
Gay, lesbian and straight erotic stories

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Bonjour amateurs de sensations véritables.En ce qui concerne nos ébats cochons en vacances, pour ce que j'aime et qu'aime m’offrir ma moitié, le cunnilingus et Anulingus sont indispensables.Le matin vers 9h00 9h30 quand ma femme est dos tourné, et que je la sens réveillée, je commence à lui masser le dos.Elle réagit en se plaçant sur le ventre, en restant allongé à ses cotés, je m'occupe d'une main de lui masser le dos, ses épaules et la colonne vertébrale du haut jusqu'en bas.Ça see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Mature, Odors, Married
In the Armies during my military service, I was older but not more confident in myself and inexperienced for good reason. Apart from kitty that I knew how to do since my initiation on a construction site in a maid's room, given my size I dared not undertake anything.Once the classes were over, as I was a HGV and SPL driver, I left for maneuvers for three periods of two months.At the beginning I was employed as a HGV driver and very quickly at the request of an officer I had a jeep to drive and he see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, First time, Submission/domination, Odors
Before leaving for the Armed Forces, when I worked in construction I was a smoker, when it was time we did old-fashioned chimney sweeps.At that time we climbed on the roofs with the rope and the weighted hedgehog at the end. We also did complete building sites from the apartment to the roof since that was my job. When we were sweeping sometimes we were greeted by clients in scantily clad clothes but nothing ever happened because Mother Nature was not generous and I was ashamed to show myself. see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Ados, First time, Submission/domination, Odors, At work
Récit de ma première sodomie.Quand j’étais un tout jeune adulte, parfois, il m’est arrivé dans le métro de me faire tripoter quand il y avait du monde. J’aimais bien ça à l’époque, je bandais facilement malgré ma petite taille de sexe.Une fois, j'ai été tripoté par un homme qui s'était placé derrière moi. Au début, il profitait des mouvements du métro pour me toucher le cul au niveau de l'anus avec son pouce. Après, je me suis retourné face à lui sans le regarder pour see the rest
Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Masturbation, Blow job, Ados, Teens, First time