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Quickly done well done

Publié par : cum4all le 30/11/2015

Here is a story that now dates from about a month ago.I was on the highway, alone in my car, to join my sweetheart. In the car, with a little music in the background, comes to me some preconceived ideas about the public that we can find in certain motorway areas, but I had never had the slightest opportunity to meet a man or a woman there. more enterprising woman than that.I may be straight, however I start to get excited thinking about the meeting I could have there. It was then that I saw a small area not far away. I decide to stop there, despite the fact that I don't really have a big pressing urge, but hey, "I just have to have a coffee" I tell myself.I stop there, and unfortunately nothing at all. A few guys, but even at the urinals, nothing. Well, too bad I tell myself that if it has to happen it will happen one day.2 hours later, the coffee takes effect, here I am this time with a real pressing desire. This time I take a very small motorway area. I approach the parking lot and see that there are only 2 cars, which is rather rare. Well, too bad, whatever happens, I have to go.I go into the toilet, and see that there are only two urinals on the left, and a disabled toilet on the right, and there is a man in his fifties at the urinals. So I start, telling myself that there is no reason, and then we'll see. I stand next to him and start to urinate. The man, 50 years old, glasses, hair, pepper and salt, does not urinate, at the start I tell myself that he has just finished, but I do not dare to look modestly. But when the moment arrives when I finish, I realize that he is touching his penis, and that he is looking at mine. So I start to throw a little glance on his side, and see a really pretty sex. Not too big, but quite thick, circumcised, and with a very large, perfectly smooth glans. My cock began to rise considerably. The man seeing this begins to increase the pace, and to try to touch my cock. By reflex, I refuse, and he then takes my hand and puts it on his penis, I start to masturbate him, but I'm afraid that we will be seen, so I stop quickly.I put my cock back in my pants and decide to go to the disabled toilet. The man follows me with a hurry, and he closes the door beh ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Masturbation, Mature