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My stepfather introduces me (part 6)

Publié par : oscar29 le 05/07/2024

The beautiful Italian started by kissing me passionately. It was both more passionate and more tender than the kiss Anita had given me the night before. -You have to learn to kiss, my little French rooster, she said to me. Your tongue goes too fast and not deep enough. It must feel like a caress. Touch my butt at the same time. She had decided to give me a real lesson and I promised myself to be a good student. My tongue became calmer, seeking his with restrained greed. She grabbed it and sucked it as she would have savored a piece of candy. “Do the same to me,” she whispered. I obeyed with joy and little by little, thanks to her, I discovered the thousand and one pleasures of deep kissing. -Now play with my breasts, she asked. Having learned my lesson, I did not throw myself on her magnificent nipples like a vulture but, on the contrary, although clumsily, I took my time to descend along her throat, peppering her tanned skin with little noisy kisses. She laughed, satisfied it seemed. When I reached her nipples, I tried to lick them gently, conveying with my tongue all the pleasure I felt in taking care of them. -That's good, you're good, she whispered in my ear. Keep on going. His breathing became faster, moans starting to escape from his open throat. After a few minutes of this preliminary entertainment, she took the channel again and led me to the back of the room. There, she sat in a wing chair, her legs spread on the armrests and made me kneel in front of her. -Now apply the same lesson to my pussy as to my mouth. I therefore endeavored to put his precepts into practice, infinitely varying the nuances of my lingual touch, sometimes titillating with the tip of my tongue, sometimes licking with its entire surface, alternating intensity, speed, depth... with my lips, I seized his, stretching the little delicacies of brown flesh. I was fully captivated by my soft work when I felt a hand placed on the small of ...

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Keywords : Pure fantasy, Bisexual, Ados, Threesomes