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Publié par : jane69430 le 21/05/2023

ONE DAY A YOUNG MAN WHO HAD CONTACTED ME ON THE SITE REMINDERED ME TO PROPOSE A MEETING AT HIS ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON TOWARDS MACON....RV IS OK AND HE GIVES ME THESE COORDINATES.. So I'm getting ready at the end in the morning, a super, very thorough shower and, as usual, a scented softness cream and I put on purple self-adhesive stockings, a white mini skirt and a white bare breasted corset I put on a transparent red blouse...I put on make-up and a lipstick, and I paint my nails, I comb my hair, I put on black heeled shoes, and here I am ready. Around 1:30 p.m. I take a jacket and my bag and I leave with my vehicle, I arrive at my destination. rings and my host of the day opens me...I come in he makes me put my jacket and my bag down and he guides me to the living room and there are two young people who greet me I am a little surprised but he tells me that it is the unexpected.. I sit down in an armchair facing them they are in boxers and little shirts, the one who invited me smiles and he also takes off his jeans and I realize that they are already very excited.. I take the glass that I am time, we have a toast and we talk a little I drink my whole glass, and after a little while a warmth invades me and they quickly realize it one gets up and comes to touch my breasts and m take off my blouse then a second presents me with his beautiful stiff cock and slips it into my mouth and goes back and forth deep in my throat holding my head and ends up flooding me with jets that Iswallow with pleasure..Then they get me up and make me go into a room they take off my mini skirt and caressing me melts me up on the bed and there I suck again one then two cocks and the other is not left out he s busy fingering and sucking my pussy which opens to his tongue then I feel him spread my legs and his cock pats my buttocks and slips and penetrates me suddenly he f ...

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Keywords : Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Teens, European, transsexual, Threesomes