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back to my beautiful daughter 2

Publié par : jesuisbi le 11/02/2018

I told you when my beautiful daughter came to her mother's to try on lingerie and I surprised her and I took the risk of going to touch her and then her ended up having a good fuck and well since she called her mother to see if I could come over to her house after work last Thursday to help her fix a frame at home on the wall knowing full well that her mother would not come since she will go shopping every Thursday afternoon so her mother was on the phone with her daughter Aurelie and send me the message, I answer her that yes of course I would help her I ask her what time I have to be at her place and tell myself between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. how her mother would go, and so this thursday i sent a text message to my beautiful daughter aurelie to ask her if she still wanted help putting up her painting,she answers me instantly yes of course I'm impatiently waiting for you, so I tell her that I will be at her door in about 30 minutes I arrive around 4 p.m. and I ring the bell she opens and tells me on the intercom that the door is open so I go upstairs and actually I do not type I go straight into the apartment and what a stupor even if I suspected it a little, she is sitting on the sofa in panties and bra hummmmmm she is beautiful I approach and I literally jump on her I Take off her bra and panties and lay her down on the living room carpet and eats her breasts and goes down on her pussy which is all soaked and she moans with all my heart I put one then 2 fingers then I go completely naked and I penetrate it with passion,her comes in like butter and the phone ringing she picks up because she tells me that her mother and what is afraid that she decides to come her mother tell her if it's going well and say that yes but maybe only the painting that is a little big in the end she will take him back to the store to get another one and she had decided to go and see now so her mother says okay, do a ...

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Keywords : Hetero, Teens, Submission/domination