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Servant, my destiny (Part 1)

Publié par : alinelle le 19/04/2022

Since always, even before understanding and accepting my true nature, I liked to cook, and to make sure that my interior was very well kept. No doubt my feminine role model isn't the most modern there is, but since I really feel like a woman, that takes on even more importance for me. However, I should not have opened up to R***, with whom I was discussing on a forum. Or maybe I did well. Because it made me live a totally new experience, both humiliating and exhilarating.That assumed a full week of availability, which I managed to get. R*** offered me to live with him, in a bourgeois house, as a maid. Meal preparation, cleanliness (linen included), waiter service. The idea of ​​investing myself fully in this totally feminine mission thrilled me, and also the challenge of having to be irreproachable, for seven days, as a woman, without any respite in appearance, dress, etc.So it was wearing a short black skirt, a white blouse, stockings, lightly made up, that I showed up at his house on Sunday evening. It was agreed that after a light dinner, he would show me my small room and my modest bathroom, which was done, with a warning: "sleep, because you will have a lot of work all week." I am very demanding. You will find the instructions for my breakfast, which I take at 7 am. Be ready to serve it to me. There's the outfit you'll wear in the closet. Ah! Tie your hair in a bun”." Yes sir. Good night, if you allow it”. He leaves without a word. I go to bed, in a black nightie, and fall asleep not without concern and hope of doing well, the ringing of my telephone at 5 o'clock.Opening the closet the next morning, the chastity cage, prominently placed in front of the rest, immediately set the tone for me. She circled my tiny clitoris before I showered, got dressed, did my hair as requested, and did my makeup. At 6 o'clock, I'm in the kitchen and I'm busy planning everything, installing, according to the instructions written on a piece of paper. At 7 o'clock sharp, R*** is sitting in his place. I stand behind him, without a word, waiting for his orders.He drinks his tea, eats his sandwiches, then calls me. “Come closer, Aline! I think he wants me to serve, and I bend over to grab the tray I had everything on, but I feel his hand slipping up my skirt, bluntly checking that I've caged myself. “Give me the key, you'll get it back on Sunday when you leave. If I let you go”." But Sir… "" Shut up ! And give me your phone, you don't need it. An alarm clock is in the drawer of your bedside table. Tamed, I comply, take out the key and the mobile from the pocket of my apron. His hand still rummages between my thighs, then his middle finger comes to my anal pussy which he begins to explore. With his other hand, he grabs the back of my neck and forces me to bend over, until my chest is resting against the breakfast table. He gets up while holding me, goes behind me and orders curtly "Spread your thighs!" I barely have time to obey when I feel him lift my maid's skirt, lower the thong and impose his already taut member against my corolla. His hands grab my loins, and I suddenly suffered his penetration.R*** takes me with great cock strokes, without any regard for me, he makes me feel that he is the master and I the servant. I moaned under his silent onslaught, until the final spasm when he poured hot jets into me that made me moan. He withdraws without a word and leaves the room. Ten minutes later, I hear him towards the entrance of the house, he tells me from afar that my instructions are in such a drawer.I run there and I fall from the clouds! The task is immense! Immediately I start bricking, vacuuming, cleaning everything, without even taking the time to drink a glass of water. I get down to preparing lunch, to be served at 12:30 sharp. It's almost finished when R*** enters the kitchen. I didn't hear him arrive sooner and my panicked head turns back to the clock. Phew! It's only 12:10 p.m. I'm relieved and at the same time I feel R***'s hand under my skirt.Disaster ! Obsessed with my work, I didn't even go to my bathroom. R***'s sperm flowed from my anal pussy and smeared my thong, the top of my stockings, the skin of my thighs. He feels the streaks under his fingers. He grabs me by the shoulder, turns me around and slaps me sharply.“Little whore! You like cum so much that you keep it without washing! You will have it! On your knees! Terrified, I kneel as he undoes his belt. I expect to be whipped but no, he just opens his pants and extract his cudgel stands up in an instant. My lips approach timidly, his hand grabs my bun and accelerates the movement, his glans forces my lips. I finally absorb it with pleasure and start sucking it as best I can, weighing the scholarships full of my right hand. I tell myself that I am lucky. When he flinches and then roars emptying into my mouth, I swallow with a gasp.“Good, at the table! he blurts, adjusting himself. It is 12:29 p.m. on the clock. The meal is for him, not for me. I await his orders standing, 1m50 behind him. At 1 p.m. sharp, he's finished and asks me to bring him his coffee in the living room. I serve it to him, and while he drinks it hands me a small box.“Open! Inside is a jewel whose destination is obvious. “This will at least serve to avoid, from now on, overflows”, he comments, mockingly, “put it on immediately”. I raise my skirt, lean forward to facilitate the introduction and place the plug in my ass. " Good ! You will wait for it to be taken away from you or for you to be asked to do so”. This "we" worries me a little, but I dare not ask the slightest question. I know R*** comes back around 5 p.m., and until then I have a whole floor to keep clean, without the slightest speck of dust, after having swallowed a small meal in a hurry.When he returns, a little later than expected, everything is clean according to the guidelines, and I have washed up. I still have my cage, of course, and my plug securely in place. R*** is not alone. A female voice acco ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Blow job, Sodomy, Submission/domination, European, Trav, At work