
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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But how do I go about it? this is the first time that I find myself with a tail in the hand ... I have to start with the glans? by licking the outlines ?! I don't know, but I do know one thing, I want sex! So I decide to let go and I immediately take it in the mouth!I suck it with a strange feeling of ease ... as if the urge is enough to guide me.His cock was hard as wood, it was a change from my soft dildos that I had fun sucking on cam to excite my voyeurs.I suck it thoroughly I love it, while see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, First time, Fetish, Trav, transsexual, Studies
This story took place one afternoon, 6 years ago.I had already started for a few years to discover myself in a more liberated sexuality, more oriented bi than hetero. But while virtual, I hung out as an exhib on ddifferent sites, including well-known coco.fr.I began to disguise myself, hiding my outfit and my toys in a box that I took out when the times came to spend crazy evenings until no time. I disguised myself, masturbated, dildoed myself, tied myself with what I found, tightening my balls with see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, First time, Submission/domination, Fetish, Trav, transsexual, Studies