
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Here is a story that happened to me a month ago .. After a long discussion via a chat on the internet, with a man, aged 55, he sends me pictures, and explains his desires to me. fantasies. Quite small, overweight, with a not large penis, but quite thick, he fantasizes about sex in the car, him only looking at the road, on a short trip (fairly precocious man), and he explains to me that he did what 'a plan with h, and have since done mst and hiv tests which dated back to barely 3 days. We then put see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Teens, Mature, Married
Tout cela se passe il y a maintenant environ 2 ans. Ma compagne, ainsi que moi même et 3 amis décidons de partir 2 semaines à Budapest pour quelques vacances bien méritées. Arrivés la bas nous faisons notre train train, les visites etc avant de se réjouir d'essayer une des perles de la ville, qui fait sa réputation : Les bains d'eau thermale.Nous y allons pour toute une journée, et ce dés 8h du matin, pour bien pouvoir profiter pour se relaxer.Première chose qui me surprend, beaucoup d'hommes see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, Mature, At work
Here is a story that now dates from about a month ago.I was on the highway, alone in my car, to join my sweetheart. In the car, with a little music in the background, comes to me some preconceived ideas about the public that we can find in certain motorway areas, but I had never had the slightest opportunity to meet a man or a woman there. more enterprising woman than that.I may be straight, however I start to get excited thinking about the meeting I could have there. It was then that I saw a small see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Mature