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Evening in Miribel

Publié par : missboobs le 07/06/2024

At the start of our libertine adventures, I had probably not measured the risks that this kind of activity could entail at their proper level, and, more and more attracted to sex, I exchanged on the internet before going sometimes on dates alone, without my husband. In these cases, he arranged to come close to the place where I had an appointment in order to monitor, as much as possible, the smooth running of the operations. He was reluctant to leave me alone, but we agreed that I had to make sure for myself that I enjoyed this activity and that I was not participating just to please my husband. I spoke with a 68-year-old retired man, Fausto, who travels a lot on his boat, his life being divided between the north of the Lyon region and his travels. An emaciated, weathered face, little hair, not very tall, thin... not the man you really notice, but he knew how to excite me, to the great misfortune of my panties... I played with him by emails, the frequency of our exchanges were more and more frequent.
 After a few months of correspondence, he wanted to see me. He was going on a trip on his boat and wasn't due back for several months, so I finally agreed to meet him.
 We had an appointment in a café in Villeurbanne around 9 p.m. I park my car in front. He arrives just then, on foot, and we start talking as I get out of my car and close it. - I just arrived and couldn't find a place. Come in my car while I find one, if you'd like. Given his age and his looks, I don't think I'm risking much. And my husband is sitting in the café: he must be watching me. We take Fausto's car, parked in a double line at the moment when a police car clearly arrives to fine people for inconvenient parking. He starts, but instead of staying in the area, he enters Miribel Park. I'm a little surprised, but he starts talking to me and I don't realize that he seems to be looking for something, I'm thinking of a place, but he stops at a path. who sinks into the woods and takes him... He drives about a hundred meters, and when he stops, I turn around and notice that we can no longer be seen from the road. He turns off all his lights and leans over to kiss me.I didn't really want to kiss him, to let myself be caressed to the limit. He corners me against the door and tries to unbutton the top of my dress, I'm stuck, he's quick, when I block one hand the other is placed between my thighs... There, he resists and stays there, his fingers are already rubbing my pussy through my panties. In this car, in the darkness, the atmosphere is quite favorable, but I struggle, I am angry. I am not up to the task of resisting. He is well preserved and is of course much stronger than me: boating gives him the habit of fighting with the elements! Tired of war, I let him caress me over my panties, but although I hold this hand, he passes it under my panties and must feel that I am already wet... He enters his fingers in my vulva and makes me feel good. I lean back against the door, and let him do it. He opens my buttoned dress completely, pulls my bra up above my big breasts, making them spring out... He sucks them while jerking me off... It's so good! He's doing it well, the bastard! Then he unzips his fly and takes out his erect penis, moves his seat back, and puts his hand behind my head to direct it under the steering wheel and puts his cock in my mouth. Again, I can't resist. Do I really want it?... I'm completely biased. For more comfort, I get on all fours, knees on the passenger seat, Fausto takes the opportunity to lift my dress from behind, bare back he can go to the side to caress my breasts which hang in this position. He pulls my panties down to my knees, and more comfortable this way, he can slide his hand on my buttocks, between my thighs... But I realize at the same time that, as a result, my buttocks must be bare in front of the passenger window... He searches me with his fingers, in front, behind... I'm super excited, the old bacon vice knows how to do it! I work on his cock... He appreciates it, often stopping to caress my pussy and ass to better relax on the backrest and take full advantage of my tongue on his cock... It's all up to me, I suddenly feel cool air on my butt. I want to raise my head but he holds it on his tail. I jump. Hands touch my buttocks, my thighs, men talk among themselves, and I understand that Fausto has opened the window to voyeurs who must have been there watching for a while. My butt is at the window and his perverted mind did not fail to take advantage of the situation.He continues to hold me, even pulling my dress a little tighter which I now have on my head, the voyeurs have my whole body up to my neck at their disposal... I don't know how many of them there are but I feel pretty good hands groping me, breasts hanging in the air, thighs, stomach, and of course my pussy and buttocks... I'm getting wetter and wetter, Fausto moves alone in my mouth with thrusts.. I no longer have the courage to take care of his cock... too busy feeling the pleasure of being seen, searched, groped by all these males. Fortunately my face is under the dress, I won't be able to look at them and they won't be able to recognize me... Fausto is at the end and lets himself go into my mouth. I didn't think he would have stayed there, but the excitement of the situation, for him watching what was being done to me, must have been too strong to have time to get out... Surprise, I choked , and I start coughing, I have to get up and take my head out of the dress, scarlet red, sitting on the passenger seat, I try to regain my senses while looking around me... the open dress, breasts under the bra, panties on the thighs.... An astonishing silence reigns for a few seconds, the time they look at me. I see three who are sowing mately, and another who arrives and asks others about the situation. They must relay the information by SMS when something happens, because I immediately see two other guys coming out of the darkness, from another direction, in front of the car... Very worried, I get busy trying to button my dress, but part of it is stuck under my butt. I'm lifting them when my door suddenly opens... I turn my head, one of the voyeurs grabs my right arm, preventing me from closing my dress. Helped by another, they take me out of the car. I see six men, the first holds me by the waist under the dress while his accomplice pulls the dress back and takes it off, then comes the turn of my bra, my panties remain stuck at the knees. Immediately, the one holding me by the waist slides his fingers into my already wet pussy, these hands that I was wrong to let grope me through the window, but the situation was so exciting that I couldn't do anything, leaving yet another times my body takes over my mind. 
 I don't know what to do, I was betrayed by that bastard Fausto who wanted to play with me, and watch others do it.I don't have time to wonder about what's going to happen. The man turns me around, pushes me against the car and makes me lie down in the passenger seat. He pulls my legs into the air so that my buttocks are right at the edge of the seat, offering my buttocks and my pussy to the door. My panties also fell off, the last line of defense, symbolic for a long time. The 4x4 is high, and thus positioned, I am at the right height for them.
 My head is near the steering wheel again, on Fausto's thigh. He does nothing and watches. All this happened very quickly, one or two minutes, so that I found myself available. I just feel a penis at the entrance to my pussy. I'm being penetrated without gentleness, but in fact I welcome this cock with pleasure, because all this has really excited me, and I needed to feel that. But I don't show any satisfaction, and I'm still worried about what happens next. - Go ahead Gino, the lady is ju ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Mature, Black, Married, Threesomes