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The enchanted parenthesis

Publié par : bonami le 13/03/2022

A monotonous Saturday evening in the middle of autumn... Arrival at the sauna around 10 p.m., a few couples at the counter, many single men too... Exchange of glances and futile discussions over coffee, a little jaded. .. I decide to go change, that is to say get naked to cross the threshold of the spa area. A couple with whom I was talking a little earlier enters the locker room on my steps, and we resume the conversation, they are simple, in a good mood, friendly ..... and Mrs. quite to my taste. While joking and chatting in the aisles, we head towards the jaccuzi, which is in fact a bubble pool, plunged into almost total darkness and where there are already a dozen people...Madam settles between her companion and me .... Quickly, she takes our two sexes in each of her hands and gently masturbates us under water. She greedily kisses her man while I eat her breasts by introducing two fingers into her very welcoming pussy. In order to make ourselves comfortable, we will settle in a nearby cuddly corner, with a large bed and a door that we close behind us. Madam, sitting on the bed, her husband lying next to it, and myself, standing, at the edge of the box spring... Take advantage my darling, then said her attentive and benevolent man, With sweetness and pleasure, she then took my cock in his mouth,A light and tender suction, accompanied by caresses on my testicles which had the most beautiful effect on me.... I was now hard-on like a bull, and my wandering little finger told me that the damsel seemed to appreciate, her kitty was now all wet, Pushing further forward, or backwards depending on where you are, my caress on her herogenous zones, my index finger tickled her soft anus and it was literally sucked in, as if it were a mouth sucking my finger . We were now in a state of mutual excitement and a naughty complicity had given us confidence..... Take me, I really want your cock!! She told me She let herself fall back on ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, European