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A good fucking day

Publié par : dicklover83 le 22/03/2016

Today was truly a day to mark with a white cross. Friday had already been an exceptional day but then today was how to say magic !!!!!Why magic would you tell me, simply because I sucked three sublime cocks. I had never seen such beautiful cocks. I behaved like a real bitch who loves cock.This day had started well because I stopped at the rest area of ​​La Chaberte. As soon as I arrived I parked but there was no one there so I waited a bit. A 4X4 arrived and then parked. A man in his fifties got out and then after closing his trunk he went to the fence at the back of the area, I went to meet him, thehe hesitated a little, but he came. Once at my height I offered to have a little fun. he agreed and he followed me to a quiet place. Once there I undid his pants and lower his boxers.I got down on my knees to get a better view of his cock when I completely lower his boxers. And what a cock he was already hard on. I tell myself I'm going to have a good time. I start to suck it gently to harden it well. l appreciate it more and more. So I decide to give him a deep throat as I like. I put it deep in my throat while stroking his slightly hairy balls.But he seems a little embarrassed not at ease because not used to the exterior planes and therefore decides to shorten our relationship to my dismay because I would have liked to suck it longer.So our paths separate and I decide to go back to my car. I wait a little longer and there I see two men who obviously have a date I follow them because I am also a little voyeur and who knows I could also participate. But I see that I embarrass them more than anything else so I prefer to turn back.And there I meet my second conquest of the day. A bald man in his fifties and straight away I told him that I would like to have fun with him if that tempts him.I get closer and I put my hand to the package and I notice a nice bump. I get down on my knees and begin to undo the buttons on his pants to see if I was wrong or not. Well no my flair had not deceived me the gentleman had rid ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature