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A well concluded sale

Publié par : malebi31 le 19/12/2023

It's been a while since I posted a story. Not that I haven't experienced anything, but in any case, nothing worth publishing. Which isn't to say it wasn't hot lol.Recently I published an ad on a well-known sales site which ended up being....You know what I'm talking about.So I was selling a solid wood table.The guy asked me for information and photos as is customary. Then in one of the messages he asks me if I can wait until the weekend because he wants to talk about it with his boyfriend. I answer him in the affirmative, he is happy and ends his text with kisses. I don't particularly pay attention to it. A moment later, another text where he apologizes, he thought the text was for his boyfriend.I tell him it's not a big deal at all, to which he replies that I might have been shocked.I then tell him that I need a lot more than that.An exchange of text messages then follows, each more ambiguous than the last. I understood that he was gay and not necessarily impeccably faithful. From my answers where I say that I don't judge anyone and that everything is possible between adults, I also make him understand that not only am I not the most faithful either, but that a guy doesn't bother me.In the weekend, new text to tell me that it's ok to purchase the table. He asks me if he can come on Wednesday to pick it up. I tell him it's ok.In return he sends me a photo of himself, to recognize him, he tells me. Photo in shorts and tank top. Handsome guy in his early forties. I adore.I in turn send him a photo and I tell him that between completely dressed and naked, I have nothing equivalent to the one he sent me.He tells me that he is not against a nude. I do so immediately. Response where he congratulates me on the front side and I understand that he wants the back side. I send him a very suggestive photo of my butt.In return I receive a naked photo of him where I can see that he has a superb cock.The exchanges have become direct. He asks me what I like. I tell him that I am passive and rather submissive. He says he loves it and can't wait until Wednesday.Wednesday arrives and at the appointed time he is there.As a hello, he gives me a big kiss, I feel his cock already stretched against me. We decide to load the table. Once the operation is complete, I offer him a coffee, we quickly find ourselves naked. He's hard like a bastard. He is very masculine and very directive. He orders me to suck it well, which I do without being asked. The sla ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty