
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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My meetings with Lucien then with the couple Lucien / Chantal became more and more exciting. I was standing in front of the sofa on which Chantal caressed herself by sliding her hand under her dress and behind me Lucien who his hand in my shorts was pulling back my member in full erection .... a whole program .. I saw between the legs of Chantal without panties since she had entrusted it to me as soon as I arrived, it was a first for me .. I had only experienced "pee touch" sessions with a friend see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Vaginal penetration, Teens, First time, Fetish
During my holidays I went every morning to the edge of the Charente to fish and my meetings with Lucien, a man of about 50, became a daily habit. Until the day when he suggested that I come to his house to meet his wife, who was very keen to meet this 15-year-old who, according to her husband, fantasized about his photos and ... panties! I was used to our exchanges, caresses and in the end sucks. and to embark on a more ... let's say "scabrous" adventure worried me a lot, in addition with a man who see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Teens, Mature, First time, Fetish, Married
I was about 15 but that was over 50 years ago ... imagine the period! We didn't have social networks or the internet to let off steam like a 15-year-old today. In short, I was on vacation with my grandparents and I spent my days fishing on the banks of the Charente. Nothing very exciting will you tell me? Although I didn't go a day without masturbating while I waited for a fish to grab onto my hook.One day a man in his fifties passed near me and began to converse; about fishing, my passions, and see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature, First time
J’étais inscrit, il ya plusieurs années, sur site très dynamique, trop sans doute car il a été fermé ou du moins il a supprimé sa rubrique d’annonces libertines . Bref je passais des annonces diverses et variées avec des réponses souvent intéressantes. Un jour , poussé certainement par un fantasme.., je libellais une annone avec peu d’espoir de réponse..  »cherche partenaire pour une rencontre libertine dans l’obscurité d’une salle de ciné » . Rapidement see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job