
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Partis en Ardèche pour mon travail ,a midi je me rencontre un mec de 50 ans bisexuel qui m’invite chez lui,après avoir eus discuté pendant une quinzaine de minutes il viens me récupérer sur le parking ou j’étais stationné.A son arrivé nous faisons connaissance et me dit que sa femme es absente pour midi et que du coup il a du temps libre,je monte dans sa voiture et nous voilas partis a son domicile.Arrivé chez lui il ouvre le portail et j’aperçois une superbe villa,nous descendons see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy
It's been since September 2021 that I couldn't go to the sauna to entertain myself for the good cause that I didn't have a vaccine pass and that it was out of the question to present yourself!!!On this Sunday, March 20, 2021, I go to a gay and straight libertine sauna that I used to frequent before the government imposed total surveillance of the people via their health passes and then the vaccination pass.Arrived on the spot I am super well received as usual, I find some people who used to attend see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, European
Se dimanche après midi je reçois un sms a 16h15 de éric un de mes réguliers actif qui baise sans capote et au jus.Je regarde se qu’il veut,il me demande si je suis libre pour le rejoindre chez lui et qu’il a grave envie de me sauter,je lui envoie un sms a mon tour en lui disant que je part de chez mon oncle et que je serais chez lui dans 30 minutes.Je prend donc la route direction chez éric ,la météo es exécrable,le temps es gris et de légèrement pluvieux,quand j’ai une envie pressante,je see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, European
Comme je vis seul,je ne voulait pas passer le réveillon de noël seul dans mon coin.Trois jours avant je me décide de passer des annonces sur des sites de rencontres gay en espérant d’avoir au moins une réponse.Le vingt trois décembre je reçois une réponse d’un mec âgé de 40 ans qui est sur le département voisin a trente minutes de chez moi,il veut biens me recevoir le soir a partir de 21h30 vu qu’il débauche a 20h00,il fait les factions dans une usine.Je regarde son profil pour see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, European
Today Monday December 6th I texted the HIV positive gay couple I had sex with a month ago, and I got a response from them as soon as they told me they were available immediately and parked in Limoges at the same place as the last time. As I had a serious desire to get fucked, I tell them that I will join them in thirty minutes, the time to travel.Arrived in Limoges I park in the parking lot somewhere for their motorhome, I knock on the door which opens, the heating turned on given the temperatures see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, European, Threesomes
It's been a month since I registered on a site to broaden my search for gay active partners. Like any site I indicated my description as well as my search and added photos of myself naked and hard sex or I suck and get fucked without a condom. On this interesting site there are several areas, one for chatting, one for finding partners, one where there are explanations on bareback sexual practices as well as parts on msg and seropositivity. I was interested in the seropositivity part see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, Forty, European
In this month of November when it is chilly I decide to go to the Uzurat lake in Limoges to meet active people there to suck them and make me sodomized.At 10:30 p.m. I start my van or inside I installed a 140x180 box spring with a mattress and sheets as well as duvet to go to the lake places where it has mainly met homos, on the way I put the heating on basically to warm up my bedroom part to be comfortable for sex Arrived on site I noticed that there was not a lot of car running, I decided to stay see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Blow job, Sodomy, European
I knew the naturist beaches during my holidays on the side of Royan in the 90s and on the island of Oleron in the 87s.My very first time I was only 17 years old, I was on vacation on a private family land on the island of Oléron on the wild side, to swim we take a path that passed through the dunes before arriving on a pebble beach, here meet the campers who had a field nearby.One day while my mother was preparing the evening meal I decided to go for a walk in the dunes and I stumbled upon lesbian see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Lesbians, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Ados, First time, European, Threesomes
It's been 5 years since I discovered sex between men and my well-kept secret, I have known gay dating places in parking lots, rest areas.It all started one evening when I was a national truck driver, my cb on I hear a message from a colleague who is talking with a woman who gives him an appointment at the edge of a lake, he contacts me and invites me to follow him, arrived there we park our semi-trailer along the small road, then descended our cabins and told me there are all couples of single women see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Sodomy, Teens, Forty, Mature, European, Maghrebin, Black, At work, Threesomes
L’ami de mes parents m’ayant eu fait découvrir l’amour entre homme en étant jeune ,cela a duré pendant 6 ans sans que personne ne le sache sauf le fils de David que je vais nommer jacques âgé de 20 ans.Alors que sa faisait maintenant deux ans que je baisé en cachette avec David régulièrement un jour il me dit de passer chez lui,je venais d’avoir ma mobylette a l’age de 16 ans du coup je fais le plein de celle si et je me rend au domicile de David ;Une fois arrivé sur place je sonne see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Sodomy, European, Threesomes