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Again with cricri

Publié par : filipa525 le 23/06/2022

Here is the new plan organized with cricri. As agreed I enter the sex shop, cricri always in the role of the unknown, is already in the shop to contemplate the toys. I approach her looking at the toys too. I approach it by saying that it is always difficult to choose. She replies with a big smile: “I'll have to try them all. So I ask her which one she would like to try first. She tells me that she wants to be reasonable at the start and then continue on the harder ones. I then took a medium sized dildo, walked to the cashier asking if it was possible to try. Unfortunately no, you have to pay for it. So cricri decided to take the womenyser (the clitoral toys par excellence), and I take the dildo."And now we can try?" He replies that the fitting room is reserved for trying on clothes... But since there is no one there, we can. The answer barely given, here we are already in the direction of the little red curtain while unpacking our toys. I remind cricri that she wanted to start with the most reasonable and the most classic. So she lifted that little skirt and spread her thong already soaked. I watched her, she is electrifying, her mischievous gaze would melt an iceberg. She held out her hand to me to give her the new toy. She took it in hand like a real cock, she seems to like it. Then she took it like a pen between her fingers and stroked her sex with the tip of the dildo.He went everywhere, on her lips, on her pubis then plunged back between her lips... She looked at me from time to time, proud to have such an effect on me. Her breathing began to shorten, she spread her lips with one hand to plunge the dildo with the other hand. She showed me her clitoris without restraint, always with her fiery gaze. Then she made the machine penetrate her wet pussy. So I ask her if the article is up to par, she replies: "- Yes, it is very soft, it is very pleasant". I suggest that she take off her thong, so that she is more comfortable. easy. I wasn't expecting it, but ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Masturbation, Vaginal penetration