before yesterday at 13:50
Au ciné le 9 janvier. Nina, chienne très soumise, vraiment insatiable a très gros boule rebondi, entièrement lisse. J'aime facefuck gorge profonde lecher couilles, teub, cul, pieds. Aime me faire insulter, recevoir crachats. Accroc au sperme, j'avale tout... A déchirer et remplir sans modération. Snap marseille2479
Salut les coquins , qui sera à l etoile demain le 8 janvier vers 13h30 ? Pour plus de détail en MP . Kristina
I'll be there tomorrow to have a good time. Let me know in PM
Pour ceux que cela intéresserai j y suis
Coucou a tous. Je vous souhaite à une tre bonne année 2025. J y serai aujourd'hui vers 19h30 jusqu'à 22h. Seul ou à plusieurs, à disposition bon cul a remplir et bouche accueillante pour vous vider . Peux me déplacer ailleurs au cas où. Echanges en mp. Bisous
Bonne année à tout ceux qui on su me combler, faire de moi une femme et me remplir de bonheur... Bisous
Bonne année à toutes les beautés qui fréquentent ce lieu et nous font rêver Bonne année
Bon réveillon à tous ceux qui vont à l'étoile et que j'ai peut être rencontré cette année.
I think I'll come early Friday afternoon.
Qui cet apres midi je veux mettre ma compagne à disposition Très gourmande
Dimanche 29/12 je serai présent
Bonjour moun0206 et encore présente ?
Salut j'y serai vers 13h alors j'espère vous voir nombreux comme d'habitude et bien raide et plein de jus
Salut les mecs si vous voulez vous amusez avec un bon cul sans capote venaient me rejoindre samedi vers 13h Au cinéma l'étoile. Attention je me fais enculée baiser mais je ne suce personne
Sonia trav pure juice tank nocapote to fertilize Sunday December 29 from noon to 5 p.m. I will be there as a whore for tbm anal pussy fertilizers come in large numbers I want to be full of piss juice
Bonjour les garçons, je reçois chez un copain cet après-midi. Contactez homsud
Coucou les hommes. Je serais jeudi après midi à l'Etoile pour mon premier passage dans ce lieu. J'espère y croiser certains d'entre vous. A jeudi!
Toujours aussi vivant ce lieu..
Bonjour Salope Sophie je serai de nouveau au ciné dimanche en tenue sexy et talons rouges J adore très vieux coquins.... J aime sodo..fist....être soumise
Salut les mecs j'espère vous voir nombreux en forme la queue bien droite et les couilles bien pleines aujourd'hui.
Il y aura du monde femme trans trav demain après-midi ?
qui y sera ou sera dans le coin demain 21/12 ? J'y serais pour prendre le cul de MOUN0206 , pour je cherche aussi belle trav ou trans bien salope
Messieurs merci pour vos nombreux messages mais je ne vais que au cinéma l'étoile donc pour les autres vient ici ou là-bas les vient chez-moi j'habite chez une copine non merci vous voulez m'enculer me baiser me fessés vous savez où me trouver Ps:je ne suce personne
Hello gentlemen, who is joining me on Saturday and Sunday at the l'étoile cinema? I am still waiting for your messages.
Bonjour les coquins ! Qui y sera là bas demain le jeudi 19 décembre . Kiss
Bonjour qui vient au cinéma l'étoile ce weekend ? J'attends vos messages
Bonjour, j'y suis actuellement bonne pute de 28 ans cherche mec domi actif pour me dresser et me remplir de jus chatte et bouche gourmande et excites je vous attends.
Bonjour, de passage sur Marseille, je vais venir dans ce lieu que je ne connais pas aujourd'hui vers 11h30 12h, suis passif, bon cul à prendre à 4 pattes.
bjr bjr, je vous confirme ma venue demain 13/12, en mode putain je serais à votre dispos pour m'offrir à vous no limite... à demain!
bjr, je serai normalement vendredi à partir d'env 11h pour une partie de l'am, pour être votre putain et m'offrir aux mâles chaud. Jaime me faire remplir... avis aux amateurs
Salut serai mercredi matin a l’étoile pour offrir ma chatte et ma bouche a tout mâle actif . Jaime me faire remplir chatte de jus de mecs pour bien me feconder . Je serai dans la grande salle prête a servir vos queues
reds13 oui j y suis passé ce Week end
Est-ce que quelqu’un a été ce week-end?
Je suis toute cette après-midi samedi 7 déc...Kiffe réel grosse queue bien épaisse endurante je suis gourmande goulue très endurant...
Hi guys it's D-day I hope to see many of you at the cinema because my ass is very hungry
Sunday 8th I will be at the cinema l'étoile in Marseille all day from 9am to 6pm good sexual and submissive female dog for active dominant evil
Je serai de passage samedi 7 décembre à partir de 14h30 mettre mes trous en libre service
J y serai samedi et dimanche
Salut qui vient samedi au cinéma ?
bjr j'adore les hommes de plus de 70 ans je serai sur marseille du 19 au 24 dec ouverte à toute proposition 0783420935 sophie
Merci à tous ceux qui sont venus aujourd'hui j'espère que vous vous êtes autant régalés que moi et j'espère vous revoir le weekend prochain
Salut les mecs qui va Au cinéma l'étoile demain ??
Bonjour, possible passage aujourd’hui vers 13h15 je travestis pour exhib
Hello Nelly, I'm a dog to walk on a leash for a plan to empty my balls at the cinema this Saturday 23rd all afternoon until closing time. Gang-bang highly appreciated.
Hello, I would like to come and spend an afternoon at the Etoile. Are there more people during the week or at the weekend? Thank you.
Bonjour Mayki de passage à Marseille de 16h à 18h30 si possible baisse rapide
Bonjour messieurs vu le peu de message j'annule pour aujourd'hui bonne continuation à tous
Would like to go there on Monday, any time you can recommend?
Good evening gentlemen, I confirm that I will be there tomorrow from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. for sodomy on the chain, have a good evening and be in good shape and above all with your balls full
Bonjour j'y serai dimanche
Qui m accompagne un après-midi?
Je serai au ciné Etoile cet apres midi du 13 novembre de 16 h à 22 h pour me faire prendre des deux coté
Je serai au ciné Etoile cet apres midi du 13 novembre de 16 h à 17 h pour vous sucer sans ratenue
Merci à tous les fantasmeurs qui devait venir heureusement pour moi qu'il y a encore des vrais hommes là-bas
Bonjour messieurs j'y suis d'ici 1h qui est prêt à m'attraper le cul
Bonsoir messieurs je vous confirme ma présence au alentours de 13h Mon cul sera a disposition sans blabla la où vous me trouverez aussi bien à l'entrée que dans les salles où bien même devant la machine à café attrapés moi et enculée moi Je serai donc là vers 13h jusqu'à ce que plus personne ne veuille de mon cul J'espère que vous serez nombreux et à demain bises
Bonjour, du monde cet après-midi ? Je prévois d'y aller, ici ou en sauna Salvador.. mercie pour vos message. Je suis actif passif
Hello, I will be there early Sunday afternoon for sodomy in a row to stock up on sperm, mouth and ass available, so I hope to see you all, lots of kisses
J'ai trouvé l'endroit génial et j'ai trop hâte d'y retourner un jour ! (suis du 06) Super pour les bons plans en particulier pour les Travestis Salopes ! (s'est un peu genre ciné l'Atlas de Paris pour ceux qui connaissent) - les + Pas mal de monde et coins sympa pour pomper et se faire Baiser (sympa ce coin vestiaire pour pouvoir "se préparer" avant pour celles qui veulent se pomponner en toute discrétion .... - les - pas très propre comme souvent en ces lieux (prévoir de quoi désinfecter son petit coin avant Je recommande bons plans à tous ! Sonia Travesti Salope passive pour Mecs viril actifs TBM...!
Passif soumis endurant pour mâles actifs fécondeurs . J’offre ma chatte de mâle a remplir par tous mâles qui souhaite se vider les couilles . Qui dispos ce jour ?
que de commentaires de rageux comment peut on parler d une lieux en ses termes alors qu'on y attrape la syphilis. Pour bien connaitre effectivement que certains mobilier sont vétustes mais une société de nettoyage intervient tout les jours a la fermeture. le problème n'est pas le lieu mais comme partout l'usage qui en est fait ( sperme sur les banquette, préservatifs jetés au sol...). j ai beaucoup aimé la critique sur l hygiène douteuse de tout les client mais au final qui est l idiot de service avec une syphilis a bon entendeur salut
If you frequent this place or others always keep in mind the phrase of the great philosopher MSThote (the cousin of ISThote) "sufficient to each syphilis its own trouble" so protect yourself!
I caught sipphillis in this place because I was sucked without a condom. This place is great to be a woman.
christianper your message is crazy: it's dirty and full of filth but you stay there and you put your cock there without a condom! You would like a check at the entrance! Right now it's you who would be turned away! You didn't forget to tell "social services and hygiene" that you fucked a filthy guy in the dark without a condom? Your message is not serious, it looks more like a desire for revenge for which you are the only one who knows the reason.
If you caught syphilis it's because you sucked or fucked without a condom, you can't catch it any other way.
Pour ne pas attraper une IST le préservatif suffit et un préservatif est offert avec l'entrée !
It's appalling, it's phenomenal, even absurd, it criticizes the hygiene of people and places and people and yet it catches syphilis. People must not have seemed so filthy at the time for you to dispense with condoms... Whether in this place or in other places, any responsible person protects themselves and if they don't do it, they don't come and cry about the result.
ChristianPer, bonsoir, Juste une question ....tu baises sûrement sans capote....pour attraper la syphilis...c'est pas en te frottant sur les sièges...donc même si tu trouves que l'hygiène n'est pas bonne . T'es quand même fautif et a mon avis inconscient...enfin je dis ça, ce n'est que mon avis ..bonne journée
Ce lieu est devenu n’importe quoi. C’est pas entretenu et pas nettoyé. La moitié des personnes qui fréquente sont des crasseux J’ai chopé des morguons en avril/mai la bas et la cerise sur le gâteau on vient de me diagnostiquer la syphilis. Oui la syphilis. Le seul endroit où j’ai pu l’attraper c’est dans ce ciné Aucune hygiène , aucun entretien et aucun contrôle de qui rentre. Du moment que tu pue c’est bon Résultat : des Ist et mst a tire larigot J’ai averti les services sociaux et de l’hygiène
Bonsoir, y a t’il des hommes mûrs ou très mûrs ce soir à partir de 20h00 pour un passif de 38 ans? Contactez moi en messages privés
Bonjour des travestis ce soir à partir de 19h?
Bonjour qui va au cinéma ? Message en privé merci
Bonjour, je serai au cinéma l'Etoile, avec un ami Actif, le samedi 26/10/2024 aux environs de 12h30 13h00 pour plan bien cochon sans prise de tête. Me contacter en MP si intérêt. Bonne journée
Hello men I will be at the cinema in the upper room tomorrow Friday October 25 from noon to 9 p.m. to suck and give my ass come sit next to me. In a red blonde skirt with a bob cut I will be sitting in the 6th row in the upper room, the biggest one, come sit next to me and I will take care of your fly. Elena
Bonjour aujourd’hui dans l’après-midi je serai présente
Dispo sur Marseille pour vider ta grosse queue...? Je suce a genoux mode chienne soumise et adore les fessées dominante sur mon petit cul lisse de chienne !!! Decrivez vous , votre bite taille ...? Suis plus soumis au homme entrprenants et jeux Bdsm soft.... aimes les doigts, langues et chibres dans ma chatte annale....7/7-24/24 message en MP pour Rdv direct
Dispo sur Marseille pour vider ta grosse queue...? Je suce a genoux mode chienne soumise et adore les fessées dominante sur mon petit cul lisse de chienne !!! Decrivez vous , votre bite taille ...? Suis plus soumis au homme entrprenants et jeux Bdsm soft.... aimes les doigts, langues et chibres dans ma chatte annale....7/7-24/24 message en MP pour Rdv direct
Domage qui ils allument tout 20 min avant la fermeture ... Le temps de visiter je suis resté sur ma fin :-(
jamais déçu entre mecs pour toutes les envies mêmes TRES cochonnes...
Who wants a black, very fragrant thong panty worn for more than one day by a colleague, make an offer.
Je serai présente à l étoile samedi 21 septembre pour me faire prendre et remplir mon gros cul de gourmande de 15h30 à 23h biz
je serai l'étoile MERCREDI 11 toute la journée pour être féconder bouche et chatte
Je serai à l’étoile jeudi fin après midi pour des trav
I'm at the star all day to get my ass broken, good anal nympho sucker, hormonal, small breasts, sensitive nipples,....
I'll be at the movies before 12:00 percher and poppers I want to be a slutty nympho who likes to take cocks without restraint. I'll be in women's clothes I'm waiting for you.
15h30 qui ? Pour des vidanges directes
Je serai présente à l étoile dimanche 1er septembre pour me faire prendre et remplir mon gros cul gourmand de 14h30 à 20h biz
À samedi et dimanche les bonnes bites de mâles actifs … vidanges assurées
Je serai présente à l étoile dimanche 25 août pour me faire prendre et remplir mon gros cul gourmand de 14h30 à 20h biz
Du monde demain après midi ?
Allez dans 15 jours, je serai en mode chienne le 31/8 et 1/9 au ciné, j’attends les vicieux à vider Telegram : @marietravestie
Salut en déplacement jusqu'au 31 août en semaine uniquement, je cherche rencontre et lieux sympas sur Marseille proche vélodrome et Marseille même (je suis passif soumis gay). Merci à tous. Bisous
Coucou mes chéris , qui va demain après midi à l etoile le 17 août ? Des détails en MP . Bisou
Moilibertine je suis un geek je l ai fait façon Gps les gros bisous a ton atlas routier et tes cartes IGN
Metiscreol13 c'est pas sérieux au stade ou tu en étais tu aurais pu ajouter un plan lol
Merci pour la réponse, effectivement j'ai bien vu la petite salle les 2 grandes ...
libido_30 il y a effectivement 3 salles une grande salle en bas et quand tu prends le couloir en passant par les portes parallèles tu as une toute petite salles gay avec juste un écran de tv juste sur la droite avant les escaliers montant vers l immense salle du haut.
Coucou tout le monde , il y a combien de salles la bas car c'est écrit 3 mais j y suis allé et je n'en ai vu que 2 , merci pour vos réponses
Cc d electra Tgirl je serais a l étoile cette après-midi bisous
Bonjour messieurs j'y serai à 12h30 donc si vous voulez une vraie femme avec chatte et cul ouvert me prendre comme une chienne venaient nombreux vous amusez bisous partout
je serai l'étoile MERCREDI toute la journée pour être féconder bouche et chatte
I will be there on August 31 and September 1 for active males only and in the evening I will receive in rbnb Group plans only and good cocks More info telegram: @marietravestie
Salut en déplacement sur la région semaine prochaine et pour tout le mois d'août en semaine (libre le soir), j'aimerais découvrir le personnel masculin en local... Merci pour votre retour (bar, sauna, ciné.. a vos claviers)
Sonia trav a jus a dispo mercredi 31 juillet en mode pute au cinema x l etoile pour tbm fecondeurs de chatte aneles je suis de passage donc pas dispo avant ailleurs je veux etre souillee et pleine de jus abordez moi direct queue a la main je te suce tu me sodo sans capote et me fecondes au jus possible uro dans ma chatte anale j aime les gros calibres venez nombreux je veux etre pleine
Merci à tous ceux qui se reconnaitrons pour la journée passée hier, c'étais super cool, merci et gros bisous
thank you all for your lots of information
bonjour bonjour, je serais votre pute à l'étoile, MERCREDI 24 JUILLET dès env 11h30 pour toute la journée
Charlen, j'y serais en mode pute la journée complète, soit MERCREDI 24 ou JEUDI 25 JUILLET.
Bonjour qui y va aujourd hui?
Je serais présente en mode chienne soumise cet après midi à partir de 14h30 mardi 16 juillet uniquement si en retour j ai des beaux gosses qui m y donnent rdv . Laissez message . Tu veux me balader , m exhiber , me voir me faire prendre devant toi , attachée en laisse ? Viens en privé .
Bonjour, J'y serai aujourd'hui 16 juillet à partir de 12 h pour du sexe. Je suis passif et je serai nu ou en dessous de femme.
I will be there to get sucked Wednesday and Thursday from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
People today at 4:30 p.m.?
On Saturday evening does it close at midnight or 1am?
I'll go tomorrow afternoon, I always find travs to suck me off on Sunday
Hi, it seems calm at the moment...
Salut à la chercher de couple , trans , trav faux seins pour plan sec chope ou autre j’attend de nouvelle chose contacter moi n’hésitez pas
Bonjour à tous, je serai jeudi 4 juillet à partir de 9h30 au ciné l'Etoile. Au plaisir de vous y croiser ! Bisouxxx
Coucou les coquins ! Je serai présente demain mercredi 3 juillet à partir de 13h30 . Détail en MP kristina
Bonne lope mâle d'Istres, très chienne sous poppers, pompeuse avaleuse, sera mise à dispo au Ciné X « L'étoile » à Marseille à partir de 17h00 ce samedi 15/06 toute la soirée pour être exploitée comme une grosse pute à doser et insultée par tous types de mecs blacks, africains, rebeus, no sélection, no limit tournante, Gang-Bang, BBK. Mise à dispo à la salle principale à la vue de tous et aussi dans la backroom en bas noirs et bottine, sans culotte, petit pull, collier de chienne pour être souillée, servir de VDC et remplir au jus ! SMS 07-68-22-47-91
Je suis une travestie passif et je serai de passage au cinéma x l’étoile à Marseille ce samedi 15 juin à partir du 16.00hh. Je serai habillée comme une chienne. Ne soyez pas timides avec moi, soyez directs, je veux sucer des queues e me faire monter...
I will soon go empty cocks on the weekend from Saturday to Sunday…
Bonjour il y a du monde le dimanche matin Car j'ai bien envie d'y aller demain matin pour vous vider aven daller au sauna lesthermes
Un couple ou belle trans vers 20h30 la ou ailleurs
I am a transvestite from Paris and I will be visiting the x l'étoile cinema in Marseille in female mode this Wednesday, June 5 from mid-afternoon. I will be dressed like a female dog: heels, black corset with suspenders, fishnet stockings, chastity cage and anal plug in place, smooth and lubricated everywhere. Don't be shy with me, be direct, I want to suck cock, get my face sprayed with cum and get chained. I love having my nipples abused, being insulted and getting slapped across my slutty face.
Coucou qui y sera cet am mercredi 5 juin ? Si j ai des réponses positives par message je peux y être pour 14/15h en mode chienne docile et peut être soumise si tu es dominant , très envie de sucer et d avaler vos foutres !
Chienne mâle, cul d'enfer, cherche complicité pervers pour m'emmener et me dépraver au ciné X L’Étoile à Marseille, samedi après-midi et soir. J'ai une forte envie de servir là-bas de vide-couilles et de me faire tourner sous votre directive... Je me déplace en bas noirs, bottines, mini-jupe skaï noir ras la moule anal sans culotte, collier de chienne et cagoule...
Bonjour, désolée ma sortie au cinéma l'Etoile est annulée. Ce sera jeudi 30 mai.
Bonjour. Je fais ma première sortie depuis six mois au cinéma l'Etoile ce jeudi. De 10 heures à 19 heures. Plus d'information en mp.
Bonjour . Recherche Maitre pour appartenance et être offerte au cinéma
Quelques gentils travs ou couples (on peut rêver)cet aprem ?...
Si le temps le permet car je viens en moto du var je serai présent pour cpl femmes ou jolies trans
Hello, passing through this afternoon from 2 p.m.
J'y serai cet après-midi à partir de 14h, en garçon, en leggins noir, pour sucer tous ceux qui se présenteront, et recevoir un maximum de sperme.
Dimanche 28 Avril au Cinéma l’après-midi en mode chienne , collier , laisse, fouet sous poppers
Un cpl ou trav féminine cet après-midi. Je peux y aller
Bonjour, nous serons aujourd'hui samedi 27/04/2024 vers 13h00 13h30, avec un pote 42 ans lui uniquement actif, pour plan sans retenue... MP pour contact. Bonne journée
Mercredi 24 de passage j’irais voir un bon film sinen’plus il y a une trav ou femme sa serai pas mal
Je serai de passage samedi 27/04 de 14h à 20h mettre mes trous à disposition
J y serais à partir de 13h30 lundi 22 avril . Qui y sera ?
Actuellement au cinéma en mode chienne…
Pour me reconnaître je serai vêtue d’une mini robe blanche et cuissardes blanches
Demain dimanche après-midi je serai là
Cette après-midi en mode chienne sexy colier et laisse pour après-midi de folie
Coucou, je serai au cinéma samedi 13 avril l’après-midi,
Coucou les chéris qui est dispo cette semaine là bas ? En MP pour rdv
Serai mercredi 9 avril au matin à l’étoile pour me faire loper et Remplir par qui voudra … moi lope soumise a dispo des males actifs bm Tbm bareback … qui y sera ?
Bientôt de retour au cinéma l’Étoile
Une belle personne propre lingerie sexy et beau talons a l étoile aujourd'hui ou demain par Mp svp
Sur istres/Martigues et environs, je recherche pour vendredi ou samedi soir un mec vicieux et pervers TBM pour m'emmener au ciné X l'étoile à Marseille. Moi, bonne Pute mâle française faite pour prendre des coups de bites de rebeus blacks et immigrés veut être abusé et rempli par tous les trous... uniquement leur servir de vide-couilles, de kahba ! Je m'offre à vous en bas noirs, bottines, cul à l'air, sans culotte, pull collier de chienne et cagoule un trou ! whatsApp 07-68-22-47-91 lope13800
Qui veut venir ce vider les couilles a 14 h dans chatte a féconder d une belle trav chez moi sur Marseille de 14 a 16h .expérience de groupe obligatoire sinon pas la peine
Hello, I will be there, here or elsewhere, this am Thursday April 4 from 1 p.m. If you want to empty yourself in my mouth and take me like a female dog, leave me a message. I select of course.
Salut je serai à l’étoile le mercredi 3 avril vers 10h . Envie de me faire loper et remplir par plusieurs mâles actifs . Je ne refuse personne je veux être bon trou bon vide couilles … serai dans la grande salle en jock devant écran la chatte offerte à remplir
Présent demain 2 avril 11h à 15h
bonjour suis une lope et recherche un Maitre pour lui appartenir et etre offerte
Qui dispo et m accompagne cet après midi samedi 23 mars ? Cherche beaux mecs bien chauds .
J y suis actuellement qui pour m y rejoindre trav de pref
Je serais ici ou ailleurs si scénario intéressant cet après midi mercredi 13 mars à partir de 13/13h30 pour beau jeune homme , max La trentaine mais je sais faire des exception , mignon , propre et entretenu avec belle queue . Je suis belle travestie sexy , docile , grande 1m95 avec talons . Je recherche également un maître pouvant m éduquer sur un après midi voir plus . Laissez message .
bonjour present a l'etoile ce samedi 09/03 de 14h a 22h cherche trav trans plutot soumise contactez moi en pv
Qui pour m'accompagner samedi 9 mars après-midi uniquement ?
Bonjours à tous je cherche un bon plan aujourd’hui ? Comment cela ce passe accéder au Glory hole dans cette établissement ?
bonjour present a l'etoile ce dimanche 03/03 de 14h a 22h cherche trav trans plutot soumise contactez moi en pv
bonjour present a l'etoile ce samedi 02/03 de 14h a 22h cherche trav trans plutot soumise contactez moi en pv
Playful, submissive, exhibitionist transvestite, with truly insatiable fake breasts, a very good plump ball, completely smooth to mount, dismount and fertilize without moderation. Am an XXL deep throat expert and very enduring pussy. Looking for really TTBM and vicious guys.
I am available in Marseille and Aix this week, I can possibly receive or meet in a warm place. I like sporty and well-built buggies up to 45a max.
Looking for good work here or elsewhere, very keen
Who accompanies me? I will be there, here or elsewhere according to the proposed plan, this am Wednesday February 28 from 12/12:30 p.m. until 5 p.m. Looking for a handsome young man, under 30 years old, but I can following feeling make exceptions clean and maintained. Group of 2 or 3 men wanted. If any friends or couples are available, don't hesitate to join me, I'm a fan also leave a message.
Bonsoir, qui est dispo pour faire une vidéo porno amateur se soir dans un lieu où chez moi? Réponse en mp svp
Cherche beau jeune ( moins de 30 ans ) homme ou groupe de deux ou trois BJH, libre mardi 20 février de 12h à 17h. Je cherche également un maître . Je suis sur Marseille, ciné l étoile ou ailleurs mais reste mobile si plan et scénario de jeu sympa. Cherche egalement copine pour bons moments de delires communs . qui m accompagne ? je suis docile et soumise . Laissez vos messages merci
Je serais passage samedi 17/02 à partir de 14h jusqu'à 23h30 mettre mes trous à dispo pour un remplissage à la chaîne
Demain ou mercredi une trav sexy au cinéma je vais y passe
Je suis travesti passif et chienne. Connaissez-vous un hôtel aux alentours du cinéma où il est possible d'héberger des hommes en chambre ? merci!
Au cinéma etoile cette après-midi Nina, grosse chienne travestie, dressée très très docile vraiment insatiable a très bon boule rebondi, entièrement lisse à monter, démonter et féconder sans modération, recherche un ou plusieurs mecs dominateurs TBM (bi, hétéro, gay). Je kiffe particulièrement les maîtres blacks et rebeus. J'adore pomper gorge profonde des bites XXL jusqu'aux couilles, lécher les pieds et le cul, crachats, gifles, insultes, double pénétration. Grosse addiction au jus, j'aime avaler très grosses quantités. Bouge et reçois. Kiffe Gangbang, Tournante, Bukkake
A l étoile ce vendredi 9 février à partir de 11h30 . En mode docile , passive avec une énorme envie de sucer plusieurs belles queues . Contactez moi en privé .
Vendredi 9 février je serai présent en espérant qu il y aura de jolies trav trans car femmes il faut pas rêver
Bonjour Au cinéma l’étoile cette après midi de 15 à 22 h Pour plan sexe avec homme seul ou à plusieurs pour me baiser dans n’importe quelle endroit du cinéma Je serai habillé en tenu de chienne avec talons aiguilles N’hésitez pas à venir me voir Bonne joutes et à cette après midi
Bonsoir à tous. Petite question : peut-on servir d'urinoir à l'Étoile ? Réponse sur mon profil,svp : rampant30. Merci par avance.
Des trav demain après midi au cinéma
Bonjour Du monde intéressé pour me baiser jeudi après midi De 14 h à 20h Nelly bonne pute à jus veux êtres baiser et sucer de bonne queue bien dure
Hello, I'm sexy and very hot there
I will be at the star tomorrow Sunday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Lundi 5 février je serai à l etoile
Hello I will be there tomorrow Thursday January 24 from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m.
Probably tomorrow around 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Nellytrav at the cinema l'étoile Saturday January 20 from 8 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. Nelly for direct shot in a whore outfit on all fours on the sofa with her ass bomb ready to be lowered by man or group Notice to the one who will make me his submissive for the evening it would be with pleasure Good evening and see you Saturday evening
15/01 dès l'ouverture avant d'aller bosser, marié poilu envie de sex sans retenue. Tu es poilu, je kiffe
Salut. Qui peut me dire les heures d'ouverture pour essayer d'y passer avant de bosser?. Merci
Vendredi 12 j y serai de 12h à 16h
Suis dispo ce mercredi 10 janvier des 11h sur ce lieu ou ailleurs pour bel homme à mes critères , groupe de beaux JH , copine voulant partager des moments de jeu et de sexe. J attends vos propositions en message privé . Je suis mobile . Pas de plan extérieur aujourd'hui .
Hello everyone. I will be there today around 4 until 5:30 p.m. Alone or with others, available, good ass to fill and welcoming mouth to empty you. Exchanges in pm. Kisses
Qui m accompagne à l étoile ou ailleurs aujourd hui jeudi 4 janvier ? Laissez message .
Coucou a tous. J y serai aujourd'hui vers 16h30 jusqu'à 18h. Seul ou à plusieurs, à disposition bon cul a remplir et bouche accueillante pour vous vider . Echanges en mp. Bisous
who is going to the star today?
Present Tuesday January 2 for very feminine female or trans couples
Bonjour, je serai au cinéma l'Etoile cet après-midi à partir de 13 heures
Hello, I will be at the l'Etoile cinema this afternoon from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. more information in pm before 12 p.m.
Hello cokins who are going to the star today December 19th? Kiss
sonia trav a juice to fertilize on the chain Friday December 22 from noon to 6:30 p.m. bitch look brown wig thigh-high boots sodo nocapote imperative I want to be full of juice
sonia trav has juice to fertilize in the chain Friday December 22 from noon to 6:30 p.m. pure female dog to fertilize nocapote approach me directly brown wig thigh high boots
Hello who this afternoon CPL trav woman
Bonsoir Je me tâte à venir en ces lieux pour de bon moment sexe y a t’il du monde de 21 h jusqu’à la fermeture Merci et à bientôt
Me passive to fill will be at L’etoile Friday
vidés quelques queues mais pas assez...
J’y suis actuellement en mode vide couilles!!
Du monde cet après-midi MP
Bonjour peux t on se changer sur place?
J y serai vers 15h 15h30. Hate
Hello rascals! Who will be there tomorrow November 30 around 1 p.m.? Kiss
@juliatrav @serena Et bien moi je serai là... enfin dispo lors de l'un de vos passages pour profiter de vos talents ;-)
@ julietrav et Serena, dommage pour moi, je pense y faire un tour demain soir mais ça sera vraisemblablement un peu plus tard, vers 20h30/21h....pas possible avant, je sais pas si y'aura du monde à cette heure là...
Coucou a tous. J y serai aujourd'hui vers 16h30 jusqu'à 18h. Seul ou à plusieurs je serais heureuse de vous mettre a disposition mes trous pour vous vider . Echanges en mp. Bisous
Trav betty cherche actifs Disponible samedi pour découvrir ce lieu
Disponible moi maintenant
Jeudi 30 novembre, Julie et Serena à l'étoile de 12h à 19h/20h. 2 bonnes salopes, Serena spécialité gorge profonde et Julie nympho anale hormonée, pour un maximum de mecs actifs !
Grosse pute demain à l’étoile salle du haut dernier rang je serai en look petasse en cuir et cuissardes pour vous donner mon cul et ma bouche je suis une bonne vide couilles
Another good time spent at the star, very beautiful sexy and greedy transvestites there are many holes to take...
Married wanker militates this Sunday morning from the opening, big nipples, hairy chest, pants down towards the toilet to be jerked off.
J adore cet endroit ! J y serai samedi vers 14h . Pour rdv via MP svp ;)
Bonne salope je suis à l'étoile jusqu'à 22h30, nympho anale à baiser no limits
Salut, même question pour demain...
Qui sera au ciné cet apres midi
Salut je suis à l'étoile jusqu'à 20h salle du haut, passive soumise nympho anale bonne chienne à démonter no limits
Who Sunday 29 afternoon???
I confirm my presence this afternoon
C'était désertique aujourd'hui. jusqu'à l'apparition d'une jolie Asiat au petit cul étroit que j'ai baisé avec un grand plaisir. merci pour ta bouche et ton petit derrière.
Qui dispo ce matin à partir de 9h00 ? Jeudi 5 octobre . Ici ou ailleurs . Belle et sexy petite chienne active/passive cherche beau jeune homme , groupe de beaux JEUNES hommes, couple ou copine pour bons moments de sex . Laissez message .
Bonjour envie de me déplacer pour venir connaitre ce lieu me trav sur place et y a t il des black , arabes vicieux qui profiterait de ma bouche et chatte anale sans retenue , faire la pute offerte.Y a t il black beur arabes ou autres? Merci pour les informations. Ne veux pas faire la route de Montpellier inutilement
@soniatrav, le vestiaire est très grand pour se changer devant ces messieurs et leur donner l'eau à la bouche (enfin c'est une image...) mais si tu veux un coin tranquille, c'est compliqué. sauf si tu t'isoles carrément dans une cabine. sinon tu viens déjà habillée.
du monde le jeudi ou le vendredi en apres midi
J'imagine que ce sujet a déjà été abordé et que certains vont trouver que ma question est stupide.. Mais je vous avoue que lire l'historique de tous les posts depuis 2012... Bref pourriez m'indiquer si il y a une pièce ou un local dédié où l'on peut se changer tranquille et un endroit où l'on peut ranger ses affaires en toute sécurité. Merci
Merci Blondie pour les infos. c'est un des meilleurs spots de rencontres. je ne peux pas y aller aussi souvent que souhaité malheureusement, mais de très bons souvenirs lors de mes rares passages.
Le bar, bien éclairé, possède un projecteur et sert de l'alcool et de quoi grignoter. Bientôt il sera possible d'utiliser la porte rue Mission de France pour entrer et sortir discrétement du cinéma. Et les personnes à l'accueil ayant changé c'est beaucoup plus sympa.
Salut demain matin je passe prendre le petit déjeuner de sperme que vous avez Et si je peux me faire prendre le cul c’est avec plaisir que je vous donnerai mes fesses
Bonjour je serai sur Marseille le 10 et 11 octobre Envie de faire un tour au cinéma pour être à disposition cul et bouche
Le cinéma l'Etoile est ouvert tous les jours de 9 heures à minuit.
Bonjour c est ouvert jusqu a quelle heure?
merci à tous ceux qui se reconnaitrons et que j'ai sucée et qui m'on baisée!!!
De passage jeudi 7 de 12 à 16h pour jolie trav crédible cpl ou femme
Bonjour à tous . Demain de 12h à 18h dans la grande salle près du passage pour WC je vous vide j'avale sodo sans soucis sous prep vous pouvez vous vider moi pompe. Bisous à tous les mecs
bonjour, j'y serai demain 5 septembre de 10h à 14h en mode salope offerte...
Je serais de passage dimanche 27/08 de 14h à 20h mettre mes trous à dispo
Je serais de passage samedi 19/08 de 15h à 21h mettre mes trous à dispo
Looking for a dominant active man to accompany me to the cinema this Sunday, August 13, I'm available all day
De retour a l'étoile cette semaine pour groupes de blacks et rebeus. Le soir à partir de 19h. Reçois aussi bd de la verrerie Marseille 8e. Soirée et nuit. Besoin de me faire ouvrir en deux et remplir à la chaîne. Nina, grosse chienne travestie, dressée très très docile vraiment insatiable a très bon gros boule rebondi, entièrement lisse à monter, démonter et féconder sans modération, Recherche un ou plusieurs mecs dominateurs BM TBM (bi, hétéro, gay). Je kiffe particulièrement les maîtres blacks et rebeus. J’adore pomper gorge profonde des bites XXL jusqu’aux couilles, lécher les pieds et le cul, crachats, gifles, insultes, double pénétration. Grosse addiction au jus, j’aime avaler très grosses quantités. Rdv sur snap: magicBTm
I was there earlier, got my juices pumped by a nice trav, then 30 minutes later a trans with good boobs and a good big ass came to suck me off before I filled her hot slit ....a Sunday as I like them under the stars
Cc I'll be there today at 3 p.m. boys
Hello present this Am to empty me
I'll be visiting Saturday 29/07 from 2 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. to make my holes available
Thank you yesterday Wednesday 19/07 at Etoile, to the blonde trav that I took by her anal and oral pussy while she sucked a friend of mine in the small video room. The bar is nicer!
sissy13fr, do you have lookalikes? because to be in 10 different places at the same time you're really strong! You have your place in Macron's government, you act like them.
Trav still a little wild but very sexy and with a lot of desire, active and passive. Who to educate me in this place where another and show me off in sexy outfit and heels in front of all the men present, tail in hand ?????? This Wednesday morning from 2 p.m.
Hello, we are planning, with my friend, to go to the cinema today Wednesday 19/07 at the beginning of the afternoon. If interested contact me in PV.
J y serai ce soir à 21h message en MP pour ceux qui veulent se faire pomper au jus.
@lovetranal et Annalope, je suis une trav barbu habitué des lieux. L’accueil est très sympa par le patron qui est souriant et très avenant. 2 autres employés ou ses amis sont non chaland et froid. Surtout n’y prête pas attention. Le nouvel espace au rdv est un espace bar où tu peux t boire ta bière ton café, faire une pause, bref te rafraîchir et défile en trav devant les clients du shop. C’est super sympa.
@lovetranal pour répondre à tes questions, s'il n'est pas trop tard, et sauf si des travaux ont été effectués depuis 1 an : il y a un local technique qui sert de vestiaire pour les trav. tu demandes la clé, tu te changes et tu ramènes la clé à l'accueil (comme ça, tu peux bien t'exhiber devant les arrivants). tu peux laisser ton sac en consigne à l'accueil. Même topo quand tu pars. Et oui, les trav sont plus que bienvenues. tu vas te régaler, dans les travées de fauteuils ou les alcoves obscures. tu y fais tout ce que tu veux. je crois qu'il y a un nouvel espace au rdc. si les habitués peuvent nous en dire plus, et nous faire saliver... bonne expérience
J’y serai cette après-midi en trav. 14h-18h environs. N’hésitez pas à m’aborder.
Quelqu'un ce soir pour se faire vider les couilles, envoyez moi un messages pour savoir l'heure.
Finally ready to satisfy you
Arrival delayed in view of the world on the road I hope to be there for 4:30 p.m.
I will be there tomorrow Thursday from 3:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. Alone or with others, I would be happy to make my holes available to you to empty you.... Exchanges in pm. Kisses
De Passage Saturday, July 08 from 3 p.m. to 9 p.m. to make my gourmet holes available
Bonjour @niknik et kooldaddy, la meilleure affluence que j ai pu constater c est 15h30 a 18h00. Bises. Steph
I'll be there tomorrow from 5 to 9 guys. Either in the dining room or at the counter for a drink.
J y serai demain samedi de 15h30 a 18h30. Seul ou à plusieurs je serais heureuse de vous mettre a disposition mes trous pour vous vider .... Échanges en mp . Bisous
Bonjour a tous. J y serai vendredi vers 15h. Seul ou à plusieurs je serais heureuse de vous mettre a disposition mes trous pour vous vider .... Échanges en mp . Bisous
I will come and put my gourmet holes available Sunday 18/06 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m.
Bientôt de retour pour faire la chienne sexy
Coucou , y a t il des pièces style vestiaires avec placard ferme ou l on peut se changer et se maquiller ? J aimerai y aller cet am vers 13h mardi 30 mai , qui dispo pour m accompagner ?
Il y a maintenant un bar au fond du rez-de-chaussée du cinéma (licence IV), avec un coin lounge doté d'un grand écran. L'endroit est vraiment bien et on ne peut pas le voir depuis la rue.
Je serai au ciné vers 16h cet aprem (jeudi 25) - je ch. une jeune bouche brûlante pour me pomper à fond...
couples or women on Thursday, June 1 afternoon? very craving for sex without restraint
I will be there Saturday May 13 from 4 p.m. to 11 p.m.
Dispo cet am mercredi 3 mai , un couple bi joueur ou un bel homme TBM pour jeux coquins ? En travestie uniquement si vous pouvez recevoir sur Marseille ou ailleurs . Laisser message
I will be present at the cinema Saturday May 6 afternoon from 1:30 p.m.
Are they open this Monday 01 May?
It was excellent yesterday afternoon. I was there around 4 p.m. From the world, I got 7 tails. To do again. Too bad we weren't so many working
Those of the site who fucked me this afternoon sent me a private message, we didn't have time to get to know each
Merci à tous ceux qui m'ont bien défoncée, fister etc... 3 heures de folie, un jour j'essaierai la journée complète...hummm Endroit vraiment top, merci à Alex et Jacques pour l'accueil.
Je compte y aller demain ou cette après midi en trav. Je suis Adepte de la bonne defonce et javale direct en bouche ou aime être remplis suis toujours ok pour me faire défoncer en gangbang et bukkake, comme vous avez envie,je serais salle du haut près de la blakroom. Envoyer moi message en privé.. Rdv dimanche arrivé vers 13h. Soyez nombreux et pas timide,je suis là pour me faire enfiler et pas pour compter les moutons.
I will be present Saturday April 29 afternoon from 1:30 p.m. for a hot afternoon…
Hello, I'll be there on Sunday... around 1 p.m....
hello who goes there earlier early afternoon message in pm
Bonjour qui y va après demain en début d'après midi message en mp Mercredi 26 avril
Hi, we were 5 crossings, before I left 6... for me, I think it went well, I got screwed 5 times but in packaging, so 5 cumshots in the mouth, on the way back, I burped the sperm. It started to happen when I left... at 1:00 p.m. This place is great and Alex and Jacques are super friendly.
I'm there I put my bag at the reception I'm changing
Arrive Gambetta parking scheduled at 10:40 a.m.
See you later. I'll send a message when I'm in the car park, time to go and get charged...
hello which trav or trans is available Wednesday early afternoon message in pm
See you tomorrow...I hope you are many and not shy...kisses
All this pin well I'll even be there 1 hour more
Normally even less than 48 hours to wait.... I hope I won't be disappointed.. above all don't be shy...
Who will be there Saturday 22 between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.?
Hello.... BCBG whore for gangbang Saturday 22/04. Between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. I would send a message to be more precise and confirm my arrival... since the time that I dream of going to get screwed in this place... Contact me in private, kisses.
Ch plan gloryhole in Marseille
Cc d electra Tgirl34 I will be at the star this Sunday 09/04 from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. for gandbang and bukkase
CPL the 2 bi of passage on 07/04 for plan sucks with two we like good cocks very juicy and stiff (we will leave a message the morning of 07/04 to give time of our passage)
What a shame me too I want to go I've never been we should have gone together I'm only going to see your message you don't want a sauna tonight right away lol
Trav betty available today would like to discover this place
Tomorrow I will come and make my holes available from 2 p.m.
Great this morning! Me in pasha mode with a trav and a guy working my cock together! To redo
Hello I will surely go there for a 1st at the end of the day in a sexy trav to suck and make myself cum on it, how is it going, can we arrive in outfits or is there enough to change? until what time is it open? if a trav a little domi wants to initiate me do not hesitate to send me private message
Tuesday, March 14 Julie Hormone and Serena sexy nympho transvestites available upstairs room for a maximum of 100% active guys good sucking deep throat nice ass to dismantle from 10am to 8pm.
I will be at the star from 3 p.m. My holes will be available
Male Lope 47a, very bitchy and docile under poppers, loves cum and sodomy, wants to serve as a balls-buster all afternoon. I am multiracial. I really want to be abused, spanked and insulted in order to get myself filled in all my holes, to be made available to be chain-banged by good thick cocks of whites / arabs / blacks. From 2 p.m., you will be able to discover me in black stockings and boots, without panties under a close-fitting mini-skirt and small sweater. I would wear a female dog collar! I like sperm and its taste, feeling it flowing from my buttocks or my lips. They say I have a pretty tattooed slut ass to smash without moderation...
If this evening, a perverse and vicious asset, from around Istres - Martigues (13), wants to take me to do the docile whore at the cinema l'étoile, we can meet in a parking lot in Martigues and take me to the slaughter doing the bitch under his directive!
Friday, January 27, at the start of the evening and until closing time, Lope docile male 47a, very bitchy under poppers, loves cum and sodomy, wants to serve as a balls-buster all evening. I am multiracial. I really want to be directed, tied up, abused, spanked and insulted in order to fill me up in this establishment, to be made available to be fucked in the chain by good thick cocks of whites / arabs / blacks. You can discover me in stockings and boots, without panties under a tight mini-skirt or simply ass in the air with a little sweater. I would wear a female dog collar and at times I could be offered hooded to be abused through all the holes. I like sperm and its taste, feeling it flowing from my buttocks or my lips. They say that I I have a pretty tattooed slutty ass to smash without moderation… If by tomorrow evening, a perverse and vicious dominant asset, from around Istres – Martigues (13), would agree to take me this Friday evening to play the docile whore at the cinema the star, we can make an appointment on a car park in martigues and you take me to the slaughter under your constraint! Call me at 07-68-22-47-91
thank you to the guy who fucked me well Monday night with his beautiful cock. it emptied twice once in my ass and once in my mouth. I'm going back this Wednesday 25/01 in the afternoon hoping to find the same.
this Monday 23 from 8 p.m. I will be at the star to empty cocks with my mouth and my ass. all tails are welcome
Is it possible to get fucked by active trans travs? can someone answer me please?
Another great afternoon spent at the Étoile cinema. This place is unique.
passing through Marseille from January 23 to 25, I would come and put my mouth and my ass at the disposal of the cocks to empty them here or in another place if you prefer
who's available around here? )
Tomorrow at the beginning of the afternoon I will be there until 6:30 p.m.
Hello Sunday early afternoon I plan to come. I will confirm tomorrow or the same day
Good morning. I will be there today around 12 noon. Alone or with others I would be happy to empty you....
hello which trav or trans is available tomorrow morning at the end of the morning message in pm
Passing through Marseille this weekend. I might go there tomorrow morning. Want to suck big juicy cock. MP
passing through Marseille at the end of January I would go to the star to make my 2 holes available to the tails
Hi thank you to the 2 guys who took good care of Cynthia, she was delighted
Hi our coming this Sunday is canceled have a nice day everyone
Hi Sunday around 7 p.m. I will be at the cinema with my wife welcome to black and large caliber we will confirm Saturday evening
I want to empty my balls I can pass now pm
Julie and Charlène gourmet transvestites, Wednesday 7 from 10:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Good female dogs for 100% active guys. Anal pussy nympho and deep throat. Rotating no limits!!!
Charlène, gourmet transvestite visiting MEERCREDI 7-12 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. with her buddy Julie. 2 female dogs available!!!! Notice to amateurs and beautiful tails...
J'y serai lundi 28/11 vers 17h30 en tailleur chic.
Good morning. Thanks to the 2 pairs of well-filled balls that I was able to empty. To redo
Hello, who can help me? I will be in Marseille on Monday and Tuesday, which day is the most profitable? Can we change on site and have a cloakroom to drop off my belongings? Which room or part of the establishment is dedicated to transvestites? Is there a cheap hotel nearby?
Good morning. I will be there tomorrow around 12 noon. Alone or with others I would be happy to empty you....
This afternoon (21/10) for pipe plan
hello to all is it possible to get completely naked in this cinema if so in which room answer in private thank you
hello who is free tomorrow at the end of the morning message in pm
This afternoon at the Star to make me suck...
Hi, Thursday from 10:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. good sexy passive feminine slut submissive sensual greedy, good sucker nice ass to disassemble in the chain, nice nipples to work on hot. Offered all day! No limits
Hi. I'm looking for guys to fist me at the cinema l'étoile tomorrow Saturday 09/17/2022. I take the whole arm up to the shoulder. Notice to amateurs.
Je cherche une jeune tv féminine pour m'accompagner au ciné... et ailleurs.
Hello tomorrow afternoon I will be present in these places
Hello everyone, I will be present on Wednesday, September 7 in the morning. Pretty slut to use! Bisouxxx
Sunday between 12 p.m. and 4 p.m. for beautiful work. THANKS
good evening jy spends Friday apm normally, passing through the area for direct fuck to your good tails
The cinema closes at 11 p.m.
Good evening everyone, at what time does the cinema close please
@kouloukoulou If everyone blacklists you the problem is you, not others. You've been moaning for a week non-stop on the pages of quite a few places. Question yourself before accusing the whole earth. Reverse the roles, I'm sure that in your opinion it will be normal. Respect the choice of others and stop fantasizing about something that won't happen, you'll be more zen. (And selfishly, as a user of the site I will no longer see jeremiads when I log in)
Thank you blondie for having mentioned that I am delirious and that I have bad intentions you are completely wrong on this point or you have lost your memory I just asked you why you had blacklisted me that's all but it does not matter don't worry good luck to you
Bonjour à tous, juste pour vous confirmer que Blondie est une belle personne et bien réelle. Que du plaisir cette personne ... Du reste j'ai bien hâte de la revoir dés que possible.
Thank you sticknotes31 and foxxie for correcting this madness, launched by kouloukoulou who also deletes these messages very quickly. When I want to say no I say no, often politely: "I don't match your search" or "sorry, I don't follow up". I blacklisted 18 contacts in 3 years, 1 every 2 months, and they didn't all give a good reason to do it! Before writing that I am a myth, just read the comments on my profile to get an idea. Besides, those who never have comments on their profile are the breeding ground in which we find the most mythos. kouloukoulou who claims to have had an appointment with me and who in one of these already deleted messages asks me "to have the courage to explain why I blacklisted him" this is delusional.
Hello foxxie I respect the choice of people who say no but I like to know why the 2 people blacklisted me when we discussed together and even gave an appointment then nothing more that's all
Merci foxxie pour ta remarque mais je suis libre de poster 10 ou 20 commentaires ? Tu as vraiment du temps à perdre pas moi
hello blondie why have me blacklist answer me if you have the courage
Thanks to Miriam who allows us to realize that cocu38lope was a myth. The profile has been deleted.
hello present on August 21 from 1:30 p.m. contact me in pv if I try you
I will be around 1:30 p.m. for Trav or Trans. Contact on site.
I will finally be at the cinema x l'étoile in Marseille this Wednesday, August 17 from the beginning of the afternoon (before 2 p.m.). I will be dressed as a female to offer myself to the males present
Message for submissive sally why have me blacklisted otherwise I'm available tomorrow between 10:30 a.m. and 12:30 p.m. leave a message in pm
I will be at the cinema x l'étoile in Marseille on Wednesday August 17 from 9 a.m., as soon as it opens. I will be dressed as a female to offer myself to the males present.
It's quite simple, at the star, it's better to go there and make do with the people inside than to expect to find a dream creature. And if there is a dream creature, it may turn out to be inaccessible. I will make a visit or two over the next two weeks.
hello, a beautiful trav or beautiful trans present this morning or this afternoon Monday, August 16th who wants a nice tail? Message in private.
Which trav or trans is available on Thursday 18 at the end of the morning message in pm
Looking for a nice cock to jerk off and suck at the movies
Looking for a nice cock to jerk off and suck at the movies - I have free tickets...
Who's going tomorrow in the early afternoon message in pm
What work will be there on August 5 around 1 p.m. message in pm
Sunday afternoon July 31 At the Cinéma Etoile from 1.30 p.m.
Who will be there next Friday around 1 p.m. until 4 p.m. message in pm
I'll be there this afternoon (Thursday 28) with my beautiful TV friend...
TravBeatrice at the Cinéma l'étoile on Thursday July 28 from 11 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. available to all virile active guys to have me filled and used as empty balls
SONIA WORKS IN JUS TO FERTILIZE AT THE CHAIN FRIDAY July 29th from noon to 7 p.m. upper room brown wig thigh high boots of a whore I want to be soiled and full of juice by big calibers come many approach me directly
Who is available on August 5 and 18 at the star message in pm
I will be in Marseilles from August 15 to 18 with my wife. We will both come to the cinema during the day (I will be dressed as a female) to offer ourselves to the males present
sonia trav pure juice tank to be fertilized on the chain Friday, July 29 from 11:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. in whore with waders for active males tbm fertilization plan with nocapote juice on the chain approach me directly I want to be full to overflow
I will be at the cinema tomorrow Monday, July 4 at the end of the afternoon. I love masturbating completely naked sitting in the 1st row in the cinema room upstairs in front of everyone. I also like walking around the room totally naked while masturbating. Who wants to see me and play with my naked body in front of the spectators? Real announcement I am very exhib and motivated... If you want, answer me in private message.
I will be present Sunday from the beginning of the afternoon contact me in pv
Hello to all trav and trans, I will be at the star this Sunday 3/07 from 3:30 p.m. to dismantle you. I will have a salmon polo shirt, if you feel like it, come put your mouth on my cock! Kisses girls.
I will be at the cinema today from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Bonjour tout le monde. Je reviens pour quelques cochonneries. Y voit on encore des couples???
Pas tellement de monde vendredi soir dernier, mais coup de chance les quelques un bons coups qu'il y avait se sont bien amusés avec moi et j'en ai pris pleins le cul avec eux. Et je les remercie pour les gentils messages qu'ils m'ont laissés bises et j'espère à une prochaine quand je repasserais par Marseille
Who will be there on the 22nd afternoon message in pm
Nouveau à Marseille, je vais découvrir ce lieu en fin d'après midi du 16 juin. Plutôt très bien membré, si des bonnes salopes trav ou des amateurs amateurs de fellations gourmandes sont tentés...
Hi, good hot and sexy work, I will be available for young fuckers this Friday evening 06/17 at the Etoile cinema
Annick, a very slutty and submissive shaved full-length transvestite, is considering a passage to the star tomorrow Monday afternoon to have me fucked on the chain. Interested guys leave me a message to give hours of attendance.
Who's going tomorrow message in pm
Finally I couldn't come on Sunday
Lots of people at the cinema, yesterday, Thursday, a public holiday, it looked like a Saturday, new people, as always, it's hot from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. The price of poppers has gone down.
I will be present on Sunday from the beginning of the afternoon. I will confirm at the end of the week
Tomorrow, early afternoon, Sunday the 24th, I'll be there in a long black dress with a slit and thigh-high stilettos.
Yesterday I met one of the regulars at the cinema, he was there on Thursday and there were a lot of people, in the afternoon, the same for Friday (I went there briefly at 4 p.m.). There will be more people after May 2, the day Ramadan ends.
Good evening Are there people on Saturday evening?
Sunday 24 at the beginning of the afternoon I will be present. Sexy dress, thigh-high stilettos…
hello, I'll be there early evening tonight on 04/22/2022 around 7:00 p.m. with a purely active friend for meetings if you're tempted. Contact me in PM.
Friday, April 22 from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. passive transvestite submissive sensual feminine sexy hormone sensitive nipples, good sucker, good bomb ass female dog to be dismantled on the chain. Sexy blonde in tight black shorts stocking heels fishnet room top.
Some nice work this afternoon?...
Salut à tous, est ce qu'on peut se mettre en trav sur place et laisser son sac et ses affaires à l’accueil ? je vais y passer dans quelques temps pour me mettre à dispo des queues Merci pour vos retours
Hello who can tell me the times when there is more attendance?
Coucou, je serai présente jeudi 10 mars de 9h30 à 11h30. Bisouxxx
Good morning. Passing through Marseille I will be at the cinema l'etoile tonight from 8:30 p.m. to get filled.
For lovers of atmospheres, this day the creatures that usually parade without doing anything else were not there. They had been advantageously replaced by others which sent heavy, therefore, very good for any true self-respecting active, moreover, there would have been a few more, it would not have been a bad thing. Those who arrived quite late found guys rather on the reserve when they weren't broke... As far as I'm concerned, good afternoon but no comment, I think I've seen enough of my surgery.
Tonight from 8 p.m. to closing for kokinâge
Hello am currently there I am very hot
The room on the first floor at the top of the stairs, where people can change quietly, is not one of the places where we share pleasures. Surplus items are left at reception. Anyone who has been to the cinema at all knows this.
@biactif, question sur le changement de salles non seulement tu peux changer de salles, mais c'est même recommandé pour varier les plaisirs, et puis il y a les couloirs ou tu peux faire des rencontres aussi, une bonne claque sur le cul, recevoir un compliment sur ta tenue de pute qui t'incite à t'agenouiller pour remercier le Monsieur ; les escaliers aussi, histoire de bien aguicher ceux qui te suivent
Shania, de passage à l'étoile mercredi 24 de 9h30 à 11h30. Bisouxxx
I love showing off and masturbating completely naked in the movie theater in front of everyone. Who wants to see me? Who wants to direct my exhibition? Who wants to play with my naked body in front of the spectators? Real announcement I am very exhib and motivated...
I know the place but I never went inside…. To try.
biactif04: no you can go from one room to another as you want, but it must have been more than 10 years since you came, because I have been coming to the star since 2005 and we could already go wherever we wanted in the movie theater.
Hello, it's been more than 10 years since I've come to get sucked... I would like to know if we can go from one room to another or have to stay in a room like before?
bonjour présent dimanche 31/10 a partir de 14h contactez moi en pv si intéressé
Une belle Trav pour me sucer jeudi 28/10 en matinée ?
SONIA PURE BITCH JUICE TANK TO FERTILIZE AT THE CHAIN AT CINE XL ETOILE IN MARSEILLE TUESDAY OCTOBER 26 FROM 3 PM TO 8 PM brown wig thigh high boots approach me directly nocapote plan I want to be full and dirty ps ONLY ON 26TH AT CINE X FROM 3 PM TO 8 p.m. SO NOT ELSEWHERE
thank you to all the guys who stared at me, those who fiddled with me, those I sucked, those who threw their cum all over my body. I ended up naked, it was nice.
FYI, I planned to wear a pink tartan mini mini skirt, a black fishnet top, fishnet bottoms and heels.
ce sera ma première visite dans ces lieux mercredi 13 après-midi ! Qui y sera ?
practical question: what is the best way to park in the area? is there a parking lot nearby? and also: how is it frequented after 6 p.m.?
Good evening. I've already been to Etoile a few times, and I like the atmosphere of freedom that reigns there. For my part, I am very exhib, and I like to show myself completely naked in the cinema room upstairs. I masturbate visibly in the 1st row, and I move completely naked in the room, etc... Who is interested to see me, and if he wishes to direct my exhibition in front of everyone... If interested, please contact me here to talk about it, and to arrange an appointment.
Who will be tomorrow Sunday afternoon
someone offers me something Tuesday 21 in the morning?
I will be at the cinema this Saturday, September 4, from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. You can PM me to find out more.
Good evening everyone, I'll be at the cinema tomorrow, from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m. You can write to me in mp to know more.
answer to docesguiness: yes you can walk around naked in the rooms on the first and second floor.
Francis831 a mytho who does not come to the meeting, who then allows himself aggressive remarks, pretentious in addition, a shame I had not asked him for anything.
Can we walk around naked in this cinema?
I phoned the cinema this morning, the health pass is not requested, the 49-person gauge is still applied.
I'll be at the cinema tomorrow, Friday the 13th, from 1:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. You can write to me in mp to know more.
As much for me. Indeed I met you there after sending my message, and your companion is as beautiful as Blondie described her. My apologies and I look forward to seeing you again.
Pineurfou I c not who is the mytho we went to the cinema from 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. we thank the people who had fun with us
Soon 7:30 p.m. and no Chris 13000 and his sublime companion in sight. What deduction should I draw from this? Would we be in the realm of mythos? Do you think Blondie?
Message for cinema regulars, when chris13000 arrives with his companion you will no longer watch the film!
Tuesday August 3 we will be at the cinema around 7 p.m.
Hello I was there Thursday with mrs it was too good
Tomorrow Friday 30 I will be present early afternoon while stocks last ...
Evening organizer I'm going there tonight to see if there are any potential candidates, hear me out. Do not hesitate to send me a message.
bonjour présent dimanche 25 a partir de 14h contactez moi en pv si intéressé
I went to the cinema today to find out if they ask for the health pass and proof of identity at the entrance. Nothing is required! They have decided to limit the presence to 49 people at any given time so as not to have to control who comes in.
I'm going there this morning from 10:30 am to 12:30 pm, my very greedy and enduring mouth available for your beautiful dicks ...
Maybe Sunday afternoon I'll confirm the time in due time
Je serais a l'étoile demain 20/07, bonne lope en leggings noir et string dessous, j'adore la bite et le sperme, cherche mecs bien cochon et vicieux.
I confirm my presence today late afternoon until 10 p.m.
Bonsoir, demain c est annulé...on a eut beaucoup de monde...
Tomorrow, that is to say Wednesday the 14th end of the afternoon, I will be present until 10 p.m.
I'm going to go tomorrow afternoon, let's see if the holidays are like Sundays, I always had fun there on Sunday ...
Hello everyone, I will be at the star cinema today from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., write to me in MP before 1 p.m. to find out more, and to receive photos.
Beautiful people tonight?
I am available this evening at the Arbois TGV station or at the x center of Plan de campagne for H ripe BM directives and vicious to take photos and videos from soft to hard ...
I will be present on Friday July 2 at the end of the afternoon until 10 p.m.
Hello I'm trav vinyl hooded latex, I would like to realize a fantasy, to be covered with sperm, I am more sm at the base, I do not get caught but always ass filled by big plug, I would like to jerk off suck eventually but especially me do cum on me and clothes, do you think it's possible at the star or elsewhere, I like a plan that is out of the ordinary, don't hesitate to answer me in pm, very tempted by the star
Good evening I am at the x center of Marseille this evening from 9 p.m. to midnight for H ripe BM directive and vicious ...
I understand protis' message more as that of a person who felt very uncomfortable than anything else. It's not the creepy side that some people can feel when they're not used to it that attracts... Because yes, it's dark, and strange at first, even scary because certain social norms are turned upside down... What attracts is what you can do there... Then, sometimes, the people you meet there, there are people you like to see again, not just for sex. If I had to define the star, I would say it's a kind of tin can without labels. Basically, it's not jolly, empty, it has no interest. It's what's going on inside that's important. Once this detail has been assimilated,
well answered, and indeed it may well be this "creepy" side that attracts so many people
Bonjour à tous et à toutes, je serai au cinéma cet après-midi de 14h à 20h.
Bonjour , c’est Rebecca bonne femelle je serai cinema etoile jeudi 24 juin de 14 h a 23 h pour gang bangs je veut sucer et donner je serai en rouge et noir pour donner bouche t cul à la chaîne faite signe pour rdv groupe de 6 ou 8 bienvenus . Blacks noir toute race bienvenus
Hello, I will not be at the cinema today, I will be there tomorrow Saturday
I'll be there early Saturday afternoon. Pick up on the spot, I don't make an appointment.
Hello everyone, I will be at the Etoile cinema tomorrow Friday, all afternoon and early evening. You can write to me in mp to know more.
Hello tomorrow Thursday 17th I will be present in the afternoon. To recognize myself it will be very easy I will wear red thigh boots. I will confirm my presence tomorrow morning
I will be present this Sunday June 13 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. for the greatest pleasure of trav and trans, black jeans and white shirt with small navy blue patterns. Don't be shy girls, I'm really not shy.
J’y étais aujourd’hui en fin d’après-midi sachant que le lieu fermait à 23h. Très peu de monde malgré tout je me suis quand même amusé j’ai pris du plaisir merci aux peu de personnes qui étaient présentes ce jour-là
Present today in the afternoon until late in the evening, knowing that the closing is at 11 p.m. since yesterday.
Hello From the world this Wednesday? Craving wet and juice
hello present this Sunday from 2 p.m.
Hello, I spent a very good afternoon with a lot of pleasure the places are faithful to their reputation it is very hot that I go back ...
Today Saturday afternoon my presence in these magical places ...
I confirm my presence tomorrow early afternoon until closing
Tomorrow afternoon I will come to these places to give and take pleasure
Hello everyone, I will be at the Etoile cinema tomorrow, Thursday, June 3 from 2:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Write me in mp if you want to know more.
I will be at the star on 9/06 want to discover new pleasures, let me know in mp
mec bi envie de se faire prendre en lechant une chatte ouverte contactez moi
Hello everyone, I will be at the Etoile cinema on Friday the 28th throughout the afternoon. Contact me by mp if you want more information or photos.
Great your post, waders. Were there more people than usual? Before closing?
I was present in these places this afternoon. There was a very hot atmosphere that fucked a lot of transvestites everywhere. Friendly atmosphere in a good mood. This place is really great I will go back very soon, I will post an ad on the site
And I will honor these places with my presence early in the afternoon until closing
I will be at the cinema on Wednesday 19 from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. Write to me in mp if you want pictures.
Hmmmm can't wait to retuurn to this magical and torrid place ... From the day of reopening I will be present.
Yes ! There will be a lot of people I think ... Let's wait until we know the conditions.
The website is back online, reopening on May 19 from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
The cinema reopens on May 19! The website will be back online soon. If you want to support the cinema when you buy an entrance ticket you can also buy your poppers and many other things in the sex shop!
I was planning to go back there this summer, I hope it will reopen ...
this place is truly unique. So much activity (even if it's irregular at times) in all discretion ... I also have the impression that there is no real alternative outdoors
rather calm at the moment.
in the meantime where are you going?
A priori yes, normally the shop can remain open but if there has been abuse and control, they have to respect the rules. If you were to plan an outing in these places you will have to find another solution.
I imagine it's still closed? at least the cinema
I imagine it's still closed?
Possible to have fun in the cabins? Of the world? Do they or do they not control what we do?
Hello everyone, I really want to go back there in the next few days. I will confirm my visit to the site.
You have nothing to do but criticize people on a dating site when a person doesn't want to move on
I share the opinion of Sticknotes on Madame SylviaGB I have the impression that it is the new nickname of "the one" that we knew under the nickname of SophieGB, and who was a "regular visitor" of the cinema there Some time ago ... the regulars probably remember it ...
sylviagb bah don't come we have fun
sylviagb's profile picture is a fake, it is a public image that can be found at wallpaper-610329904.jpg Cruising places is a great site for meeting people and discovering places where you can have fun, unfortunately some come to the site with other motivations.
Sylviagb who has never been to the cinema denigrates the place, what is the point? What motivation? And the choice of words: god, sos case. Perhaps she only has Sylvia in name and behind the anonymity of the screen hides a beautiful prostate. Fortunately there is the Disney Channel for people like that. For the others there is this cinema which is a unique place in the region. Where the reception has improved a lot and attendance remains at a good level. Many of us retuurn regularly to see what's going on there, and much more ...
Submissive with body in leather thongs, dog collar, chastity cage, anal plug in place, shaved, scented, lubricated everywhere, will be available to all males present at the cinema X l 'star in Marseille on Friday 09/10 of 3 p.m. to 6 p.m.
Hello, Sally the dog will be back in theaters on Tuesday October 6th. Arrival expected before 1 p.m. I hope a lot of males will come to smash my mouth and ass on the chain...
I won't be at the movies today, have a nice day everyone.
Hello everyone, I will be at the cinema tomorrow Friday the 25th from 1:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. Long natural hair, androgynous face, short black dress, make-up, sandals. Write to me in mp if you want pictures.
Hello everyone, I will be at the cinema tomorrow Friday the 18th from 1:30 p.m. until 9 p.m., I can arrive a little earlier and leave around 10 p.m. Long natural hair, short black dress, make-up, sandals. Write to me in mp if you want pictures.
Good morning all. How is it going now with the wearing of the mask in this magnificent place of sex that is the Cinéma Etoile? Thank you for your answers and big kisses to your cocks.
I will be at the cinema on Saturday 12, from 1 p.m. to 9 p.m., I can arrive a little earlier and leave around 10 p.m. Write me in mp if you want pictures.
Hello Is it still open with the new measures taken in Marseille?
Hello, I will be at the cinema tomorrow Wednesday August 19, you can write to me in mp to find out more ...
Thank you to everyone for these messages which also bring this place to life, and which often makes you want
The night from Saturday 8 to Sunday 9 will not take place, I went to the cinema today to check.
The cinema l'Etoile will offer a new nightlife, at no extra cost (therefore with admission at € 9.50), on Saturday August 8, the cinema will be open until Sunday August 9 at 7:00 am. It reopens at 10:00 am on Sunday after cleaning.
Today Liebesunde in whore mode and public urinal. Come and depress her, fuck her, submit her and cover her in juice and piss Make yourself known
Good evening I am looking for a good cock to suck or suck plan I am towards Saint Antoine in my camper van contact me
Hello to all ! I will be at the cinema on Saturday, you can write in mp if you want to receive pictures.
Scheduled visit with my girlfriend, a good blonde trans super pompous slut of very large caliber deep throats. Make proposals and give RV here
I spend the afternoon there tomorrow Sunday, I hope there will be some nice travs ...
I'll be at the movies tomorrow, Friday the 10th, all afternoon and early evening. Write me in mp if you want to see my photos.
I will be in Marseille from July 12 to 16 I will be at the star on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 from 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. will be there to serve as a ball vacuum me good juice slut, anal pussy to smash I like to swallow ball juice
Thanks to the twink who pumped me 3 times! With nickel tail cleaning
Le cinéma organise des séances nocturnes cet été. Le dimanche 19 juillet de 00h00 à 07h00 = €10 l'entrée Le samedi 18 juillet et nocturne €12,95 Nocturne et dimanche €12,95 Pour rappel l'entrée du cinéma est à €9,50, et à seulement €7 si on achète du poppers.
Bf guys open bocul and available to relieve the tbm cocks of black rebels or romanians see gypsy. Enjoys pumping for a long time while they work my breasts. Kiff long shovels deep throat futeuse. Drink clear piss and make me fill my juice and piss in the Ass in a gang bang to get wet and lubricate my Ass which will be at your disposal for the roof, another gang bang pig or with dogs or jogging horse
For my part, I will try to be present at 8 p.m. / 9 p.m.
I went to the cinema today and for a Thursday there are a lot of people, Friday is always better than Thursday so I'm going back tomorrow Friday Friday the 26th, from 1 p.m. to 10 p.m. My two free access holes!
Openings tonight I will honor my presence in this place
SOUMISSION-EXHIB Dimanche minuit et lundi à l'Etoile ---------- Pour J-MEC (18 à 25 ans) SOUMIS, MOTIVÉ et VOLONTAIRE ---------- Plan Soumission-Exhib hard à poil total, mode "esclave" (collier, bracelets cuir, chaines, short, G-String, les yeux bandés) en laisse, menotté, promené, puis mis à poil, exhibé et soumis. A mes ordres face au public tu rencontreras des "mains baladeuses" ou +. Bondage, Fessées, martinet soft, CBT, accessoires BDSM... Si tu veux sucer, être sucer, mis à dispo, TU fixes les limites. ---------- Intéressé ? ==> Contactes-moi.....
17 sm express pour : de 18 ans à 25 ans - Soumis - Qui reçoit 2 SOUMISSION-EXHIB Dimanche minuit et lubdi à l'Etoile Pour J-MEC SOUMIS, MOTIVÉ et VOLONTAIRE Plan Soumission-Exhib hard à poil total, mode "esclave" (collier, bracelets cuir, chaines, short, G-String, les yeux bandés) en laisse, menotté, promené, puis mis à poil, exhibé et soumis. A mes ordres face au public tu rencontreras des "mains baladeuses" ou +. Bondage, Fessées, martinet soft, CBT, accessoires BDSM... Si tu veux sucer, être sucer, mis à dispo, TU fixes les limites Intéressé : contactes-moi.....
I will be at the cinema Monday June 22, from 12 noon to 10 pm, if you are interested in my profile you can write to me in mp. I can also go to the cinema on Sunday evening at midnight when it reopens, if you chose this time, I will go according to the crowds.
As specified and announced by Blondie, the Étoile cinema reopens on Sunday 21st at midnight so for my part I will be present with my waders
On its website the cinema announces the reopening on Sunday June 21 at midnight, it will be open until Monday June 22 in the evening at midnight, during these 24 hours entry will be free.
Je suis passée au cinéma hier, la réouverture est espérée pour le 2 juin. Le cinéma sera bien changé, les peintures ont été refaites, les portes changées, et d'autre améliorations. Comme indiqué dans un avis précédent j'y suis allée pour acheter un poppers, habituée au Jungle Juice Black label j'ai choisi cette fois le Jungle Juice Platinium, c'est un choc: effet très puissant presque trop, effet très long pendant plusieurs minutes, l'arôme par contre ne me plait pas. Attention c'est un poppers monstrueux !
The individual booths at the entrance to the Etoile cinema are also open. Only the cinemas on the 1st and 2nd floor are closed.
I went there today, the cinemas are closed pending government authorization to open. The store on the ground floor is open! Personally I decided to go back there next week to do my shopping, poppers, toys ... because in order for the Etoile cinema not to close permanently, economic activity must restart.
Come today @ melyssa13: it's crowded!
As soon as it reopens, who would like to show off completely naked in front of everyone in the movie theaters?
I'm there .. I'm deserting ..
You break the balls to drool on each other .. if you are there for that, break you and stop pissing on the site !!!
At least people know that you are missing one or two boxes. It will save them from going to Euromed for nothing ...
Not in my spitting habits, I was brought up well. Good evening at home!
@ sophietrans13, I do not have the honor to know you 'or to have exchanged a message with you and ... I am doing very well!
Warning ! If metistbmfr invites you to come and see him at his hotel, a word of advice: don't waste your time! Once there, it is for absent subscribers. Another myth that has time to lose ...
Thank you fox8413 actually only I can pass this course, but go there a 1st time by being virgin with men or transvestites it is not obvious, the unknown is always a little scary, Fear of not having the right attitude to be ridiculous especially that at the moment I am in "bear" mode and you are right only me little to assume however I watch your coming or that of Blondie who already in word seems very engaging Good day to all .. ..
Thank you @Blondie! It is true that I am nice but ... I never set foot in the cinema l'Etoile. However, I will follow your advice and try the Eros Center where I have never been either. I find you a little harsh about the Marseille XCenter. There are often more than 4 people. And most guys are just waiting to get pumped. In any case, every time I went there, there were people and I always left satisfied.
grizzly13 notices the absence of aggressiveness of my opinion, which aimed among other flasherdan, which does not deserve any aggressiveness because I met him several times at the cinema the star (lol) and he is super nice. Nevertheless, the customers of the Marseille x-center all hold together in a Clio while to bring the customers of the day to the cinema the star you need a bus.
Thank you Blondie your opinions are always without aggressiveness and very instructive. I hope one afternoon to finally have the courage to dare to cross the doors of this paradise of sex (the star) in order to finally satisfy my fantasies. good day and good pleasures to you who assume and dare...
I wrote the following notice in response to those who come on the star of the movie page to write that it is better elsewhere, if so why come also dredged on the movie page?
Everyone has their preference, movie star, x-center, eros-center, but they are very different places. The x-center is clean but it's small I stopped going there because I never saw more than 4 people at a time almost all wank without wanting anything more, and n ' there is no washbasin no toilets, no transvestites. Eros center is a paradise of glory-holes, I saw the plans uro before sinks, and there are a few more people. The star is great: 2 floors and 3 rooms plus 2 backrooms, there are toilets and sinks, drinks dispensers, heterosexuals, homosexuals and transvestites, sometimes (especially on Saturday and Sunday) trans a woman accompanied beurs and white ... write that one of the three places are better than others n '
Nothing interesting to me yesterday after next time I retuurn to center x
I retuurn this afternnon, hoping to find a good tail (hairy) to pump and squirt on my face, or a good mouth to pump me in the backroom, if I go back empty-handed next week I would go to x center
@ michael69 instead come to the XCenter. There are always people and we leave often satisfied
I left again empty-handed today, too bad
Thank you to the Cpl who passed this afternoon I hope your video will be of good quality and thank you to Mrs for having us well drained on your spermed glasses with a bitch outfit it would have been even more enjoyable thank you
I would be at the star Thursday 13/02 from 6.30pm to suck on the chain, spank me, I love sperm and draining tails.
Not many people tonight ☹, I left empty-handed, I think tomorrow evening there will be more people
I'm going there tonight hoping to find my happiness, like the last times
I just go back tonight, and I pump a hunk bearded and hairy balls and tail, (it becomes so rare), I loved it, if you're here, you wore a jott and I t 'I pump in the back room, would like again
Hello my beautiful little passive hairless p'tite buttock but not effeminate sex now I love being there p'tite bitch I've ever done sex shop and I'd realize what fantasies so if yen that are leaving to teach me jsui ok to be in the hands of a more open view to all fantasies so do not hesitate to contact me
Well me, it was my first time and I got good romp and I left empty
my god as it's quiet person sucked
There will be t he first came Dumonde for my whole week looking sucked sucked me more .......
hello not know the place but very want to go there and that when someone to guide me and empty my balls
in any case, this is a place that deserves to be talked about, which reacted. This is rare.
Lol 7 black and rebeu her makes me laugh and active +++ must stop telling anything n
I passed yesterday, Sunday, a lot of people including some travs more or less credible ... After all depends on what you will find there, do not expect to find porn chic ... Me I ' like the creepy side of thing ...
Boulbine you is right places pssif hungry person leaves you when you troptrankil baize and trav really incredible and very old average
I went there several times, I have always found what I was looking ... For the rest my purpose is to try to help the person requesting the information is more constructive than aggressive messages to qualify About other nonsense ...
Thank you for your response hbimtv
You say 99% of the cruising areas mentioned on the site! I would say 99% of the 30% that are real places and not places that are impassable (located in front of a police station, family or public park, or toilet with cameras or security guards), not crowded, closed, or missing inaccessible for 5 years, or simply non-existent because the fruit of some phantasmagoric delusions here take their desires for reality. A good cleaning is required on this site !!!
You should you focus on the little room so gay ... A priori
But I'm not looking for the all trav, it's not my thing, I look for guys to pump or pump me
It depends on what you want to do, I've noticed that on Sunday afternoon there is more travs and that day I am still satisfied
While elsewhere it should be random, when to he the most people on Saturday where Sunday?
Hello that for me to finally discover this place of so much controversy, free this afternoon Sunday, January 12
hello world on Friday night
I look more blacks or beurs, only 100% active, directional and manly, tough and well-hung. I'm hot and horny ready to use for a gangbang hardcore and steamy in unusual places all: sex shop, club, basement, trailer truck, abandoned buildings, hotels, cabins, hunting lodges etc ........ . When excites me I Uninhibited and submitted. Good straight male from well.
thanks for the information
This is how the entry please and are t he a quiet entrance, thank you
Gay couple should spend the evening
I look for one or two blacks or beurs, or even several, only 100% active, directional and manly, tough and well-hung. I'm hot and horny ready to use for a gangbang hardcore and raunchy sex shop in all places, club, basement, trailer truck, abandoned buildings, hotels, cabins, hunting lodges etc ......... When 'I myself is excited without taboo subject
Thank you all to be clear, this surely will help undecided or two bad assumed like me, you lutin4sexil right and I agree with your Anal ysis but with humor I would answer you that middle age the teeth without anesthesia were torn :-) that said I only had 2 small blowjob adventures and smoked highway masturbation area and jacuzzi in my gym, the two were not an intended the hazard has done things I was at the right time in the right place . Like all first c is often the most difficult, I hope to find my pair of C ...... s and dare to cross the door one day.
Thank you all to be clear, this surely will help undecided or two bad assumed like me, you lutin4sexil right and I agree with your Anal ysis but with humor I would answer you that middle age the teeth without anesthesia were torn :-) that said I only had 2 small adventures blowjob and masturbation smoked highway area and jacuzzi in my gym, the two were not an intended the hazard has done things J stays at the right time in the right place . Like all first c is often the most difficult, I hope to find my pair of C ...... s and dare to cross the door one day.
Thank you for your answers, I think soon go
I'm not looking for women, but guys to pump, and why at worst go get pumped, but while attending eros center and the center x, then I always hesitate to go back when I get in front, because from what I read there especially travs, which does not interest me at all, so could you tell me if the guys in my age category max, who only come to be pumped, and how is the (or) room (s) and are there any glorys, thank you
thank you fox8413 you seems to be a very balanced p ^ sympatric and clean person you had the same kind answering me privately +, I admit I can be called mytho as straight couples, I play with my dildos and my sex machine but I do not dare cross the real Cape because I'm fat and I'm 58 probably the reminiscence of my education Judeo Christian .If you can stand the juice if I may say so) and me know when you are going ..Bonne year all nice and warm meetings for those who assume and I admire.
Most males attending Etoile are looking for women, and I am one of those, but they are becoming increasingly scarce and there are transvestites and transsexuals sexy and very enterprising, so let them take things in hand and have fun together.
Hello. Tell us how it goes. Tell us a plan here. What it gives want to go there. We find rebeu and blacks Walls ?? Thank you to you to tell your experiences here
I look for one or two blacks or beurs or even only 100% more active, directive and manly, tough and well-hung. I'm hot and horny ready to use for a gangbang hardcore and raunchy sex shop in all places, club, basement, trailer truck, abandoned buildings, hotels, cabins, hunting lodges etc .........
I look for one or two blacks or beurs or even only 100% more active, directive and manly, tough and well-hung. I'm hot and horny ready to use for a gangbang hardcore and raunchy.
that this after noon between 15h and 18 hours to show me around the place and if + affinity
Thank you for the answer because I do not seek nor women trav, and wanted to know if I could find the guy, I'll probably go soon
Who has hair tonight was the Star?
Hello, there are only travs in this place?
As said liebesunde, mixture of excitement and fear, all this makes you want to go. maybe someday...
Yes indeed there is something for everyone if you like sex ...
Dim.24 / 11 from 9:30 groom was available to serve balls empty. Pants down and naked torso, come put your cock in my mouth
Is it done with beautiful people (work) today?
sylvia, when I descend in Marseille it's always Sunday I come to the star, I found that this was the day that there's more "trav" then I'm fine :)
Hello, even if we can never know in advance, is that there is in general in the world on Sunday, between 11am and 17h? Thank you
Tomorrow aprem it is quite possible that me to go ... Hopefully there is in the world ...
Entrance Forbidden fax8413 was the star That taprendra to block for no reason !!
very good guy guys cocksucking empty echoes tbm and has made complete chain Saturday, September 7th to the movies to 18 pm. rebeu blacks and gypsy welcome. whatsapp or sms to 0622115244 for appointment or rotating in aficains home or cellar
Want to suck a man of color
I have the full balls, looking wicked and vicious good plans for emptying. I appreciate the good spermeux plans. Contact me by MP for meetings here or elsewhere. Here nice because conditioning and lends
Hello, I retuurn to the cinema on 13, 13 hours to 22 hours, I'm easy to recognize: long natural hair, thin 1,78m without heels, short black dress or nightgown red transparant.
Bjr who joined me Tuesday 9th from 14:30 to 16h30?
Hello everyone, I will surely go for a walk in these places someday ...
African or Turkish rebeu research and for filling mouth and ass chain to the movies tonight and Saturday, June 29 Bomec my ass with super hot and insatiable tattoo
I'll cinema Tuesday, June 18 from 14h to 22h, wet mouth and inviting ass, I suck and swallow without hood. I'm easy to recognize natural long hair, thin 1,78m, short black dress and make-up, shaved completely. Milena.
Who wants to show myself and kiss me Monday, June 10 at the cinema?
hello all (and all), I will be in cinemas today from 14h to 22h, I'm ready to go out, available for males who want a wet mouth and inviting ass
hello, I will be in cinemas from 14h until 22h, I suck and swallow without hood.
Hello, world tomorrow Friday? travs of? ...
Ummm Hello world this morning 10am
I would be Saturday, May 18 at the star, in women's clothing, lope good subject, I seek someone authoritative to make me suck the chain, I love the sperm and have everywhere. Transvestite and mature men welcome.
I can not go to the movies today, for those who would like to meet me you can write me in mp good day to all and to all
A great place, especially for movies and encounters, exhib, fuck, with men and transvestites or transsexuals (rare), and sometimes on Saturday and Sunday morning with couples. Several rooms, back rooms, cloakroom. For those who know me already I am Milena transex trend! My next visit will be this Friday, April 26th, from 13h to 22h, I suck without hood, long natural hair, androgynous face, thin medium size, full shaved. Looking forward ...
Who is going to the movies Star today?
Hello all, who goes to the movies today?
Enjoy your visit here this afternoon to thank you sexy trav me thoroughly sucks to expertly through good any other plane in Marseille tonight ...?
Hello, tomorrow April 7 in the afternoon I want to make me empty the balls by sexy bitch, trans or transvestites, woman or couple without taboos.
Who goes tomorrow, Friday movie star? Message PV. Bye
I confirm my actually came from 12am to 19h.Quelqu'un me to "walk" ds this place that I frequented POUEr first fois.Aline
I'll be the star Thursday, April 4 (one time) from 11h45 to 17h / 1715, someone for me "walk" (sic), I do not know this movie, see my comments profilet those interested.
I thank you maretsol you have sent additional information to your profile on this site.aline
bjr at all. I am a transvestite (from Grenoble) and I really want to go ds this movie but can you safely change and where this place ds (ds entrust his bag lockers or other)? Thank you avis.Aline
Hi I can be there tomorrow afternoon
that tonight was the star as trans transvestite for it to suck and suck
Transvestite slut and subjected al etoile this after noon 16ha 18.30 to active guys. Also possible in the evenings to good fuckers in this case let me mesdahe privately that I confirm my presence
I will be in Marseille from 22 February to 4 March passage cine x ETOILE the February 23 early after noon I'll be there to make testicle of the dump I'm a slut I suck swallow to make me
forgiveness Saturday, February 23 and not on Friday 23
Marseille has the February 22 to March 4 will certainly pass Friday, February 23 beginning after noon me bitch sucks juice like swallows use vacuum testicle
Whatever the reviews on the place, nothing beats the idea that one can make by itself .... @annalope, do not ask, go there and recognized by yourself ... if you like, the better if you do not like, you have just lost 8,50 € and a little of your time ...
I will come one day ... I will come ... it's really tempting
I go to the movies on Thursday 24/01 from be dressed like my pictures. I feel that many men pounce on me fucked my mouth and ass, give me a slap and lick me, pinching my nipples simultaneously.
The world tomorrow December 28 ??? I love travs
The world tomorrow December 28 ??? I love travs
Back in Marseille for a month, Sally sissy-trave retuurn to cinema x the star Wednesday, 12.26. it will arrive before 14h and will be dressed in female with her dog collar, a cage of chastity and anal plug in place. She will come to get screwed mouth and ass to the chain. Fat tails appreciated.
Trav betty seeks active hotel Map Thursday
Transvestite slut and subject SHAVED integrale this Friday, October 19 al star for good fuckers active guys. Also possible in the evening until 10:30 p.m. if you have medsage laisset me privately.
sonia transvestite 45 years very well rolled 178 brown thin 65KG has dislocated unrestrained and bareback at the movies the star Wednesday, October 24 from 11:30 A 16H I am looking to be defiled and fecond the juice possible to piss me in the ass as I want to be full overfilling a plan chain and direct me to suck you tu soda bareback and filled my ass you can board several of my perfect ass for black and beurs tbm guy come numerous confirm passing deprives my back as
I'll be there tomorrow during the day, I hope to find my happiness ...
That Wednesday 17 or Thursday 18 in the day? ... I Love travs ... but not that !!!
Otherwise weekday What is best? There are days busiest others?
really? it depends on what you expected to find there, I went a few times and it was always on Sunday that it was best
passive used another sauna Marseille love be headed in this new place for me to welcome transvestite early feminization kisses
Seeking authoritarian active man to take me to the cinema star. Am available Thursday to Sunday
Transvestite slut this after noon to al etoile active guys.
Friday after noon, my mouth open and available ...
Wednesday from 18h only married guy crossing his blue shorts fall to be complete ass and my mouth without restraint
Well I was there as advertised. Very quiet, too quiet, I was going to leave when a couple unexpected happened. Always good to empty a welcoming mouth and knows the right words to say to get what she loves. For me it was good men juice. Thank you both if you go there
Tomorrow Wednesday 22 in the afternoon I would go to the Star for plurality and hard cum games .... If a fan with me join in MP. I do what I say and I say what I do ....
tomorrow from 12:30 jy shook, joffre my pussy, my mouth, love the sperm, lapiss, fisting, spanking, .. true bitch in heat .. let me messag
I get active bi man experienced home on Marseille tonight to kiss my girlfriend trav.sans testimony trav I not answer
I'm always looking for a mature or very mature man who will accompany me to the movies x the star for a session shared pleasure ... I am a real bitch in heat when I go there ... J 'there would be Friday, June 22 from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. ... let me know if you want more details ....
This after noon for good fuckers.
Sunday, June 17 in the evening RECEIVE torque experienced her young transvestite who likes this guy fucked by active before ca woman who looks but does not participate .I do not meet the profiles that do not have testimonials of transvestites
Tomorrow after lunch, my mouth avail ...
What active dominant man would be available Sunday, June 3 to come with me to the cinema?
Is that you there are young guys 30 years after the High Noon week? Gender rebeu ... ??
What mature or very mature man will fucked me and take good care of me Tuesday, April 17th between 12h and 17h at the cinema? ... do not hesitate to contact me for more details! ...
I look forward to the weekend happens to come have fun here :)
good after noon yesterday at the star I am made me dismount
sonia tank has juice fecond barebacking has chain Saturday, March 24 15H A 21H at the movies the star in Marseille I want to be defiled juice and full of spunk big guns of black beurs much appreciated plan mini black skirt brown chain sticky Fishnet black bitch very very
Tomorrow Sunday, March 18 to suck good cock rebeu in early afternoon ???
looking beautiful transvestite for suck my dick and ass licking couille the 07/03 & 1100
hi all has still some light in the corridors and toilets especially at 3rd floors and even broken button c once to take the juice and electrocuted to go to the toilet, if not improvement in the cleanliness of the upper chamber
It also sex between guys or solely with trav?
who wants to come to lick the ass this after noon?
@ Me libertine ... What a pleasure to see that there is true libertines .... Especially here!
hello error day I will be the 16/02 Friday apm not the 17/02 14:00 until 20:30 notice all lovers of travs. Amateur Bukkake, Gang bang, or even fucking hard, one or several (up to 10/12 guys at the chain) to apm and party hard kisses
Hello there has been there a cloakroom movie star?
Hello I am looking to do a bukkake C is, for those who do not know to take me up to cum on her face and I can possibly suck but nothing more I would be required to whores or latex perched on high heels
I just suck Tuesday if you feel like it
with hood "sonia 85120" much less exciting ...
hi Miriam worry you'll find something to have fun at the movies but some are against can imaginative must cause the exhibit down to them faires of going and going in different rooms and sit and wait have come sit by your side is against does nothing without Kpote Kisses
sonia trav very curvy 178 66kg FINE brown tights Fishnet has dislocated and contaminate the juice Friday, December 22 11H A 18H I want to be full of juice priority to active although member to disassemble me bukkake ass juice in the ass I want to be full come let many such privately to touch
Map Wednesday night with BETINATV Montpellier canceled! Once mytho!
Betina pretty bitch will be offered a l'etoile Wednesday 22 from 20.30 until 23h! Her ass and mouth will be available for all the guys who want to enjoy.
Betina 40 years of good and beautiful transvestite Monpellier subject will be offered to the cinema Wednesday, November 22, 20 hours to 23 hours! Her ass and mouth will be made available for all who want to enjoy!
I would be this Sunday afternoon, I hope to meet warm and friendly travs ...
Somebody this afternoon to be empty?
I ch guys to empty ...... somebody today Monday?
Hi to All and All I have spent a whole day and taking a lot of tails (suck and plug in my anal cunt whore) the only regret I expected a cleaner cinema and especially with a little light when even in the hallway and stairs it becomes even dangerous red card against some (seen with my own eyes urinating iN DINING after their red card éjacs but those fucking NO Kpote thank you for making me spend good time was my last visit I will retuurn soon Kisses
I'll be there Thursday 14 from 17h / 5:30 p.m. to show myself completely naked in different rooms for all who would like to watch me masturbate and enjoy without shame.
I'll be there Thursday 14 from 17h / 5:30 p.m. to show myself completely naked in different rooms for all who would like to watch me masturbate and enjoy without shame.
Hello little question as eager to go and discover the star but n not dare !! Is there lockers that close to drop his business? Thank you
hello looking for Thursday or Friday tomorrow beautiful sexy trav with high heels leave me a message
Vs think I can stroll me the ass al air and m n offer anywhere in the cinema ??? thank you for your answers
I ve love it caress my balls gemi I have it I have it suck my ass fingered enjoyed on my cock I have love to do again soon
Interested assets to meet the guys transvestite slut and submitted this Monday, August 21 at 10:30 p.m. 20H? Am passive and very hot. active men leave me in my private message annicktrav ball I will confirm my coming.
hi I'll certainly pass the 27/08 late morning and remained there very late in the evening if there are people
There are people in the morning?
hello to everyone I hope to go to this place of debauchery in the coming weeks. t it is a changing and instructions counter space city business?
I was there hie, thank you to the sexy trav who spent much of the afternoon to suck me and made me enjoy more time :) only downside for me this place is the smoke and smell too present cigarette smoking is permitted unfortunately ...
Des trav sympa demain? Je vais surement y passer l aprèm
hello I would like to go for the first time in acting to suck and make me cum over who can give me advice rather the twelve o'clock after noon or evening we talk about my glory hole as
Hello I must be offered tonight but after changing pro I could honor this preferred to prevent. See you later
J will be present with my transvestite subject that you Serras offered will be available without limits and sm except uro .. Thursday, May 18 20h 24h On your tails you'd be pleasantly surprised
bjr Sonia I hope to be early cinema because I like the tranquility of the morning. I love sucking cock very old especially circumcised I am sexy and submissive to any old pig corpulent hairy vulgar .... please move your hands under my skirt
Linda Amateur Transvestite, in full dress provocative look exclusively passive, looking for walls or wall very good men for sex delirium to the movies ... I'd be the 04.08.17 in the morning, so do not be shy !
FYI Tuesday, April 11 s after twelve one transvestite stefanychienne girlfriend goes cine the star until a closing 1am c is really a good move not to miss it not come often but when it comes c is very hard guaranteed show Uninhibited for all types of guys and for all tastes is true nymphomaniac bitch come and licked the ass while she therefore put
Ch young guy to pump me to the movies this afternoon (Monday, March 6)
Looking young sucker for regular plans ...
ctive to give me challenges exhibitionist or rpendre me in hand for gang bangs to the cinema star this Saturday, February 11 in the after noon'm guy bi look hetero, sports beardless steadfast holes, cleans planes but warm vicious, (possible accessories / ss vet / dildos / unusual objects / links / laisse..etc ..) imaginative and very vicious-liked guys
Saturday, February 11, I'd be in the movies the star 14 to 17 hours is available for every scenario exhibitionism, gang bang, juice and more bomec bi married, athlete use lope studied all propisition, any challenge real exhibitionist endiurant healthy holes under prep
Fans of good came sperm games. I'll be there...
Hello, it must be Trav for a chance of being shot á the star?
Hello, I would like sucking two cocks together. This can be weekdays from 17h to 20h. If you are interested, tell your day and you will be at least two, the party we can do. Registration begins!
Very want to go to the movies this Friday morning at 20 or Saturday 21, morning ... but still want to be accompanied by a man active wall ... do not hesitate to contact me!
"Miguel48" .. not very nice your message .. "tnc13" and "travpourgroupe" have the right to do what they veulent..t'es not have to participate ... me anyway I love this kind planned Saturday plane ..
Miguel must take your drugs and you mostly calm. Speaking without knowledge never show any spark of intelligence, you're in the perfect example. Who are you to make comments and ?? What you know me, you know what travpourgroupe ??
Saturday travpourgroupe will be available for very hard level, humiliation, fuck no limit, submission and degradation. No need to talk to him. It will also serve urinal, take all the cum in her mouth, suck equally. She will spend the day naked, wearing only stockings, heel collar and leash. She will arrive naked under her coat and walk away with prohibition to clean covered in piss and cum. She prohibiting refusal anything and will have to submit to all perversions.
Probably tomorrow Boubouline. Very want to be totally naked exhibited throughout the movie
Who in the Star on Saturday (14 January)?
Seeking trav or lope to take him to the Star ... fuck chain, bukkake. (Afternoon or evening) .. response .... mp
Nadia al ocass if you come c is not as bad as the ca cine star less black than al atlas c is on but love the small TV like you
Yes there transvestite prostitutes, but there are also some who are real bitches, and occasionally there are real women, rarely only couples who love to be sluts to empty maximum tails ...
Come to the atlas of Migouel48 paris! the travs are hot and totally free fun. bcp and choice for all tastes .....
And he never had no real guys who do not prostituting?
From what I read there that travs at this location, pity I did not find my happiness then
Hi jy'd tonight guy to make me suck 14/11
there is a glory hole in this business?
This Saturday exhibitionist, totally naked except low
Search companion for today !!
Hmm I was at the movies Saturday, August 27th, got well entertained !!! ..... A Cuckoo all those past are on me ..... Am Sonia trav, real long hair ..... I would retuurn to Marseille soon .....
From 24:30 Salope13 will be available very hard to plan, no preliminary, it was fucking it pisses him and jute him in the mouth in slaughter and exhibited throughout the movie, humiliation plan uro in toilet in total available, all accepted scenarios
hello I would be Tuesday, September 6th from 15h about the movies xl star has Marseille to suck and receive sperm Maxximum, I would be accompanied by a ruler who held my leash, I would combi fishnet thigh-body vinyl I would have a big plug in the ass and chastity collar and hood retractor mouth. I'll be walking around the film to empty you and have a good time in the glory hole ........ if you have any other ideas to complete the twelve o'clock ap n hesitate !!!! for outfits as no penetrations .... just my mouth is at your disposal .... I expect your proposals
hello I have to go al etoile early September, we talked about my glory hole I do not see or they are so qqun could take my picture thank you
Sorry my slave (20) was turned back at the entrance: he did not have his identity card !! But we will give it a few days
This afternoon Saturday 6 exhib a slave girl (20 years) on a leash, hampered, has full coat, available in all your wandering hands and more. + In: sitting spanking, whip, tickling. Come
Wednesday 27, my tongue there will be between 11 and 16h.
Bjr all !!! that to post Fuck sequence or pipe to the movies !!!!!!! more than 6 months away from Marseille Etoile miss with its atmosphere and slut Saturday (APM) and especially Sunday !!!! Thank you in advance benefactors !!!!!!
bjr the cine star tonight and tomorrow morning very urge to very old very docile dog and cock
hello nik I love disguise myself to be slutty. I look for big old hairy pigs not especially beautiful ..... very vicious !!! young people do not have success with me: he must take me for an uppity if they do not have your wisdom or your philosophy
tomorrow I receive a nice tv that I have met in the cine star if there amateurs with testimonials on their Record tv I receive at home on July 9 Marseille 11th from 15h
regularly to cine week and weekend I propose a tv Epile feminine treats to make him discover the cine l etoile
the concept is completely different, more must go there 10 times to find a good plan, as it is much less crowded and rarely travs. At the Star, there is always the world, and travs of guys; I have never been disappointed
I'm in one place or écoute..cite ca fucking much; he no
I know several trav who go there, they have always been well received ... so it's not because they want more you need to denigrate place. Frankly I know of no other or ac as fuck ..
"Sophie13" you exaggerate all that far you go there very often, I find this very place and sex or ca moves most in rgion.C not cleaner or dirtier than elsewhere, the welcome is friendly, motivated clients and ca fuck in all rooms.
I was there this Sunday, May 15: I met a crazy trav - what up!
Of course not. I prepare a passage in this weekend several Who would be amateur oral sex? What day?
Does that there are transvestites in that place?
I retuurn to the movies this Wednesday, May 4 from 9:00 to 12:00 ... hope to find partners walls or walls very vcx ....
Linda Amateur Transvestite and Casual, having held various and comprehensive, very provocative look, meeting the movies x the star in order to make the bitch available with wall and gentlemen walls, very active ... I'll be there Thursday morning 04.28.2016 from 9:00 to 12:00 for relief.
I'll be there this Saturday, completely naked for who will show myself and walk.
Sunday I'll normally my skype sonia.slutty1 montelimar me popping down super nice !!! and mental ass drag
when I see the note of this place I think that it is necessary that good things disappear to realize their value! I live far from Marseille and am very jealous of those who live nearby and can make the little bitch in this place of debauchery!
hello I wanted to know the time of the film, there has been the world tonight there after 20h I have wanted to suck me and sprayed by good spurts
There are many people in this cine?
Presents this after noon March 2 for manly men acrifs
Want to check it out this Saturday to 16 hours there will be someone there to take you or me to suck?
Linda Transvestite amateur slut in full gear whore look, passive exclusively to avail this Tuesday, February 9 in the morning to the movies of the star of x 9am until 12am for gentlemen Walls or active walls and vcx only ... Do not hesitate to contact me.
transvestite slut and submitted tomorrow February 5 from 15:30 to make me break down by assets guys .Prete a man meet Wall domi Plans for sex sm.
Seeking Wall Active Vcx to accompany me or join me Wednesday, February 3 from 12:30 to 4:00 p.m. ... let me know.
I ch nice tv for tomorrow, Sunday 24 Jan ...
I have very good evening want to come on 19 to suck and make me cum on it I would be a bitch hooded outfit perched on high heels with a big ass plug and arrived chastity expected to 17h up to that .... iLN will have more people
super reliable Montpellier electra bitch at rv al etoile good pussy fucked a deep gorge and very nice
I was there yesterday after noon for the first time ... very nice, I was pretty busy with several tails ... not counting the ones I sucked. I will soon be an article on my blog.
Sunday, my tongue will seek buttocks to engoufrer it. my mouth like everything
possible to walk around naked ass?
Pretty and sexy Transvestite (I have a blog with album) Search male ruler to take me and put me available all day until closing of the cinema. From Montpellier
jh 32a athletic suit tomorrow to get sucked ass and take pti late morning and early after noon
Who today from 11am really want to make me suck?
about the key ... we reclame the key and then the guard? or we must bring it back? ... you can leave your things in the locker room?
I am in Montpellier and would go to this cinema
Some, the most famous, talk about a lot. Others, more numerous, are passionately ...
... mischa you're with your messages painful repeat ..
Monday 3rd after noon, my tongue will seek vicious old ass licking
Monday 3rd after noon, my tongue will seek vicious old ass licking
bjr I was Sunday and I enjoyed myself well despite a large population of transvestites. I have taken many cocks up on the last bench without looking back, leaving do. I repeated the same thing down with a rebeu me fucked and fucked done .... I will retuurn there soon to do the slut despite the distance from the Ardeche kisses to all males who frequent this place of debauchery
Friday I was 10 and it was just great! There were at least 5 transvestites and I got pumped by 2 of them after a little caressing session for firewood! A good moment! Thank you to them, it was super horny ^^ I enjoyed 3 times including two who have thrilled my whole body! It's decided, I go back tomorrow !! (The 16/07)
bjr when I see the note of this place compared to full cans places I'm scared; A must see places of debauchery and would love to live next to go get some cock quickly .... The Marseilles were very lucky !! I no equivalent in France except the Royal I appreciated but not especially know the Parisian places atlas style (pickpockets, dirty, not nice) or a place unsympathetic as Beverley
bjr I will come Friday little black mini dress with an open bottom or tights and a thong ... I like very old, not very beautiful and vicieux..j'aime uro, fist ... cumshot ... be treated as a whore ... I love old Arab ... fiddle me, treat me bitch bitch since that is what I am kisses to all
bjr I'm passing on Thursday in Marseille in this rare place. I'll put shoes cute little black dress, pantyhose open ... I'm brown sonia .... and very dog. I love the old cock whatever the origin thereof as long as it is clean and ready to fill my mouth with hot, thick semen I fuck bareback with old over 60 ans..peux do uro fisting dildo ..... ... if a vicious old is interested. many come Thursday sonia very cuddly or very bitch
the question arises not boubouline lol
J are going today April 6 for the bitch down black pumps
Car problem ,, no way to get around
I think I can check it out and find a good slut mouth to empty my balls on Wednesday 04/03, but after 22 hours, let me MP
I'd cinema this Monday, February 16 from 9 am to 15:00 and appreciate it very walls walls are men abuse me in a rather direct ... beefy and hairy highly appreciated but not required.
bjr I will be Sunday from 11:00 sexy and available for holding all old male hairy the paunchy that excite me and reinforces my feeling of delicious debasement. I'm a whore and I assume this position; only if your cock feels good the soap !! I may be a pair of waders with 16 cm heels to allow your hands to slip easily under my skirt. can get down Saturday if a vicious old pigs want heberger for the night and enjoy my sexy and firm body!
what a beautiful bitch will be Thursday 15 after noon, I very want to make me pumped and empty his balls !!!
bjr I was there Sunday trave (pale red pantyhose open) I got well exploded, I made fisted gently and precautions by two very nice guys ... I got to petting ... and I also indulged in be very slut with very old vicious Arab and policy ... I find it nice and quiet place (no verbal aggression that compliments ....) I can be back on Sunday or so safe in the Christmas week for many small and large are a manger jesus accueuillante
bjr I find this nice place provided be careful disease issue .... the reception is very nice and I go tps tps in ^ read since 5 years and I never had any problem if these are just a few disparaging remarks rarely. Some teraves are too much and the fart a bit but do not generalize. A big kiss to Desire is one of the finest and very nice. (Pretty black) I did not retuurn for more than six months but emange me and I hope to find very old vicious of all ages who cede easily and submissively. I like very old unabashedly vicious that fiddling me rubbing against me ... directive and are trying to shove me their cock in the mouth by holding my head leaning against their crotch as if I could stop sucking cock as good !!! kisses
jy will one day next week rose kisses
Seeking to accompany my active
Thursday 7th, my tongue will be in search of very deep buttocks
Hello, tomorrow April 24 in the evening, I want to make me empty the balls by good sluts. Pass after 22 hours if no problem.
I love this place, but I would especially like to go there once accompanied by an active senior to show off over there in the morning one day ... contact me if interested.
hello I come to Marseille tonight who wants me to discover the places cho ... PS I have a man not trav
Friday, March 7 I can be aprem noon for sharing pleasure ready to be emptied or drained see more if affinity.
to what hours would you be?
visit tomorrow, Friday, most likely in the evening .. Sylvie empty fashion balls to all .. open pussy ..Baise anus to the chain .. A passing do not hesitate to fingering ... If it is not wise I l will attach ..the not in his mouth will be banned .. Provide condoms, I take photographs or film, I always hides his face but if you're embarrassed you or hide the stray visage..mpersyy @
I suspected you were coming from the site to have planned the hood message to thank you soon!
Thank you for this pleasant moment, the man in the hood, kisses to you 2
visit tomorrow most likely on 22 in the morning .. Sylvie empty fashion open pussy ass balls .. Provide condoms, I take photographs or film, I always hides his face but if you are embarrassed or hide stray you visage..mpersyy @
Super afternoon as usual with very sexy.Attention travs however, since the number of times I go to the Star this is the first time I was stolen some chance of chose..pas for the pick pocket, after several attempts he managed to steal a pack of cigarettes ... but it could be a laptop or a card so bleue..Restons vigilant and not hesitate to report any problems to the home of cinema ... it is their interest and ours .....
Ch clean guy for exhibitionists and pipes this afternoon (Thursday, December 5)
sonia trav very curvy 178 65KG seeks to be filled with sperm my ass will be self service guy tbm tbm blacks beurs very well venus.Si a guy feels al showdown put me in a home or evening pass in hotels the top 23 DECEMBER come many kisses
I am al Star today, Thursday 7 // 11 and Friday 8/11 Saturday, 09/11 Sunday 10/11 and Monday 11/11 from 12am to 23h to give my mouth and my ass to fill the string with all the guys who want to empty his balls .. age and small physical. 0623058014 .. Kelly.appeler me before noon because I don not have my phone with me.
This is it j arrives Wednesday. ... November 6. Call me for appointment to the movie star. ...'m in Marseille for ten days. Come you empty the balls with a bitch of paris.kelly
From 6 November and for ten days I will be the star of almost daily, except 13h to 22h to serve hole cocks to fill the channel and not stop .... age and physical bit important..blacks Arab bledards and many bums come you empty the balls ... kelly.0623058014
Wednesday 16 or Thursday 17 after noon for couples or female transvestite and trans sexy ..... appointment as PM if interested.
Lt. c kelly is empty slut transvestite balls would star in every day from the 05.11.13 and for at least 1 week ... come and join you empty the balls in the chain .... bring some friends !!!!! kelly 0623058014
Good evening, I will be in Marseille this weekend Friday aprem available for trav trans or receiving ... let message pv thank you .. I will be active guy
I go down soon in Marseille and would be daily, except during my stay at the Star Cinema to serve vacuum balls to a maximum of mecs.âge indiffé physical and just want good slut fuckers and n be that a penis hole ... vive les Marseillais !!!!! I will give you the dates ici.kelly
I'd spent Saturday aprem it opens that she has time and are t he world of the after noon MCI to answer
CCC available tomorrow 17h
jh Search at trav cine has pârrtir 18.30 this week up to Friday
daphie what day and time to be sure not to miss t
I'll ä Marseille next week ... I'll check it out, there is often the world? It can be put on easily?
Attention your pockets by frequent gay whores and thieves Have fun
I would go, but not alone
fèpabo! which sucks for plane this afternoon at the movies?
you are at cinema, 26th and 27th of April, right?
Hi Sophie, I think a walk in the cinema during the summer, when I was in Marseille tell me about this place, Qu'esce that there are and will I came across beautiful and young rebeu or black you can contacted me in pv I'll leave my contact information.
hi guys, michele Bordeaux will be there from March 22 to March 24, get your tails, my deep throat and my tight ass are there for you
I will be Saturday 16th from 15h to the cinema, to kiss trav
thank you all for this day of baize I have love to walk in the clouds cu dining availabl guy with big dick young Arab fewer young and old c was a treat and I would retuurn next time we redo +++++ + kisses to all
I ch someone to guide me to the cine star first time for me I thank you very passive leaves mess in private for cine I am free Friday morning and after noon
For Friday if interested let several messages I suck in mm time I like big shaved if possible otherwise okay to Friday loulous password for addressing m loulou I would say yes the go :-)
CC I would be at the movies Friday morning jusqua in early after noon I am passive and I love sucking vs mm can take me if pkusieur appointment around me in the toilet I accept all history of Arab white black rave venz
I'd like to go into this movie to make me break down the hole exib plan in January. It's better in afternoon or evening? All ages welcome and race ....
tonight 1decembre jy would be to meet trav, trans women or senior
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