
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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I chose to reveal a few episodes of my hidden life, because it is easier to do it behind your computer rather than in public. Certainly, I could have written imaginary stories sprinkled with totally obscene little scenes straight out of my most perverse fantasies. But my secret life as a gay man is so rich in unspeakable memories that there is no point in launching into completely invented stories. My random sexual encounters in my life are, for some, much more immodest. A few hundred meters from see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job
J’ai choisi de dévoiler quelques épisodes de ma vie cachée, parce qu’il est plus facile de le faire derrière son ordinateur plutôt qu’à visage découvert. Certes j’aurai pu écrire des histoires imaginaires saupoudrées de petites scènes totalement obscènes sorties tout droit de mes phantasmes les plus pervers. Mais ma vie secrète d’homo, est tellement riche en souvenirs inavouables, qu’il est inutile de me lancer dans des histoires inventées de toutes pièces. Mes rencontres see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, At work
At the beginning of the 80s, no more of my little special moments with my uncle, no more of this indecent complicity in the swimming pool cabins. From now on every Saturday morning, I went to see him at his boyfriend's house, I had become by habit, the little slut who was never asked for his opinion, "Lick his ass, suck me, get on all fours I'm going to fuck you, etc. " For almost a year I drank liters of cum and cleaned holes and I took miles of cock in my ass, but I liked it, since every Saturday see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy

c'était une évidence (Sex Story gay)

Published by : sexopen the 05/02/2024 in the Gay erotic stories
Plus de 45 ans d’anonymat, de secrets et de non dit, juste une vie ordinaire réelle et bien rangée, et puis l’autre côté du miroir laisse apparaitre une vie secrète jalonnée de phantasmes de jouissances obscènes, d’obscures rencontres dans un sous bois, un sauna, un site ou un parking pour rencontrer des hommes des couples des travs qui partagent les mêmes plaisirs .Fin des années 70, en banlieue parisienne, j’ai 15 ans et ma vie d’ado est bien entendu remplie d’interrogations see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Ados, First time