20
I'll be there tomorrow Friday in bitch mode. The big one with the beautiful cock who banged me last Monday, gives a taste of his juice and who I found in the shower, it's when you want...

13/09/2022 in 11h19
Contact me in pm for appointment

13/09/2022 in 07h34
I will be there from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. to pump the max of tailed and collect the max of sperm. I put my briefcase around my neck and I have my black watch. Take out your tails without blabla.

12/09/2022 in 12h41
I'll be there this afternoon in lope mode to fertilize.

11/09/2022 in 13h57
Hi everyone this afternoon?

10/09/2022 in 13h22
Who's going Saturday afternoon? I am active/passive

02/09/2022 in 20h55
I will be in the sauna on H2O on Saturday September 03, 2022 from 12:30 p.m. I am passive, but not inactive. See you tomorrow afternoon

31/08/2022 in 09h16
Suite erreur de frappe Envies y aller aujourd’hui j attends mec directif pour me prendre en main et me loper envie bukkake . Donnez rdv ici merci. A toute

31/08/2022 in 09h14
Want to go today I'm waiting directive guy to take me in hand and miss me want they drank. Make an appointment here thank you. See you later

28/08/2022 in 19h36
Hello I've never been in a sauna and I really want to take the plunge

28/08/2022 in 15h33
I went there on 08/27/22, great I can't count the sucked cocks and the mouths that sucked me

28/08/2022 in 11h22
Sissy married to take in but for bukkake give appointment am available Wednesday 31 I want to be female for directive guy

27/08/2022 in 22h20
many people this afternoon, there was something for everyone. Big activity at the gloryhole

21/08/2022 in 16h40
Passive and submissive slut will kneel in front of your cocks to be flooded with your cum and piss before offering you her pussy in anal fisting

20/08/2022 in 10h00
Very good atmosphere Nice welcome And there is a bit of everything to have a good time Which can be hot or harder depending on the Present … but in general it's good

20/08/2022 in 01h11
hello I am passive who knows this sauna

13/08/2022 in 17h31
Who's going tonight?

13/08/2022 in 09h58
Hello who knows this sauna well?

10/08/2022 in 22h49
Married Lope want bukkake that doses me tomorrow Thursday 11

05/08/2022 in 11h01
Plan moved to cavalry

05/08/2022 in 08h16
This afternoon from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. I really want to get fisted and pump cocks. I especially like to occupy the slim, maze and Uro shower toilet. Interested announce yourself.

04/08/2022 in 16h43
I will be there tomorrow Friday afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. I really want to get fisted and pump cocks. I especially like to occupy the slim, maze and Uro shower toilet. Interested announce yourself.

31/07/2022 in 12h41
I'm going to go there to relax tomorrow (August 1) I'll be there around 12:30/1:00 p.m. and I'll stay there until 3:00 p.m. Craving for cock...

30/07/2022 in 14h05
L'autre jour a H2O je me suis fait prendre par belle longue queue! Homme grand cheveux cours grisonnant ! Si tu me lis ! Fais moi signe.

28/07/2022 in 15h50
Quite frankly this afternoon only old suckers and wee touches with huge belly. I stayed there for two and a half hours, a disaster. I knew better there.

28/07/2022 in 11h49
I'll be there this afternoon in juice tank mode.

21/07/2022 in 16h19
I go to H2O who joins me

20/07/2022 in 14h28
Anyone in the h2o today?

18/07/2022 in 23h21
I'm looking for assets for sex in the sauna

15/07/2022 in 17h29
I'm looking for a juicy fister for an afternoon this week

15/07/2022 in 13h05
Bonjour. Qui peut me renseigner sur les moments préférables et horaires pour y aller? Avec cette chaleur y a quand même du monde? Merci

13/07/2022 in 20h55
who's going tomorrow July 14?

13/07/2022 in 20h51
I'm also looking for info. I believe it's open I'll be there around 1pm

13/07/2022 in 19h42
Anyone know if it's open tomorrow July 14th or not? I can't find the info

11/07/2022 in 16h09
Who next Friday afternoon? To fuck and fist me like the slut that I am.

11/07/2022 in 12h18
Of the world ?

09/07/2022 in 14h00
Hi world?

07/07/2022 in 16h40
Great meeting on Monday afternoon. I was well fucked in the cabin opposite the hamam. If you recognize yourself, beautiful tail, hairy, tanned, we do it again whenever you want.

06/07/2022 in 22h08
Nobody tomorrow from 1:39 p.m.?

06/07/2022 in 06h33
I will be there tomorrow from 1:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m.

04/07/2022 in 10h58
I'll be there this afternoon in lope mode. I pump, I swallow and I fuck BBK.

03/07/2022 in 14h53
People this week for all games I suck I swallow

26/06/2022 in 09h38
I renew my message to the attention of the guy I met on a Thursday afternoon and who fucked me well in the hamam then in the sling. I won't give more details about you out of respect, but if you recognize yourself, you had a magnificent tail. We rolled a hell of a shovel and you smashed me well with the sling. I didn't dare disturb you in the shower where we met and then in the locker room, always out of respect. Contact me in pm if you want to do this again.

24/06/2022 in 10h46
Who goes there in the early evening between 7 and 10 p.m.?

18/06/2022 in 16h02
I got screwed by a guy on Thursday afternoon in the hamam and then in the sling. Gorgeous tail. If you recognize yourself, it's when you want.

15/06/2022 in 20h04
I'm going tomorrow early afternoon. If you want to join me contact me

15/06/2022 in 00h11
hello someone to make me discover the club Thursday afternoon?

13/06/2022 in 20h43
A lot of people during the day?

30/05/2022 in 12h09
who to suck me this afternoon, see more, contact me in pm, thank you

19/05/2022 in 18h33
If I don't finish too late, I'll be there on Friday evening to suck some good cocks and see more

18/05/2022 in 14h54
I'm going Monday, May 23, which to deflower my anus. I really want to

10/05/2022 in 21h23
Who goes that sister over there

10/05/2022 in 14h53
Lope can of taboos I make myself available tomorrow Wednesday at the H2O sauna from the start of APM. slaps spankings (light) spitting sucks soda (ssr) two or more you can share with me, no selection uro possible insults, am a good licker of Q if I am forced am a good lope at abusing soiling, humiliating insulting we can talk about plan in PV and make an appointment I can come with collar and blind balaclava.

03/05/2022 in 17h46
Friday afternoon, a good shaved whore, pubis and tattooed back, will serve as your urinal and will offer you her anal pussy for good dilations in fisting and poppers. From 2 p.m.

03/05/2022 in 15h35
Why is the best time to go??

03/05/2022 in 09h22
Hello. I want to go to H2O Béziers on Thursday or Friday. When is the best time to go? Thanks

01/05/2022 in 15h42
Who is interested in pouring his juice into the face of a good whore and who will work her little ass in good fisting plan? I'm waiting for your proposals for Thursday, Friday or weekend afternoon.

25/04/2022 in 07h26
so many people this Sunday of the second round... jostling at the glory hole, the very very hot sauna, and a lot of very welcoming good mouths and beautiful cocks to suck... A 2-hour treat, to start again

21/04/2022 in 19h22
anyone Thursday night?

21/04/2022 in 15h04
can someone from Clermont take my PV tonight

21/04/2022 in 13h14
I am there at 1:30 p.m. to empty a maximum of queue. I sit in the dark facing video of hab. Get your tails out

20/04/2022 in 22h26
Looking for fine sex to take me one afternoon

20/04/2022 in 16h12
who will guide me tomorrow afternoon?

15/04/2022 in 15h39
I'll be there tonight (04/15). I hope to find a nice active cock there...

13/04/2022 in 14h21
Qui intéressé vendredi ou samedi après-midi pour baiser une bonne salope passive ? Fist Uro foutre poppers. 0627561589

10/04/2022 in 22h06
TOMORROW APM sauna H2O Monday 11/04 lope no docile taboo for macho vcx domi has two in the cabin or you can abuse me in public and offer me to whoever you want ... can come with balaclava collar eye mask. likes pumping, licking Q, anal, pissing, spitting, slapping, spanking; we can discuss the plan in a private mess.

27/03/2022 in 14h20
En mode salope je cherche un fisteur dominateur. Uro et sperme en bouche et entre les cuisses. Fist dilatation poppers. Je serai votre soumise.

25/03/2022 in 11h06
I'll be there late afternoon. Want a nice cock...

20/03/2022 in 19h32
lope no docile taboo for macho vcx domi has two in the cabin where you can abuse me and offer me to whoever you want ... can come with collar and hood likes to pump lick Q sodo plan uro spitting slap butt bow we can oaer du plan in private mess tomorrow at the H2o

27/02/2022 in 11h17
j'ai envie d'y aller, c'est grand ?

27/02/2022 in 11h15
slt...it's the kind of place where dating is easy...especially on Sundays...in the back corner in the hamman, it doesn't stop

27/02/2022 in 11h01
Bonjour j y serai cet a.m. quelqu un pour m y baiser ??

25/02/2022 in 08h29
People today???

25/02/2022 in 00h59
I will be there Friday 23/02 around 4 p.m. I hope to find some nice vigorous cocks there...

23/02/2022 in 10h13
Anyone this afternoon?

19/02/2022 in 23h40
lundi 21/02 APM ours soumis en mode lope à dispo collier cuir autour du coup prêt à être abusé utilisé souillé pompe sodo lèche Q à deux en cabine mais aussi utiliser sous ordre d'un macho bien vcx qui m'offre à qui il veux insultes humiliation et uro bienvenu on peut discuter du plan par avance en PV

18/02/2022 in 08h00
Hello, I will be there on Saturday from 7:30 p.m. until 9 p.m. I suck thoroughly and I swallow Glory. But also in front of a video screen. Feel free to empty yourself on me. J still has a towel around his neck and shows me. Get your tails out. When I'm lying in the backroom in front of video give me your tails.

13/02/2022 in 06h57
Qui pour m y baiser cet a.m ?

08/02/2022 in 13h21
Hello everyone this afternoon?

07/02/2022 in 22h21
Being curious, I'm thinking of going to discover this place, probably this weekend.

05/02/2022 in 23h56
Hoping for good meetings Sunday, February 6 me passive I like to suck and very want to be taken gently

05/02/2022 in 00h32

04/02/2022 in 12h55
Lope available Saturday for good sucks am submissive and obedient for H 2 O or other need to be directed and took in hand other place ok likes plurality

03/02/2022 in 16h46
Someone to suck me off tomorrow afternoon?

03/02/2022 in 16h02
People to take me easy on Sunday

02/02/2022 in 22h11
Good evening who Friday afternoon for sex?

01/02/2022 in 12h50
Bjr' am sucking sissy but need to be directed by directive guy, want a tail and go to the sauna Saturday 1 p.m. who to take me in hand, other best possible am available from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday

31/01/2022 in 12h10
I will spend Sunday, February 6, who will join me?

24/01/2022 in 20h56
I go there Sunday afternoon 30 around 2 p.m. to suck and be available to one or more guys

22/01/2022 in 13h33
I'm there this afternoon around 15 30 mins

17/01/2022 in 12h28
I make a passage of one hour from 1 p.m. I empty the tails. Glory hole or on the bench behind in front of penumbra video

16/01/2022 in 15h12
Hi guys I too want to suck who invites me

15/01/2022 in 16h47
I really want to suck and be directed by a male, I'm very obedient, use me, kisses

15/01/2022 in 15h27
I wish the entrance cost how much to suck

14/01/2022 in 12h17
J'y seris plus tôt que prévu : vers 14h30 / 15h...

13/01/2022 in 18h31
I would go there tomorrow (Friday the 14th) after work around 5:30/45 p.m. and I would stay there for a couple of hours... I really want to suck some nice cocks, see more if I find what I'm looking for. ..

12/01/2022 in 08h07
Présent samedi 15 janvier de 13h a 14h pour sucer le max de queue. Je me mets au niveau des bancs devant vidéo derrière ds pénombre pour pomper et prendre ejac faciale ou buccale. Je mets ma serviette autour du cou Je suce devant tout le monde sans soucis. Prenez contact ici ou via mon skype qui est ds ma fiche.

10/01/2022 in 15h03
Gloryhole sur 2 niveaux, Cad le suceur est plus bas et donc il a la bite a la hauteur de la bouche...

10/01/2022 in 11h24
I see glory hole written on 2 levels on the site? ie?

09/01/2022 in 14h59
great time spent at H2O, there is something for everyone and always in a good mood.

08/01/2022 in 18h41
Tonight 08/01 I will be there from around 8:30 p.m. until closing contact in private message

06/01/2022 in 13h23
Friday afternoon around 1:30 p.m. for shared pleasure

04/01/2022 in 14h58
An hour and a quarter very nice: 3 blowjobs until ejaculate (one at the bottom, two on a bench in dim light towards video, very hot the last one ...) DC three cumshots including two in my mouth. And also a beautiful young bearded twink fucked deep (I hope he recognizes himself, he told me something nice about my cock ... If you recognize yourself, let me know.

04/01/2022 in 11h27
I'm there from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. to suck as much cock as possible. I have a towel around my neck. I mostly hang out in the dark. Sitting towards video. Do not hesitate to take out your tails. I like cumshots on me.

04/01/2022 in 10h56
I will be there this afternoon 4/01

01/01/2022 in 12h16
I will be there on Tuesday January 4 from 12:45 p.m. Big desire to suck. I like to be at the level of the bench in front of the video in the dark, lying down, ready to pump. Do not hesitate to show me your tail. Strongly appreciated facial cumshot. Visit my file for email or skype

14/12/2021 in 22h22
Ki take me in hand and educated me to be lope am passive submissive female for male, need a directive male who offers me to the males present, am available this Thursday 16 / 12 from 1 p.m. leave me a message kisses

14/12/2021 in 20h51
Hello, at the H2O sauna on Thursday 16 from 1 p.m. I suck and I get sucked...sperm plan. I swallow. I will definitely be in the backroom on my knees. Get your tails out. Contact me for more info

11/12/2021 in 07h33
I'm planning to go there this afternoon... I'm still looking for a thin enough cock to introduce him to sodomy...

06/12/2021 in 17h01
looking for a person with a finished tail who will come to narbonne to take me hummm

25/11/2021 in 13h36
I'll be at the sauna on Monday for a good fuck

24/11/2021 in 20h33
looking for a man with fine sex to take me in cabin! in December

20/11/2021 in 08h04
Super I love I'll tell you on the date34

19/11/2021 in 16h24
Research for early December in the afternoon a group of men who would like to cum on my balls may be more

17/11/2021 in 13h03
lundi 22/11 APM bel ours soumis en mode lope à dispo collier cuir autour du coup prêt à être abusé utilisé souillé pompe sodo lèche Q à deux en cabine ou mis à dispo par macho vcx insultes et uro bienvenu on peut discuter du plan par avance en PV

12/11/2021 in 13h19
I'll be there tonight (Friday 12) a big desire for sex...

07/11/2021 in 20h49
demain lundi APM je serais présent en mode lope à dispo prêt à être abusé utilisé pompe sodo lèche Q à deux en cabine ou mis à dispo par macho vcx insultes bienvenu pisse

05/11/2021 in 14h04
People this Tuesday??

02/11/2021 in 12h49
People tonight? I have a big craving for very hard cocks...

29/10/2021 in 13h46
Very want a uro plan ... To organize in pv

21/10/2021 in 18h45
The 23 at the beginning of the afternoon to be directed

19/10/2021 in 21h37
Good evening who on the 29th 1:30 p.m. for sex?

15/10/2021 in 15h11
Aujourd'hui en fin d'après midi... Je suis passif, et je cherche une bitte fine et vigoureuse... A tout à l'heure donc

14/10/2021 in 10h22
cet aprem à 14h avec un tres beau passif

08/10/2021 in 15h02
Bjr, ki tomorrow Saturday, October 8 want sauna 2 p.m., guy who will direct me, take me in hand and educate me to be a slut and suck on the chain, contact PM thank you

07/10/2021 in 08h39
today October 7, for 2pm who comes to suck me and more if ok? contact me in MP, thank you

06/10/2021 in 21h50
who on October 18 2pm?

05/10/2021 in 19h27
Thursday, October 7, I put my anal pussy available direct plan without blabla without selection! I'm a cockhole to fill.

30/09/2021 in 19h22
People tonight?

27/09/2021 in 09h23
Je cherche qqun pour me baiser cet a.m. au H20 Merci

27/09/2021 in 07h21
Who's going there in the afternoon this Monday???

25/09/2021 in 07h53
Bonjour à tous , qui pour m y baiser cet apres midi ?

24/09/2021 in 16h48
cc quelqu'un lundi 27 a 14h pour prendre en main un soumit passif bi, et l'offrir comme femelle j attends vos contacts bises

20/09/2021 in 13h30
Of the world ?

19/09/2021 in 14h41
Assets domi tomorrow afternoon to make me turn and use me as a public slut in the sauna me submissive submissive can taboo ok for pissing sucks licks Q and foot insults use by several guys in time slaughter

18/09/2021 in 17h33
Passive and somewhat submissive, loving pissing plan and sperm in the mouth and between the thighs, offers her little slutty ass for anal dilation and fisting poppers. Exhib, gang bang, hard. Tomorrow afternoon Sunday 19 if guys interested.

10/09/2021 in 17h57
yes, I said trans...... I meant trav rather.....

10/09/2021 in 17h55
bonjour, si je comprends bien, il n'y a que des mecs pouvant etre admis au sauna, donc pas de trans?????Y a t-il des mecs fins, lopettes, genre fragiles, efféminés, des gémisseuses, des soumises avvec des regards implorants, des regards de soumission totale envers leur baiseur, des attitudes, des mimiques de vraies ptites putes en chaleur, des corps lisses, glabres????? FAITES MOI SIGNE si vous en etes......

10/09/2021 in 07h54
qui pour m y baiser cet a.m ?

08/09/2021 in 09h30
I go often it's a superb place I got fucked well and I also fucked well the sling is the best

04/09/2021 in 09h06
I will be there this Saturday 4 from 3 to 6 p.m.

20/08/2021 in 12h57
Who goes there today 20 08? MP

17/08/2021 in 06h22
I will be there today around 12:30 p.m. and until 2:30 p.m. / 3 p.m. ...

04/08/2021 in 07h59
Who to take care of me this friend?

03/08/2021 in 18h26
I'm there tomorrow to take care of some good cocks ..

19/07/2021 in 14h53
I go there as soon as I have a free afternoon

17/07/2021 in 12h38
Opinions on this place please

16/07/2021 in 18h36
I'll go one afternoon next week to see if it sucks or drops, I love it!

16/07/2021 in 16h13
great places to relax and more if you want. I will come back

09/07/2021 in 17h47
I will be there tonight

07/07/2021 in 08h07
Hello, I will be at H20 this am, who to fuck me? thank you

06/07/2021 in 20h44
Hello i will try to go there friday night

29/06/2021 in 01h08

25/06/2021 in 22h57
du monde dimanche soir ? ch a découvrir le lieux et connaitre de nouvelle chose ?

22/06/2021 in 13h25
it's open, we can consult their site which is marked here at the end of the presentation for the schedules ... no transvestites, we walk around naked with a towel around the waist

22/06/2021 in 12h40
hello, is it open at the moment, do transvestites come there ???? Thank you.

11/06/2021 in 11h20
I would be there this afternoon for a moment of relaxation ...

10/06/2021 in 07h25
I'm going there this afternoon

10/06/2021 in 07h09
Is it open

02/06/2021 in 19h16
I asked for my afternoon of June 9 ... If it is granted to me, I would be there for the reopening !!!

23/05/2021 in 11h58
opening june 09 super longing

05/05/2021 in 19h14
Go! We see the end of the tunnel! But puree it is long!

28/04/2021 in 19h18
Still no reopening dates? Too much desire to come and spend a moment of relaxation ...

21/02/2021 in 15h57
Still not open

25/01/2021 in 18h28
yes moidu11 I miss want to make me suck

25/01/2021 in 17h52
Puree that I miss the H2O ... want to suck ...

16/11/2020 in 17h24
good evening receive at my place to make me fuck or dildo I'm in maureilhan

23/10/2020 in 16h32
Good morning all. Following new government directives, the sauna will close this evening, Friday, October 23, at 11 p.m., for an undetermined period. See you soon The H2O team

08/10/2020 in 09h15
Hi, I'll be there from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. if some passives want to get fucked. Look for several guys for gang bang too

05/10/2020 in 14h58
I want to go to the sauna who wants to come with me

04/10/2020 in 17h34
Salut. J'y serais mardi 6 octobre. Je cherche un actif avec un bite plutôt fine... Si cela vous correspond, mon cil est pour vous...

23/09/2020 in 09h08
Hello, I'll be there this afternoon around 4:30 p.m., either here or at freedom, I'm looking for a good fuck properly. Wave if you want us to meet or wave to tell me which of the two saunas is the most frequented!

20/09/2020 in 17h45
I will be there Monday around 1:30 p.m. / 2 p.m. ... I want to suck some nice cocks ... And why not more ...

19/09/2020 in 13h43
Hi, I plan to go to the sauna around 2.30pm / 3pm. Volunteers to join me there? I would like to be sucked by several guys or suck several guys myself. Kiss

18/09/2020 in 19h50
Good evening or can I go tonight to have my ass abused I can receive leave a message in pv

17/09/2020 in 16h54
I'll be in the sauna tomorrow Friday around 3 p.m. I am rather passive ...

16/09/2020 in 06h51
Hello everyone, I'll be there this afternoon around 1 p.m. 1.30 p.m. looking for active domineering

15/09/2020 in 23h09
Active will be in the sauna tomorrow afternoon around 1.30pm / 2pm for part of the day. Send private message if you want to meet again. Would be willing to fuck a passive together

14/09/2020 in 15h16
Hi, I'm planning on going to the sauna if some people are interested. Am active and looking for good liabilities for naughty moment

13/09/2020 in 19h22
If lebogoss 25 30a recognizes himself hairless and good big cock hummmmm of this aprem hummmmmmm Signed

13/09/2020 in 10h11
Is it good as a sauna? We have fun ?

13/09/2020 in 08h19
something this afternoon ???? mp

12/09/2020 in 15h47
hello I would be there tonight want to get fucked fisted and double or anal tripe leave message in pv

08/09/2020 in 16h15
I'll be there tomorrow between noon and two. From the present world?

03/09/2020 in 16h03
hello I want to get caught and fisted tonight there are amateurs I can receive I am waiting for an answer thank you

31/08/2020 in 16h36
People in the sauna ?? with covid conditions

22/08/2020 in 23h47
I'll be there Thursday night

01/08/2020 in 04h05
I would like to visit this sauna on Sunday August 2 ... if it is open ..

28/07/2020 in 20h29
the desert today ...

27/07/2020 in 17h10
Interested..? So make an appointment for me in the sauna or elsewhere

27/07/2020 in 11h18
I am a good passive and submissive slut who makes her mouth available for cum shots and her little slutty ass available for fisting. 0627561589

26/07/2020 in 11h01

26/07/2020 in 10h56
Who next week wants to abuse a submissive slut? Fist pissing cum poppers group.

16/07/2020 in 12h18
Friday afternoon for fisting plan Pissing cum

30/06/2020 in 07h26
Who is going today?

29/06/2020 in 09h52
Good morning. Yes we are open. For our opening hours, please consult our website.

25/06/2020 in 15h56
On their website he announces the opening for June 27!

31/05/2020 in 14h23
Hello, We will announce the opening date, on our website and on our Facebook page, next week.

31/05/2020 in 13h01
Still no reopening date?

08/05/2020 in 16h37

08/05/2020 in 11h00
Good morning all. The sauna will not open on May 11. Just like bars, restaurants, nightclubs and closed and covered sports establishments, we will know our reopening date at the end of May. See you soon. The H2O team.

28/03/2020 in 15h27
No danger, the sauna is of course closed since confinement ...

19/03/2020 in 13h41

26/02/2020 in 10h01
Hi, want to try this sauna.

25/02/2020 in 08h47
active guys who go this week? send a message

24/02/2020 in 10h07
I want cocks ... I'd sauna Monday, 02.24 around 15h

20/02/2020 in 12h46
Last available from my anal pussy

19/02/2020 in 13h04
Lope passage to offer my anal pussy live without selection plan without blah! Who would benefit?

17/02/2020 in 08h41
would be present today monday 17/02 makes me available in the sauna any style of guys accept as long as you are active DOMI macho, two in the cabin or ideally to slaughter available desired piss welcome can come hood and eyes masked if wish would be perched at the poppers

15/02/2020 in 18h40
Anyone on Thursday? Afternoon or evening

13/02/2020 in 15h09
Response to "motardbi": in 2020, is it still necessary to explain that you don't get "shit" by sitting in the dry sauna or by walking in the establishment. Obviously, you lack knowledge, especially since the cleanliness of our establishment is no longer to prove. I recommend that you get more information from CEGID or the AIDES association of Béziers, before making this type of statement.

13/02/2020 in 10h02
So from there to grab something twice in 15 days, you have no luck or a fake from a sympathizer of the other sauna

13/02/2020 in 09h50
Personally I go there regularly and I have never caught anything ... I find it even quite clean, I see them please mop ...

13/02/2020 in 08h03
You mean mst? Me who wanted to try it ... Too bad I will try my luck in the toilets of the polygon, but it is less discreet ..

10/02/2020 in 10h10
bjr - who goes there at the beginning of aprem?

03/02/2020 in 00h05
I'll be there tomorrow Monday to take care of your dicks.

02/02/2020 in 18h37
Grand slim biker envi sucking many juicy cocks and offer my ass slut fisted hard to poppers. Come live undress me, working me or blow me even to share me. I await your proposals for an afternoon this week.

28/01/2020 in 06h03
Hi all who come join me in the sauna h2o today January 28, 2020 between 12h and 16h my subjected passive friends of 31 years would be taken care of her 3 or 4 he loves sucking and above these deep throat a serious ad

25/01/2020 in 18h21
I love this is the apotheause sex

16/01/2020 in 18h12
I'll be there tomorrow, 17/01 late Friday afternoon ... I hope to find something fun to ...

11/01/2020 in 09h47
Who spends this afternoon ??! More fun to go there with two MP for appointment ....

10/01/2020 in 16h31
all the pleasure the saumun I got sucks I suck I'm taking myself and I took SEVERAL guy too good

09/01/2020 in 21h21
How I fucked the bottom today something sick and I have to empty the cock with my mouth too strongly c trop top tomorrow night I retuurn

09/01/2020 in 14h24
yesterday I was at the beautiful sauna down the top

08/01/2020 in 23h11
While touring the area I'll go check it out on Thursday from 19h

08/01/2020 in 21h38
I'll be the 25/01 if someone want to accompany me mp

07/01/2020 in 14h47
I go to the sauna Wednesday, January 8, 2020 from 12 to 18 hours

07/01/2020 in 11h52
I often go there it is superb

07/01/2020 in 08h56
I would be today from 14:00 to 16:00. If you want a moment in private contact me

30/12/2019 in 11h23
hello all I want to do my fist to see my limit one's interested in someone that makes me know by email

13/12/2019 in 15h12
Going back tonight (Friday 13. I hope to see them all nice cocks which I got last week ...

06/12/2019 in 15h29
I'll be there tonight and tomorrow night. I hope to find nice cocks stiff ...

04/12/2019 in 16h18
want to smash my ass suddenly dildos now or tonight problem I have a roommate with me so I know how to do, give me an idea

04/12/2019 in 14h48
I think to go Saturday night ... no light Sucking cocks beautiful in the dark ... I can not wait ...

03/12/2019 in 18h26
I'll be there Thursday, December 5 from 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. for all pleasure versa If you want a good time in private contact me

22/11/2019 in 09h27
hello that Monday after noon 14h? am open to all proposals passive

20/11/2019 in 13h18
I would be on 24 early in the afternoon for me fucked properly.

07/11/2019 in 14h49
I'll be there Friday, November 8th, the evening around 21h. I hope to find there some hard cocks and vigorous ...

05/11/2019 in 19h32
I want to reduce this to contact me in private evening

30/10/2019 in 14h46
I'll be there Friday, 1 November. I hope to find there some hard cocks and vigorous ...

27/10/2019 in 07h44
World cho, Wednesday?

20/10/2019 in 23h00
Tomorrow Monday wanted to offer me, q and mouth available for guys vcx insults spanking slap uro possible for two or more

19/10/2019 in 18h45
Opinions on the place?

19/10/2019 in 18h42
Hi everyone, I'll be there tonight if there are assets available

16/10/2019 in 11h28
Hello, I hesitate to go to the sauna this afternoon... who goes there?

14/10/2019 in 14h09
Who's going this afternoon?

01/10/2019 in 14h05
I intend to spend Friday, 04/10 at 14:30 ... I hope to find nice cock sucking ...

30/09/2019 in 12h32
I would love to know places and make KNOWLEDGE I am a timid can

14/09/2019 in 15h17
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go this evening 14.09.2019, feel good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive but not idle, plans more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes, facials.

09/09/2019 in 12h15
I'm on Beziers and free up at 15.30 ... I will go suck some cock ...

07/09/2019 in 17h18
Y will be tonight from 18h holes available to drain a maximum of cocks

07/09/2019 in 16h16
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go this evening 09.07.2019, feel good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive but not idle, plans more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes, facials.

04/09/2019 in 09h08
Hello, I look for guys active or passive. Would make a good double soda and map uro. I spend tomorrow afternnon. Hygiene at the top requires. Thank you. Come lol.

01/09/2019 in 11h46
Hello. Ki rejoind me H20 after noon?

31/08/2019 in 11h07
Hello everyone. ki goes H20 tonight or Sunday after noon ??

30/08/2019 in 15h21
World Saturday afternoon?

28/08/2019 in 10h17
Who this afternoon ??? Mp

18/08/2019 in 10h36
bjr. ki goes H20 after noon?

15/08/2019 in 12h50
Who sucks to plan an afternoon to 14H?

11/08/2019 in 07h55
Bjr coquinetrav11 c was a joke I told T do not be wrinkled

06/08/2019 in 00h02
envi salvation to go to H20 in the week. Who my rejoind ??

29/07/2019 in 18h39
Very want to suck, I'll probably check it out tomorrow (July 30) in the afternoon

22/07/2019 in 09h56
World Wednesday am ??

22/07/2019 in 08h40
hello available and open well ass to fill the well plan without blah leave message for appointment and places and if there is double penetration even better waiting your kiss Message

22/07/2019 in 01h00
Who introduced me eager ???

21/06/2019 in 21h01
Good evening what time it is there in the world

16/06/2019 in 07h56
who to kiss my end of the afternoon before the other guy I suck leave messages

07/06/2019 in 15h32
I'll be there tonight. Sending feel a cock in me ...

07/06/2019 in 09h26
Passage future plans. 'M on vacation at the Cape. D n also free to contact me if you have the full balls ..

27/05/2019 in 07h42
Hot well want to go this 27/05 APM offer myself to one or more male vcx public humiliation soda sucks spit slap spanking good lick Q INSULT; be in the cabin or in public to offer all my holes at discretion uro desired in the steam room, sun dan'd first time my dark sorite the back room kneeling on the floor to suck any dick that present possible here message for appointment

23/05/2019 in 11h16
Who goes there tomorrow am (Friday)?

11/05/2019 in 16h55
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go tonight May 11 good cocks want to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive but not idle, plans more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes, facials.

10/05/2019 in 16h08
Tonight at 21 weeks ... Fancy a dick in the ass ...

07/05/2019 in 18h22
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go on 8 May want good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive but not idle, plans more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes, facials.

23/04/2019 in 10h17
I would present this Tuesday, 4/23 APM sauna from 1:30 p.m. want me loper by guy (s) plans several public slaughter possible or cabin selection if not good cock and vcx INSULT humiliation uro das Hamam the throat deep lightly slap etc ....

22/04/2019 in 11h29
Hello who are today

13/04/2019 in 14h52
Sauna 16h

12/04/2019 in 18h48
Early evening sauna

11/04/2019 in 17h49
Sauna tonight

08/04/2019 in 08h42
beautiful discovery of the sauna on Saturday .. very clean and very pleasant in every way. thank you

07/04/2019 in 13h28
The world today Sunday?

05/04/2019 in 16h08
Hello world ... tonight after 22h?

05/04/2019 in 15h31
Today in the late afternoon (around 18h), I'll be ... Want me to take a hard cock in the ass ...

21/03/2019 in 15h35
'I want to have a little fun ... So I'll be there Friday 21 afternoon. I am rather passive ... If you also feel like "fun" without the fuss, come join me ...

19/03/2019 in 11h47
Who on Thursday apm come dominate me the sauna was good lope obedient bz me you lend me to autrz I pump licks Q and plane uro welcome humiliation want

18/03/2019 in 22h22
ji'll often it's great I love

14/03/2019 in 11h33
I want to have a little fun ... So I'll be there Friday afternoon. I am rather passive ... If you also feel like "fun" without the fuss, come join me ...

05/03/2019 in 08h41
hello want to fuck me cock this evening at the sauna or another channel, available from 18:30 leave messages

04/03/2019 in 17h09
otherwise I should dildo me see 1 2 dildos at the same time

04/03/2019 in 17h08
be shy

04/03/2019 in 17h06
hi everyone I have a serious desire to fuck me sauna or other made me enduring puck proposal

02/03/2019 in 13h33
I go there often is that of happiness

11/02/2019 in 09h28
Monday 11 between 12:00 ET 14 or 15H as' & ctivity locally I would be available for a soda sucks me uro offered subject to any kind of guy

01/02/2019 in 11h48
very nice sauna, nice facility

27/01/2019 in 20h09
aprem inviting me to give pleasure?

25/01/2019 in 13h16
The world on Tuesday from 14 to 17H ???

24/01/2019 in 10h58
J plans to go there Saturday ... of other guys have planned to do the same? Or other days?

20/01/2019 in 21h32
Sauna very well I'm going yesterday Passais a time to rebuild quickly

10/01/2019 in 08h37
hello there are people on Saturday night in the evening I want to fuck me in the chain double penetration was possible to be Saturday

08/01/2019 in 14h52
hello there are people on Saturday night in the evening I want to fuck me in the chain double penetration was possible to be Saturday

02/01/2019 in 23h19
tomorrow maybe ? qqun to avail? drink and have fun?

29/12/2018 in 12h32
The world this afternoon ???

28/12/2018 in 08h08
J will be there in the middle of aprem. In passive mode dual soda, but if I see a beautiful pass lil ass ... mmmm

27/12/2018 in 07h02
Hi jy aprem will tomorrow (Friday) until early evening. J will like to be in passive mode and test a good double soda. But hey, if there's a nice ass ...... Come please. Bisouxxxxxx

20/12/2018 in 19h30
jy am going Monday afternoon not too many people have retuurned disappointed damage

16/12/2018 in 21h51
I search several hands to caress me same time and see more excitement tomorrow as 17 aprem on the suspended seat

16/12/2018 in 21h15
I must come to the sauna tomorrow but aprem or eat on Beziers?

16/12/2018 in 13h52
so that tomorrow early after noon to caress me more? I will be on the seat being suspended me masturbated

15/12/2018 in 14h31
that on 17 after noon? I'll be on the suspended seat being masturbated me if you want to play with me!

15/12/2018 in 10h21
Hot well want to go this APM offer me one or more male vcx public humiliation soda sucks spit slap spanking INSULT possible by cab or public offer for all my holes discretion can also uro

15/12/2018 in 10h21
Hot well want to go this APM offer me one or more male vcx public humiliation soda sucks spit slap spanking INSULT possible by cab or public offer for all my holes discretion can also uro

15/12/2018 in 10h21
Hot well want to go this APM offer me one or more male vcx public humiliation soda sucks spit slap spanking INSULT possible by cab or public offer for all my holes discretion can also uro

08/12/2018 in 12h17
I'll be there tonight around 20:30 21h to make me take the ass (several hmmm) I'd be on the panel after you if you want me in the respect of course if you want to tie me me do a double penetration and in the mouth up to you and kisses tonight

04/12/2018 in 15h10
I'll be there Friday from 12 to 17h ... I hope to make interesting encounter ...

02/12/2018 in 20h42
Hello everyone I want to get caught in gang bang double penetration and someone can organize me her Wednesday or Friday afternoon

26/11/2018 in 14h25
Hello everyone I want to get caught in gang bang double penetration and someone can organize me her Wednesday or Friday afternoon

19/11/2018 in 22h16
hello here I'd like to go sit in my black room and make me take the time I suck a dick on each side of me to think that this and possible?

15/11/2018 in 20h40
inviting me to this day afternoon to do naughty things? am passive

11/11/2018 in 18h37
the world tonight ?, I'm going to be sodomy, fingering, fisting, spanking, dominated. also open to the uro

09/11/2018 in 19h06
louis34300 I want good but I is not what i aprem free to lestent

09/11/2018 in 13h12
APM fancy a sauna 9/11 this day am subject like hot date with guy or several guys hot vcx map uro ok in the small recess in the hamam

09/11/2018 in 13h12
APM fancy a sauna 9/11 this day am subject like hot date with guy or several guys hot vcx map uro ok in the small recess in the hamam

02/11/2018 in 09h36
Cc. Who around 15h. Private message...

31/10/2018 in 11h08
I have this afternoon, really want to get caught by several

16/10/2018 in 16h35
Friday that early after noon?

13/10/2018 in 14h15
desire to offer mouth and Q who wants this APM sauna good lope has put a slaughter piss welcome

08/10/2018 in 14h13
World Wednesday AM14hres ??

29/09/2018 in 17h44
Yes pk not in H20 Sauna

21/09/2018 in 01h00
jy am Saturday 14:00 20 h00 love kiss caress the jacouzi

19/09/2018 in 18h39
I'll be there Friday, 09.20 to 21h. I hope to find some beautiful well vigorous cocks ....

15/09/2018 in 19h11
jy am this Monday, September 17 around 14:00 I hope that the world will be a little someone inform me thank you

15/09/2018 in 17h21
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go this evening 15/09, feeling good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive but not idle, plans more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes, facials. And that's naturist evening tonight.

09/09/2018 in 22h57
Last available from my anal pussy live map without blah and without selection

06/09/2018 in 22h36
I passed Wednesday after-noon. Treated myself pleasure. A delight.

03/09/2018 in 12h20
Very quiet yet this beautiful Sunday spacious clean cheap unique in the region can eat drink smoke (room) and of course let go for fun and pleasure

18/08/2018 in 17h33
Tonight, head to the sauna

17/08/2018 in 18h34
Head to the sauna

16/08/2018 in 19h48
Tonight head to the sauna

15/08/2018 in 20h35
Back, evening at the Sauna

12/08/2018 in 09h41
The world during the feria ????

22/07/2018 in 18h23
Evening sauna

21/07/2018 in 18h15
In the early evening sauna

20/07/2018 in 18h38
From early evening shift

20/07/2018 in 17h19
I would be tomorrow, Saturday 21/07 APM sauna to Bezier H2O want me loper by guy (s) can see several plans desired, not so good selection dick and humiliating insults vcx uro ok

19/07/2018 in 20h08
Directorate sauna

16/07/2018 in 23h28
high probability to be APM Saturday I had to have available for one or more hot guy assets vulgos domi

14/07/2018 in 21h35
Hello there in the world tonight?

08/07/2018 in 19h48
that APM week of 9 to 13 would make me loper by one or more guy in the sauna

02/07/2018 in 11h33
hello, available for ass fucks every afternoon this week leave messages

01/07/2018 in 21h06
Its my superr the air is nice and warm sauna.es that between Monday, August 13 and Thursday, my wife has the right to retuurn or non.car me bi subjected liability order madame.pas not Dentree madam.

30/05/2018 in 10h00
I will spend this afternoon. Of the world ?

20/05/2018 in 08h03
Although want to discover this sauna.Qui stake this week (Monday 21 to Friday 25)?

16/05/2018 in 18h54
anal pussy available for Direct plan without blah

16/05/2018 in 18h47
I'll be there tomorrow (May 17) at 13:30 / 14h, I hope to find nice strong tails ...

12/05/2018 in 11h43
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go tonight May 12 good cocks want to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive but not idle, plans more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes, facials. And that's neon night tonight.

05/05/2018 in 13h29
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go tonight May 5, want good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive, plan more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes. And it is no evening light tonight.

30/04/2018 in 22h07
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go tomorrow 01 May, want good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive, plan more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes.

10/04/2018 in 19h14
I'll be there again on Thursday between 13 and 17. Passive Me.

08/04/2018 in 14h20
I'll be Tuesday, April 10, 13 to 17 ... I suck and why more if feeling ...

26/03/2018 in 11h10
I want to get caught in gang bang made me the proposal

26/03/2018 in 09h10
kiss me and not want to make love, I just want to be fucking me

23/03/2018 in 11h47
I'll be there in the evening around 21:30 pm

22/03/2018 in 16h58
hello still no proposal for tomorrow my ass cares

20/03/2018 in 15h49
hello, I would get there around 13:30 Friday 23 to 14h to get caught by several tail and attach to the gallows if you are interested leave me a message and I shall not otherwise rendrais

15/03/2018 in 13h42
hello everyone, qqun this afternoon? active passive ? pleasure

09/03/2018 in 17h37
I'm ok !!

06/03/2018 in 23h46
Last available from my mouth and anal pussy !!!

03/03/2018 in 20h54
Hello. Always looking quite fine cocks for banged my ass. I'll be there Monday, March 5

02/03/2018 in 22h54
I'll be there tomorrow around 15:30 Saturday, March 3

01/03/2018 in 11h50
Cc which apmidi! Aim small smooth ass !!

17/02/2018 in 18h58
hello there tail tonight want to get caught like a bitch

15/02/2018 in 15h59
Thursday, 2/16: I want to make the bitch ... In the hammam, the turntable, the black room ... I suck thoroughly, and maybe more, my ass is always looking taker !!! And remember: exit covered!

06/02/2018 in 08h49
Some one this afternoon ???

29/01/2018 in 17h40
I'll go on February 1 in the afternoon, looking for fine enough cock to a first soda.

27/01/2018 in 08h05
decouvre11 "suspended seat" is a SLING. J 'there'll be this afternoon from 14:00 am to get screwed.

02/01/2018 in 18h26
I would be Wednesday 3 at the opening, and I would stay as long as there beautiful tails to fuck me ...

22/12/2017 in 16h12
I'll be there tonight. In search of a thin dick and not too long to put me in the ass.

05/12/2017 in 16h25
I'll go on December 7 in the afternoon, looking for fine enough cock to a first soda.

04/12/2017 in 14h44
I'll go 5 or December 7 in the afternoon, looking for fine enough cock to a first soda.

29/11/2017 in 22h35
Hi, jy priori am Friday after noon. For dual soda. I will be lope mode.

06/11/2017 in 12h04
hello are people to sodomize me

29/10/2017 in 08h01
I went to Sauna H2O this Saturday, October 28! I spent an awesome day! As usual Fred (one of the owners) is always so adorable! A real pleasure ! Greetings to your particular new signing Damien, his charm, his smile and his humor makes you want to come more often! This Sauna remains to me a super clean facility and great conviviality! A BIG BRAVO to the whole team and I will enjoy coming back soon!

14/10/2017 in 12h03
For information purposes, jy happening this afternoon ... just ?? welcome private Mess

11/09/2017 in 01h48
hello tested twice, beautiful, spacious, clean, friendly, very welcoming hot in every sense, I sincerely recommend

06/09/2017 in 12h16
Thursday afternoon c a good day to go to the h2o? There are many asset that day?

06/09/2017 in 03h33
Hello I am on Carcassonne; I seek an active partner in that wall of its no bother with me in the sauna H20 in Béziers I would be your passenger and I am a very good suction. My name is Mindy ...

31/08/2017 in 09h48
Hi looking person to make me discover the H2o has beziers this after noon around 12:30 15h

29/08/2017 in 12h59
Who invited me this afternoon at H2O

24/08/2017 in 18h13
Ouiiiii there were people .... I loved it ...

24/08/2017 in 08h43
Someone today, 13h - 15h?

08/08/2017 in 02h01
I would go for a walk for the second time on Tuesday 8 August, hoping to find the worlds !!

24/07/2017 in 07h44
qqqun for me to discover this place on Wednesday?

22/07/2017 in 12h30
Who today??? Mp

02/07/2017 in 14h50
Hi, I'll be crossing Friday, July 7 afternoon and early evening. I would like to test the double soda with cleen gentlemen in every sense of the word. but I can be as active if I see a pretty too passive or more slutty than me. A good tensioner (pun intended) I wants me to fill all the holes at once. Bisesxxxx

24/06/2017 in 08h43
J'm going this afternoon. Who spends + ??

21/06/2017 in 13h55
interested persons for Saturday afternoon ??? private mess

08/06/2017 in 00h58
Last available from my mouth and my anal pussy! Sex?

07/06/2017 in 13h31
I'll be there tomorrow (June 8), ready to suck all the stiff cocks that arise ...

06/06/2017 in 08h42
jy am tonight 23H availabl closure to serve videcouille

18/05/2017 in 13h52
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go this am, feeling good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive, plan more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes.

10/05/2017 in 10h40
hello I go tomorrow at 12:30 if there is a good line to sodomize me leave me a message in private or I would not move for nothing I cordially measurement 1.90 to 82 kg I am 38 years old and beardless kisses

08/05/2017 in 12h01
On holiday in Cap d'Agde, I'll go this am, feeling good cocks to pump more. Poppers appreciated'm rather passive, plan more appreciated, back rooms, glory holes.

30/04/2017 in 13h59
J y regularly go Thursday c naturist, has all Poile I versa, look at the site, many of guy TT age

20/04/2017 in 16h36
Cc who joined me to 21h night love small smooth ass kisses

18/02/2017 in 13h50
Thursday afternoon the sling, a tall, handsome bearded took me and we had a great time. If you recognize yourself in this message, please contact me, I'd see you in complete discretion course. Biz

02/02/2017 in 13h29
I would be Saturday from 20h. I am passive soumi open to sodomy, fisting, uro as the recipient. Me mp appointment to the bottom.

08/01/2017 in 23h35
good afternoon sauna, 3 soda and a good session fisting

07/01/2017 in 16h21
like me who loves spanking. I love coming to H20 but would like to be sure about finding someone to spank me lg 64 years and I've never been. I live near Narbonne. I like spanking bare hand, the whip but also soda and fisting

07/01/2017 in 07h47
Asset to the party hard tonight?

05/01/2017 in 12h43
Hello, I want to go there Sunday afternoon. I hope to found domineering assets. I am passive subject shave integral I like sucking soda be expanded fisted spank serve urinal. Send me pm if interested

28/12/2016 in 12h03
Hello, I'll be this Wednesday afternoon after 28/12. I love being fucked in the sling.

03/12/2016 in 13h00
that goes h2o today ??

30/11/2016 in 13h02
which in today sauna

21/11/2016 in 08h11
DC would be there tomorrow Tuesday 14h for a small smooth ass or effeminate young lope to pass the after noon !! Llaisse mp

15/11/2016 in 13h09
I was there Saturday, November 12 and have been filled. Just arrived I went to the sling, and a guy came to join me. Beautiful body, beautiful tail, he gave me maximum pleasure. If it recognizes (tattoo on the shoulder) is when he wants. thank you again and hopefully soon.

10/11/2016 in 10h52
I'll be there tomorrow Friday, November 11 in the early evening or late afternoon

08/11/2016 in 13h38
J y m going this apm Who accompanies?

04/11/2016 in 08h10
I go for a walk this after noon

03/11/2016 in 16h56
being passive, soumi, follower of soda, double, fisting, piss, I'm looking forward to going to visit sauna. I'm fine there found the rulers, I do not look at age nor physical, but very picky about respect, hygiene.

27/10/2016 in 19h15
Who will be on Monday afternoon? It's hot ?

13/10/2016 in 10h18
The weather is rotten in this Thursday! Then all the sauna to warm H2O!

07/10/2016 in 08h21
Someone to accompany me ???

30/09/2016 in 22h36
World Thursday afternoon ???

22/09/2016 in 01h06
Good evening, like yesterday

11/09/2016 in 16h06
I'll go tomorrow to 14 pm (Monday, September 12) ... Who to deflower me ass ??

06/09/2016 in 18h02
someone to take me tonight

05/09/2016 in 23h42
That Wednesday?

03/09/2016 in 10h27
Tonight c evening hard, latex, leather, Neo, harnesses, v ...... I probably go to 19h, boxers would Neoprene black yellow band opened the ass and leather harness. Adore pump and multi-plane, Popps, backrooms, uro ok.

31/08/2016 in 11h03
I would soon discover this place for my first time gay sauna. But a little shy. Me active bi

25/08/2016 in 12h13
I go today at 14:30

22/08/2016 in 20h10
Hot guys tonight to take care of me ??

09/08/2016 in 13h47
I'll be there this afternoon on 09/08 and I put my ass in the backroom available

09/06/2016 in 09h55
The world tonight?

12/05/2016 in 17h26
Y will this evening from 19h. Want to pump serious face and body juices plans Popps, plan more appreciated, backroom.

08/05/2016 in 16h53
Very good evening yesterday evening at the hard, good brightness and the world.

07/05/2016 in 16h06
Are definitely going this evening from 19h. Want to pump serious face and body juices plans Popps, plan more appreciated, backroom.

04/05/2016 in 16h44
Are definitely going this evening from 19h. Want to pump serious face and body juices plans Popps, plan more appreciated.

03/05/2016 in 12h51
Someone this afternoon May 3?

27/03/2016 in 10h07
I do not come often because of'm 91, so'll qd'm on vacation ,. Pleasant surprise yesterday (03.26.16) qd I discovered new development. nice and clean place, missing a few people unfortunately.

19/03/2016 in 19h19
superb very clean place great aceuille a place I recomande

17/03/2016 in 16h03
I went for the first time Friday, 3.11 soiré ... Well I go back there ... So during the day there in the world and it moves, so there were not many people ily (5 / 6 guys) just some tinkering but nothing more ... iS it me who is not lucky this Friday night or what it's always like that in soiré?

01/03/2016 in 09h42
Given today's time in March 1st! See you all at Sauna H2O love!

24/02/2016 in 17h17
Fancy a trip Friday, 2.26 ... Will there be in the world? otherwise I'd go elsewhere ...

21/02/2016 in 16h04
For Passif30ans: yes there is the world in the afternoon ... Well, I always found something to do;)

09/02/2016 in 05h37
I'd be this Tuesday, February 9, 12 hours ..... I with an active friend, it will be the first time I'd come in the sauna. I am passive trav, although I would not be in the establishment but the intonation of fun shalt recognize this .. if you are his can agree, otherwise I usually frequent the Jul's Carcassonne .... Hope it happened an unforgettable day ... Mindy

17/01/2016 in 17h39
in fact on 18

17/01/2016 in 17h33
I intend to go there tomorrow afternoon (January lundi17) between 14h and 16h ... Will there be the world ????

12/01/2016 in 14h12
I intend to go there tomorrow afternoon (Wednesday, January 13) between 14h and 16h ... Will there be the world ????

06/01/2016 in 22h12
anal cunt available !!! Sex?

01/12/2015 in 22h54
The best sauna undoubtedly the area clean, fun and ingeniously makes steam in L with the tip of the tail of the L a dark corner. the glory hole perfect study for either the nozzle or the sucking can see who is at the other end. Cabins down the hall to rest ass ... offered foot

26/11/2015 in 15h48
Cc yv's Friday Apmidi Am active Beur shaves rech small docile smooth ass for going with me Apmidi The Kaiser Post pm kiss

11/11/2015 in 14h56
hello I made firster Sunday afternoon for the first time I now enjoy it if someone told me firster leave me a message I want to repeat the kisses

13/10/2015 in 08h56
Gone time on this Tuesday is not terrible! Then come all the SAUNA H20 to enjoy the Jacuzzi, dry sauna, steam room etc ..... I in any case I have to relax!

19/09/2015 in 09h17
Hi friends we are Saturday, September 19 I would be the HO sauna from 12 am to 18 pm come join me! Kisses

12/09/2015 in 14h15
I'm early this afternoon to bukkake. No waffle, I suck every cock propose to me, possibility of jerk on my ass and squirt me everything you have or want.

04/09/2015 in 16h27
Y will this evening from 19h. Want to pump serious face and body shots juice, Popps.

30/08/2015 in 17h32
Available Tuesday 1 September 13h to 17

15/07/2015 in 08h45
16/07 tomorrow ??? Mp

10/07/2015 in 12h52
jy vai tonight to suck cock and make me fucked ass

09/07/2015 in 15h03
Hello. I'd sauna Friday, July 10th between 17h and 19h. I am looking for a "small bite" for a first sodomy ....

06/07/2015 in 14h13
I went yesterday, still a nice meeting ... It's decided the next time I'm getting deflowered anus ...

20/06/2015 in 15h51
there are people to take me tomorrow

19/05/2015 in 15h07
Stayed May 8 ... Big orgy in the hammam, I will retuurn !!

19/05/2015 in 15h07
Stayed May 8 ... Big orgy in the hammam, I will retuurn !!

25/03/2015 in 22h06
Thursday at 14h my ass and my mouth and available at will

24/03/2015 in 22h38
Thursday 14h my ass and my mouth and available at will

24/03/2015 in 07h27
Thursday 14h my ass and my mouth and available at will

23/03/2015 in 10h21
In this Monday, March 23 I would be at H2O sauna from 12 am! Come !! I count on you !

27/01/2015 in 09h55
I go this January 27 from noon! If you want to join me!

07/11/2014 in 07h14
I got fucked ass Thursday night by two cocks in the hammam that I also sucks, one has fucked us on a rotating basis and I ended up on the back a dick in the ass and the other in the mouth, which foot !!!!! Too good

04/10/2014 in 18h02
can anyone tell me what the young and old tend thank you

01/07/2014 in 09h55
Hello there t he world at the beginning of the afternoon? If I go this afternoon, for example? Thank you

26/05/2014 in 12h12
Who in the end journne early evening am active kisses

20/04/2014 in 14h31
Lt. who joined myself active shave well cho! Between 15h 18h

04/04/2014 in 09h17
Hello friends ! I would be at Sauna H2O from noon! If the heart tells you to join me !!!!!

04/04/2014 in 07h33
after playing in the hot tub, I buggered dry in a cabin in any position, it was too good hummmm

24/03/2014 in 15h32
a little too big in my opinion, lacks dark corner and hug to froler

22/03/2014 in 20h02
Ap tomorrow afternoon or late apmidi to accompany me or join me rech young passive! Hugs

01/03/2014 in 11h00
The price is 16 € from 12h to 19h, 13 € from 19h to 22h and 22h € 8 to 01h.

29/01/2014 in 19h10
Good evening everyone, I knew this sauna there 2 days and I love beautiful spacious place quickly we make meetings

28/01/2014 in 07h28
hello, I will go on Thursday night to suck cock and fuck me in the dark, hummm I love

24/01/2014 in 22h17
that to make me discover this sauna Tuesday 28 or Wednesday, January 29

25/12/2013 in 14h03
Someone to come with me this apmidi? MBR am active shave Beur

19/12/2013 in 13h04
Lt. apmidi that evening or passive love docile beardless guy'm active Beur well MBR shaved tattoo

22/11/2013 in 06h58
that the h2o tonight Friday, November 22, I suck at glory hole

04/11/2013 in 00h34
Tomorrow after noon?

01/11/2013 in 12h17
I went Sunday, October 27 evening, very nice place well thought !! good meetings !!!! there again! lol

21/10/2013 in 19h29
there is someone tonight to show me around and fucked me

20/10/2013 in 22h23
Thursday evening is warm, hummmm ...

18/10/2013 in 09h25
hello who is going tonight and what the attendance of thank you sent me a message

16/10/2013 in 16h55
H54 years bi married guy looking to learn a little more, like being subjected passive

15/10/2013 in 18h24
soleil34500 although I am not of Herault, when you go in a sauna libertine it provides you with towels, gel and condom! Well, good luck to you!

07/10/2013 in 21h10
I got very fucked 5 Friday evening and that good good spanked me too !!!!!

29/09/2013 in 13h02
hello there are people on Sunday after noon

28/09/2013 in 12h34
I moves me home to suck. Trav am slim, tall, 30 years. H popular Wall

11/09/2013 in 09h36
H54 married, looking for a guy to teach me, am submissive passive but not active, dream of a bukkake

10/09/2013 in 13h06
Missing a word dsl! Pretty little hairless ass lol

10/09/2013 in 12h16
Lt. am active Beur well MBR! Search pretty little hairless disassemble this ap noon sauna let me kisses private message m

08/09/2013 in 18h11
Super sauna, arranged to facilitate quick contacts in the steam room or backroom.J'y went several times and have never been disappointed (Saturday I sucked a huge cock) even if attendance is not maximum. When word of mouth will start to take effect this will be the top.

06/09/2013 in 16h51
Hello everyone ! I tested today to the Sauna H2O! Frankly there's nothing to say that sauna is beautiful (beautiful tiles, nice bar, nice changing rooms etc ... I think this is certainly one of the most beautiful sauna South of France. Usability is appropriate in this place that I think will be more frequent when all the world will know it is open! in addition it has the advantage of being open until 1 am in the morning! I in any case I do not have disappointed, the Jacuzzi is super nice, spacious and very clean hammam, cabins are nice (yes I have tested for you !! lol), the showers a bit small but nevertheless I think we do not need to a large space for washing. The bartender who was there was frankly very welcoming and very nice. Small flat on the cheese quiche I ate I think it is very average but otherwise !!! I urge you all to go to the sauna H2O and especially warn your friends as the place to do anything to become a place for high-level relaxation! It is my opinion (I know no direction I assure you). Operate word of mouth because I would like that the next time I come to this place is just a little more than guys! In any case you will not be disappointed because I did not! Kisses to all ! So is my opinion (I know no direction I assure you). Operate word of mouth because I would like that the next time I come to this place is just a little more than guys! In any case you will not be disappointed because I did not! Kisses to all ! So is my opinion (I know no direction I assure you). Operate word of mouth because I would like that the next time I come to this place is just a little more than guys! In any case you will not be disappointed because I did not! Kisses to all !

02/09/2013 in 10h17
Weekdays what day and time when there is the most people? I would love to go and have a look ...

24/07/2013 in 23h50
I stay tonight, nice pluto

17/07/2013 in 16h28
establishment new, very clean, friendly. finally a place open for dinner.

17/07/2013 in 12h52
jy going tonight to suck cock and take spankings

03/07/2013 in 12h01
anyone know there are people

… close history