
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Hello everyone, this story is not an erotic story, it's just a part of my experience and especially an announcement for young transvestites in search of good times. It is very complicated for many people who feel female (sometimes or often) to succeed in fulfilling their fantasies and what they would like to experience for a moment of a few hours, a day, a weekend or more. . I have been there and I regret not having the power to go back in time to relive my best years without complex and without see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, First time, Trav
Hello everyone, I'm going to tell you about the first time I dared to go out on TV. I had been itching for a long time but until this time I was too scared to do it. I knew I was credible but yet fear held me back. one summer day I took a hotel room far from home, in Fontainebleau. I arrived at the beginning of the afternoon and then I started to prepare myself to be as beautiful as possible. I did not dare to leave the room until it was dark and the receptionist was still on duty. so that I finally see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Blow job, First time, Trav