
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Merci pour vos votes et vos messages concernant ma 1er histoire.Voici donc la suite.Le soir même je reçois un mail de mr me remerciant de mettre bien occupé de ça femme et me demande si je suis toujours attiré pour me faire sucer a deux bouches. Ma réponse a été forcément OUI.Le rendez vous est pris pour le lendemain dans les mêmes bois mais sur un autre parking.J'arrive sur place 10 min avant et il n'y a que 2 voitures avec personnes à l'intérieur.Je reçoit un sms me disant qu'ils arrivent. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature, First time, Married, Threesomes
This story takes place at the end of last summer. I often pass in a predominantly gay parking lot but I had heard that there were couples who passed by from time to time.As usual I pass on lenparkong looking at the different cars and as usual just guys.But at the end of the parking lot, an SUV type car is parked with a person behind the wheel. The sun was beating down on the breeze bar and I couldn't see who was in it.Once the car passes I turn my head and see a beautiful blonde with medium long see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Forty, Married