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C’était un rêve. Prendre le train en tant que fille, naturellement. Sur une longue distance, avec d’autres voyageurs, qui bien sûr s’apercevraient que je ne suis pas une femme comme les autres, mais qui, j’en étais sûre, m’accepteraient, ou m’ignoreraient.Il me faut renoncer à l’avion, à cause des contrôles d’identité, donc vive le train ! En France, c’est dangereux : trop de police dans les gares, je n’ai pas envie de me retrouver en garde à vue dans des conditions see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, European, Trav
Deux jours. Deux jours que j’ai les poignets menottés, enchaînés à ce tuyau qui court le long du mur dans cette cave obscure, au bout d’un couloir qui n’en finit pas. Deux jours que je peux à peine glisser d’un bout à l’autre de la pièce, assise ou accroupie, pour me diriger vers un seau hygiénique.Deux jours aussi que, régulièrement, des hommes poussent la porte de bois de la cave, défont les menottes (ils ont les clés) ou pas, ne parlent presque jamais, libèrent leur sexe see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, European, Black, Trav
Je me suis toujours abstenue de toute apparition dans ma petite ville de 8.000 habitants. Lorsque je pars de chez moi en fille, c’est de nuit, depuis mon garage, personne ne voit rien et je file loin. Il était dit que ça ne pouvait pas durer toujours. Il y a quelques jours, une conversation chaude s’est engagée avec un homme qui habite ici, mais n’est pas d’ici. Il est en mission, « grand déplacement » comme il dit, pour un chantier, et ne connaît personne.L’idée d’une rencontre see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, First time, Trav
Since always, even before understanding and accepting my true nature, I liked to cook, and to make sure that my interior was very well kept. No doubt my feminine role model isn't the most modern there is, but since I really feel like a woman, that takes on even more importance for me. However, I should not have opened up to R***, with whom I was discussing on a forum. Or maybe I did well. Because it made me live a totally new experience, both humiliating and exhilarating.That assumed a full week see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, European, Trav, At work
What more beautiful place than the vermeille coast to spend holidays in January? Especially since without the big crowd, there's little chance of being noticed, so a perfect time to be there, alone, as a woman, as I like. An apartment rented on a well-known platform in Collioure, and off I went for a six-hour drive. The cafe-toilet stops are going well, no one tells me anything when I go to the places dedicated to ladies. It's always a fear...Arrival at night, I find the key in the key box, I take see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, Trav, transsexual
Certains d’entre vous ont lu comment, envoyée à la rencontre d’un « client » pour la première fois, j’avais à Lyon fait la connaissance de Jacques, qui m’avait aidée à me sortir d’une situation périlleuse, tout en me procurant un intense plaisir. Il était dit que très vite, je retournerai vers lui.En ce glacial mois de décembre, il m’a donc donné rendez-vous. Chez lui, dans cet appartement du Vieux-Lyon où il avait, avec autorité attentionnée et douceur virile, pris possession see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, Trav, transsexual
My mover is increasing his grip. While I continue to lead a completely normal life as an office worker, he demands, without my being able to resist him, to support Aline as soon as the home resumes its rights.I could easily lie, but I can't. As soon as I come home, I am no more than her. Aline's wardrobe opens, with its drawers underneath and her skirts and dresses lined up, her tops well hung. In the bathroom, another small armoirette is reserved for beauty. About an hour after my arrival, I am see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, First time, Trav, transsexual
I have already confessed to you how my recent move had ended in a fuck as solid as it was unexpected, the head of the movers having largely taken advantage, after discovering my wardrobe, of my frequent desire to be a woman. I did not expect such a quick and strange reunion.I had been imprudent, when I called on his company, to leave a list of days when, being on leave, I was more available to change house. The first days had been good. As a result, the box knew the rest of my schedule, although see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, Trav, transsexual
I chose to change houses. For lack of time and the desire to do everything myself, I preferred to opt for an “all-inclusive” formula, where the movers take care of everything, including emptying the cupboards to reinstall them in the new accommodation. I had thought of everything ... except this wardrobe where, precisely, is hanged and folded, Alinelle's wardrobe.I realize the very morning of the arrival of the truck that it is too late, that I will never have time to empty this "secret" cupboard see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, Trav
Still very moved by my port adventure (read my previous adventure), I had to take the road back to my Alps, from Brittany. My sea bass with powerful jerks had left me so feminine that I had decided to take the road as a girl, to stay in the mood. After all, what was I risking? Crossing France by car through regions where I didn't know anyone couldn't get me into trouble. In the unlikely event of an ID check, after all, we dress how we want…I returned to my apartment on Saturday in Paimpol, and see the rest
Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, Trav