Dunes Bleriot Plage

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Type : Beach gay & straight
City :  Sangatte
Area :  Hauts-de-France
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Small parking in front of the Dunes in Blériot Beaches. Quiet at night especially in winter. Not bad guy will do their jogging .... Moderator: like any public place, the meetings do not consume on site.
Address :
558 Quartier les Salines
62231 Sangatte

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558 D940, 62231 Sangatte, France
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3 d. ago
Bonjour dispo régulièrement sur ce lieu. N’hésitez pas à me contacter ?. Foudroy1979@gmail.com

5 d. ago
J'y serai sûrement avec ma femme cette après-midi pour petite baise

13/08/2024 in 13h46
Bonjour les zhommes Je suis dans vôtre région je vais venir vous faire un coucou demain matin de 09h ~9h30 à 10h30

22/06/2024 in 15h59
I will be in Calais on Monday and Tuesday I am looking to meet in the early evening or give me meeting places or contact me

05/06/2024 in 14h56
I'm no one there

05/06/2024 in 14h44
Jeanjean62400 yes there are always people when the weather is nice

05/06/2024 in 14h40
Popular place during the week?

07/07/2023 in 16h52
Hello, passing by with Madame tomorrow and Sunday, are there any couples there?

24/04/2023 in 05h51
Qui dispo les 29, 30 et 1er mai ? Ouvert à tout même à plus !

22/04/2023 in 06h31
Passing through the weekend of May 1st. Available early in the morning (between 7 a.m. and 8:30 a.m.)

… history