etiveaux resting area

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Type : Rest area gay & straight
City :  Neaux
Area :  Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Country :  France

( 0 = fake  place   4 = TOP spot )
Rest area on the RN 7entre Neaux and Roundabout hospital on Rhine
Address :
42470 Neaux

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8 d. ago
Aire encore fermé avant hier

8 d. ago
Quelqu’un ce matin pour un plan ?

11 d. ago
Est ce que c’est ouvert maintenant ?

30/01/2025 in 22h34
Bsr je suis à quelques centaines de mètres de l aire Coin tranquille Si des actifs intéressé, je suis dispo Il est 22h30. Le jeudi 30 01

09/01/2025 in 16h35
Area still closed, blocks in place and sanitary doors closed

02/01/2025 in 19h05
site closed, plots in place

30/12/2024 in 02h06
I am a passive submissive, good slut in slutty outfit. I am looking for an active, several ok. Contact me if real ON MY PROFILE.

12/12/2024 in 18h04
Currently in Roanne available for motorhomes. In Roanne itself or here Neulise etc.

07/12/2024 in 11h52
Hello je recherche un plan sexe cet après midi disponible en moyenne de 15h à 18h je me déplace.faites moi signe en privé avec votre programme

07/12/2024 in 11h50
Hello, I'm looking for a sex plan tomorrow afternoon, I'm moving. Let me know in private with your program.

07/12/2024 in 00h01
Hello, I'm looking for a sex plan tomorrow afternoon, I'm moving. Let me know in private with your program.

19/11/2024 in 16h02
Anyone here this Thursday, November 20th in the morning?

13/11/2024 in 16h05
Hello, I will not be far from this place tonight to get fucked, PM me if interested

15/10/2024 in 10h25
Hi, I won't be far from this place this evening, warm and available, PM me if interested?

09/10/2024 in 18h20
Will there be people tonight?

07/10/2024 in 19h40
I won't be far from this place tonight. PM if interested.

26/09/2024 in 10h22
People to suck and fuck me, unable to move, I receive without problem sent pm if interested

22/09/2024 in 10h25
Hello, maybe passing by at the end of the afternoon or evening, specify in private message.

19/09/2024 in 16h31
I'm going up to Neaux tonight hoping to see a guy I met there again but not that I'm bi active-passive

07/09/2024 in 13h37
People tonight to get sucked and possibly fucked

04/09/2024 in 12h55
Want to suck my big cock dado

02/09/2024 in 21h41
Hello everyone, is there anyone who could offer me a day's subscription so that I can see more things on the site? Thanks in advance

01/09/2024 in 14h21
Hello. I will be there this September 1st from 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. I am looking for a plan for caresses, jerks, sucks, exhibitions with a man of 50-60 years old not effeminate. I have a blue Ford Fiesta. I will be sitting on a bench... do not hesitate to come and meet me.

29/08/2024 in 21h46
Young people preferably

29/08/2024 in 21h45
Who is there?

12/08/2024 in 17h13
Passing by in 1 hour to suck me off without any blah blah or more if it's hot

06/08/2024 in 18h48
Du monde ce soir, voire cette nuit je suce à fond Mardi.6 08

01/08/2024 in 21h53
Bonsoir j y serais vendredi 2 août a 23h30. Je reste une heure ( JE VIENS SI ON M Y DONNE RENDEZ VOUS) Pipes et sodos ok 2 a 4 actifs ok. Hygiène et pas de violence physique

28/07/2024 in 20h32
Tonight in Neaux and Aire de Neulise

28/07/2024 in 09h30
Lope available today to fuck several or alone insults spit sniff lick uro

27/07/2024 in 15h38
ANNOUNCEMENT: This Saturday, July 27 at 10 p.m. WE RECEIVE near Balbigny (42); -Couple (nice evening) OR single man (rotating) No hassle, interested? PM. Thank you.

16/07/2024 in 21h52
I'm also passing by the Neulise area late this evening.

16/07/2024 in 18h12
pour les couche tard , j y serais cette nuit a partir de 2 heures du matin je vous y attendrait en tenue de salope pompage du gland et avalage assurée me contactez quand meme que je n attende pas toute la nuit !

15/07/2024 in 00h07
I go to this place from time to time, and as I wish. I am ready to go back to empty SEVERAL assets, without violence but with hygiene. Blowjob, anal ok. I like crude words. Insults, humiliations. I am said to be, a good slut in female dog outfit. I answer all questions privately

13/07/2024 in 13h16
Available this afternoon, for women, couples, trans trav, groups, aim to have fun without any hassle and with respect. Send me a private message I will study all proposals

11/07/2024 in 19h36
I'm thinking of going there this evening quite late

10/06/2024 in 19h22
Passing through the rest area after the summer area towards Tarare

20/05/2024 in 17h45
Here I am, come and give me your cock

20/05/2024 in 17h13
I have Peugeot beep black

20/05/2024 in 17h07
I'll even be there at 5:30 p.m. for those interested

20/05/2024 in 13h53
Who is available 6 p.m. good sucker deep throat and swallows MP if cho

05/05/2024 in 01h26
Receive on roanne man / woman / couple

12/04/2024 in 13h02
Anyone tomorrow morning?

11/04/2024 in 20h46
I'm there in the hope of meeting a loved one.

10/04/2024 in 21h45
Bi passif en tenue de chienne, pour actifs Je suis dispo ce week-end ,vendredi,samedi,dimanche,lundi DISPO UNIQUEMENT SUR RENDEZ VOUS OU CONVOCATION EN MP

05/04/2024 in 12h52
Who is tonight to play left mp

25/03/2024 in 14h56
I also know the summer area near Neaux; I go there sometimes

24/03/2024 in 22h14
Merci;) C’était bon!

24/03/2024 in 16h33
Je vais y passer ce soir Mp;)

04/03/2024 in 20h14
I'm there for m/f or couple

17/02/2024 in 19h40
I would be there waiting for a very expensive guy lol

27/12/2023 in 17h48
Passif obeissant , en tenue de salope , a soumettre , dispo pour vider actifs ( Presence voyeur participant ok )). Dominateur bienvenu . HYGIENE imperative , CLEAN et AUCUNE violence physique ( mais mots crus, insulltes , humiliations , WC ok) POSSIBLE PRESENCE de 21h a tard dans la nuit : Jeudi soirs 28 12, ou/et samedi soir 30 12 , ou/et Lundi soirs 1 Janvier. JE N Y VAIS QUE SI RENDEZ VOUS ; je ne pose pas de lapin DONC ME CONTACTER

22/12/2023 in 15h57
Hi. Around 6pm tonight for active who wants to empty themselves

20/12/2023 in 00h06
Hi Passing through Thursday end of the day. Who is available for a nice plan. I can receive in my hotel room

15/12/2023 in 22h46
My possible presence there, Tomorrow Saturday evening 16 12. contact me privately if interested. if this is the case, I would definitely be there (I'm not asking any questions) I am passive in emptying balls (hygiene and without violence)

10/12/2023 in 21h27
I'll be passing by Tuesday evening around 9:30 p.m., 12/12, to suck several smooth (waxed) and clean cocks, and to get fucked to empty your balls

06/12/2023 in 20h06
bonsoir des males aux couilles pleines ce soir mercredi 6 Decembre 2023 , et ce debut de nuit la bas jusqu a 1heure du matin ( toilettes ) ? me contacter si serieux

29/11/2023 in 20h03
Good evening, I'm here to empty the queue.

25/11/2023 in 21h42
bsr an asset available this evening (25 11 2023) there?

14/11/2023 in 15h55
I'll be there on Wednesday 14/11 around 11:30 a.m.

28/10/2023 in 15h20
I'm going there tonight in female dog mode to be fucked by everyone bring me your cocks and your panties

28/10/2023 in 12h12
People today?

27/10/2023 in 21h51
je peux m y rendre une partie de la nuit 27 10 2023 je suis passif pour actifs desirant se vider , meme vite fait sans violence

06/10/2023 in 11h18
People today?

05/10/2023 in 15h59
I will arrive at the rest area for a quarter of an hour 20 minutes

03/10/2023 in 16h53
I'm here for a while

20/09/2023 in 11h14
People around noon?

13/09/2023 in 22h53
Quel actif a neaux ,meme tard , présent sur l aire maintenant 13 09 2023 ?

13/09/2023 in 17h53
bonjour je suis de Roanne . j y vais de temps en temps faire la salope

12/09/2023 in 12h48
I will receive a pm today if interested, man, woman or couple.

06/09/2023 in 09h37
People today?

21/08/2023 in 20h49
People tonight?

11/08/2023 in 13h02
Hello everyone this afternoon in shorts with nothing underneath to make me touch suck or other sent Mp

10/08/2023 in 23h42
Hello, I can be there tomorrow evening Friday 11, around 7 p.m., for F, CPL or credible Trav, if reliable appointment! Contact in mp, thank you

10/08/2023 in 10h59
Hello everyone available this afternoon for women, couple or transvestite, PM me if interested

04/08/2023 in 19h57
I'm there, but calm down...! I'm passing by on the way back, 10pm/10:30pm

03/08/2023 in 20h03
Passage tomorrow evening, for F or CPL leave PM thank you

22/07/2023 in 16h47
Someone to empty my big (real) one send me a message I'll come by in an hour.

20/07/2023 in 17h56
Hello. I'm there someone there?

18/07/2023 in 11h59
I'm going to go for a little walk this afternoon 3:30 p.m. Hope to find a tail to fill me up

14/07/2023 in 13h09
pas de picoirs donc complique

10/07/2023 in 18h36
I'm there for 1 hour

08/07/2023 in 13h18
Passing by in 15 mins. In a thong to pump or have him pumped

19/06/2023 in 18h27
Work available

19/06/2023 in 15h12
I'm here, I'm waiting to get sucked or something else, I'm active

03/06/2023 in 09h29
Who this morning to suck me or more! Sent mp

26/05/2023 in 09h30
Big dicks in 45 min? Really want to suck

12/05/2023 in 18h36
From the world woman or couple

27/01/2023 in 17h51
If a naughty little woman who wants a little youth for tonight I'm available

27/01/2023 in 06h47
I am traveling this morning from Bourgoin Jallieux to Vichy, via Roanne, first part by Autoroute then Roanne Vichy by the national road. I would make stops on the areas but make your proposals in pm or on the spot, preferably to the ladies. Departure 7:30 am

24/01/2023 in 16h42
Of the world ?

14/01/2023 in 21h18
Good evening if someone is integrated I am active available this week I can retuurn I am waiting for an appointment thank you

13/01/2023 in 17h52
I'm there now, and in Roanne for the evening, leave PM or on the site, thank you

02/01/2023 in 07h05
Area still closed.

01/01/2023 in 23h51
Is this rest area still closed? I would have been there one very early morning in the middle of the week, to suck and get fucked

15/12/2022 in 09h00
Closed rest area

14/12/2022 in 16h16
An asset tomorrow around 6 a.m. to smash a good pussy?

26/11/2022 in 13h55
Morning. Who tonight? Kisses.

25/11/2022 in 21h31
If interesting proposal, I can go there

23/11/2022 in 22h49
Tomorrow apt 2 p.m. I'm here to get sucked and sodomized for whoever wants to see you tomorrow

23/11/2022 in 19h57
Ass plan I receive

16/11/2022 in 18h32
Bsr. Who tonight? MP. Kisses.

15/11/2022 in 19h47
CC. A trucker to welcome me around 10 p.m.? MP. Kisses

31/10/2022 in 17h40
People tonight?

31/10/2022 in 07h58
Woman or couple available today? PM

30/10/2022 in 22h23
I am active available apt from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. if no one available contact me for an appointment to have fun together see you soon

30/10/2022 in 22h13
I am looking for a passive man who is very nice I met him at this place he told me that he is from Roanne has a white clio has been talking in his car he was very sweet since I go to this place to make contact with the desire to you in my memory I believe Robert me Hubert car laguna kisses

23/10/2022 in 21h51
We are a couple looking for a single woman

23/08/2022 in 19h03
Available for road tonight tonight. Here or in Roanne. PM messages if possible

09/08/2022 in 14h54
I take off from Neulise

23/07/2022 in 16h55
CC of the world around 9 p.m. where around roanne

13/07/2022 in 13h49
Bjr of the world in the evening?

09/07/2022 in 17h54
Who's going tonight

09/07/2022 in 13h40
Evening work????

08/07/2022 in 08h47
of the world now

04/07/2022 in 08h27
Bjr woman couple or man this morning?

03/07/2022 in 11h28
Bjr a couple in the evening for exhib

27/06/2022 in 15h46
Ji am it's calm

22/06/2022 in 12h12
CC Very want to see the androgine guy again that I met on Saturday evening, thank you

18/06/2022 in 15h48
Who's going for a ride tonight around 9 p.m.

09/06/2022 in 15h22
Who's going tonight around 9 p.m.

01/06/2022 in 17h33
I'm going there soon

01/06/2022 in 14h14
Someone to suck me or more this afternoon

01/06/2022 in 00h23
Thursday around 3:30 p.m. want to get sucked and I can jerk off big desire for sodomy I am waiting for an answer thank you

27/05/2022 in 20h57
People tonight

19/04/2022 in 18h53
I pass before 7:30 p.m. is there a lot of people?

17/04/2022 in 19h59
People tonight

24/03/2022 in 08h16
Anyone available now?

23/03/2022 in 19h19
People on site in the evening?

09/01/2022 in 15h56
hey still nobody? we are looking for 2 man, one of whom can receive ...

04/01/2022 in 19h03
Yes surely us

01/01/2022 in 17h08
People tonight

22/12/2021 in 10h12
There is a lot of people

28/11/2021 in 15h33

23/11/2021 in 21h53
We'll be there and we'll do the fast voice areas afterwards.

12/11/2021 in 08h54
I'm there, anyone?

29/10/2021 in 06h43
Of the world this morning

25/10/2021 in 09h54
I can spend this morning to get sucked or more depending on the profile that is available send mp

02/10/2021 in 18h11
People tonight around 9 p.m.

29/08/2021 in 21h02
hello, nice trav I would be on September 15 between 9 p.m. and 2 a.m. in the neulise area side towards Roanne road friends come and make your stop there the others come also there will be room for all be many I'm a good whore and if a couple wants from me say it

11/08/2021 in 10h16
People this morning?

11/07/2021 in 09h22
Bjr a trans or trav in the evening for contact plan in pv thank you

18/06/2021 in 14h18

31/05/2021 in 11h43
Hello I am available this afternoon to get sucked and no longer so good feeling so send me a private message I can also move in case a good plan in sight.

26/05/2021 in 14h17
Hello, I spend this afternoon in 30min there are suckers or suckers where the hotter I am, no blah is real. Send mp

14/03/2021 in 08h40
BJR UN trav or trans contact in mp

27/02/2021 in 09h17
CC UN trans or work on the area after 16 H contact in mp

20/02/2021 in 11h18
cc a trans or trav on the area contact mp

16/02/2021 in 13h21
Passing through this afternoon, people there?

09/02/2021 in 14h21
We will be above the area since close no blah blah we touch we look we will see more or not do not respond to the message those who want to come come and this in about twenty minutes

07/02/2021 in 13h42
Someone this afternoon?

30/01/2021 in 09h00
Exhibit shot farther than the neaux area at the end of the day

26/01/2021 in 14h49
Park further from the front area Neaux exib and more

26/01/2021 in 14h49
Park further from the front area Beaux exib and more

24/01/2021 in 16h53
Tomorrow morning I would be there from 6.30 a.m. to 8 a.m. for guys under 50 to suck

24/01/2021 in 16h50
Guys for this suck?

23/01/2021 in 14h18
Guys available

23/01/2021 in 05h02
People this morning?

13/10/2020 in 08h19
good travesis lope to bang in the evening after 6 p.m. fix me appointment

06/09/2020 in 23h19
Who is it to watch

25/08/2020 in 19h16
People tonight to touch the tail?

24/08/2020 in 17h51
I can but you have to tell me the same morning at the latest

27/07/2020 in 19h21
I would spend Wednesday morning very early, I was there last Wednesday, a man was there in the car but showed no signs of damage. I make lightning passage. Mp if interested or lighthouse call or a sign if you see me

25/07/2020 in 18h44
who tonight?

23/06/2020 in 00h16

21/06/2020 in 19h35
Anyone around 9pm tonight to do good?

16/06/2020 in 22h02
You can't be in 4 different places at the same time Ludivine so stop spamming several places it's really painful!

16/06/2020 in 21h50
I'm hot tonight I'm there around midnight for one or more if RDV

11/03/2020 in 18h27
Closed area

11/03/2020 in 18h06
Attention closed area

11/03/2020 in 14h35
I'm going there tonight .. private message

03/03/2020 in 19h35
Of the world. Evening leave message

08/02/2020 in 09h42
sex at all costs

22/01/2020 in 18h36
The world tomorrow morning vers5 h plane sucks licks and sodomy

13/01/2020 in 08h33
In fashion guy this morning to empty one or two tail

26/12/2019 in 17h31
If the beautiful trav who was there around 13h 30 is on the site, contact me

11/12/2019 in 17h49
Hello Madame do you want a little tongue worker just to taste you and you enjoy to make you climb to seventh heaven as anything to give you pleasure I ask nothing in retuurn I am on vacation and very available pending

10/12/2019 in 16h08
Somebody tonight to take me as it should?

28/11/2019 in 13h28
That evening

06/11/2019 in 13h39
If available tonight

08/10/2019 in 11h39
Tonight and also area neulisse

28/09/2019 in 19h09
ji will in an hour

25/09/2019 in 21h52

02/09/2019 in 13h37
The world this afternoon to suck me

12/08/2019 in 17h48
That evening to fuck me

07/06/2019 in 18h43
which in moin than an hour?

01/03/2019 in 09h20
Passage between 11h and 17h woman or couples looking thank you to contact me in pv

27/02/2019 in 17h30
And le28 / 02 same time as

27/02/2019 in 17h29
The world tomorrow morning assets well mounted to smash me the puck? From of5 pm Le27 / 02

17/02/2019 in 19h37
An exit wife evening around 21:00, contact me for an appointment

07/01/2019 in 06h09
J there was nobody moves me harm if an active receive?

06/01/2019 in 21h06
tomorrow morning assets that receive good hours 6 am moved me

05/01/2019 in 21h58
Active Monday morning early can receive?

03/01/2019 in 14h36
I'll be there tomorrow morning around 10:00. Post privately to appointment

28/12/2018 in 19h53
good looking pompous Monday afternoon and evening. Trav trans appreciated. My tail will be available. Message for appointment

03/12/2018 in 21h18
The world in 1 hour?

29/11/2018 in 22h53
The world has this time the?

20/09/2018 in 19h17
person sucks cock in my big truck

16/09/2018 in 20h51
The world tomorrow matin17 / 09 vers5 am

16/09/2018 in 20h49
The world tomorrow matin17 / 09

27/08/2018 in 22h42
You are always? I am next

23/08/2018 in 19h21
person sucks me in my truck roanne

22/08/2018 in 21h17
Tomorrow morning from of4 am want to do me butt-fucked

22/08/2018 in 08h09
Hi I want to suck made me sign

18/08/2018 in 23h55
Bouche gourmande et cul dilaté, j'attendrai vos bites lundi après midi

08/08/2018 in 05h41
No damage I really wanted to lick suck and swallow cum fucked me too bad

07/08/2018 in 21h46
The world tomorrow matin08 / 08/18 to fuck me vers4 h45

30/07/2018 in 22h46
Good evening. It gives what this place? Couples available at the time? . Thank you for any answers. .. Good evening to all.

10/07/2018 in 14h42
Couple or woman this afternnon

09/07/2018 in 18h52
More area neulise dude if it tells you

13/05/2018 in 10h51
Rico42300 why you blocked me I get on mainant Marclopt

13/11/2017 in 20h30
There's the world around 23h on weekends the bottom?

05/11/2017 in 15h46
I want to suck leave me a message

10/10/2017 in 19h07
I'm on the last area before Neaux amount

10/08/2017 in 22h34
I stopped there tonight and have pumped a road glad to find a mouth lope

10/07/2017 in 22h00
Tomorrow at 17:30 to make empty

07/06/2017 in 23h27
I spend Thursday night

10/04/2017 in 14h23
I'll be there the next night (camper reg 06)

22/12/2016 in 15h50
Would there be in the world tonight? Female couple. .. I want to fuck. .. contact me

09/09/2016 in 19h04
The world tonight ??

20/08/2016 in 08h38
Hello. I want to make myself available to empty this afternnon twelve o'clock Mp di interested

16/07/2016 in 12h31
Accor with mac7311

02/01/2016 in 11h26
hello available today to plan with exhibitionist couple or woman or if trav ok Message

16/11/2015 in 00h27
In Sissi effect exists. However, his profile does not describe so well the reality is not so hot as that and I guess he's just disappointed (and was his right), however, Sissi comes right on the premises and selected men who 'interest and it is their right (and thankfully)

29/08/2015 in 07h07
You'll be there when

04/08/2015 in 17h18
on the area tonight 19h 4 j Up to 6 am

20/04/2015 in 12h14
someone at the end of apm, too wants sex!

15/04/2015 in 12h46
OK to 14a15 yesterday today

20/11/2014 in 17h30
passage yesterday soir..bien late but always someone here .... thank you for this karim dogging seance in your truck bizzz

22/10/2014 in 02h05
The world around 22:30 Wednesday night ...

24/06/2014 in 08h35
A woman or a trav tonight Tuesday?

02/06/2014 in 14h11
And how am? How old the trav? Thank you in advance

17/04/2014 in 13h48
Someone this end apm around 16:30 - 17 pm.

01/04/2014 in 16h24
jhbidu42300 you is to what h?

12/03/2014 in 00h09
Tomorrow Wednesday plane between young 40 years max other thank you to refrain at 20:30

11/03/2014 in 10h38
there was nobody suddenly I masturbated alone in my car ... ...

10/03/2014 in 17h53
19h in the world tonight?

03/03/2014 in 17h26
I would most definitely tomorrow evening (March 4) at 18h to 18:30 ...

18/12/2013 in 18h22
IF kelkun i will this week left me a msg

07/12/2013 in 19h35
the world tonight?

30/11/2013 in 00h18
jy happens Saturday ver11h and 15h

23/11/2013 in 19h01
I Roanne guy for between 18 and 45 for all

23/10/2013 in 20h32
which now to balbigny !!!!!!

09/10/2013 in 13h33
Fully agree with you titi-Sissi

01/10/2013 in 10h58
Who this afternoon between 12:30 p.m. and 1:30 p.m.

22/09/2013 in 01h34
You bypass line because he did the same to me blacklist for nothing so that a Crap Artist

14/09/2013 in 16h43
hello passing people that day on this site ??

05/09/2013 in 14h52
There is someone at 17 to 18 h. other than grandpa

31/08/2013 in 14h25
hello, the cples or woman showing off this place, not live far kisses

18/08/2013 in 01h55
DC I could be gone weekday morning or after noon to map sucks guy between 20 and45

… close history