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One hour, one kilometer for physical activity

Publié par : antoine79 le 21/04/2020

Damned containment. In my two-room apartment, time is getting long despite working from home. Fortunately, on the edge of the northern suburbs, there is enough to do a little jogging without necessarily staying in town. Almost every day, I put on tights, a t-shirt, my sneakers and go for a run.The sun is setting at the start of the evening, it is good, pleasant. I first follow a main road then branch off to run around a deserted fishing pond, away from the road, discreet, almost intimate. I make a first turn, with a small stride, it's a small pond.When I start the second round, I meet a man, in his early thirties. He bet on a more leisurely walk. He greets me with a broad smile and follows me for a while.I redo my turn and meet him again. He's stopped, pulled to the side of the path, and is staring at it just as steadily. My sporty outfit and molded physique seem to heat him up.I continue my jogging but this feeling of pleasing is pleasant. Even excites me.I complete my turn and before watering its height, I interrupt my run, walk and stretch.I suggestively lean forward to relax my thighs, offering a nice view of my son shapely that appeal to more than one (and one). He slows down and looks at me, seeming to relish the scene I'm giving him.It is only about ten meters away when I enter the thicket that I have in front of me. Phew, he turns around and also goes into the woods and follows me some distance away.I stop and use a tree to resume my stretches. He comes from behind and immediately begins to caress my buttocks. The texture of the tights must be as pleasant for him as for me. I kept my position, legs slightly apart. He caresses my crotch until my cock that he completes to swell. I end up turning around. He tries to take off my T-shirt, I help him. My sweating seems to excite him. He licks me, damn it's disturbing... he caresses my breasts as if he ha ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy