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Meeting at the garage

Publié par : mickael38 le 02/06/2020

History 200% real and lived and to relive ....... I work in a garage that does home repairs A week ago my boss gave me the plan of the day that she tinkered with in different places and at the beginning of the afternoon I must go to a certain Catherine for a repair on this car which lasts the day I spare you the details of the breakdowns lol So as planned I arrive on the best of appointment I meet Catherine woman 45 years old with very nice forms she invites me for a coffee and explains the problem to me a little ..........I ask her where the vehicle is, she tells me in the garage, past the stairs, it leads to the basement, no worries, I go downstairs and see the car start the work, everything goes well after 2 good hours spent on the vehicle with a heat not to hold Catherine warmly offers me a fresh syrup I drink the glass in 4 seconds she tells me you were thirsty I told her with this warmth yesHave discussed a bit of the problem all this when I ask her if I can use the toilet to relieve myself she tells me yes no problem follow me we go upstairs I relieve myself by leaving the door ajar I finished put my blue and comes down and she is there with her legs crossed with her little skirt which goes up on her hip she these changed in the meantime I compliment her told her that she is a very beautiful woman she blushes a bit and returns the compliment to me I leave her on It chairs and goes back to that car to finish while I'm under the vehicle Catherine approaches my legs which protrudes from und ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Forty, European, Maghrebin, At work