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Easter Weekend 4 “The Evening”

Publié par : julera le 13/09/2023

The aperitif and the meal pass in good spirits, I am far from Léa to avoid any suspicion but I only want to join her. After a very hearty meal and my previous night which was not very restful, I submitted the idea of ​​going for a nap. I see Léa being held by our cousins ​​to go to bed with the little ones and then chat with the girls. I knew she wouldn't be able to follow me and that's a good thing because I really plan to rest to recover from my emotions. I fall into a very deep sleep. I visualize Léa at home in my dreams where we apparently live happily. I hear a voice calling me in an exaggeratedly gentle manner, “My darling, wake up.” I open my eyes and I see the hilarious face of my Uncle Jean Pierre. I love him but then I hate him. Well then my cry (my nickname it's true that chris is a bit long) we slept well. My uncle informs me that I will be his right-hand man or underling to prepare the barn for tonight's party. My uncle asks me a little about my love stories, I remain very vague. Obviously he digs and I throw him a name at random to get out of the interrogation. We have everything installed, the sound system, the laptop, the lights, we are drenched in sweat. I go to go to the shower but the bathroom is occupied by Léa and Manon getting ready for this evening. A few minutes later I hear through the partitions that the place is free. Once clean, evening attire required said the aunt in the preparation email so I prepare accordingly and go down to join everyone in the barn. For the occasion of our cousinhood, we decided to have a big party, a big punch was made, a dance floor in short a family celebration. At the start of the evening, I take advantage of everyone, they laugh, they talk about nothing, I notice Léa is not there. I ask Manon who had finished the preparations with her in their room if she knows about it. She tells me that she shouldn't delay any longer and that when she arrives it will be hard to miss her. Reassured, I continue to enjoy, everyone played the game even my mother. It makes me happy for my aunt and my cousin who worked so hard to organize everything. While I'm dancing with my aunt Emilie (Léa's mother) Léa arrives in a red cocktail dress that reaches her ankles overlooking magnificent gold-colored heels. The dress is backless and cut to the middle of the thigh. All with a curly bun, I am captivated. My aunts and cousins ​​whistle at the newcomer. I try to be discreet but I show her how stunning I find her. My aunt leaves me to dance with her daughter. I stay a little behind and all the women in the family invade the floor to dance together. The men stay on the side, we discuss, we laugh, the ti punch beats severely. I'm right next to Eric, Léa's father, I do everything not to look at her. Then comes the very classic Slow where couples form, my mother dances with the little ones, Léa and I being the two singles, we end up dancing together at the request of my cousins. Once we're together, Léa asks me if I like her, I explain to her that she is stunning. We stay dancing slowly, our eyes looking into each other's eyes. We forget others to the point that we come to separate ourselves so that others can also take advantage of us. The evening continues, the children have already gone to bed, the first parents are starting to follow too. There's still a lot of laughter, there's a little less dancing, the punch has started to do its work. All this time I devour Léa with my eyes. I try to stay away because the rum helps it's hard for her to stay apart like me. Then the evening progresses, there are not very many of us left, it is already 3am. We tidy up a bit, Léa pretends that her dress is not very practical for that and I see my beauty running away. It takes us twenty minutes to clean up with Manon and Alex. Once the brave man's reward is finished, the three of us light up a last cigarette and chat about their meeting, or, when, how? My turn comes and I decline any pairing to avoid any pious lies. We return to our lodging, Manon and Alex wish me good night as they open the door to their room, I see a shapeless ball under the duvet in Léa's bed, I tell myself that my daughter must also be exhausted from the emotions of this day . I go into my room without even turning on the light, the light of the moon coming through the window is enough to direct me into this room that I don't know well, I throw my things on the floor and throw myself into bed. A few seconds later, I hear a noise in the room, I turn around to try to make out the source. There, in the recess next to an old wardrobe, Léa stands in an almost transparent nightie, scratching the wood of the wardrobe with her nails. I say what are you doing, we said we had to be discreet, she walks towards me with a finger on her mouth to signal me to be quiet. She sits astride me which gives me an instant erection because the lady has no panties. We kiss for many minutes. I try to make him understand that it's dangerous. She tells me that everyone is asleep and that as long as I keep quiet, no one will come and disturb us. I place my hands all over her body, when I try to take hold of her breasts, Léa pulls her nightie over her to make it easier for me to access them. I can appreciate its beauty thanks to the rays of the moon that light up the room. She's a goddess. Her pussy against my cock ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Vaginal penetration, Cousins