
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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One Sunday afternoon, my companion having gone shopping at Plan de Campagne.So I take advantage of this freedom to go and have a look at the sex shop in Aix.Here I am on the scene.I talk a bit with the seller who is there that day.Very nice, I take this opportunity to try to have some tips for ladies' passages, which I like the most….He tells me it's haphazard luck.There is no logic… I then go upstairs.Three people already present.I sit in front of the screen in the last row, at the back of the see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration
Pas banal,Je contacte une dame sur un site tout à fait soft,rdv est pris dans la foulée.Je la retrouve au pontet dans la zone commerciale.Nous nous rejoignons devant le cinéma,nous sommes en hiver.Je lui propose d'aller boire un café,du moins une boisson chaude.Elle refuse gentiment.M'invite a monter dans son véhicule et,sans palabres,me dégrafe directement mon pantalon en m'expliquant qu'elle a simplement une grosse envie de sexe et que mon physique lui ayant bien plus,sur les photos du profil,elle see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Forty

Late. (Sex Story hetero)

Published by : coquinmalin13 the 11/03/2021 in the Straight erotic stories
It's 4am, I can't sleep, I decide to go out and join some friends who work in the nightlife.So I called my friend Marco who told me that he was getting ready to leave and asked me to join him at the sofitel at the airport.He will be there before me and offers me a nice end of the evening.I don't need to ask any more questions because I know the rascal.So I arrive at the hotel it is 4:40 am.I therefore called him back when I got out of my vehicle, which I parked outside the enclosure provided for see the rest
Keywords : Pure fantasy, Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Forty
One summer afternoon, in scorching heat, I decided to go take a bath in the Durance.With a small idea in mind.Arrived on the scene, I head towards a small cove fairly regularly frequented by nudists.It's 1 p.m., the hottest time of the day.And there, bingo!!!! A middle-aged couple bathing. They see me coming, settling down not far from their business, and the woman from that moment never takes her eyes off me.Here they are out of the water, drying each other, caressing each other, making it clear see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual