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Meeting not planned

Publié par : wantbialone07 le 21/11/2020

A few months ago I was connected to the LDD site, after having talked several times with a member about our desires, we meet in a corner by the water for a moment of pleasure.I was a little late and joined the place quietly .. I had approached discernment to observe if I saw this contact.were not alone other people were present naked and took advantage of this beautiful sunny day In front of me was a naked man who also had a beautiful erection clearly visible.Got closer to the water and undress me so that he can see me ... and come and sit not far from him on the small beach. The Heat was there and the man made a few trips back and forth from the water and his shade is still erect and threw me a little glance that I was also growing, motioned me to follow him to go back in the tall grass and to be quieter .. without a word, presented his still very erectile cock to me, grabbed it and began to suck it gently, as he found a good pleasure ... to accelerate the movement felt his cock swollen with delight to the rhythm of my congratulations and come to ...

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Keywords : Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Forty, European