
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Suite de l'histoire Les Vacances Chez Sophie - Jour 5 - Maîtresse et soumise   Après une soirée bien arrosée et une nuit reposante, je me réveille avec un mot sur la table de chevet indiquant : « Aujourd'hui je te cède ma place et rejoins Chloé à la sienne, nous sommes à toi. Sophie » Un simple mot qui en dit long et sur lequel elles ont pris soin de dessiner plusieurs petits cœurs, je trouve ça aussi mignon que pervers. Je descends dans la cuisine et les rejoins see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Lesbians, Bisexual, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Teens, Submission/domination, European, Threesomes
Suite de l'histoire Les Vacances Chez Sophie - Jour 4 - Une amie très proche Réveillé en douceur après cet interlude nocturne, je vais directement prendre une douche avant de rejoindre en silence la cuisine de la maison. Commençant à être habitué au lieu, je me repère facilement et trouve de quoi préparer le café, la maison semblant encore endormie. Quelques minutes plus tard, Sophie et Chloé arrivent, elles aussi déjà prêtes pour la journée, toutes deux vêtues d'une jupe avec un see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Teens, Submission/domination, European, Threesomes
Suite de l'histoire Les vacances chez Sophie Jour 3 - Un voisin curieuxFatigué de cette journée éreintante, je vais me coucher après un dîner des plus calmes et doux avec Sophie. Je repense en me couchant à ce qu'elle a dit, qu'une amie, Chloé, serait là à partir de demain et qu'elle venait d'Italie pour la voir comme toujours.Un peu dépité de me dire que cette amie serait dans mes pattes et empêcherait mon idylle de se poursuivre, je m'endormis un peu contrarié mais en rien fâché, see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Lesbians, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, Threesomes
Continuation of the story Vacation at Sophie's - Day 2 - A scorching day It was the third day of my vacation with Sophie and our bond increased as our sexual experiences evolved. The heat that day was overwhelming and so we decided to do nothing other than enjoy the pool and the view it offered us over the region. Before swimming, we sat down to talk a little bit of everything and nothing, lemonade in hand. Sophie thus confided to me that she had not had a boyfriend for a while but that it suited see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Teens, Submission/domination, Fetish, European
Continuation of the story "Holidays at Sophie's - Day 1 - A warm welcome" I had barely recovered from the emotions of the night before and had hardly slept through the night, spending half of it waiting for Sophie to show up in my room, and the other half. half wondering if I shouldn't be looking for hers. It was with a groan that I woke up when the sun came in through the window and hit me on the eyelids. I went down to the kitchen to find the beauty who had haunted me all night. She was not there see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Teens, European
We had been exchanging with Sophie for several weeks, and our conversations were always both interesting and exciting. She was very intelligent and had a knack for turning a sentence so that the overtones were light but present. I had met her by chance on a forum, and our common interests had brought us closer together. We exchanged first on the forum, then by message, and finally we called each other frequently. For the summer she suggested that I go and spend a week in her region, since she herself see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Teens, European
Here I am there, months that I hesitate to launch myself for good, me who has always been straight, but here I am, my hands are shaking a little. I park the car on a small asphalted square on the edge of this wood whose reputation is obviously well established. I feel an excitement mingled with questioning, behind me several sports cars are also parked, I look at the plates which are German. I told myself that this is my luck, for the first time I decided to do something concrete, and it is precisely see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Mature, First time