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Our first threesome

Publié par : eagles57 le 03/03/2018

Hello everyone on a Sunday evening in February 2018 my wife receives a message on her profile saying these 'I'm passing through your region, would you like to have a drink' my wife tells me about it now we look at her profile is that suits us. So started a conversation with this young man in order to get to know a little it is my wife who discusses with him and tells me as and when the content of their conversation. We exchange our respective photos my wife and I fall under his spell and his naughty desires correspond to ours. We therefore decided to meet on Monday afternoon around 4 p.m. in a bar in order to get to know better because my wife and I we even like of course to have who we have to do. A little stressed we go to this meeting we enter the bar look everywhere he is already there in front of a cafe he nods to us we join him I want to say that I fall directly under his spell. a cap that suits him to delight my wife is also charmed I can feel it. Would you like a coffee?We both answer him almost together yes.stp So we started a conversation in order to get to know each other the feeling passes immediately for us and also we must say that he is charming this man we realize that we have had a lot of things. common sex well because we are there for that motorbike leisure finally we like each other.So we decide to make an appointment the next day in a hotel that he intends to book and to pay for the room a little embarrassing we offer him to pay half he refuses this boy really very nice.Thing done he reserves.Here is the fateful moment to arrive we are preparing to go join him my ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Vaginal penetration, Mature, First time, Married