Alone for the 31st I will be there for the evening, for guys max 40 years old and hygiene required I hope to find a cool guy there
I'm in the downstairs toilet waiting for someone to come and remove my plug.
I'll be there tonight and I really want to
me suis fais sucer par un mec en voiture couleur ocre si tu reviens laisse un message
J'y passe ce matin pour une petite pause
J'y suis personne moin de 40 ans ?
Quelqu'un de disponible se soir ? Venez en privé
Who is available tonight to suck a good hard cock?
Available for women or couples on hinged door I receive in my cabin Available until 6am tomorrow morning
Qui now pour se faire vider ?
Passing by on Monday. If a slut wants to empty me
Y'a qui ce soir pour me baisé la bouche?
En même temps normal ça devient n'importe quoi cette aire de repos
Attention aux gendarmes qui était de passage vers 11h
In the world today I'm being a slut
J y passerais demain soir entre 19h et 23h pour passer un bon moment agréable
Oui un Kangoo rouge et non un kangourou ??
Un trav qui prenait un kangourou rouge, c'est pas banal on voit pas ça tous les jours. Lol mdr. Foutu correcteur lol.
Je recois tout pres mecs bi actif bm discret.. voir réguliers
Bonjour j y suis passé hier vers 16h45. Et j ai vu un kangourou rouge avec sois une femme ou un trav dedans (vu de loin). Ci oui j aimerait bien savoir si vous êtes souvent ici .pour une prochaine fois j espère
J'y serais se soir pour la soirée pour mec actif max 40 ans et bonne hygiène
J y passe dans 40 minutes Après direction Bordeaux
Qui dispo pour sucer une bonne bite
Qui ce soir pour couple ? Sur olace
anyone tonight around 7pm?
Qui veut ce faire sucer j y suit et repasse demain matin 6h j jusqu'a 7h
quelqu'un ce dimanche matin, pour plan suce et voir plus... j'y serai vers 9h, 9h30. laissez moi un message si interressé.
Aujourd’hui à 11h, Qui pour ce faire lécher la chatte et les seins, mesdames message en MP
Quelqu'un sur place se soir ?
Bonjour il y’a t’il quelqu’un ici j’y suis pour 45 min
si quelqu’un ce matin vers 7h dogging à ma voiture ou dans les toilettes si intéressé
Hello qui dispo ce soir je suce
Hello qui dispo je reçois plan gloryhole discret anonyme ruelle à côté
Salut j'ai envie de sucé qui me donne sa bite ou plan nature ou gloryhole je me déplace proposé moi
@gloryhole92100 : sucer une voiture, c'est peut-être une pratique un peu trop hardcore, non ?
Couple mec de passage vers 22h30 23h?
Rencontre sympathique hier soir Si tu as apprécié en MP
Je suis pas loin si qqun intéresse
Hello I'm going there I want to suck
Dû monde ce soir ? Comme hier à partir de 00h00 jusqu'à 03h30 Je vais m'y arrêter de nouveau histoire de prendre du bon temps, j'espère autant de monde voir même plus pour bien me faire prendre
Ce une petite pause s'impose, j'espère trouver du monde pour s'amuser
Mecdu16000 , ferme t’a gueule , à chaque fois tu fais l’aigri de merde alors que le mec te dérange pas si t’es pas content tu lis pas et tu ferme ta gueule au lieu d’être méchant.. tu passe pour un bouffon
Merci aux 4 personnes que j ai rencontré hier soir sur cette aire de repos pendant ma pose peut-être quel ce reconnaîtrons je refait un passage le 14 juillet en soirée
Lopeaujus: arrête de raconter ta vie on s'en bas les couilles
Je m'y suis arrêtée cette après midi a 15h30. Je me suis rendu dans les bois,et j'ai trouvé deux mecs avec qui j'ai pris mon pied, ensuite j'ai vadrouiller dans le bois et la encore un autre mec avec qui j'ai passé un bon moment, avant de partir j'ai fait un dernier tour et je me suis vite fait aborder, nous avons passé un agréable moment ensemble et une fois fini nous sommes repartis chacun de notre côté. Il y avait du monde a cette endroit.
J y serais mardi 25 à partir de 22h
y a t il quelqu'un ce mardi 18 matin?
Je suit aller découvrir ce lieu hier en fin d après midi vers 19h il y avait beaucoup de monde j ai rencontrer que des super mec et j ai bien apprécié
j'y suis allé mais personne dommage.
De passage dans la région, j'y serai vers 19h pour découvrir le lieux pour
C'est exactement ça. Du coup il m'a bloqué
Mecdu16000 still opening your big mouth. That's all you have to do with your life. You must be really pissed off
First come first served lol Well I'll leave them to you, the guy doesn't give a damn with all these filthy people lol
Here or at the lignon. First come, first served. See you later
Dude from 16, you're still drooling over old people, it's painful, it's hanging over your head, I hope one day you'll meet a guy as stupid as you
It criticizes the black guy but in the meantime he's the one who fucked the most last night lol Well after the old guys were hungry he's really not afraid Yuck..
Want to suck cock in slutty mode...candidates tonight?
I'll be there next Saturday evening and maybe with a friend if the black guy and back not sure doesn't stay there long
Le black à la polo est de retour j’y suis passer il y a 3 jours et je suis parti à cause de lui j’ose même plus y mettre les pieds la bas
Salut,si demain après midi entre 13h00 et 17h00 si il y a des actifs qui auraient envie de se faire sucer et de remplir un bonne lope en la baisant envoyé moi un message je serais pas loin plan soit dans les toilettes ou dans les bois
Salut,si demain après midi entre 13h00 et 17h00 il y a des actifs qui auraient envie de se faire sucer et de remplir un bonne lope envoyé moi un message je serais pas loin plan soit dans les toilettes ou dans les bois
Salut j'y serais demain dans la soirée
Si le temps le permet Je serai ce soir vers les 20h30 cherche belle bite à me faire baiser mon petit cul...
J'y suis Garé vers les premiers blocs WC
Bonjour je serais sur l'aire dans la journée J'y reste la nuit
Good evening to everyone I am parked in this area I am a driver Available for women or couples for the night Do not hesitate
Si le temps le permet j'y passe se soir
Il semblerait que le black casse couille à la polo blanche aurait déserté se lieux quelqu'un peut me confirmer ? Enfin la tranquillité ?
Des couples ici comme je disais ça arrive même si c'est rare. Cela dit : "Une femme pour me vider ?" comme phrase d'accroche pour séduire un couple, ça a moins de chances de réussir que de voir Fausto Coppi remporter l'or en cyclisme aux prochains JO à Paris.
Tu va plutôt y trouver un Éhpad
Ester16 une femme à trotte chiens tu peux oublier
perds pas ton temps Ben, toi au moins tu as du succès
Vinnie j'y étais toute la soirée vendredi soir et oui pas de couple hétéro ni gay lol
That being said, there are sometimes couples in this area. I know a couple who told me they go there very occasionally. That said, it remains the exception and unless there is a prior appointment, it is a one in a thousand chance. Suffice to say that unless you are starving, it is better to stay at home and have a good evening.
Those who like to invent false plans like "thanks to the 3 super muscular guys who filled me with juice last night", that's not what's missing... well it's a good way to detect questionable profiles. A mention to ben_bm who awards a mention to a couple but declares themselves gay on their profile.
Some people like to invent plans lol
Ben_bm ça pas du durer longtemps parce que j'y étais de 20h jusqu'à 23h45 et il y avait rien à part des vieux lol
Saturday the weather will be nice I will be there for the evening and early night for guy under 40
Quelq'un reçoit sur Angoulême aujourd'hui ?
J y suis jusqu’à 14h et repasse vers 16h30 si besoin
I'm going there tomorrow evening and probably Sunday evening
Well like most he's looking for a plan, with a guy his age he must be in his thirties, my guy is very sticky and if you tell him to get out he becomes quite violent I've already seen them take a piece of wood to beat up a guy, and he attacks the car too
Winnie. Well, it would be nice to know what he's looking for and why he's freaking out over a guy.
@ptitbiactif: given what has been written about it, I would advise against anyone trying to find out...
What is this black guy looking for?
Also be careful, the surroundings of the dog trotting area have been deforested. And at the moment, with the absence of leaves on the shrubs, the view from the road extends quite far into the groves. For these reasons, at this time, the risk of being seen is therefore increased and some seem to have forgotten this: there have been several recent reports.
It seems to me that I also saw him at the Maine de Boixe area a few days ago (while I was taking a non-naughty break there).
Watch out for the black guy in the white polo shirt, he lost his temper again near a guy
On site Friday evening for a cool plan with a guy around my age
Le mec a la polo grise merci pour ta queue à bientôt j'espère
Salut j'y serais demain soir si quelqu'un pour s'amuser max 40 ans
Tomorrow around noon I suck I swallow For motivated ;) Discretion
Is there a little slut's ass to fuck tomorrow night?
qui voudrait que je suce et avale ton jus
Good evening I'm on the Paris Bordeaux route this evening leaving Paris around 10:30/11:00 p.m., so I'll be there during the night... either I get fucked dressed as a slut or I fuck a beautiful, very horny trav... leave your posts
J'y suis personne pour me rejoindre ?
Hello j'y vais pour sucé 21h00 à 0h00
Quelqu'un de jeune se soir ? J'ai envie de m'y arrêter mes si ses pour voir que des vieux et d'être emmerdé par le black à la polo qui et pot de colle sa donne pas envie d'y aller..
Le mec avec la Peugeot 208 rouge vient en privé si t'es sur se site
Si vous avez du temps, je serai disponible ce matin
Personne ce matin, dommage
Je cherche un mec bi pour plan sympa. Moins de 35ans de préférence. Sur Angoulême ce matin
Quelqu'un sur place de jeune ??
Waouh. Un plan bien chaud à 4 !!! Dans le lot un jeune passif. Que des BG... Excellent !
Je suis sur place, il y as qui ?
J'y suis demain soir venez en privé max 40 ans
Je suis mais il y a personne dommage
J'y suis mes pas grand chose..
J'y passe se soir , les mec qui se font sucer plusieurs fois dans la soirée ou qui prennent tout se qui voit merci je ne suis pas intéressé je cherche quelqu'un de propre et max 40 ans pour plan cool
Des fois on fait des découvertes au quel on s'y attendait pas
De passage mardi soir prochain, j'espère y trouver un plan cool avec un jeune comme la dernière fois
Thank you to those who kindly fertilized me on Thursday, it was delicious especially the young soldier who gave me a real dose of fucking
Bonjour à toutes et à tous Je suis garé sur l'aire en semi remorque pour la nuit je peux recevoir dans ma cabine Pour femme ou couple
Going there around 11 p.m.
It's been a while since I've seen them there that one actually pay attention to him and it's a polo shirt not a golf
Djodebutant17, I don't go to this place anymore because of this guy because the last times I went there he literally jumped on my car and wanted to open the door. When I came down I just told him I didn't want anything with him he called me a racist.
pfffff the more it goes the more trouble there is in this place .... too bad !!!!
The worst I didn't say anything mean to him I just told him he was starting to hover around me I told him he wasn't my type, that's it
And me, I'm not afraid to denounce it, it's the guy with his white golf shirt, it's a black man who's in it, and Greece as soon as you arrive so that he can take this big ***** that he is if he has a problem he tells me he gives me an appointment I'm coming there's no problem little p *** it's
You little p*** with your white golf bag I mustn't run into you again otherwise you're going to take dear guy from where you attack me when I'm not down and on top of that you're doing your big p*** you're bars big s***** that you are
Quelqu'un aujourd'hui à sucer?
J'y serais samedi soir pour plan branle suce avec mec max 40 ans
Quelqu'un de disponible se soir ou dans les alentours ?
Flavienafaim yes every time I go there it's the same, at least he leaves me alone
Ça me fait tellement rire de voir tous ces vieux descendre de leur voiture quand un jeune arrive pour au final se faire refouler
Je suis sur place mes le seul jeune pour l'instant....
J'y serais samedi soir pour mec actif max 40 ans
Between 11 p.m. and 1 a.m.
Bonjour, ki se soir serai intéressé pour un ptit plaisir...?
Who wants to get sucked and fuck me well ???....
Slt jy passes around 8:30 p.m. 9 p.m. in the world
I'm going there on Tuesday around 9/9:30 a.m.... contact me if interested for a good plan sucks mutual
I'll be there Sunday evening if nothing planned
Je reçois sur cognac week-end du 6mai. Max 40ans
And I come with a plug in the anus before having to take a mandatory condom and not too big a cock because you will be and like discretion and tranquility here I am coming to the woods
Hi, I'm coming tomorrow morning around 10:11 a.m.
I go there tonight around 9 p.m. if there is someone who gives me a sign max 40 years old
I'll come back in 15 minutes
Who tonight 6:30 p.m. 7 p.m. to empty my balls
On site tomorrow evening for active guy max 40 years old and clean
The guy with the red Orange BMW would be an escort, anyone have any info?
Hello I will know the area this morning to take a dick in my cu but not too big because I am sure
I'll be there tonight for active guy max 40 years old
Who wants to get sucked? ...who's going there tonight ...hungry for tails
Very nice plan last night with this young man, parcontre the black and really broken balls and sticky and to make style to be on the phone to be able to approach
Well bm... what time are you going... can I bite your tail?
Who wants to get sucked off tonight...
Tuesday morning 10:15 a.m. if a little slut would like to suck me off before I take her ass. Clean and smooth ass imperative.
Hello ji spend all your theirs I want to bring me down but not too big
I would be every evening at nightfall. Dogging...give me your cock and fuck me hard!!
I want to suck cocks and get fucked well.. who?
msoda why do you mind if I change my username? Stay among yours and don't stuff me thank you
Between the balls that insist on the disgusting, the people of a certain age too much glue this area and not terrible in cold weather, luckily there are more young people in the summer
He is not on his site, and given your age, you have no chance with him.
Alas, there are some like that... on the Bois de Benon area (17), a Dacia Duster horn... there is also a gray Ford van that rages in several spots in the north 17...
Yes, I confirm, I was also entitled to this idiot in clio.
The guy with the white clio 4 seems to be a bitch, with each car that arrives he comes to park next to it and leaves after 10 seconds, then with his mask to hide his face, he doesn't want to
On site Friday evening from 8 p.m. for active guy max 40 years old and no piercing, no poppers thank you
I'm going there tomorrow around 1 p.m.
Nice area but a young black guy a little too sticky
Who wants to suck me discreetly
I'll be there tonight from 8 p.m. for active guy max 40 years old and mandatory hygiene thank you
I'll be there tonight to find maybe a welcoming mouth and more
Good evening, I'm a driver parked in the Claude Bonnier area, I can receive a woman or a couple in my cabin, I'm there for the night until 6:30 am tomorrow morning for pleasure.
Je reçois hôtel ibis champniers à 5 minutes de trotte chien
I spend there tomorrow evening an asset in the corners? Under 40
Hello who tonight on the air I want to suck a cock thoroughly.
On the rest area it's a driver wants in his cabin
I'm coming by tomorrow afternoon maybe a truck driver in his cabin is waving
On the dog trot rest area for the night for work, act ++, at all...
meeting with truck driver to make me fuck in the truck cabin
Are you going up around Angoulême or on a rest area between Angoulême and Bordeaux this afternoon to see more sexy underwear? Kisses
want sex this afternoon. would also be in the lignons
Receive a good sucker tonight on 24 10 at the bandb d angouleme.
for drivers over 50 years old I get fucked in his cabin in the afternoon
I'm going ya who I want to suck
Hello, I will be there Thursday August 18 around 10/11 p.m. I have a desire that I would like to realize (please tell me if it is possible there) if there was a "good soul" to tie me up on your knees, arms behind your back nipples forward mouth open in the toilets, in the woods, in the truck parking lot I don't know, it will depend on the feeling The goal is to receive cocks, balls, juice, piss etc as a plan slaughter but without soda Thank you for your answers
envie de me faire baiser sans retenue routiers plan cabine ok h de passage aussi ou si un h recois chez lui cest lideal h mur et bm de preference suce avale et autres aime poppers tel pour contact et se mettre ok desirs et nenvies
I'm going there Tuesday morning around 7:30 am... pm me if someone goes there...
Passing by this afternoon. I had a good orgy at 4.
I can be there tonight or tomorrow night....To devour your tail...who?
Good evening, I wanted to go there tonight, my mouth is available. biz
Passing by tonight Monday 4/07 around 10:30 p.m. / 11 p.m., craving for dessert cream!!
Y passe ce matin..8h30..qui a envi de bien commencer la journée en se vidant les couilles dans ma bouche de salope...
vendredi 1juillet serais a lhotel f1 de champniers si h actif ok pour baise faites signe recois discret tel pour contact rapide h plus de 40ans bm et actif reel
Possible that I will stop tomorrow morning around 9:00 a.m. for a direct bareback shot
Monday 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. hope to see people
Ce soir ça vous dirait un mec en mode " pute",en mode exhibe,le cul et la bouche offerte à vous vider les couilles...visage très apprécié ..que je me balade sur les chemins au vu de tous le visage couvert de foutre....intéressés..donnez moi l'envie de me déplacer.....
Demain 10h30 j'ai une queue qui m'attend donc je serais cho comme la braise à sucer toutes les queues qui se présentent...amusons nous ..baisez moi...soyons fun !!
Who tonight to feast on my mouth and my ass in bitch mode?
For young, I'll be there before hiring between 6 and 6:45 a.m.
People in the evening couple or woman?
I will go there in the evening
Hello sasa16... Je peux me rendre dispo en aprèm ou soirée si ça vous dit... Je vous écris en MP
The young man in a 4x4, I thought you would follow me to Les Lignons to be quiet, too bad
I will go to debauchery later, in 20/45 minutes
This Thursday morning there would be couples of trav women or guys in lingerie wanting a cock. I will probably switch to lignons too. Open to any proposal and place around. For this contact in message.
Present in the early afternoon
I'm there for about forty minutes, if there are young people ;)
Good evening I was going tonight between 11:00 p.m. and 2:00 a.m. if it says someone hetero woman
Bonjour quelqu'un sur jarnac ?
Qui se soir de 19h20 a 19h45 je suis hetero pour femme et couple
Would there be a nice trav tonight
I'll be there in 30 minutes...
Passing through 30 and 31/12, I really want to play the bitch and take tails on the areas of the region. available 24/24
Good evening jivais in 1 hour if it tells you
Did you catch him in flag? Because a lot of guys say that their cases are scratched over there
Attention guy in white Clio, gray hair, on his knees straight away, if you don't finish with him he will scratch your car straight away with the key (hood, doors, the total!). Really not smart, the aggressions between guys who seek pleasure. No need for that!
Someone will be there today despite the weather? wanna get caught
Je suis a côté qui me rejoins
People this Friday (August 6) around 11:30 p.m. / midnight ???
Passing by this evening around 10 p.m./11 p.m.
Passing through the region this night, want to play the slut on a rest area and take tails, here or elsewhere. Message in PM
Hello, looking to have a good time tonight around 7pm around Angoulême. Thank you
Monday morning 10:30 am here or lignons
It's me or the couples have deserted most of the places ... There are still few if not very few rascals in the 16 ..
I spend there today between 6 and 7 p.m. kangoo blanc
I am there, who to suck me
I'm here who comes to pump me
I go there white van with orange logo too want to pump
I would be there from 2pm to 4pm I'm looking for young guy (-25 years old) active to suck it or passive. open to any proposal from submissive slut of any age
Hello I am on the crown looking to have a good time with woman man or trav.
Monday morning 5:30 am 5:45 am who to empty me
Hello, I will be in Angoulême on Monday 22. looking for a good time. Messages in mp.
People despite the weather ??? MP if you come
Are there people around this afternoon around 1pm?
This night 2h30 3h ?? who?
Who would be interested in fucking me one afternoon next week at an acquaintance in Chasseneuil sur Bonnieure?
Hi I'll be there next Thursday between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. contact me stv played with my little ass
I'm still there but not for long.
If someone gets warm I come ...
I'm there and it's very cold ...
A little advice in mp on the hot places of Angoulême and around, too much desire for a good Charentaise tail.
Hello, warm place? Can I stay there on January 4th?
This night for passive ,?
Christmas Eve at my house from 7pm? Christmas Eve
lydia tv sexy very slut would like to meet h passing cabin plan hummm i pump juice and fuck without delay after confinement during the day or evening kisses leave a message for such exchange
madam very want to suck who would be available on Saturday 21st from 10pm
Nina Trav submissive and obedient (54 years old, 1m75, 89Kg) I like to be used like a bitch or as an empty ball that we fuck without moderation, available. Move on site in the cabin or receive on the crown. 0785205024
There would be working Monday in the neighborhood
Tonight present ... looking for a cool moment
looking for a young person under 30 to join me today Tuesday 25/08
I go there around 4:30 p.m.
mecbi 16; I think you have an existential problem boy, because it's curious how many I go there and I find my happiness; The place is conducive to meetings of all kinds; and believe me I think that on the side of the guys who abuse you gone, believing that when you are there, everything is due to your veneration ..... afterwards if you are a star; must not go here go to paying places and you will have free time to choose without being bothered, by others as you say; we frequent this place for much longer than you !!! so a little respect please !!!! a good hearer ....
I do not know this place but know that it is the same everywhere and young people are the same as old people, education and respect has no age, let's stop stigmatizing older people. I have already seen young people almost come to blows to approach a couple so it is not very serious either.
Who tomorrow morning around 9 am and 10:30 am want a good time leave mp see you soon I hope
mecbi16 I find your words a little direct and not very cool if this place is, as you say, so full of old pigs, you must not go there. I join Olivier in these words after you I think that if you go there it is that you do not have much choice ...... for the rest measure your words I was your age and wish you to have mine after we talk about it again.
Hello who? this night around 3 am I suck
I agree, there are people who are annoying and who do not understand the meaning of the word NO, but unfortunately they are not only seniors, young people too, and that is insults. It often lacks respect. But hey, the area is when very good and this problem remains an exception. We should rather value this place rather than denigrate it. As for Brad Pitt, he can go get dressed with his 57 years, he must be Out of Service.
It is one of the places where I have good exhibition and sex plans. It is the ideal area for dredging. Truckers have always been cool, especially those who weren't interested. There are all styles of guys. From motivated mature guys to younger locals who expect to find Prince Charming or Brad Pitt and spend their time on their smartphones. Sometimes there are even guys who don't take me for an alien because I say hello in the woods. Trottechien is in my Top 10 dating spots.
It was serious hot this evening in the wood! Great time!
Passing by tonight on the air for a cool moment.
passing by on the 16th at the end of the morning if interested in a good pipe there or elsewhere ...... mp
Anyone know the young dude with a Martau van he sucks so fucking good!!! I would like to know if he is going back there he has a fucking slutty mouth and then his ass is a real female dog he is often there between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. dick looks like exhib mode
I'll be there tonight after 22h.
Hello an asset available this afternoon
Hello an asset available this afternoon
Good evening one available tomorrow afternoon assets
And there will be someone on Saturday around 13h preferably female, couple or trans
I think dwell end of the afternoon!
Hello I spend Wednesday, 9/11 around 7:00 to suck and make me suck, let pm if interested.
J spends the morning around 10am, leave a pm if available
I spend Monday morning at 10am
Who am trav was in this aprem gray ford damage j not have time I'll get to know well
Oh yes there are plenty of other choses..a condition not to jump on people like hungry dogs .. like maine boixe example ... but we will put it on the little spinning experience ... you are real dogs in heat ... barely a parked car you jump on it ... a guy busy with another you jump on it ...
Available today for me to tell sucked me in pm if interested
4 months I have come not always like it turns taking the prohibited direction almost take me a full face. Not how I want to be taken ....
A couple or woman this afternoon?
There is still the world this place at night?
If appointment tomorrow morning will jy
Really why come to this place if I just to be seen ... I will never understand the Charentais ... They hope that by turning and I saw it in Charente Round cars ....
Evening rainy hardly anyone ...
15min passage that I'm here and nothing ...
Passage tonight to 21h ...
Another night when this place is still desert ...
I am no one to have fun ....
Why do guys come to stay in their cars ....
This Wednesday night 25/07 for me lick, eat dick and ass and your cock for me (size) could you take me
Hi guys. Passing on this playground, rest oops lol. For the evening and night. I will definitely be in the middle of the afternoon. It's your turn. Message Please pv.
There's the world trotting dog?
If FPIC or trav walks !!!! I went for the night.
Hi Cecile I passed 2 hours ... And also not interested ... rain scares people! :-) Tell me when you're back!
I am a dog trots and would like me to suck thoroughly
There are people to suck good cock?
Hi, for a big active grandpa who gets up early, I'll be there tomorrow morning July 18 around 6:00 a.m. pm.
there's the world-trotting dog?
there's someone to suck me? .j'y am
It is located where the air off trote dog I would come now
hi I can make my trav tonight around 22:30 23h
tomorrow, Wednesday would spend around 15h to make me suck
I too want to rotate the bottom;)
I'll bitch all night from Monday to Tuesday, come kiss me.
Passing on Monday 26/12, I look for assets to kiss me on live area. Eager to take the slut and tails. from 17h and throughout the night.
today at 14:30 an androgynous pretty boy '(by far a girl) by nearly as bad I'm a liability I could fingered until orgasm s (he recognizes ok for appointment
17.30 This evening active
I spend around 14h gray ford k are addressing me
I spend around 14h gray ford available for active k + 50years sweet and considerate
or earlier if appointment
I spend this afternoon to 17h
hello ji will be Thursday, March 27, 2014 who want to come
would lundi3mars 2014 from 18h to welcome that road kiss me as for quick contact 0687574071
would be around 21h vendredi8novembre who to kiss me such 0687574071
I'll Wednesday, 2/27 from 11 am to 12 pm. Small active guy hug a little chunky and a bit hairy hot. If you sign ca tent ..
I was trptte dog person ... I await up to 3:15 p.m.
I made good meeting this week in the woods against the bottom, I was given jogger ... if you know you will contact me
On August 28 and not 28/09
J passes there tomorrow morning. So do sign. (28/9)
close history