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Publié par : BELLEPATOU le 16/05/2020

It is with a blow of an electric baton that I am awakened "Hello MASTER PIERRE (I suffered a prolonged shock) - I only want to hear neighing, you are a CHICKEN !!! (He passes a bucket of soapy water with the brush through a small hatch) Go currying out, you have work! " On his return I pass my hands through the bars of my cage on his order, big handcuffs are screwed on, I can finally go out and stand up, and I have a good discharge "I only want to see you on all fours , you are is a filly !!! (I am belted with the heavy bridle connected to the ground with this enormous chain) "Go put your hooves that I pass you the ones in front" Thus shod I am on all fours, my knees must not touch the ground, MASTER PIERRE must have been a blacksmith with all these big iron shackles! ... My horse's head tied, he passes me a big collar with stirrups hanging on each side then my saddle tight under my ribs that he attaches to my thighs so that it does not slip, shackles at the wrists and ankles connected by a chain, my big ponytail plug and my harness with my bit between my teeth, my mouth or my muzzle I do not know ... is bruised, my blinders really reduce my field of vision ... The position is hard to hold ... "Here is a beautiful filly, He leaves and comes back with an employee and a camcorder" You film well I am going to unstuff her a little (He rides me, these feet in the stirrups make me lower my head and the more he stretches reindeer) Film well I want a souvenir, detach there !!! (He slams my rump with his stick) Go my beautiful watch what you have in the belly !!!!! ) I become a rodeo mare, with my whip I gallop, swerve, rear up, snort with pain, a few kicks with the right or left thigh and I calm down with fatigue "Here I have tamed my bourine! !! (He makes me spin, rear me up by patting my rump and collar, he's a good rider) Go we'll see Ivan, I want to show you!) The employees open his cubicle "Go my beautiful join your stallion , take care of yourself! (Ivan seems to recognize me and slams his hoof, I do the same and rub my dick more and more hard, I try as I can give him little licks, his cock balances with each touch) Voila he is ready, put there in position! (I am installed on my stomach on a strange device that goes up with a jack and I am within reach of a projection, I am spread with gel and my hands guide his cock against my pussy and rub it until it rears a little and comes inside me, I laugh in pain and my device is pulled back, Iva ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, Submission/domination, Fetish, BDSM, Trav, Threesomes