Mais quel arnaque ce sauna , si pour 25euros tout etait a dispo ...mais quedale , une piscine a motié vide et une eau a 10degré , un hammam ou l on patoge dans l eau avec sa fontaine bien sur HS , un sauna avec une odeur a vomir et bien sur pas de douche sur plusieurs jours et l entrée reste quand même à 25euros ... le client ici n est pas du tout respecter , il regarde surtout sa caisse le mec ... un sauna si on peut appeler ça un sauna à EVITER ...
Looking forward to your cocks, your mouths, your hands, to suck them, kiss them, be fisted and fucked
Demain apres midivpour y etre defoncé , fister , et vider vos burnes
Hello, des trav ou trans au 212 ce vendredi après midi ?
Hello, I will be there Saturday 18/01 for gang-bang and especially double anal and still without a condom.
Couple or woman in this sauna
HUMM !! Aujourd huu des 14h pour vous lecher, sucer , embraser, et etre defoncer ou fister par vos queues
Salut, qui m'accompagne dès 11h? Ou 12h?
Débutant me faire initié bisous
Je descends le week-end du 22 Février sur lunel à l'hôtel pour un week-end de détente ....... je recherche des partenaires pour découvrir les lieux chaud de la région. Je peux recevoir et me déplace. J'attends vos messages avec impatience . À très bientôt j'espère.
bonjour, j'annule mon passage au sauna f212 ce samedi 11 en raison d'un problème de santé (grippe) , avec toutes mes excuses...
Bonjour couple bi pour couple bi mercredi 15 janvier 13h30 au F212 Contacté moi ici pour plus
Coucou à tous, certainement dimanche après-midi je serai présente je confirmerai la veille et le jour même
J y serai samedi des femme ou des couples dispo
Thursday afternoon at sauna 212 to make me lower and lower with couples in guy I am a very good sucker to fuck deep inside I would be from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to make me lower and after for couples or very big cocks to make me fuck my ass
Ji serai jeudi pour les couples bi
Possible if appointment to pass from 4:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. Friday for active bi bm or tbm
bjr cet am si rdv uniquement
bjr cet am si rdv uniquement
J'y serais de midi à 17h aujourd'hui pour 69 bouffer de culs et prendre des culs
Hello, I will be there this Thursday afternoon to lower and make me lower
Disponible demain après-midi
Y a t il du monde dimanche apres midi? J y serais ppur etre defoncer, fister, sucer et tout avaler.
Bonjour arrêter vos commentaires déplacer et jaloux sur Marielle et aller voir ailleurs elle et responsable merci
Arrêté de direct tout ça . On et tous des personnes responsables alors chaque un prend c'est responsabilité. Mariejean30 n'avez pas à ce justificatif et elle le fait . On et la pour du plaisir et on pour jugée les pratiques. Bonne journée a tous
se serais presente le vendredi 20 decembre en apres midi , en mode salope mon maitre vas me préter pour sucer et me faire baiser
Vous faites ce que vous voulez sans préservatif mais les risques sont bien là. Bonne journée
j'ai ajouté sur mon profil les résultats des dépistages concernant les IST : gonorrhoae, chlamydia, hépatite C, syphilis... (vaccinée hépatite A et B) avec les antériorités. La page 1 fait état de la biochimie pour la fonction rénale car sous prep il faut surveiller le débit de filtration qui est très satisfaisant d'après le médecin. D'ailleurs le Dr Schwartzentruber Eric se tient à la disposition des libertins au CeGIDD à NIimes. Oui lesud3434, vous avez raison de soulever le problème, mais je suis une personne responsable et le fait de rajouter que c'est une folie me parait un peu dépassé en ne connaissant pas la finalité.
une petite mise au point concernant la prep, en effet je suis sous prep depuis plus d'un an mais je fais des dépistages très réguliers, prise de sang, prélèvements pharyngé, vaginal et anal, pour info j'étais au labo ce matin et j'ai rdv vendredi avec un médecin au cégid à nimes, je suis consciente que les hommes qui me pénètrent sans préservatifs courent des risques, pour ma part je n'étais jamais tranquille auparavant et je devais vérifier à chaque fois avec la main la présence du préservatif. c'est l'équipe médicale du cégid qui m'a parlé de la prep et me l'a conseillée, je vis une sexualité épanouie, avec le port du préservatif pour ceux qui le souhaitent et sans pour ceux qui le veulent ainsi. Dire que c'est de la folie est peut être un peu exagéré, pour info, tous mes résultats sont cleans
Elle n'est pas protégée des MST C'est une folie
Le pire qqun qui se fais giclé dedans et qui enchaîne les personnes elle est protégée sous prep mais pas les multi partenaire et ça peu le comprennent une cuve contaminée ça l est pour tous ceux qui y rentrent
A titre d'information,lisez bien messieurs et madame La Prep, tout comme le TPE, ne protège pas des autres infections sexuellement transmissibles (IST) : gonorrhée, condylomes (liés au papillomavirus), chlamydia, hépatites A (VHA), B (VHB) et C (VHC), syphilis, etc. Elle ne prévient pas non plus les grossesses non désirées. C’est pourquoi la Prep doit être accompagnée d’un suivi renforcé et individualisé en santé sexuelle : vaccinations, dépistages réguliers des IST, traitement des IST, tests de grossesse, contraceptions.
bonjour, présente au sauna ce mardi 17 à 14h pour un très chaud gang bang... rapports no capote acceptés car sous prep !!!
je serais au sauna le vendredi 19 decembre en mode chienne offerte par mon maitre qui voudra me baiser et se faire sucer
This afternoon I'm 16/12 to be fisted, fucked, and sucked all the cocks that want to be emptied,
Hello, I confirm my presence this afternoon until around 6:30 p.m.
Hello, I will be there on Saturday to have fun and please myself.
Je confirme ma présence demain après-midi samedi
encore une aprem de folie ce jeudi au sauna !!! merci à tous...
J’y serai samedi après-midi jusqu’à 18 heures environ
Des trav ou femme dimanche
Demain le 10/12 j y serais pour etre defoncer, baiser et fister, HUMM J adore, etre prise comme une chienne sucer plusieurs queues avaler vote jus , et sentir votre foutre couler entre mes fesses avant de vous nettoyer votre outis a grand coup de langue comme une chienne
Salut ji serai demain en trav Dominique 2 qui la tienne 3 qui la niques ça me va très bien cherche de bonne bites tout l'après midi
Quelqu’un pour me faire découvrir le lieux aujourd’hui ?
Bonjour je serai present cette aprem en espérant prendre des facial et plus
se vendredi 29 encore un moment inoubliable , je me suis régale . je voudrais laisser un message a la trans ou travestie blonde que j'ai croiser c'est deux dernier passage , je voudrais bien dialoguer avec elle , si elle lit se message elle peut me joindre en message prive . merci gros bisous a tous
I think I'll go there tomorrow the 29th around 1:30 p.m. Someone to accompany me
j'y serais vendredi 29 en mode salope a baiser ,presente avec mon maitre qui me pretera au homme qui le veule
Vendredi si covoiturage au départ d avignon sinon peut-être sauna gare avignon
J'y serai aussi début d'après-midi
Bonjour j y serai samedi 16/11en aprem , bi passif ouvert aux couple et homme actif.
Serai sur place début après-midi ou si proposition plus intéressante
j'y serais demain vendredi 8 de 13h a 16h , en mode salope au ordre de mon maitre qui me pretera a tout se qui veule , on sera dans la salle de projection pour vous faire sucer et me baiser
Bonjour, je serai présent de 12 à 16h30 pour sexe débridé sans obligation avec couplé ou femme.belle trans ou trav vous pouvez tenter votre chance, biz .réponse en message privé...
Je viendrai sûrement samedi prochain pour découvrir cette endroit si quelqu'un intéressé laissez moi un message
Salut demain après midi au 212 a baisé en trav très salope et cette nuit a côté sur le parking de Carrefour l'Etoile dans mon camping car bien au fond de mon cul qui en demande venir me voir vous serez pas déçu
Passing by at 12 noon to discover..... mp.
cet am en bas et dentelle
demain en am ... laissez mp pour rdv ... bises
Cette semaine femme ou couples pour après-midi cokine ?? Mp biz
cette semaine en am ... laissez mp
j'ai particulièrement adoré cette très chaude après-midi !!! bravo pour les spécialité napolitaines qui étaient délicieuses, un grand merci à l'équipe du f212...
bonjour, de passage au sauna f212 ce samedi 26 à 14h...
cette semaine en am ... laissez mp
Bonjour je pars de Marseille en direction de Nîmes y a-t-il un lieu intéressant pour m’arrêter
Bonjour à toutes. Pas une trans ou trav pour m'accompagner et me faire découvrir ce lieu alors aujourd'hui ou demain?
Recherche transsexuelle pour me faire découvrir ce lieu durant 2 ou 3 heures. Elle aura droit à un beau massage. Me contacter en mp pour décider ensemble le jour qui convient. Bise
J’ai passé une super après-midi très coquine dans ce lieu où le personnel est vraiment sympathique de plus , l établissement mérite qu’on le signale car ce n’est pas toujours le cas dans d’autres lieux ,c’est très propre, le ménage est fait régulièrement.
Bonjour je confirme ma présence cette après-midi vers 15h
bonjour, de passage au sauna ce samedi 12 à 14h pour du sexe sans prise de tête...
Bonjour Je serai présent ce jour de 13h à 17h pour des moments coquins dans l’attente et le respect de chacun. Bises libertines.
J’y serai peut-être demain samedi après-midi. Je confirmerai le jour même
Serait présent demain au F212. Espère rencontrer couples, femmes ou Trans pour bons moments coquins dans le respect et l’attente de chacun. Bises libertines.
j'y serais cet aprem ,offerte par mon maitre a qui voudra
Demain 09/10 pour recevoir voir bites me faire defoncer comme une salope ,serais toute ouverte , j aime sucer,avaler, etre souillé, fisté par des mains avides de s enfoncer en moi
je vais surement y passer la semaine prochaine
Serais le 9/10 apres midi pour vous pomper et etre defoncé voir fisté , j aime les bites et leur jus
bonjour, de passage au sauna ce samedi 5 à 14h...
Ji serai de 12h00 a 18h00 pour me faire baisser en résille et string très salope j'adore la bite me faire baisser et sucer en même temps dans le noir
Salut ji serai vendredi pour ce faire du bien
bonjour, de passage ce mercredi 25 de 14h à 16h...
Bonjour j y vais demain après-midi à la recherche de coquine
J’y serai cet après-midi vers 14 heures jusqu’à 18h30
Bonjour moi c'est ange 37ans très envie de bien me faire sucer et de baisser toute une après-midi et ou une soirée vous pouvez m'envoyer des messages en privé biz
Nous y allons le lundi 26 pour bi actif reel
Des bi pour nous faire découvrir ce lieu vendredi 23
Coucou j'y vais cet aprem il y a des hommes qui souhaitent tirer leur coup?
Bonjour, il y a des couples qui fréquentent l’établissement ?
ce lundi au départ d avignon qui vient (ou new bora)
Passage aujourd’hui accompagnée de ma complice… un établissement, propre, complet avec un belle piscine ! Ambiance conviviale et personnel au petit soin, nous avons même eu droit à la visite complète du site ! Merci à eux d’ailleurs. Une experience à renouveller.
Saturday afternoon which makes me discover
Salut les actifs je vais au 212 cette après midi pour me faire baisser le plus possible
Bonjour qui y sera samedi???
J y serai ce lundi 5 aout apres midi pour bukkake et plus si affinites. Me contacter en mp
Bonjour à tous, je souhaite me rendre dans ce sauna d'ici quelques jours... est il possible d'utiliser des chaussures à talon compensé dans l'établissement ? De plus est il possible de garder un maillot ?... pudeur "féminine" de travesti... lol... Merci à tous pour vos réponses.
quelle belle aprem de plaisir ce mardi !!! merci à tous...
Qui y sera demain je pence faire un tour
Clubf212 Bonjour je n'ai pas vu ke coentaire de votre préposé si je puis me permettre je suis venue à plusieurs reprises dans votre établissement et pourmoi un régale tres bon etablissemznt ppropre je me suis bien régalé de bon plans je recommande pneinement votre établissemznt. A bientot et BRAVO CONTINUEZ dans ce sens vous arretez pas aux mauvaises fois.
Une petite réponse au vomi du mec (sic...) qui se fait appeler "kristinatrav" : cher monsieur, déjà, apprenez à écrire correctement le Français, ce qui rendra votre litanie plus lisible; il est noté à l'entrée que les talons aiguilles ne sont pas autorisés, car cela affecte le sol en polymère; et puis, on se demande bien à quoi cela peu servir... On voit qu'un con est con, lorsqu'il ne trouve pas les douches individuelles, alors qu'il continue à squatter dans le pissoir, où les anciennes douches servent de décoration sur le mur ... Dire que l'établissement ne vit qu'aù travers des dames et trav est une absurdité absolue; cela ne représente qu'une infime partie de la clientèle, chaque jour différente et plus nombreuse; Dire que l'établissement est mal entretenu relève de la facilité à écrire des inepties, de la part d'un homme qui se cache derrière une cagoule, pour dissimuler sa calvitie, sous une gaine, pour masquer son petit bide, et perruqué comme Louis XIV d'un flambeau blond pour attirer Dieu sait quoi... Un dernier point: signalement de pas mals de clients comme quoi cette chose veut prendre sans préservatifs, sans doute pour innoculer aux autres les travers de sa santé.
un grand merci à tous pour cette superbe aprem de plaisir ce jeudi...
I've already had to deal with the little pug...Indeed, he wasn't very cool with me either because he refuses any form of heels even though the entry regulations only prohibit stiletto heels. The other two managers are much nicer, no problem with them
I went there this afternoon! The little pug (I don't know if he's the boss) really pisses me off! No hood / no heels already that his establishment is empty and poorly maintained (none of the showers work, it is hardly clean) it is thanks to the worker and the woman that his establishment works. So girls choose another establishment, there are lots of nice ones ;)
bonjour couple femme ou trans qui y vont aujourd'hui ?
Bonjour je vais peut y venire c aite apreme
Today 12/07 my big ass ready to be fucked, fisted awaits you at 212. I suck, lick and swallow everything. I like big cocks and nice full balls
On peux y aller pour sucer ou se faire sucer?
Vendredi 12/07 vemez baiser mon gros cul me fister, m ejaculer dans la bouche. Je suce mode gorge profonde toutes les bites
J y serais demain apres midi mon gros cul de pute offert a toutes les queues et pret a etre fister jusqu au poignet. Je pompe et j avale je vous viderais les burnes .en mode gorge profonde J AIME LES BITES
J’irai bien vendredi après midi, qui vient avec moi ?
Serais au sauna, vendredi 05/07 apres midi pour sucer vos bites, etre baiser voire fister par vos mains expertes .
Bonjour je serai présent lundi aprem Petit question . Que penser vous des cage de chasteté ? Merci de vaux reponse
Salut , une femme, une trans ou un couple cet après midi ?
Bonjour est qu'il y a du monde le dimanche ?
La venue de mon amie trans ce mardi 18 au F212 est annulée. Mais ce n'est que partie remise, je préviendrai d'un prochain passage.
Coucou, Du monde le samedi en général ? Je souhaite y aller samedi, si vous voulez m'accompagner contactez moi en MP.
Cette après midi pourquoi pas
Mardi 18 juin, je serais avec une belle trans que je proposerai aux hommes présents, à partir de 17h-17h30. Elle sera offerte à vos envies et aux siennes. N'hésitez pas à vous faire connaître.
Today Sunday 9 I will be there in the afternoon
Salut demain samedi 8 juin je serai au 212 de 12h00 à 14h15 en mode salope en string rose pour me faire baisser bien au fond après une bonne pipe et de 14h30 à 17h00 pour baisser les femmes gourmande
Salut samedi au 212 pour me faire baisser comme une salope en string de 12h00 à 14h00 et après pour baisser les coquines
Je serai là cet après-midi
Hello, a beautiful trans trav or couple this afternoon in the sauna?
@boubouline it's the Sillon Inter Gluteus, or common line and it's French
I go for a walk at the beginning of the afternoon (30-05)... I really want a good mouth to play with my penis... a tongue slides from my glans to my sif and why not have it search me my little hole...
Gina the libertine, ultra hot, with a lot of sexual desires, with her little thong, her suspender belt, her pink stockings and her pink boots, her pink bra so sexy, she will suck all the cocks, small, medium, big, very big, short and long, she will not leave you a drop of sperm, she will swallow it all in her very hot mouth. Please do her a favor, when she sucks a cock, you have to sodomize her (with a condom) she loves it. If you want to be her Master, keep her on a leash and choose which cocks she should suck, which cocks should fuck her, and a few lashes to heat her up even more. Make an appointment with Gina by SMS at 07 60 27 64 20 (Gina's phone) so that Gina can show you love at Club Sauna f212. Gina the hot, hot, sex slut will be there for you and will give everyone her mouth and ass.
Slt ji serai vendredi aprem il ya d trav qui y seront ?
Je suis vrai salope qui veut Etre bzé demain am apres 14h30. Je suce, j avale, je veux aussi etre defoncer, fister, couverte de votre jus
J y serai mardi 28 vers 14h 30 pour me faire fister, baiser, et vider vos couilles comme une pute
hello, passing through this Tuesday the 14th around 2:15 p.m. for sex without taboos...
Je n'y suis jamais allé, j'aimerai bien sucer et me faire prendre Je pourrai être dispo vers 20h Contacter moi mp
J'y serai à l'ouverture, et jusqu'à 13h30-14h, envie de sucer de belles queues à la chaîne
Demain Samedi après-midi j’y serai
Bonjour, possible cet après midi
Coucou je serai présente là bas aujourd’hui 19 avril de 13h30 -17h venez nombreux les coquins
Bonjour à tous , je vois que ce sauna a l’air au top toute fois je ne sais pas si j y ai ma place , car je suis cagoule , de plus je lis que les talons sont défendus et un trav sans talons c est comme si j étais sans rouge à lèvre ;) a vous lire . Kristina
In response to Alexa 13, You can stay dressed, however stiletto heels are prohibited, so use block heels instead
Coucou j aimerais y aller cet am des 13h mardi 16 avril . Je suis assez docile et soumise et une vrai petite garce si entourée de belles queues . A t on accès aux cabines , black room et espace projection si l on reste habillée en trav avec ses talons ? J attends vos réponse pour décider de ma venue .
Merci a ceix que j ai pu sucer hier qui me semble t il on aimé et a celui qui ma fister j ai adorer
Is this sauna suitable for a small job, say a beginner?
I will definitely go there this afternoon. Give me a sign.
Bonjour, je vous conseille ce sauna, très bien reçu, pas cher, très propre , beaucoup de respect . Je vais souvent dans ce sauna, en semaine comme le dimanche, mes premiers RDV sont dans ce sauna, il est fréquenté par des hétérosexuels, des travestis, des femmes, des transgenres comme moi, des bi . Après avoir fréquenté d'autres saunas depuis plus de 10 ans je peux vous dire que le sauna f212 et le seul avec toujours beaucoup de monde, très bien fréquenté ou je ne m'ennuie pas. A chaque fois que je vais dans ce sauna, je peux vous dire que quand je repars je suis toujours SATISFAITE. Faite le détour, je vous le conseille largement.
Un plan sympa à me proposer autour de Nîmes avant 13h30 ?
Ce jeudi 04/04 je suce,j avale, j embrasse ,j aime etre baisé, fisté, et couverte de sperme .je serais la de 14h30 a 17h30 pour vous satisfaire et surtout vous vider les couilles
Ce jeudi 28/03 de 14h a 17h pour vider vos couilles etre prise ,fister, vous sucer ,vous soulager ,
J y serai dès midi trente aujourd’hui mercredi
Demain 28/03 serais dispo de 14h30 a 17h pour etre rempli de votre jus, j adore sucer,avaler, etre defoncé, fister comme une (sa)lope) j aime sentir ton jus coulé entre mes fesses ou au fond de ma gorge.
Salut des actifs ou des ce vendredi
bonjour, empêchement pour ce jeudi 21, dsl, toutes nos excuses...
Hi trav very slut I arrive before 2:00 p.m.
Will be this afternoon to be fucked, fisted and empty all the balls. I swallow, I ignite, and love being covered in cock juice
Hello active people, I'm coming on Thursday for work to make me lower as much as possible and success
Bonjour Petit erreure je voulais dire mardi 12 mars Alors du monde?
Bonjour cet après midi 9/03 pourquoi pas,si la piscine est chaude qui m'apprend...
Bonjour Du monde mardi 9 mars début d’après-midi? Car la dernière fois personne. Message privé si intéressé
Aujourd’hui samedi 2 mars j’y serai début d’après-midi jusqu’à la fermeture
Hello everyone, I would like to get to know this place. Someone today?
Are there any couples? What are the busiest days?
I'll be there on Tuesday between midday and 1:30 p.m. with a trans friend who has kept her pussy. He wants to be filled in a chain and double vaginal if possible. Thanks to those who served there.
Bonjour , je recherche mon homme de confiance qui me fera découvrir ce lieu la semaine prochaine en après midi , qui m exhibera et me mettra à disposition de vos queues ! Qui m accompagne ? Laissez message
Bonjour je vais y passer demain AM
Receive tomorrow morning nearby for sex plan and afternoon in the sauna In pm
Du monde après midi ? J'y serai sans doute..
Looking for group or guys to accompany me
Salut à tous les bi actifs Ji serais cette après midi en string pour succès et me faire prendre bien au fond mon cul de salope en demande des biens dures ,je baise les femmes et les trav aussi
Salut. J'y serai mercredi 21/2 l'après midi. Intéressé à se réchauffer ensemble avant? Fais moi un mp.
Salut vendredi après-midi en salope à défoncé
Bonjour, qui sera présent au sauna cette après midi ?
bonjour, de passage au sauna ce samedi 10 à 14h...
Quelqu’un pour m’accompagner histoire de découvrir ce lieux sil vous plaît
Bonjour à tous, à quelle heure l' ouverture et qui y sera, en mp.Merci
Want to go...Monday...Tuesday... which is available.. departure from Avignon
There are no women or trans
Je me suis rendu aujourd’hui au F212 ben très étonner sauna très propre de belles installations L’accueil était parfait par un beau brun hyper cool Petit étui avec gel et capote Ça vaut largement les 25€
Ce sauna n’est plus gay comme avant ?
passing this Monday 18/12 want one or more active mature man I will be there between 1:30 p.m. and 6 p.m.
I would like to make it the week between Christmas and New Year's Day but I don't know how it works and what the codes are to follow
Ce vendredi à partir de midi pour h,f,cpl
Bonjour j y serai mercredi prochain le 13 avec une amie trans . Il s agit d une femme hormonee. Elle aimerait etre copieusement offerte et bien remplie. Merci pour ceux qui la remplieront A mercredi
Bonjour J’y serai cet après-midi
I might go there next Wednesday just to find some cock to satisfy, I love sucking and being fucked by several dominant active guys in the hammam or backrom Those interested contact me
Qui m accompagne aujourd hui à partir de 12h30 ? Je recherche beaux jeunes hommes , voir plusieurs , couples ou copines . Laissez message
Bonsoir je n'est jamais ete dans un club je suiss tres timide peut on m'expliquer comment ca se passe ou trouver une rencontre pour y aller. Merci
Slt Sissy oui les travs sont acceptées tu as accès à tout sauf bien sur jacuzzi et sauna et le parking est assez discret avec un accès direct au sauna donc tu peux venir habillé voilà en espérant avoir répondu à tes questions
Hello, who can give me opinions on this club? Are they allowed to cross-dress in the afternoon and can they stay in outfits and heels if they don't go to the spa? What do we have access to if we remain in uniform? At the cuddly corner? Is there a glory or other game pieces? What time does it open in the afternoon? And last question, is there parking and can we enter directly in clothes discreetly? Thank you for your feedback, leave me your answers.
Envie de pomper et me faire prendre... Qui y va samedi apm? Contactes MP
Qui veut y aller cette semaine au départ d covoiturage
Je suis disponible pour faire des rencontres . Vendredi à dimanche je peux me libérer pour vous y retrouver . Contacter moi
Bonjour Des ts, tv où couple cette après midi ?
bonjour, de passage au sauna ce samedi 4 aux environs de 14h...
Quelqu un y va demain ?? Je suis passif
Je confirme ma présence cet après-midi
Samedi 14 après-midi je serai là jusqu’à 18 heures
Bonjour , qui peut me donner des avis sur ce club ? Accepté t il les travestie en après midi et peuvent elles rester en tenue et talons si elles ne font pas de balneo ? Merci pour vos retours
Je vois des commentaires disant que 25€ c'est l'un des saunas le plus cher du coin ! moi suis jamais allé mais j'ai eu l'occasion d'aller au rexsauna à nimes et pourtant c'était en 2019 et c'était déjà à 25€ !
Not knowing the place at all, I would like to know if there are couples present on weekday afternoons.
So: for those who don't have an extra €5 to spare, stay at home! Or go to duster... When you're good for nothing in your life and you spend your time criticizing, ha ha! Finally, that's three badgers out of all our great customers
I will be Saturday from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to lower me and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to lower these ladies and why not lower me at the same time
Unfortunately with the non-regulated EDF increase for professionals, and given the energy consumed for our well-being the increase is inevitable... it's that or more saunas... many have reduced the temperatures and even close the sauna or hammam to lower their consumption
Like other people, I find this increase abusive. 25% increase is really a lot. I hope that many customers will react and abandon this sauna. By wanting too much we risk losing everything.
25€ ils se mouchent pas avec le dos de la cuillère ! En plus rien de spécial mais bon avec l'augmentation du prix de l'électricité , tout le monde en profite pour se remplir les poches !!
dommage que le prix d entrée soit prohibitif...25.00€ c'est bien au dessus des autres saunas concurrents, et à mon avis ce n'est pas justifié
Bonjour, je compte y aller mardi ou mercredi 20/9/23.Au plaisir de vous rencontrer !!
Demain samedi j’y serai, De 14 heures environ jusqu’à 18 heures
Cet après-midi je vais y faire un tour je pense vers 15 heures
I agree with fripon13 but who knows another site.
Bonsoir assez d accord avec randonne beaucoup de branleurs et de myto sur le Site No comment !!
Bonjour qui veut m’accompagner pour une petite heure
I'm spending this APM there, I hope lots of good cocks
PS Aimerait bien retrouver câlins 30
Présent aujourd'hui a partir de 14h
Hello, I will be curious to discover this place being in Nîmes tomorrow afternoon until evening. Also curious to discover a Black room.
Hello who can go there next week?
De passage aujourd’hui à partir de 15h pour mec mur actif uniquement
Demain, mon gros cul, ma bouche, à disposition et à remplir
Thursday 08/31 afternoon to be fucked, fisted, I'm waiting for your cocks, I swallow, I kiss, and I'm all open to empty your balls
J y serai mercredi après midi
Bonjour qui connais cette endroit ? Et qui pourrait m’y faire découvrire cette endroit svp merci
Bonjour ji suis et je vous aten avec Impatient
Qui mercredi prochain laisser mp
Ons aimerais y aller quel jours pour cpl bi
Bonjour j'y serai samedi je recherche sexe large pour mon petit cul et si possible un dominateur hard ..
Hello, de passage dans le sud demain soir, lundi cherche femme ou couple pour me faire découvrir les saunas de la région en soirée.
Jordi34000 quel déchéance quel respect tu as de toi même c’est dégoûtant
Bonjour J’y serai demain ou mardi pour ceux intéressés
Bonjour, bon, abandon du projet. Je remercie tbm13200 pour ces encouragements (menaces) qui m’ont bien aidé à faire mon choix. J’espère que toi tu y emmène ta femme pour ne pas baiser celle des autres. Mon but était juste de passer un bon moment mais tant pis !
Bonjour à toutes et à tous, je pense essayer d’y aller demain. Je n’ai jamais essayé ce genre d’endroit, donc je suis complètement novice envers ces code et assez timide ! ! Mais j’ai 38 ans samedi alors j’ai envie de découvrir ! Au pire je me payerai un bon moment détente hammam jacuzzi ! Non ?
Bonjour, qui y sera aujourd’hui jeudi 17/08 ? Je compte y aller . Venez PV
J'y serai demain 17 aout vers 14h
J y passerai le 30 dans l aprem
Bientôt de passage à nimes Cherche de bons baiseurs uniquement au jus Qui peut me recevoir ? Est-ce que le sauna accepte les travestis !? Merci
Bien envie d y faire un tour aujourd'hui (16/08) pour passer un agréable moment avec cpl dont hbi (mais pas obligatoire) ou avec femme... contactez moi par message...
Samedi j'y serai si l'on me fais découvrir......
Bien envie d y passer faire un tour aujourd'hui (07/08) pour partager un moment sexe avec cpl (dont hbi pourquoi pas) ou femme de plus de 50 ans...ici où ailleurs, n hésitez pas à me contacter par mp
Hello on Sunday is there a lot of people? Because I really want to go
Are there people on weekday afternoons? Or is it better to wait until the evening or the weekend to go there?
I would really like to see you again... We talked a lot together. You work for a big amusement park. Please contact me again. I hope to see you very soon. Kisses.
I'm going there this afternoon...
I'm there from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m.
Hello I confirm my presence this afternoon
I'll be there this Friday 28/07 afternoon as a very very open submissive whore. To be taken by several people for hours and without moderation. No age criteria. I like everyone. Only one obligation: hood of rigor for penetration. I wish you enduring and very many...
superb afternoon spent with a magnificent couple of libertines.
Hello tomorrow Saturday afternoon I will be there
hello present from 2 p.m. this day Jluc
Bonjour dans la piscine ou dans les bulles envi d'y aller pour...
Bonjour dans la piscine ou dans les bulles envi d'y aller pour....
Bonjour cet après midi dans la piscine ou dans les bulles envi d'y aller....
Present Friday from 14 Jluc
Superbe apres midi le 7 juillet,presence de trois couples tres coquins. Merci a la charmante dame qui m'a admirablement sucé avant que je ne commence à m'occuper d'elle (à priori efficacement)sur le canapé de la piece sombre...hélas,il y a encore trop de lourds et j'ai préféré laisser ma (bonne) place a l'imbecile qui me poussait alors que j'etais en train de prodiguer un cuni à madame...dommage,je serais volontiers allé jusqu'au terme avec elle.
Bonjour du monde vendredi 14 ?
Hello everyone this Monday for a good fuck
People tomorrow? Contact me
From noon available for active hours, women or couples Who will join me there?
Hello les actifs , qui vient m y rejoindre cet apres midi , je vous offrirai ma bouche et mon joli petit cul a toutes vos envies ... M.P
salut je cherche un motard a sucer jusqu'à la dernière goutte c est mon fantasme dites moi votre horaire de passage et je viendrai
I'll be there from 12:15 p.m. to get lost in the maze :)
I'll be there this apt from 1 p.m.
J'y serais à 13h pour plansuce et prendre un bon cul
J'y suis dans une heure trente envie de tout
Samedi 17 apres midi j'ai envie...
salut je cherche un motard a sucer jusqu'à la dernière goutte c est mon fantasme dites moi votre horaire de passage et je viendrai
Hello, who can give me information on a woman of an age with tattoos and a little strong I met them a little over a month ago in the jacuzzi. THANKS
for a am next week! in pm for appointment! kisses
Bonjour je pense arriver vers 15 heures
Bonjour je confirme pour demain samedi après-midi ma présence en ce lieu magique
Hello les mecs , j y serais demain apres midi ( vendredi ) pour m occuper de vos bites en vous offrant ma bouche et mon joli petit cul ... venez m y rejoindre je suis en manque et je compte bien me rattraper .
Samedi après midi je serai là
J’y serai cet après-midi…
Coucou je confirme ma présence pour demain samedi après-midi jusqu’à 18h30
Comme d’habitude je confirme ma présence la veille. Bisous à tous
Samedi 3 juin dans l’après-midi je serai présente jusqu’à 19 heures
Bonjour présent cet après-midi
Du monde cette après-midi?
Le 26 j y serai cet après-midi pour sucer,avaler ,etre baiser. Vider vos couilles et me faire remplir de votre jus
Demain après midi entièrement disponible pour être baiser
Cc a tous j'y serais samedi 27 pour actif ou passif bouffer des culs sucer me faire sucer etc pas de tabous
Boubouline , tu m as trop fait rire , quel clown alors , on doit pas s ennuyer vaec toi ! Un vrai comique ! Mais sans te manquer de respect , occupe toi de ton LUC ! Merci
Sissy13fr , en tenue de quoi tu n'es pas dans un sex-shop ou un club c'est un sauna !!!! Tous à poil ! Mort de rire .
Cherche copine pour m accompagner en tenue demain mardi 23 mai en après midi pour un après midi de folie . J attends vos retours .
Hello for people who frequent, does this place accept workers in the afternoon of the week? (dressed and wearing without of course having access to the balneo? Thank you for your answers.
J’y suis encore car arrivé tard vers 16h30. Dommage car il y avait beaucoup plus de monde en début d après midi. Je me suis quand même amusé...
Je serai là demain samedi début d’après-midi jusqu’à 18 heures
Very disappointed today! Nearly frequented by older men… Hammam almost without steam… Sauna condemned to save money… Too bad… 20€ for 30 minutes because I preferred not to spoil my afternoon! And go somewhere else… Too bad!
Saturday 13 I will be present from the beginning of the afternoon until 6 p.m.
hello present this afternoon from 14 pm
hello and is it open today may 1st
hello, we will be at the sauna this Sunday 30 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. for sex without the fuss...
Present this Thursday, May 4 from 12 p.m.
Anyone in the hot corner?
I hope to have many guys this APM
Hi I am bi passive submissive .. never tested sauna .. and very want to discover
I hope good naughty tomorrow afternoon thank you
hello I will be present tomorrow afternoon until 6:30 p.m.
I confirm my presence today around 3 p.m.
Maybe tomorrow afternoon until 6:30 p.m. I will confirm tomorrow morning
Really want to meet a couple or woman this afternoon
Who this afternoon to empty
Who is coming tomorrow afternoon to be emptied in my mouth or in my ass?
Hello In reply to Florian there are no particular days. More likely to meet couples on Saturday or Sunday
Hello on Saturday is there a lot of people? Because I would like to retuurn
biextreme recto verso afternoon of Wednesday March 1st, for our pleasure
Bonjour, je vous confirme ma présence cet après-midi jusqu’à 18h30 voire plus...
Hello I am a 40 year old bi active young man with a couple I will be there tomorrow if a couple will be there to answer pm
Tomorrow Saturday afternoon I will be there
Hello, are there people on Sunday afternoon?
Hello I confirm my presence for tomorrow afternoon Sunday
Hello Ji will be at 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. in a thong to suck you straight and get me down and from 2:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to fuck women and get me high too
Sunday afternoon I'll be there
Hello I'll be at f212 on Saturday 18 and Monday 20 San taboo active passive shaving front and back sucks food ass soda fingering etc
Maybe Sunday afternoon I will confirm the same morning
Here since Monday no one answers I'm disappointed
Bonjour je serais au sauna f212 Le samedi 18 et lundi 29 de l'ouverture à 17h 1m73 78 kg 18x5,5 raser recto verso je suis actif San tabou très chaud endurant
Tomorrow Saturday early afternoon until 6:30 p.m. I'll be there
Imminent departure from Avignon carpooling possible if quick response
Saturday 28 in the afternoon until 6:30 p.m. I will be present
If carpooling. From Avignon. Possible today...
hello, passing by this Wednesday 25 at 14 pm...
Looking for carpooling. Who wants to go One afternoon...
Hi I confirm it's afternoon I'll be there
Tomorrow Saturday early afternoon until 6:30 p.m. I'll be there
I will be present Saturday afternoon from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m.
hello there are people today looking for assets to get me caught not fucked since the 25th it's starting to do
Hello everyone...I'm definitely going to take a look there at the beginning of the afternoon (8/01)...want to have a good time with cpl including hbi...or beautiful trav very feminine and sexy, see even trans (the top)...want me to be sucked for a long time, licked, why not get caught (if small sex), and me to also suck a nice cock and possibly swallow for the 1st or elsewhere. .. do not hesitate to send a message
Who will be present today?
I confirm my presence today early afternoon until 6:30 p.m.
Hello tomorrow Wednesday early afternoon until 6:30 p.m. I will be present
The F212 will be closed on Saturday 31st. I will therefore be present on Wednesday 28/12 from 1.30 p.m. until 6 p.m.
Passing through Nîmes and surroundings today (22-12)... good to stop at the sauna to share a moment with f or cpl including hbi... here or elsewhere... contact me in pm if you like
I will be present on Saturday 31 from the beginning of the afternoon until 6:30 p.m., just to end the year well... and kicked
Lots of people this afternoon
Go a little motivation for everyone friendly place well received open I'll be there Monday to have a good time without headache have a nice weekend everyone
Hi everyone to thank again the welcome which is always so nice apart from a few relous a pleasant time spent see you soon I hope
Hi Ji will be tomorrow to lower me by assets from 12:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. and lower hot women I leave at closing
this am early to make my take! leave message kisses
I'm there until 7 p.m. for active wall
I'll be there from 3 p.m. for active wall guy or couple
bjr no doubt j'll be an am next week! better if appointment! kisses
I'll be there this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon active passive well ride smooth
bjr no doubt j'll be an am next week! better if appointment! kisses
We're going to take a walk there in the middle of the afternoon, No need to ask for the exact time because we don't know.
passive present for gangbang today
Hello guys in the world this afternoon to offer you my mouth and my pretty little ass? PM please.
Present this Thursday 10 at the beginning of the afternoon
Hello, I will be there on Friday 18 and Saturday 19 with a 25-year-old and the other 28, both of whom are active and fit well.
Hello We really want to go Thursday November 10 at the beginning of the afternoon.
Hello I would like to retuurn tomorrow afternoon who for accompanying me thank you
This afternoon carpooling possible from avignon
I would go to offer my mouth and my ass to whoever wishes to enjoy it
Toujours à la rechercher d un covoiturage au départ d avignon. Pour hbi. Gay.
Hello, who to show me the place on Tuesday 18/10 from noon? To your messages!
Hello I will be at the saunas on the 14th and 15th, I will be active, passive, suck, eat, ass, soda, etc.
See you tomorrow hoping to give you pleasure and give me too.hummmml ....
Tomorrow Saturday early afternoon until closing I'll be there
I will be there from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
hello there are people tomorrow at the beginning of the afternoon? Ji will be around 1 p.m.
Hello, what do you recommend Between the sauna at the Nîmes club or F212 sauna club or the-rex-sex-shop?? Thank you for your answers
hello is it crowded on wednesday?
Assets this afternoon? appointment in private message
Hello boys I pass this APM
Bonjour Cette après midi, couple ou trav ?
I am there and there are people
Hello, tomorrow Saturday afternoon I will be present
I'm going there this afternoon.
Bonjour, femme ou couple pour m'y accompagner cet après-midi ? MP
Hello everyone, I may be present in these places on Sunday afternoon. I will confirm in due time...
I've been there for 2 hours I relieved 2 people then nothing more to put in my mouth.. I'm waiting...
Tomorrow Thursday 18 I will be present early afternoon until closing
Hi active passive 1m73 78 kg 17x5'5 shave both sides I will be at f212 from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m. on August 24th no taboos suck food ass finger soda etc
co-carpooling possible from avignon or nearby, for nimes
Good evening tomorrow August 7th I will be at the sauna for women couples bi couples if interested leave me a message in private kisses
Hello a woman for this afternoon…?
I am there Friday afternoon…. who joins me
hello from the world tomorrow afternoon?
@jdlp13: you can go there you will find your happiness.
Hello I want to see my husband suck and get caught is this place good for that or too straight?
We are thinking of going there on a Friday so if you are bi active do not hesitate to contact us Madame likes to offer me to men and she takes pleasure in this while participating according to her desires....
Of the passage in the afternoon I would very much like to discover those places
Passing August 5th. I hope to meet nice people.
On the swing, My ass, my mouth, my hands, everything is ready to welcome your cocks and your juices. SEE YOU tomorrow 07/21 from 12 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
hello, people today for a hot plan?
Tomorrow from 12 to 4 p.m. fully open to welcome your cocks and your hands. I kiss, I suck I swallow.
Thursday 07/21 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on the swing with my legs apart waiting for your cock strokes and your hands to caress me, fist me, fuck me. Your tongues to kiss me and my mouth to swallow your juice I LOVE!!!!
Hi I will be there tomorrow from 1 p.m. 1:30 p.m. for active wall guy only (50 years old minimum)
I really want to go there this afternoon or Monday for wall guy
Impossible to come on 18 07 but will be present on 21 07 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. my ass, my mouth open to receive everything. I will be available on the swing with my legs apart to welcome your cocks, your hands, to be taken and fisted like the female dog that I am
Monday 18/07 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. to empty your balls and be stoned like a slut with your legs apart on the swings and your mouth open to swallow everything
I'll be there Monday, July 18 to be taken like a female dog and eat cocks. I love being offered legs and buttocks apart ready to be fucked and fisted on the swing,
I will be there tomorrow 06/06 from 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. to be fucked and eat cocks. I love being on the swing with my legs apart ready to welcome your cocks and suck them at the same time
Bsr the cokins are looking for a slutty woman or man to fuck tomorrow July 2 bizz cokine
Who would have an address please or an appointment to give me...
Beginner in the libertinism the saunas jacuzzi on Nîmes and surroundings are they just made for gay meetings? Or libertine women will also spend a relaxing moment….
Hello everyone this afternoon? I really want to go there to offer you my mouth and my pretty greedy little ass...
Hello I would like to meet a libertine to initiate me in the middle and go to the sauna in Nîmes..
Hello I would like to meet a trav or a trans in Nîmes or elsewhere I travel 50 km
Bjr I would like to discover this place but I ch d woman or trav esque there is?
this week in am! leave a message! kisses
I will be there from noon to 5:30 p.m.
They sell popers at the entrance? THANKS
Hey! I put my firm and generous buttocks available this weekend! Open to fantasy games etc!
Are there couples during the day week thank you?
I will be at the saunas on the 16th from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. 1m73 78 kg 17x5'5 shave front side suck food ass finger soda etc very hot
Want to suck a big cock I'll be there June 8 from 4 p.m.
I really want a daddy to take me there today :p
I would gladly go for a ride one of these four. For my part, I am not a fan of jacuzzis and saunas. But I hope to find a good atmosphere with cozy corners.
I'm looking for a wall guy to take me there :p
05/23 trav or trans for a little fun... want a moment of sex
Yesterday (22/05) I was there and got sucked divinely well by a man with a metal cockring...his sex was also very pleasant...we started having fun but not finished (we didn't want to do everything in same time)...if ever he is on the site and he recognizes himself, it will be with pleasure to follow up on this little moment
From the world today (22/05)? Want to have a good time sharing sex with cpl including hbi, trans or very feminine trav... don't hesitate to pm
demain mercredi 18 à partir de 14h aucun tabou pas de kpote mais pas forcement ejac a l intérieur actif et/ou passif le tout dans la bonne humeur!! suis bi reel
I'll be there this Monday 16 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. for sex sucks food ass soda etc sui active passive 1m73 78 kg 17x5'5 shaving recto verso
Who this afternoon to have a good time?
J'y vais sans doute lundi à partir de 12h/13h... Pour couple/femme principalement mais pas fermé à homme/trans...
If a couple adept at watsu recognize themselves on this site, please let me know. I loved meeting you on Friday at the end of the afternoon… Naughty kisses. Esteban
Maybe this afternoon (04/04) or tomorrow afternoon ... want to have a good time, get sucked, lick my little hole with an expert tongue, put a finger on me or sex if not too big because it's a first...a moment with real trav/trans...myself being in undress (1st time too)...don't hesitate to contact me if you like...
bjr probably this am but not in work and for my take ... leave pm in case kisses
Jeudi au départ d avignon . Je peux covoiturer. 13h.14h à 17.18h Qui vient qui veut découvrir. Hbi. Gay. F. Cple
Maybe this Wednesday from Avignon. I can carpool. 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Hello, I really want someone to make me discover this place this afternoon, someone to accompany me there or find me?
hello to all which rascals and rascals want to meet me at F212 this afternoon? Your desires and pleasures will be on the program… Leave me a pm to arrange the meeting time! See you soon, I hope !
bonjour faut il encore mettre le masque à l intérieur du club?
cc novice would like to see a little hf trans I do almost everything lol
Je pense y être cette après midi (13/02) a partir de 13h...j aimerai me faire lécher mon petit trou par une langue experte et voir plus pourquoi pas....ou passer un moment avec trans, trav efféminé...
Bonjour à toutes et tous quels coquines et coquins souhaitent me retrouver au F212 cette après-midi ? Vos désirs et plaisirs seront au programme… Laissez moi un mp pour convenir de l’heure de rdv ! A bientôt j’espère !
Hello guys, I'll be there tomorrow afternoon 09/02 from 2:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. to offer you my deep throat mouth and my pretty little ass... I hope there will be a lot of people to spend a good afternoon pleasing you . PM
Who is going today. Me from Avignon
Who wants to accompany me Monday 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. Carpooling from Avignon
It will be my first time there ;-)
hello, coming to the sauna this Saturday 5 at 14 pm...
Someone to accompany me this afternoon around 4 p.m.??? A plan sucks there would be welcome
I'll be there in 15 minutes with a 23-year-old...
Who to accompany me this afternoon or tomorrow...
I'm going to jump over there.
Hello January 23 I spend the whole afternoon kiss and more on site
I'm going there this afternoon
Friday 20. Who goes there or wants to find out. 2:00 p.m. approximately 4:00 p.m.
if appointment I'm going to 212 this am ... leave a message
Lots of people this afternoon
bjr in the next week leave msessage for appointment ... kisses
impediment for the sauna this Monday 27... dsl
I'll be there this Sunday the 26th...want to get my little hole stuffed by an expert tongue...get sucked and why offer me for the 1st time (so preferably small sex)
Is it open tomorrow Sunday Dec 26?
Hi ji will be from 12:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. to fuck and get fucked Thursday 12/23/21
Salut ji serais de 12h00 a 19h00 pour baiser et me faire baiser
Hello there is one of u people on Monday to find out where I am going
Who wants to go this Friday, Dec 17? Departure from Avignon. Early afternoon. For hbi. Gay. f.
thank you for this wonderful afternoon!!!
hello, coming to the sauna this Wednesday 15 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m....
Peut-être un tour demain. Covoiturage au départ d avignon... a voir. Pour hbi.
For my part, my anti-rabbit insurance is to favor well-frequented places where I find another plan on site in case of absence...
Beware of the big mythomaniac Emmatv. She writes to you, insists on having an appointment, makes you cross the department to end up not answering and blacklisting you... Notice to amateurs of bitch.
Who wants to go Wednesday, Thursday or Friday. Car sharing in avignon.
Finally I'll be there tomorrow around 4 p.m. for wall guy or couple only :)
Of the world This afternoon? '
I go there during the week, Monday or Tuesday I think I like to empty guy wall in the hammam, and heat guy in jacuzzi
Totally ok.. unfortunately
QUI CE jeudi ou vendredi ? co voiturage à partir d avignon, horaires à voir ensemble F212 cool grand sympa , qui vient tout est possible rien d obligatoire juste plus sympa d 'y aller à 2
QUI CE JOUR (mercredi ou vendredi ?) co voiturage à partir d avignon, horaires à voir ensemble
I'll be there on Monday 10 p.m. at 1 p.m.
hello, when you write a post, please update it. /16/11
Who is likely to go today between noon and two? I really want to be taken care of
I go there this APM available for all the guys present
Of the world tomorrow Thursday 27/10 preferably for guy wall? Or couple
We really want to go there on Wednesday 27 in the afternoon or late afternoon. Ms. loves young people is well put together
Who this we at the sauna; I am a mature man and I would like to discover this place ...
Want to go there this afternoon... have fun with trans, trav... if there is a good language to take care of my little hole for the 1st time and why not introduce a little sex...
hello to all I am passing through nimes and I would like to try this sauna Who is available in the evening or tomorrow afternoon?
Hello, I'm a real slut loving big cocks. I'm looking for very well-endowed mature men to fuck me like a female dog. I am, it seems, a very good sucker
Come on gentlemen you will not regret it: Bossant on Nîmes my wish would be to have a huge cock in me to make me squeal like a slut that I am. So men with tools over 25cm * 5 know that I don't have a problem !! I am looking for men receiving
A woman to accompany me there on Wednesday or Thursday around 12:30 or 1 p.m.?
Hello, I'm looking for someone who could accompany me to help me take the plunge because I can't do it even though I really want to (too shy). So I would like this person to help me get over the course and guide me a little inside if possible. Please PM me and don't be too mean to me.
Working in Nîmes my wish would be to have a huge cock inside me to make me squeal like the slut that I am. So men with tools over 25cm*5 know that I don't have to worry about it!! I am looking for men receiving
I went there on Wednesday around 13, I had a very pleasant time.
hello in the week or today if appointment with active... kisses
hello in the week or today if appointment with active... kisses
Hi, I'm looking for a well-hung mature man who receives me at the station to fuck me today in Nîmes, send me an email. Moreover I will be in slut mode at the Rêves ciné in Montpellier on Saturday at noon.
I will come and discover this place on September 25 during the day
Hello, I plan to discover this place, in the entrance price, it provides one or more towels, Do I have to take my towel? And can you walk around naked in the whole complex? Thank you for your answers and have a nice day
Hello who tomorrow afternoon the 07.09 for afternoon cokine and very pleasant.....
Available Friday afternoon for woman or couple, contact me by mp
Hello, do you need a sanitary pass to access the sauna?
People nearby at the end of the morning? Appointment in mp
Hello. A couple or a single woman for an appointment on 08/24/2021. ???? kisss
Des travs cette après-midi ?
I will be there this afternoon... want to give and have fun with cpl, woman, man...
Hello world this afternoon woman or couple it's the first time I'm going for a ride I would have liked to see at least once kiss
to schedule this am or tomorrow... appointment by pm before 12 p.m.... kisses
People this afternoon? Give me a sign
will be there this am .... come my kiss ... kisses
BJR available this weekend or during the week ... who takes me or joins me ?? kisses
I was a fan of the F212 and I'm disappointed. There are showers that don't work. no more lubricant in the pouch. Admittedly, it has refreshed a bit, but no innovation. On the other hand, the Koncept in Montpellier is waking up pleasantly from its lethargy. Many novelties. I am certain that things will change and that the F212 will regain its place and its notoriety.
Want to take a little tour tomorrow at the beginning of the afternoon to discover ... people to join me?
the website states that it is currently closed
Hello I'm in front but obviously it's closed too bad It's a shame that some people say it's open when not
I will not set foot there is the only sauna establishment open while it is not the right not compared to others it is not those who do
it is open during the closing period of the clubs ?? Are all other saunas closed?
Want to discover this place ... and possibly have a good naughty moment ... of the world today?
Hello If it's open I plan to go this week I am passive and I love to be fucked and suck several cocks in a row I love to be treated like a whore and to be abused
Hello If it's open I plan to go this week I'm passive and I love being fucked and sucking several cocks in a row I love being treated like a whore and being abused I would go to the backroom naked and on my knees to suck all the cocks that will suffer in my mouth I am a real slut and love to serve as a vacuum ball
a very good time yesterday ... it feels good
I believe the saunas were forbidden to open ?? He and open saw lez regulatory standards covid?
hello, I will pass at 2 p.m. ... happy new year
I'm going to go there later ... chubby mature couples or chubby?
hello, I'll be there this Tuesday 29 at 2 p.m....
Hello, from the world tomorrow?
I would spend Saturday afternoon there I hope to find a beautiful greedy bitch
Bjr open on 25? Woman CPL available for the 26? thank you b day
We are going to stop by this afternoon
In active during the week
thanks for the info bipat13
He does not answer the phone so reopening on January 20, just like the other libertine establishments
hello very much that it reopens
Containment 2! Places open to the public, apart from hospitals and basic necessities, are closed. We will stay confined for a long time thanks to these unconscious behavior
The place is open to cpl this afternoon, working woman.
hello, going to the sauna on Wednesday 28 at 2 p.m. ...
Who will be there Friday afternoon
I think to go there this Friday I am passive I love to suck and be fucked by several active guys
Hello I'm going in docile mode this Thursday afternoon, for all those who want to be relieved!
Want to go or new bora today
thank you very much gentlemanofcu, yes a very pleasant afternoon !!!
This afternoon a diamond present. Thank you Marielle ...
Want to go there this afternoon, who's to have fun?
I'll be fine ... someone accompanies me or joins me?
Too bad I can't join you there tijay, have fun, to the pleasures
hello, going to the sauna on Wednesday 16 at 2 p.m. ...
we will spend there tomorrow afternoon
Trans trav women couple i wait for you
Hello who goes there this afternoon
If a woman a couple want I'm available kisses
Good evening Small tour tomorrow afternoon for a moment of relaxation
I plan to go there soon the day remains to be defined according to my availability I am bi passive and I love to suck and get fucked by several dominant active guys and serve as a ball vacuum
I am thinking of going there tomorrow in the early afternoon. Leave me a message in MP if you will be there too. Kisses
I'll go take a tour at the end of the afternoon, the world?
Hello, going to the sauna f212 this Friday 28 at 2 p.m. for sex without the fuss ...
I would be in Nîmes from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. people who want sex
I will i pass tomorrow i am active and passive hard to find sex on any site if you are interested sent private message
I'm going to spend Thursday early afternoon
Hello Marielle. I have had the pleasure of participating in your antics several times at F212 and enjoying your beautiful forms. I see you going back
People this afternoon? Want to go have fun there ..
A big thank you to Mariejean30 for this sulphurous start of the afternoon at f212
Hello Beginning of the afternoon spent at F212 Superb facilities Very spacious and very clean Very good reception Very well attended club For a first I was delighted Bravo to F212
Hello, I really want to take a tour .. some work this afternoon?
Hello is this property open today Sunday? With all these positive comments I really want to let myself be tempted ..
I also confirm tbm13200, it is a very beautiful place where tolerance and respect are required and where you feel perfectly at ease
Hello just to say that I will try to take a look at it occasionally
I am going there in principle Monday afternoon for the 1st time I would put a comment on my experience in this club
Bjr the f212 is the prettiest place in the region with its atypical customers who have a superb mentality ts these customers are very tolerant is super nice I recommend to the real person this sauna which with its very nice staff will know how to welcome you is to spend the most beautiful afternoon possible mixed clientele I frequent this place for many years and jmarc are owner done all to make happy his customers
j, personally discovered the f212 last week. I enjoyed myself personally. I also know the other club and had fun there as well. But I confess that I will be back to f212 and I will definitely be there next Tuesday. Kisses to all
I think to take a tour next week, I will confirm the day before
It is impressive the need of Dry Lucas to denigrate this place !!! Where he is frustrated not to have success in this club, where he is a shareholder in the other club in Nimes !!! LOL! I see that !!! MDR
A good it has become 1 circus we laugh there now ouffff already it was zero the total this place ..
It s clear kayccexx. Nice this afternoon kisses
after discovering and appreciating this establishment I am thinking of going back next week so if there are people interested do not hesitate to contact me
Hello mouths and asses today
I will be in Nîmes tomorrow from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. if you are interested send a private message and want to queue
I'll go from Avignon if someone wants a private carpool contact
I will be there Wednesday afternoon. Notice to amateurs
Hello Looking for a woman or couple to accompany me or meet me on Wednesday August 19, early afternoon
what a superb afternoon at the sauna f212 this monday 10 !!!
Anyone presenting Tuesday or Wednesday? If yes pv
Superb afternoon again at f212 place really at the top best sauna in the region
Present this afternoon with 2 good sluts who love cock and juice ...
Great place, very clean, nice.
hello, very greedy mature woman at f212 this Wednesday 5 at 2 p.m. ...
we are going to stop by this afternoon
I would be there on Friday afternoon around 2 p.m. to discover this establishment
Want to go tonight if someone takes care of me and if I can take care of you
hello, present at the sauna this Wednesday 15 at 2 p.m. like every 3rd Wednesday of the month ...
I'll go take a tour next Wednesday July 15. Rather passive to choose ...
Who's going this day or afternoon next week ...
Maybe also on Friday June 26 between 3pm and 5pm .... Who would be there?
I will be there tomorrow Sunday June 21 from 3 p.m. in bomber mode. If there are trav or trans we will have fun!
can we fuck again in the movie theater?
Hi everyone i c not this the 212 opened the rex yes and exes Avignon too
Cool. How is it going? There is a lot of people ?
Djib13 Stop all believing that this kind of establishment will open tomorrow with barrier gestures and the health crisis it's just impossible let's stop trying to rush things at the risk of having to see our establishments closed once and for all knowing that these are places tolerated but not authorized in France !!!!
No reopening before September I think as long as there is this social distance to respect it is impossible to open this kind of establishment or libertine clubs ...
As soon as it reopens, I'm going back with a friend. I will let you know the day before if you want to come and fuck her you will have to leave me a message with a sign of recognition. You have to like mature women, hairy pussies and be well-endowed and enduring. The last time before confinement, she got caught eight times in the afternoon by 6 different guys. See you soon
I went back Friday 28 in the afternoon, a couple, a woman with beautiful curves, who would be caught by her boyfriend next to the pool, and sucked another guy super well mounted, he sucked me after in the hammam.
I'll be there this green afternoon 5 p.m.
My hands thank those who got fisted between 2 and 4 p.m. At your service
The pool is warm? whether I'll be there but with who ???.
Hello I count from 14 to 16 pm
I will be Sunday, February 15 in the afternoon around 3.30 p.m. 4 p.m. at F212 and I hope to find many men and couples in plain shape
thank you for this very hot aprem this Wednesday 5th !!!
Marielle passage to F212 Wednesday 15 to 14h as every 3rd Wednesday of the month ...
Which date? I do not want to go alone. Otherwise exes Avignon
Wednesday afternoon sex duplex in room spa and cine bareback (healthy) I suck and swallow
This week except Monday which means?
apm what great fun this Saturday 21 !!!
passage Saturday 21 to 14h ...
Hello Will there be in the world today you think? From 13h
Cuckoo very open this afternoon I masturb lollipop and those who want! And let me fiddle at will for those who like
hello, Marielle passage to F212 Wednesday 18 to 14h as every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month ...
Hello I am interested in this place I'd like you to do it discover me !! Someone would like to accompany me ??
tomorrow, Tuesday afternoon in whole erection for four heures'tetons turgid abuse has active sex without condom in cinema room and jacuzzi no cabins
bjr ... jy would this am for my fucked .. not in trav ... let mp for appointment ... kisses
Tomorrow early afternoon if anyone is interested send a message month
Marielle passage to F212 Wednesday at 14h as every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
I'll be there around 15h !!!.
Cuckoo want to blow me this weekend, sauna or elsewhere do not hesitate to ask!
This afternoon ... why not ????
Who passage tomorrow at the club in the afternoon? ...
Hello someone to accompany me this afternoon ??
thank you for this superb apm fun ...
hello, passing sauna F212 Wednesday 20 to 14h, pleasure, Marielle
Couple160 message. I you have ever contacted. You write 1 post 16 the evening frankly disgusting and defamatory to my person. You will be accountable and fast. Who you are you? .A wise ..
J are back in December ... I await proposals ...
Hello I offer my ass sauna or elsewhere! No waffle I undress lie on my belly you can have fun!
passage sauna Sunday 17 to 14h ...
looking guys to accompany me, mp
I am very often in Nîmes! Who to accompany me today or tomorrow or next week ....
Hello! The world interested in my ass this weekend?
Hello who would accompany me
hello, sauna F212 Friday 1st at 14h ...
Elsud allors or the guy he shares in the sauna street Pelloutier lol
The sauna club downtown street Pelloutier the best sauna nimes great atmosphere .... but not this one the F212 !!!
which in the pre twelve o'clock too eager to send private message queue
can someone tell me if in the morning its open thanks
Granddu84 comme toi je te bloque ces quoi ces facons !!!..
Granddu84 comme toi je te bloque ces quoi ces facons !!!
Encore un bel après-midi au f212 Sympa et plein de mecs. Des trav. Et une femme aimant la chose à plusieurs. Hum
very greedy woman present at the sauna this Wednesday 16 at 14 pm...
There are a lot of people to have a good time
Le sauna club centre ville de nimes près maison carrée .le meilleur sauna de nimes cho pr le sexxx. L autre le f212 epadd ou maison de retraite......
qui veut se faire succès et me prendre fin de matinée ou début d'après midi message privé
Sûrement mardi après-midi. Co voiturage au départ des angles
Superb afternoon with the libertys couple present as planned superb balneotherapy sauna at the top despite some bad language great welcome super friendly staff I recommend
Sauna club downtown Nîmes the best sauna in nimes!!!
I will be there this Saturday afternoon
We'll be there this afternoon around 2:30 p.m. 3:00 p.m.
Carpool departure date dxavignon curtain ... the angles ... quick response I can take someone.
thank you for this sex apm and fun this Saturday ...
We'll be there this Saturday 5 from 19:00 to Fbi Hbi trav trans. Hugs naughty
Active in the early afternoon next week send private message
no sauna F212 Saturday 28, but preventing this Wednesday 2nd at 14h ...
A tower F212 departure of Avignon Anyone interested?
Sauna club downtown Nimes Street Pelloutier the best sauna Nimes. Better than this one !!!
Weekend Thursday or Friday Who? departure of Avignon
thank you for this wonderful fun aprem Wednesday 18 !!! next Wednesday, October 2nd at 14h ...
Mariejean thank you for these wonderful moments that you offer us. Hugs
The sauna club Nimes city center street Pelloutier the best sauna. This one F 0/5
aprem great pleasure Wednesday 4 !!!
that departing from Avignon? from Wednesday to Friday
F212 is more a branch of EPHAD but it's like all young Nimes saunas gay or bi fled the city for socializing we are no longer at the end of the 90s
I spend're very good when the staff are correct and yes there are people of a certain age, but you're not a youngster either .... hospital that crazy love
I drool that is swelling to read reviews of a frustrated tipe who spends Temp criticize because he is daring to make him pay for a glass of water as 99.9% of bars
ricou tone it charges a glass of water? Before talking about the old ope look at your ID card your not young
Brj, I wish to discover this sauna. Can you tell me what the price includes? And most can one be naked everywhere. Thank you and good day.
Lol ricou indeed not very young
Hello! This afternoon our trio HHF has coquinera NARBONNE ... I propose a hetero slut where Bi to take the Sauna Triton in NARBONNE. We will meet there with a couple to play 4 ... I expect your messages ... mp! naughty Kisses
Hello, I'll be this afternoon for woman or couple biz.
Who is with me tonight or tomorrow
I was there Friday afternoon, a feast of beautiful tails, a good time in the jacuzzi to make me shake, I love.
Which date? Initially Avignon
I passed yesterday around 18:30 but empty parking lot, so I'm not home.
bjr active 'or more) for appointment to this am? BISES
J y going from Avignon if anyone is interested ... Unless best proposal.
I also quite like. I sometimes seek carpool
I take my grave my feet in the sauna thanks to you boys, so I'm going back on Friday from 12 to 16 hours to meet all of you if possible ... has your good cocks !!!
J'd be there with a passive friend
I went last Wednesday, I spent a wonderful afternoon, not too crowded but a majority of liabilities being active I took my foot.
It seems that we do pay him a glass of water ...
ricoul13, can you explain why you're going there so often and say every time it sucks ???
good evening tomorrow 28 passing jsuis again for a sauna session from 12 to 16 am in pretty sexy outfit too hot bisouuuuuuus
Good evening I'm actually in the sauna between 12 and 16 hours for the pleasure of very hot boys
hello j 'hope to be present among you, boys, Tuesday 21/05 from 12 pm mmmhhhhhhhh
Who just be pumping this afternoon?
Confirmation of our passage this afternoon around 14h30 15h
C ONFIRMATION of our past
We'll be there tomorrow, Saturday 14h to 15h
can be a turn in the week (if possible carpool Avignon)
A woman or couple this afternoon? MP
tomorrow to carpool or not ...
Hello, finally sauna F212 Sunday May 5 at 14h ...
Who just be pumping this afternoon
Who just be pumping this afternoon
man in soft bi ROAD for F212
who wants to carpool from Avignon to go this afternoon Saturday 14H / 17H ABOUT
Lady loves cumshot, sucking and getting caught (mandatory condoms) do not like sweets, hugs, kisses, and it lasts for not more hours
Will pass to sauna this afternoon around 14h - 15h, no kisses, hugs etc. plurality for Madame, early welcome
Who spends this after noon?
that date starting or passing on Avignon? Carpooling not go alone and discover this place or go together h, f, cple
I try carpooling to go on Friday after noon from Avignon I can discover this place for those who like me do not like to go alone in unfamiliar places heated sauna Jacuzzi pool cinema room etc.
which can take my Friday? if you not know this nice place I would visit you!
person available this damage day is now (see Friday or next week ...)
Who is intrested to take me so far (and I find out if it fasses not know this beautiful place nimes F212) Departure from Avignon to retuurn 14H 17 / 18H
bjr jy will vet appointment if am let mp
Good evening! I spend between 12 and 16 pm Friday, April 12 with my girlfriend trav Jenifer bisouuuuuuuuuuxxxxxxx
thank you to you for this very hot afternoon Wednesday, lots of fun !!! a special thank you to Thomas for his home ...
Will pass the 212 f nimes around 15h
Are you ik you tonight to pump worlds
When will there be women where trans trav night
which can carpool Avignon Tuesday (or Wednesday?) soft hbi
which can carpool Avignon Tuesday (or Wednesday?) soft hbi
Who will be there tonight?
Who just this Sunday afternoon?
Would it woman or couple tomorrow ???
Who just getting sucked this afternoon?
Tomorrow I may be looking to suck thoroughly large nozzle for glory hole jy would avus the opening Deep Throat fans mp if I do not move
HELLO CARPOOLING (or accompanying not go alone) of Avignon and surroundings to go on 11 or Friday, March 15 next (mixed) but open to other days as two soft thank you
HELLO CARPOOLING (or accompanying not go alone) of Avignon and surroundings to go Tuesday or next Friday (mixed) but open to other days as two soft thank you
Good evening! I spend between 12 and 16 pm Friday, March 1 bisouuuuuuuuuuxxxxxxx
Yes I also find the place ... poor smell, outdated facility dilapidated ... the institution should think about real renovations!
Tomorrow ?? (Friday afternoon) From 13 to 17h!
I tested this place that day I would say I think waiting so are those who want to come this day we will be great friends
hello I'm waiting for someone to show me this place from avignon...
Who just this afternoon to be pumped?
hello, big sexy slim blond trav, I go to the sauna 12 ha 16 h Friday 15/02 bientot boys Bizzzzzz
Hello naughty and kinky! Who will be at the Sauna aprem to share a sensual moment, sex and accomplice?
goodnight jy happening as often enough, Friday 12 to 16 hours has soon boys
Who just this afternoon to be pumped?
We will go in 1h.vers 3:15 p.m., 3:30 p.m. ares our restaurant, hoping that the guys will be hot lol
Who just this afternoon to be pumped?
BE this afternoon if accompgne me?
Want to discover this place. With sui ?? departure Avignon
Although dy want to make a turn tomorrow APREM who wants to accompany me to have fun
We're stuck on nimes not far away but impossible to enter because of fire
Okay well you get stuck on the highway
It takes off from Montpellier, we'll be there around 15h
I'll be there today for women and couples
It was confirmed the appointment at 212 F Saturday afternnon, hoping to find hot guys and conforming to our profile ad
We will be at 212 F Saturday afternoon (at 14:30)
this site is a duplicate with the wrong address !! consult sauna F212 other site here with good address
Hi I was there as yesterday was not great compared to usual
djib13 quite agree with you, I have also blocked bear13
I would like to discover this place (departing from Avignon) for the fans ...
Hi, someone that's exactly where it is?
Hi, someone that's exactly where it is?
except this appointment would jy am
nice place to have a good time, I would go back with pleasure. Who will be there Wednesday, November 22?
Who is the woman with white hair this afternoon ???
Hello who this afternoon to play
Couples this afternoon in the sauna?
I would like to thank warmly totally bi couple who hosted the afternoon Creole one last Thursday in May it's so rare to participate in sexual games very hards and unrestrained simultaneously with all these guys, and the couple !! jacuzzi, cinema room bed and bar have seen all the colors, and the many and varied body fluids were mixed with Creole cocktails, even a little spicing actions .. Thank you Jean-Marc
27 tomorrow, as I myself often on Fridays makes for fun of the boys their available
Today, the third Wednesday of the month, I'll be in the sauna F212 nimes at 14h, superb sauna, very warm welcome, a bargain concurrency and where lots of fun
Who just LE11 / 03/18 from 14h to 18h to be pumping the juice poppers
Hi jy pass well apm Friday tomorrow I go before or after the bora can be it will depend on the mood finally leave me a message the boys has your big cocks !!
Who wants me this am? leave messages kisses
I'm looking for a gay-friendly gym Nimes .... If anyone has any information I'm interested thank you.
Happy lollipop this afternoon ... It was great.
It closes at what time today?
I would be around 13:30 .... who joined me for me to discover this place?
Hi I seek someone to bring in my day ....
That takes me around and discover this sauna ....?,
Thank you to you cumeater c is nice
There is indeed a little passage on Saturday!
Bjr I intend to go tomorrow, Saturday ny Being go on weekdays someone just tell me if there are more people on Saturday and if the atmosphere is both Qu week thank you in advance for your opinion
I will go after this afternoon ... someone would be there to make me discover things?
and presence of marielle, very greedy woman the first and third Wednesday of the month a / c October ...
The sauna was once exclusively gay but in recent years women are welcome there! Now it is, as indicated by its slogan, sauna "of all sexualities." There are mixed day on Tuesday and the weekend (Friday to Sunday).
jy going tomorrow after noon just join me to make me play the bitch ... hummm envy of many cocks j hope that I would be served ...
actually the sauna is closed at 20h, dsl but I did not know
At 21h? Ca not close at 20h?
hello, last minute impediment Tuesday 1 apm but I'll be there tonight at 21h, dsl
Me If You want to come with you
trans woman looking to get to know and if infinity
Mixed Sauna .... Anyway more men than women. At the bar we have 2 people a youth who kindly on his face and a wild species (owner) drooling all over the world and especially its customers and take our heads with her husband species 30 years that was never seen that he has to fuck him but hung him !!!! The place is nice and it overlooks a little miss a good stroke. The jaccuzy not trip easily accessible but nice. The pool is cold and it is heated with oil or oil could his street. The sauna too hot and steam perfection. Small cabins and somewhat neglected but okay. That's my opinion.
Mixed Sauna .... Anyway more men than women. At the bar we have 2 people a youth who kindly on his face and a wild species (owner) drooling all over the world and especially its customers and take our heads with her husband species 30 years that was never seen that he has to fuck him but hung him !!!! The place is nice and it overlooks a little miss a good stroke. The jaccuzy not trip easily accessible but nice. The pool is cold and it is heated with oil or oil could his street. The sauna too hot and steam perfection. Small cabins and somewhat neglected but okay. That's my opinion.
While it s' is fun but for some time their deodorant in the jacuzzi and hamam is unbreathable and toxic damage, you will lose customers!
29/01 ... there'll be this ... am meeting in pv
I was there last Thursday, blah I felt that there was active.
Someone today between noon and two?
Seeking cool guy rather versatile asset to spend nice time here
which come tomorrow after noon 26-08 to play my bitch ... too keen tail
if J stays on for this after noon that there is a good asset hummmm j go offer my mouth and my little hole and play the bitch ...
Who will be this Friday night at 29.07 sauna?
jy retuurns tomorrow (27/05) spend too good a time to do the last time the slut and be filled with more cock ... hummmm come I would still have you mouth and ass ...
tomorrow Friday 20 after noon I go to the sauna 212 Nimes hummmm ... I hope that there will be beautiful tail to fill me my 2 very greedy holes and lack ...
want to go check it out after Friday afternoon to play the bitch ... is t he world and assets this sauna ??? or who wants to join my?
hello, I will be at 3 F212 Sunday from 14h ... marielle
sorry more of the message Mr .. you think washing because not very nice to feel the sweat ..
very nice last Sunday at F212 just the boss should report at the entrance .. mandatory shower because mr think
I am looking for someone to accompany me this weekend h, f, oucple
I want a nice guy accustomed places to accompany me in the evening
I went last Monday, I felt that there was active
That day there was a blonde lady Marielle and 2 great ass again. Girls if you ca Rebais I told you when you want. The blonde lady if it's possible to have his name it would be nice.
I'll be there this afternoon (16/10)
If you do not rest between noon and two, I believe, it is cheaper and if you arrive before 13 pm on some days too. You have all explained on their site. :-)
expect hotel scenario for Madame and Monsieur ...
expect hotel scenario for Madame and Monsieur ...
Sauna was wrong! it closes too early
I go tonight to 21h for TBMs or BMs
A available tomorrow (01.27.15) contact me if you are going and if you want to fuck me
A available tomorrow (01.27.15) contact me if you are going and if you want to fuck me
Who tonight Friday around 21h wanted to make me a couple would pump bizzz cokine
Trav large and fine ch h over 60 a day which receives around Nimes. I suck only. I love bukkake and insult. Contact me by mail or by email:
I'll be there tomorrow (21/01), for those interested !!! Contact me...
I'll be there tomorrow (21/01), for those interested !!! Contact me...
there are people on Friday night ?? I would kiss me good tonight
there are people on Friday night ?? I would kiss me good tonight
Thank you to those who gave me on the bed in the dark corner, his superb sex! Long, thick and not too very, very firm and creamy ... a treat.
One afternoon relaxing and swimming because nobody after 17 pm.
Three beautiful jute! A third is not bad.
One Friday afternoon very, very hot: twenty tails in the dark corner to the sling including a dozen in the mouth at least some good and jute. A special mention to the man in the pool ...
Hum! A very nasty Saturday. A juicy cock that filled me mouth and smeared his face in the dark corner and a dozen taken in hand or mouth, one feeding into the pool, in tune with Mariejean who did the same ...
Thank you for the beautiful tail of TV corner I suckled on Friday the 13th!
I will spend tomorrow to suck more ...
Good afternoon naughty sauna ... Thanks to the beautiful curves of interviews Marijean30, the gentleman who flooded me with pleasure and other members caught in the mouth.
Good afternoon fuck! Thank you to the half-dozen cocks I suck and to those who gave me them a little juice everywhere ... Special thanks to hefty who let me suck his beautiful cock before fucked me a quarter time.
Who wants to suck it this afternoon?
Who wants to suck it this afternoon?
Hello ! BEAR great day for those who love Saturday, May 10 AT F212! Oriental snacks, beverages, usability and more ......
The risk of HIV infection in a pipe is very very very small, almost zero! (Speech of Dr. screening center)! As you can nab against tons of other STIs: with syphilis!
Hello, her boyfriend is probably the one who called us to tell us stories ... it was caught without a condom because he felt like it !! that's his problem if he takes risks ... and if isatrav took the time to learn, she would learn that distributors are at the bar "at will" .... but hey, it prefers to throw rather than white to think ....
Always protect, living with AIDS has serious consequences c Treatment life and death after
It is not a matter of place but Isa person ... the guy who took your boyfriend bareback l knowingly. ..this is not because he could not have additional hood. ..there is a big distributor àvvolonté free (for gourmands) bar level
Someone for me to discover?
Yes good question is there any rulers. And when he is better. Go there for the little passive?
Are there couples or bangs giant gangs that are occasionally
Friday is always mixed it? Looking gay sauna or I can make myself def tonight on Nimes?
want to go there, which accompanies m ..?
The place is brilliant the very friendly welcome. Clean and entretenu.clientele varied and lacking neither etiquette nor interest. In short, whether you are gay, bi or straight place is a must.
very pleasant afternoon spent Sunday in the sauna .. great ... the new pool
think you get there in the world this afternoon? I want to take a ride I'm open to any woman man was Cpl SEVERAL ... I especially love getting passive sodomy by man of any age but I would also try a soda but only a young guy
Um, Jimmy30, you give envy ...
hello, I am a Nîmes nights from 19 to 21 January Novotel hotel near the station. I submitted a lope and will be available to realize all your fantasies without taboos. you can leave me a message on
My big cock ready to fucked little greedy ass from 15 pm
Thursday, October 17 from de13h I will be to dump you. Wants? J there will not trav biensur naked I am completely shaved
Jimmy, if that tells you that we are go ...
I was Tuesday from 12:30 to 14:00 always a treat.
well want to try the day tomorrow Bi ...
J Jimmy also was there ... shame Marielle did not come
llarri is not staying at the door you know .... I'm not sure people on the inside looks at the site right now !!!!!
who is tempted to come there tomorrow night? I'll go again.
pleasant moments in the sauna after cett afternoon ... not mixed, that gay ...
a young mek me to pump all the way to 18 h ???
jy going tomorrow night on 04.09.2013
Hello I will surely beginning Saturday afternnon. I would eg be accompanied by a friend ...
16h for young mek good tèteur
After the first visit very nice place and very clean, I have nothing clientele, not quite what I expected !!!!!
I'll be there this afternoon 28/11/12 for good fuck several very cho !!!!
a young mek to pump my all tonight ???
Program Change 14 pm bora
Tuesday 12 cpl or t made sign
Today twelve o'clock cpl or f?
Friday from 12 am to 14:30 Cpl. or f
From 12 am the world? cpls of f? g?
Next Tuesday f cpl made sign
J will be Friday afternoon ... couples? single women? Men I am under no worries there will lol
Cpl this evening or woman
this Friday lunchtime which to overlap while I suck in another?
I went today for the first time, I confess being a little disappointed ... small and cold sauna doors of zonnes in work, no hard corners with sling and any tiny jacuzzi ... m finally jy went a little later may be that the attendance in middle aprem catches the imperfection of the place ... otherwise I'm a regular at so nimes sauna club the bar high! positive anyway: very convenient to access
certainly this Thursday, April 12 vers11h45 that of another?
probably this Friday April 6 from noon to ... who else thinks go?
I'll probably go this Friday from noon to fourteen hours ... that thinks being there at the same time?
I have found, they were on 13.
I'm looking for a couple of Montpellier who was there December 16, 2011, of a certain age a little blond lady small and beautiful body, Mr. loves to take before Madame. I spent a very pleasant time with them.
I'm going to pop Friday 13 from 12 to 14
Franck was the cross, I was also 14 to 16. You must remember from the older couple, whose wife was quite small and thin they were in Montpellier, he told me. I spent some time with them in a booth in front of the sauna. Too bad I did not see them go I'll like to contact them, I kept a wonderful memory. I have never seen a woman come so quickly and so often. It is true that there were many people, but it was very hot in the steam room in every sense.
I was there Friday 02 between 12am and 13h, it was super hot in the sauna, assets and liabilities, the guys not calculate, it sucked and fucked in every corner and PLUSIEUR, there was something for all taste, very good memory
There was a mad world Tuesday 27, in fact discussing a bit, many mcs who were on strike.
I'll go tomorrow 27 from 12:30 to 14:00
Hello, to go as a couple, only Tuesday or vedredi? or can we go to other days of the week? thank you!
Super awesome super nice home inside al c own attendance are from all age and sex, I burst with great men and women I counsel.
Super awesome super nice home inside al c own attendance are from all age and sex, I burst with great men and women I counsel.
I was there Friday, 22 to 12 to 15, a lot of guys with great equality. I could not resist, I get caught by a guy who had a beautiful tail at least 5x17. there were also two women with beautiful forms.
close history