Pond Jossigny


Cruising spot gay in Jossigny

proposed by flolibre  (17/07/2020)

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Type : Nature gay
City :  Jossigny
Area :  Île-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
At the edge of the pond. Shooting nudism more ... Under the Mill Jossigny. A little walk but the place, peaceful and secluded, worth it.

Want more security, discretion, comfort, and hygiene? Try Le Glory's (libertine bar with 14 gloryholes, X-rated cinema, labyrinth... in Créteil)

Address :
Route de Belle Assise
77600 Jossigny

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14/12/2024 in 18h32
Looking for a candauliste married couple who respects privacy and shares for the holidays under subdued and dimmed lights?

22/10/2024 in 21h00
Passing through the area, looking for ACT BM who is now receiving... I am available until 10:30 p.m.

21/09/2024 in 11h44
Passing by this afternoon... if a couple wants to have fun I put my cock and my ass at your disposal... contact by PM

29/07/2024 in 11h56
Anyone available this afternoon?

13/09/2023 in 12h07
If a couple is passing through the area, I'm available all day...

22/07/2023 in 11h14
Couple or work available this afternoon?

22/07/2023 in 05h01
Chris will surely go for a walk in Ferrières on Sunday afternoon.

21/07/2023 in 07h47
Nice little walk yesterday, saw 2-3 pigs (with 2 legs) but nothing interesting. 7-8km in the forest in a quiet area and a retuurn to the parking lot with a good 6cm diameter plug in the ass; it makes you hot

18/07/2023 in 12h00
Who's up for a walk in the Ferrières forest with Chris. Not necessarily sex but also to discuss and exchange. Departure at 2:30 p.m. from the large car park, passing by the pond, the old sand quarry then the mill. Return by the same route depending on the time

08/07/2023 in 11h43
I am available for couple or single woman wanting to tan accompanied....

25/06/2023 in 06h10
Nice walk yesterday around the pond, some guys in full sunbathing mode

17/06/2023 in 12h51
Salut a tous petit coup de gueule aux couple qui chauffe qui invite , reporte aux lendemains puis sans raison efface toutes les discussions et Black liste mdr encore un mari qui se branle mais n'assume pas je suis triste pour toi . Je ne comprendrai jamais ses types d'humains . Tout dans le mensonge il n'assume rien même pas leur envie . Vive la frustration .... Bon sinon merci a la petite salope 36 ans seul hier a UCPA de vaires a 21h30 qui m'a sucer fort sans prise de tête et ses pris mon sperme dans l'oeil dsl fallait avaler xptdr merci a toi si tu t'en souviens car tu étais bien chaudes a l'alcool .

06/06/2023 in 19h57
Mr passing alone Friday late morning, ass prepared and greased. If network, on the phone with Mrs during sex. If interested, contact by PM

03/06/2023 in 12h57
Cc j ai une grosse envie d un plans a trois Je peut me déplacer où vous voulez

03/06/2023 in 06h06
Who is interested in a 2-mouth pipe plan and visit to Chris's hole in Ferrières? Friday 16 or Monday 19 around 12 p.m. to be confirmed

26/05/2023 in 06h14
Surely passing by this afternoon, anyone?

23/05/2023 in 05h00
Second scouting planned for Thursday for Mr. Departure (approx. 11:30 a.m.) from the large parking lot to the pond. Big male clit to suck, prepared and lubricated ass for active guys. I provide condom and gel. If network, SMS or phone with Mrs. during meetings.

22/05/2023 in 23h54
Good evening, I would like to know if the access to the pond is passable?? ..If there is not too much mud??

22/05/2023 in 16h12
Well described, yes you have to walk to the end of the half-tarmac/concrete path which was the old access to the sand quarry and turn right as indicated. Yes, it is better to park near the Guette... From memory, some people have been lined up for inconvenient parking near the mill and in front of this barrier in front of the forest path.

22/05/2023 in 15h30
we should put up some arrows!!

22/05/2023 in 14h31
Pour ceux qui cherchent a savoir comment s'y rendre: Tu passes devant le moulin de jossigny. Le moulin doit être a ta droite. Une fois dépassé, tu te gares sur l'accotement, devant une barrière. Je te conseil toutefois de te garer a coté de la maison de retraite de la guette (rue ferme de la guette) et de revenir a la barrière dont je parle juste avant (coordonnées gps : 48.823935, 2.770281 ). Tu passes la barrière et tu remonte le sentier sur 300mètres, jusqu'a un embranchement qui te permet d'aller a gauche ou a droite (si je me souviens bien, on peut également aller tout droit, mais le chemin est tout petit, donc ne pas prendre ce chemin). Si tu vas a droite, tu retournes vers la zone chaude du moulin. Pour trouver l'étang, tu prends a gauche et tu marches jusqu'au bout du chemin (environ 300m). Au bout du chemin, tu devras alors choisir entre droite et gauche. Pars a droite cette fois ci ( a gauche, c'est généralement pas très pratiquable, a moins de se baisser pour passer sous la végétation). Tu prends donc à droite, tu marches sur 150m et tu trouveras l'étang et sa zone naturiste

22/05/2023 in 09h55
If the sky clears up, I might go for a walk around the area early this afternoon.

17/05/2023 in 13h16
Il y a un terrain de moto cross sur le chemin entre le moulin et l'étang. Je ne sais pas si le terrain est officiel, en tous cas, j'ai souvent entendu des bruits de moteurs provenant de là-bas. Il y a beaucoup de monde, naturistes notamment, au moulin dès qu'il fait beau plusieurs jours de suite. L'étang étant plus éloigné, il y a moins de monde, mais c'est plus tranquille également

16/05/2023 in 15h50
Indeed, the surroundings are more than slippery... especially since motorcycles have passed through the access roads... Aren't they prohibited there?????? Yes, no one at the pond or at the mill whose little paths are so wet!

16/05/2023 in 08h05
Given the fleet that has fallen in recent days, there will surely be no one at the pond, because the path is very slippery when there is mud.

15/05/2023 in 17h23
Unless otherwise ordered at the last minute, Mr. will be present from 11:00 - 11:30 until 15:30 approximately. Walk between the parking lot at the crossroads to the pond, or even the mill. In jock, ass carefully prepared and waxed just in case... If network, on the phone with Mrs. (little mobile network in these places)

15/05/2023 in 06h02
Tuesday 16th, Chris will perhaps be in Ferrières for reconnaissance

29/03/2023 in 15h12
Dominant but courteous man offers erotic massage service, dildoing, soft submission, taken without talk, cinema outing, swimming pool restaurant sex chop for candaulist couple, bitches, beginner in search of adventure, misleading woman, possible scenario To see together I am also looking for an evening private hot sex in 77 and its surroundings ...

02/11/2022 in 11h02
A girlfriend for tomorrow early afternoon...?

27/08/2022 in 14h25
A couple this afternoon?

14/08/2022 in 23h21
A naturist couple who groan if we check them out... a bike ride and 4 hairy guys who do nothing... little Sunday..., I hope it will be better tomorrow...

13/08/2022 in 12h26
I would like to go to the place to do naturism, this possible and this easy to find?

13/08/2022 in 10h56
A couple today?

12/08/2022 in 10h19
Me at the mill for around 5 p.m.

12/08/2022 in 09h37
People this afternoon?

09/08/2022 in 09h07
Of the world and of women today?

03/08/2022 in 13h14
Assets dominating if I go as a whore?

03/08/2022 in 09h18
Hello, I would like to come and sunbathe with a player couple, massage etc... I am very good company, don't hesitate, I am available this week.

30/05/2022 in 17h24
I'm moving tonight someone wants to empty my sex in nature or in my car...

27/05/2022 in 16h17
Aujourd'hui vendredi soir si le temps ce maintient en ce week end d'ascension je propose une rencontre autour du lac vers 22 h00 pour les voyeur les baiseur femme homme trans venez nombreux vous promener ,prendre l'air , voir ou être vu rester discret et amusons nous un peu ...

23/05/2022 in 12h43
appointment Wednesday evening around 11:30 p.m.

18/05/2022 in 13h17
Et si on organisait disons samedi soir vers 21 h00 , une soirée nature où tout homme femme ou couple irait se promener autour du lac et faire ce que la nature lui permet ...

17/04/2022 in 16h05
Present at the Château de Jossigny only beautiful people!!!

16/06/2021 in 10h30
Good time spent yesterday with handsome active guy hmm. To redo

25/04/2021 in 22h09
What time ?

25/04/2021 in 20h39
I will surely go tomorrow to sunbathe.

22/09/2020 in 18h04
I'm going tomorrow afternoon

14/09/2020 in 23h07
I will surely be there tomorrow

29/07/2020 in 08h17
People end of the morning go there in Trott sunbathe passive me smooth to fuck

24/07/2020 in 15h27
Kikou to all of you. Anyone who could get caught ??? Desires for images ???? Leave mp. Good village to all.

14/06/2020 in 18h12
Hi, Someone to tell me how to really get to this place? And where to park?

12/06/2020 in 15h02
I'll go tomorrow tomorrow if it's not too ugly

03/06/2020 in 15h27
Can we tan quietly over there? How do we get there?

03/06/2020 in 12h51
Who's going to enjoy the sun this afternoon?

02/06/2020 in 20h16
An asset to fuck me and let me suck it

02/06/2020 in 07h14
Organize gang bang Wednesday criteria man mini 45 years uncircumcised ch 3 to 4 queueu for me gang bang Wednesday from 4 p.m. put me private message avanf Wednesday noon not serious refrain from gang bang a montevrain home

01/06/2020 in 07h36
The closest, in my opinion, is to park along the forest on the D88, just after passing the mill. Once parked, you have to pass the barrier, go to the end of the road, and at the intersection, go to the left, then at the end, go to the right. You have to walk 500 good meters in all.

30/05/2020 in 12h40
Or can you park this up close thank you

27/05/2020 in 16h03
Anyone this afternoon? Contact me in mp

24/05/2020 in 12h21
People this afternoon?

18/05/2020 in 12h47
If the path is not too muddy, I will go tomorrow

10/10/2019 in 16h27
I want a guy to suck and get caught Sunday night on coupvray I receive kisses al hotel

27/08/2019 in 15h02
Someone this afternoon?

23/08/2019 in 21h03
I'm going there tommorow :)

29/07/2019 in 13h58
There was none. I retuurn today also :)

28/07/2019 in 17h15
I went there on Friday, but couldn't do anything, because there were campers. Are they still there or not?

28/07/2019 in 13h23
I'm going there this afternoon

14/07/2019 in 00h20
I went with my boyfriend this afternoon we saw three naked guys getting a tan, but alas no way there to show off with prospective fishermen and walkers who can also pass on the way, not ideal for me to be quiet, shame!

28/06/2019 in 10h23
Someone ?

28/06/2019 in 06h54
Woman couple trav?

22/06/2019 in 00h02
I'll go this weekend :)

20/06/2019 in 16h03
Search human and has 55 + nice to ride Sunday, June 23 late morning and afternoon. Contact in MP ...

20/06/2019 in 10h48
You can really make Nudist the bottom? Guys do not care to hair?

17/06/2019 in 14h52
The world to enjoy the weather?

22/04/2019 in 14h39
The beautiful jhomme present today Velo- contacts me in MP

18/04/2019 in 19h57
how to get there ?

01/04/2019 in 15h17
I will drag in the area within 30 minutes

01/04/2019 in 10h31
I will make a turn to take a sun bath, naked. If people are leaving to gild the pill whole, pm me (if I do not go there).

15/09/2018 in 10h02
I want it gone well today I may not know the way

02/08/2018 in 13h50
I myself makes do some naturism

24/07/2018 in 23h15
Someone for me tomorrow afternoon?

15/07/2018 in 14h03
that does not look the game today? ... a moment of relaxation?

09/07/2018 in 08h02
I'll be there Thursday morning around 11 pm before

26/06/2018 in 17h03
I tried to go there. There is mud everywhere. I remain in the shot mill

26/06/2018 in 06h20
J would like to go this afternoon .Who would want to come with me?

19/06/2018 in 17h26
Hello, I am however not very far but I do not know. Often available, I can liberate myself very easily. Who can tell me more by private message on my profile. Thank you in advance.

04/06/2018 in 11h40
Who wants to go this afternoon? Contact me privately.

26/05/2018 in 18h00
There is a simple way to go? I wanted to go from the mill, but too much mud on the way

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