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First time

Publié par : Glloq666 le 13/03/2022

Before continuing my story, I would like to thank you all for your comments and encouragement and for grading my story. Thank you very much and I wish you great encounters.I have just met for the first time this man for so long coveted... This boy with whom I have long exchanged on the net about our common fantasies. Tonight, finally we are naked, side by side, each at the end of a sofa. I just cut our conversation short over a whiskey by taking my companion's penis in my hand.His cock is soft, and still flabby, our little conversation had succeeded in greatly relaxing the atmosphere. However, I now intend to raise the level without further delay. My host seems to appreciate my decision and lets it go. Finishing his drink, he enjoys the view of his cock that I caress gently and also with great curiosity. I approach, still seated, towards the center of the sofa without letting go of his wonderful penis for a moment.Under my touch, the flexibility of his member seems to strengthen, harden, to come to petrify. My knight serving, head thrown back, eyes closed, let go.At the same time, my penis also begins to lose its flaccidity and my modesty seems to have dissipated with my budding erection. I like to look very carefully at his sex. If by photos, I seemed to know him well, to see him erect between my fingers slowly, swollen by my caresses, I find his penis really very beautiful, very soft and much less impressive by its size than in image, much more romantic and so fragile.Instinctively our bodies are still getting closer. When, so ready, our legs touch, our body heat mixes. His sex between my fingers, scalped, like me, ended up being very consistent. Of this surplus of feeling I have only one desire to kiss his banner which points towards my face. His name is. He attracts me...I just have to bend gently forward and lower my head a little to bring his glans to the edge of my lips.In contact with this warm sweetness, I open my mouth and the tip of my tongue, I lick the end of his glans and savor the warm sweetness of its surface. I find this happiness known far too long ago when, a few months earlier, between two car doors, at the end of a sad November morning, I feverishly swallowed the sex of a handsome stranger. This sensation of sweetness so magical that, if I had never tasted it, I would not have thought possible to savor in a man. This flexible and rigid ball at the same time which under the tongue slides without obstacle and whose heat gives the impression that it is part of you.This incomparable warmth on my tongue increases my desire tenfold. I know my sex, very stiff in turn, probably quite wet, however out of reach for my partner. However, that's not too much of a problem for me. I take so much pleasure with the largest of my orifices, to taste his cock, that the rest seems so far away.His fingers in my hair accompanied by small groans are not without effect on my oral caresses. I begin to discover its weak points. The most fascinating thing is that they are so easy to find because, so to speak, I have the same ones. Licking his glans, then quickly wi ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Mature, First time, European, Married