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Publié par : adilater le 05/07/2020

I suspected what was waiting for me I opened my mouth and there was a cascade of sperm which flowed in my mouth and to say "Hmmm too good again" I started to suck them all to take a maximum of juice some my rubbed their cocks over my face. The master of the house jerked me off and when I came he lifted my legs so that I could taste my juice. Once my cum was spread on my face he licked it and rolled a big shovel to let me taste my juice. After 5 minutes to get it back on me he took off my blindfold and I discovered the guys who had fucked me well. had a great evening and I had the chance to do others with them. I started to suck them all to get as much juice as possible, some of my rubbing their cocks on my face. The master of the house jerked me off and when I came he lifted my legs so that I could taste my juice. Once my cum was spread on my face he licked it and rolled a big shovel to let me taste my juice. After 5 minutes to get it ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Ados, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Uro/Scat, Threesomes