Slt si tu est imberbe , doux dans tes gestes et si tu est un peu exhib on passera une bonne APM actif comme passif
Plan sauna ce samedi apm ? Histoire de se réchauffer les miches...
J'y vais . Rdv dans 30 mn... qui vient ?
Cialis a vendre pour avoir des queues bien raide !!
Qui cet AM envoyer Message
Bonjour j y serai cet apres midi vers 15h venez en mp ou sinon je serai dans le haman sur place
Contact me on my site I will have my left ankle bracelet thank you
Hi, hello, I'll be there in the afternoon from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. to empty you and get caught, come in large numbers, I'm waiting for you
Anyone here this afternoon?
Who plans to go by the end of the week send message
Who will come on Thursday afternoon?
Anyone between 12pm and 2pm?
Who will be there tomorrow afternoon?
Bonjour ji serai a 12h30 venai nonbres
Hello, I would like to go there but no one can give me any information? For Friday afternoon?
Hello, is there anyone there on Friday afternoon?
Excellent day, thanks to Philou for fucking me well and making me cum well, and to those I sucked. To do again
Hello. Anyone here today, around 4pm?
Those who frequent it, what is this sauna like? What equipment? Glory hosts? How is the attendance?
pascalpassif13 le but de consulter un profil c'est deja de voir s'il peut correspondre et s il ne correspond pas aux attentes de celui qui le consulte normal qu'il ne donne pas suite. Ici le fléau c'est ceux qui posent des lapins et pas ceux qui consultent un profil sans donner suite cordialement
I would like to point out that the number of visits to my site today was from 8am when I posted the ad to 5pm this evening?????
Bonsoir atous bon moment passé au sauna, mais aucun rendez-vous des abonnés du site malgré plus de 50 visite sur mon profil, de même au mois d,avril j,ai mis une annonce sur Marseille je recevait à mon hôtel plus de 40 visites sur mon site c,était un samedi soir de 14h au lendemain aucun rendez vous j en déduit qu ilya beaucoup de curieux sur ce site mais guère de volontaires, merci encore à seniorfun et chaudbouillant eux au moins ils sont de paroles ils honorent leur rendez vous , j en déduit qu ilya beaucoup de profil bidons notamment les " gratuit débloqué " bonne soirée à tous les vrais abonnés premium
Hello, I'm waiting for you in the afternoon from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. to empty yourself. Come in large numbers. I'm hungry and thirsty for sex. Contact me.
J'y suis cet après midi jusqu'à 17h Venez nombreux.
I'll be there Monday afternoon! If you are beardless, gentle, and enterprising I will respond to your progress!!!!
I like to exhibit myself and masturbate completely naked in front of spectators in the cinema room of a sex shop. If possible, I like to be directed in my exhibitions, take poses, let myself be done obediently... if you are interested, let me know
Hello Wednesday present from 1:30 p.m.
Who will be there this week?
who is thinking of going there in the next few days MP
bonjour du monde fin de journée demain?
who is thinking of going this saturday
je serais demain après midi vers 14h au sauna a aix venez me parler en mp si vous êtes intéressé. a demain
bonjour je peux venir le 10 juillet après midi
Hello, I will be there at the opening this Wednesday, June 19, come in PM
3 beautiful encounters of very beautiful thick sex to do again, friendly places, very good reception, do not hesitate
I'm there from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Who for a Q plan at the Aix sauna or Xcenter this Thursday afternoon, just to warm up a little... Message in PM.
There will be people this Thursday, I plan to go there
je serais au sauna a 14h ce lundi 15/04, j aime sucer, me faire sucer, et qui sait mon cul aura l honneur de s ouvrir a une belle bite a tt de suite
No one left at this time, I'm going to the xcenter aix
Hello j'arrive au sauna dans 5 mn
Bonjour. Je prévois de passer cette fin après-midi. 17h ou 17h30 . Ou bien sex Shop, ... je m'adapte. Envoyez moi message .
Des actifs très open pour m utiles bouche et cul dans la salle cinéma? Laissez moi un message suis dispo toute la semaine et chaud !
Afterwork / Q plan this Wednesday afternoon at the sauna from 4:30 p.m. hoping that it is not closed this week...
Who will be available if I come to the sauna this Wednesday from 4 p.m. - 5 p.m.? PM me
Is it still open? Anyone know more?
Qui aujourd'hui au sauna Y serais à partir de 13h Me contacter en mp
je vais au sauna mercredi à 13h/14h me contacter en pv pour echanger a demain
today from 3:00 p.m. send Message
I'm going to go there after work around 4:30 p.m. send me a message, I'll be there anyway. see you tomorrow
I'm going to warm up there this Saturday afternoon. Maybe there will be gaming buddies? ; ))
I'll be there this afternoon to suck and get fucked
bonjour ki y va cette apres midi je serais présent à 14h
Tuesday AM from 3:00 p.m. on the 1st floor
Hello, can anyone confirm if this sauna is still open or not? THANKS
Is this sauna still open?
Des actifs cette am 4 novembre? Ma bouche et mon cul seront à utiliser dans la salle du haut … Laissez moi un message je pense y être de l ouverture à 16 h si des mecs veulent se vider
Sauna open this Saturday afternoon?
Hello. Little reminder: Q plan at the Aix Sauna Club this Wednesday afternoon. Who is coming ?
Hello. I will probably go this Wednesday 25 10 afternoon, with a bi friend. Please let me know if you plan to come.
Hello. I was told it was closed? Does anyone confirm or not?
Je pense y être lundi début d’après midi Qui pour me rejoindre Mp
Hello les bi autour d'Aix-en-Provence : je prévois de passer au sauna vers 17h, jusqu'à 19h. Tenez moi au courant !
Bonjour comment est cette endroit, pas de site web ???merci de vos réponses
hello I plan to go there at 2 p.m., it has reopened
Thank you niknik for letting me know that the Sauna was closed.
Hello everyone this afternoon?
Hello everyone. I'll be there around 1:30 p.m. for the active people who want to let off steam and empty themselves alone or with others.....
Je recoit sur aix trav femme mek passif plan soft branle suce caresse baise , mp pour les coquin(e)
Hello. Are there people tomorrow Wednesday? I plan to go early afternoon for the active people who want to let off steam..... exchange in PM. Kisses. Steph
I had a very good afternoon
I'm here, who wants to come?
Who today on the 1st floor in the MP cinema room
Bonjour a tous quel sauna me conseiller vous s'il vous plait je suis actif en général mais une petite sodo pas contre rare mais j aime ca a vous lire
It's AM from 3:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the 1st floor. Passives are welcome
bonjour du monde jeudi 29/06 après midi? merci
Who and when during the week? on the first floor cinema room to mingle
Hi hello world available tonight? I receive in Aix
Des actifs au sauna cette am ? Bouche et rondelle à dispo dans la salle cinéma à utiliser sans retenue à plusieurs , laissez moi message ici y serais vers 14 h !
Today from 4 p.m. cinema room 1st floor
Are there people at the Aix sauna today or tomorrow? Reply by mp
who is thinking of going to the sauna this AM send message
Je vais aller probablement au sauna aix, vers 16h30 à 19h. Qui intéressé ? Merci de me contacter.
who at the sauna Wednesday AM around 4pm send PM
a tt a l heure au sauna je confirme je viens pour 14h
I'm going there around 2:30 p.m. until 5 p.m., don't hesitate to pm me if you want us to meet there
I receive at the hotel tonight, pm to interest them in all!!
Available to join you send me a private message
des amateurs pour m y retrouver ver 15h30/16h
So people in Aix tomorrow Tuesday? In the sauna or elsewhere… Available 12 to 14
dispo a partir de jeudi pour 10 jours faites moi signe en privée je peux y etre facilement
Am there next Tuesday around 12 p.m., anyone interested?
Hello! In Aix this Wednesday 03/29 afternoon, tempted to flirt. Who's available for an appointment? Thank you for your feedback in PM
Des actifs pour me defoncer en plan mise à dispo gang bang dans la salle de ciné? Laissez moi un message en mp !
I receive on aix in hotel plan soft motion, caress, suck, fuck, in the greatest discretion. Mp young man woman couple trav to pleasure...
Salut à tous tresvchaud actif passif raser San tabous suce bouffe cul sodo etc j'y serais samedib18 à 14h jusqu'à 18h et matin sex shop x center à Aix aussi dev10hva 13h30
Received in Aix tonight, Plan sucks motion caress. pm
Would be fine tomorrow Thursday, people?
I'm going there on Friday the 3rd if open from 2 p.m. plan for the hammam and video room
Hi everyone I will be there this Friday, January 6 from 12 p.m. to 5 p.m. and in the morning from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at the x center aix also open to all sui versa sucks food ass soda etc
I am looking for a meeting this weekend I am available.
Hello. People this late afternoon, around 5 p.m.? I will go to the sauna or to the x Center d'Aix... but I have a preference for the sauna.
People around 12 p.m. today?
I won't be there I have to postpone Am available on pertuis
Qui dispo sur aix cette semaine apres 20h ? Femme couple, trans , trav , ou jeune homme passif ? Je recoit .
Du monde demain mercredi entre 12et 14 h ?
Some people tomorrow afternoon, I'm thinking of going there
hello, has anyone been at Sana this month to tell me if open or on leave, it's been 3 times that I've driven 100 km for nothing, it's closed even on weekdays and answering machine
Can you tell me if it is open every month of August Merc
Could someone tell me if there has been a recent one, I've been there since the 1st week of August, it was closed and we get an answering machine on the phone, thank you
Dsl finally it's postponed to this Thursday and not Friday
Hi I'll be at the x center in Aix Friday morning from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. and if his walk badly I will sauna at 12:30 p.m. I'll be active passive suck food ass soda eetc no taboo 1m73 78 kg 18x5'5 shave both sides see you soon leave a private message
Qui a envi d une bonne lope a utilisee en plan mise à dispo aujourd hui? Je m offre à tous dans la salle cinéma pour vous vider
I went there this afternoon. I had a great time. There must have been fifteen of us. The sauna is open every day except Sunday and public holidays from 12 p.m. to 7 p.m. If there are any changes, a message is left on the sauna's answering machine.
Dommage je me suis pointé dimanche pour essayé et le sauna été fermé lol qui peux me donner plus de info sur ce sauna merci
Hello everyone. From the world this AM 22. which FOR S4AMUSER
Who good cock free this week to get high in the upstairs room, I like to take cocks so to your feathers!
I plan to go there today 01/03/2022 will there be people?
Sorry problem pro I move to next week
Comme indiqué, je serai jeudi au sauna, qui peut m’indiquer si il est fréquenté par des hommes plutôt mûrs, disons plus de 50 ans ? Merci
Thursday, February 10, between noon and 2 p.m., I'll be in the sauna for a first, I'm looking for mature men to dominate me...
I'm going this Thursday around 12pm, who's coming?
Who's going to the sauna this afternoon. ?
Are there people in the afternoon?
I love showing off and masturbating completely naked in front of everyone. Who wants to see me? Who wants to direct my exhibition? Who wants to play with my naked body in front of the spectators? Real announcement I am very exhib and motivated...
I will drop by around 5 p.m. Active passive. Come many.
I'm there this am October 29, ass offered available in the cinema upstairs no blah, I know why I'm coming to take cocks!
Y serais vendredi prochain entre midi et deux Actif passif domi
Someone on October 28, 2021 from 2:00 p.m. Open for active...
I'm going to go to the sauna, starting at 5:30 p.m.... come...
Who in the next few days? MP
Qui aujourd'hui hui dimanche au sauna? Envoyez message
Open from noon after closing Sanitary pass requested
Open today? I would be fine!
Closed this 18/08, the least you can do is report it on their answering machine…..
J y vais 14:30 prendre de la bite dans la salle de cinéma utilisez moi sans retenue !
Je pense y être en début d’après-midi Qui y va ?
Well, I'm going to try the Aix sauna. Will be there around 5 p.m. Who's joining me?
Good morning. Is the sauna open this afternoon? I call, I get the answering machine that says "It's open" but I was there 1 or 2 months ago and it was closed!...
It's not closed on these Google times it's closed
big sunday fuck come many
People this afternoon from 5 pm .. 6 pm?
Who's going this afternoon or tomorrow?
Covered ? I love bz guys video room
People today? I think I'll be there around 1 p.m.
Hello everyone right now?
Open or not ..... for Saturday
I'll be there between 3 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Want to get my ass fucked which are available on Saturday. I am open to all proposals
I should go there on Friday 4th around 2 p.m. I hope to find people there. Please leave me a private message
Hi ... who can describe the Sauna and the customers for me ... Thank you, Saturday for a visit
Who goes to the sauna this week in the afternoon?
who goes to the sauna this apm
Any assets this am 23/07 to defound me well? Chat message please
I plan to go on Monday, some good guys to join me
I plan to go on Monday, some good guys to join me
Info about the Sauna ..... Thank you
Jy will be from 17h. I hope there will be queues to suck. I come with a friend who likes being sodomized ......
I'll be in the sauna with a friend this afternoon from 17h In blowjobs and cumshot abundant program (I love) and soda (he loves).
For a first, nothing to say despite low attendance that day with a clientele that knows how to behave! Nevertheless, sauna allowed me to discuss and steam room to enjoy a blowjob! The showers are nice and the cabins are correct! The screening room allows you to vary the pleasures and wait stroking see maybe more! I will retuurn together for a little exhibition and shared pleasures!
Is there in the world? Is it a hot place? I want to go there for nothing ... I'll be mid-week, the first week of September.
Quelqun for my reach? I'm going to 17h
I go this afternoon, qq'un just have fun?
I'll be there tomorrow 29/10 to 14h.
I think to go Monday, 01.10 and you? Mp
I'll be in this sauna Thursday, September 20th from 13h to 14h about to show myself completely naked in front of everyone ... Leave me a message if you are interested please ...
Hello. Come join us poir plan more today from 17h or 17:30.
Hello . J'y serai vers 17h30. Un ami doit m'y retrouver. Adeptes des plans Q venez aussi ! Plus on est mieux c est !
I was there this afternoon. 17:30. there was only an hour. I thought it was still missed too late. and then I was in the hammam. and here comes the man in the hammam, and without hesitation, extends his hand to my penis. quickly, we were in a cab, I sucked greedily. sex was rather soft, but dèsqu'il began to harden it enjoyed quickly. good sperm has passed his rod and I still caught in the mouth .. Finally, I am jerked me on his tail and I came as quickly .. thank you to you!
Qq'un joined me this afternoon?
SOMEBODY today around 17h 19h?
Good evening I plan to go to the 13/06 guy assets wall passive slut me
Was jy last Friday apm The boss is not hosting more than that but without being disagreeable provided that n was not the case of the smell of sweat that D input given you want out !! No paper to wipe s in the cabins after a good anal sex are you getting along with your dirty hood etc ... The cabins are all the same no playful glory hole to sling The hammam is small it remains standing and max 4 n not plan to kiss in there not in place. I ve still had a fun time with two guys D first and then with another but frankly I put ny more feet I would try the sauna that Marseille is the old !!! As the guys who attend!
Available today for an asset not necessarily in sauna
good evening in light of comments this sauna tempt me rather passive for good on a Saturday afternoon mp contact for more information about you and me
nik13 for: he is a man sauna. no woman or couple. then, that hy are bi or gay .. no real difference. I'm bi and I go there occasionally.
nice sauna and very clean I like to go.
Hello. I'll be there this late afternoon. from 17h until 19h. am .; hot .. very keen to receive more than to give ...
I would like to experience the atmosphere of a sauna so if someone is motivated to guide me ... rather after lunch on weekdays
I was in the sauna Friday around 18h ... too good, I tasted a nice cock and then another sodomized me very gently. I who am not accustomed to soda, it was very good ... I can not wait to repeat the experience.
I go for a walk in the sauna this late afternoon, from 17:30 ... come many.
Hi, looking for a guy my back and make me discover this place
I will go to the sauna tomorrow Thursday between 5 and 7.
hello Bercaz No transvestite in the sauna. it is exlusively male and gay. videos projected in the small room upstairs are gay videos. no dual video or transsexe ... I regret forever! The upstairs room is sometimes the place of several blowjobs ..
close history