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my apprentice in blowjob

Publié par : enee le 01/12/2020

The summer was sweltering last year. Also, I therefore preferred walks in the undergrowth, just to take advantage of the shade and the discretion of the place. It must be said that I like to walk around naked or in lingerie, just to titillate my senses.That day, I read an ad on LDD about a guy who discovered in his fifties that he had missed a few pleasures. He is looking for a dual experience, affirms his desire to learn through contact with a "trainer". I am responding to this request by asking for details. The guy named Pascal seems pretty motivated but doesn't really have any bi experience. We decide to meet and I reassure him by telling him that we will do as he wishes. He already wants to test fellatio, he who has never sucked a cock.We meet on Sunday at the beginning of the afternoon on my favorite picnic area. I go there in advance to take my little tour before the meeting. I park and go into the woods to get naked, I put up a blanket, then I walk around the owner to check that there is no one else. After several minutes, I hear a vehicle arrive and then a door closing. It is indeed the description of Pascal's car which advances in the forest path. As agreed, he undresses and continues on the way. I am installed in a shell hole, kneeling on my blanket, and I can watch him in peace. A few extra pounds but, from what I see, the situation seems to turn him on. I stand up and motion for him to approach. He goes down into the hole,"Hello, Pascal. I see that you want to" I said, stroking his cock and his balls. "Hmm, nice size and very firm balls, I like". He's a little shy but grabs my cock and slowly masturbates it: "yes thank you, your cock is stiff and wet too". "Yes, she wants to. You want to suck it for me, just to show me what you can do?"He kneels down and begins a blowjob that I find rather awkward. We see that he is a beginner, because he launches into a somewhat messy back and forth with the mouth, while his hand shakes me quickly and almost violently. I let him do it for a few moments then I stop him gently: "Wait, sit up. First lesson, Pascal, take your time when you suck. Your partner must have fun, so it must last and you must feel when he want you to speed up. You mustn't eat my cock like a starving person, think that I must gradually get on my feet until I come without being able to do otherwise ".I get down on my knees and my hands start to stroke him. His stiff cock stands in front of my face. My hands begin by caressing her chest, linger on her hard and prominent nipples. Hmmm, they reflect his excitement, I roll them between two fingers, pinch them. I get up to suck them, suck, nibble them while my hands stray behind her back and slowly descend on the small of her back, then her buttocks, brushing her buttocks without entering it yet. My lips leave her breasts and then slowly descend to her navel. My tongue moistens it slightly, turns around, I kiss her belly, my hands brush the inside of her thighs, go up to the groin, but I take care to avoid direct contact with her attributes. This is not the envy that I miss in front of this straight and hard stake erected before my eyes but I want to make it rise again, that he begs me to swallow it. I want him to understand the importance of foreplay even in oral sex. My tongue caresses his balls, I nibble the skin of his balls, I swallow them one by one, my hand creeps between his thighs, passes over his perineum, then passes again, he waves his pelvis, my caresses bear fruit, he moaned. I take this moment to insinuate a finger between her plump buttocks, he spreads his legs as an invitation to continue. My tongue leaves his balls and she slowly goes up the shaft, following this vein swollen with desire, small licks well supported, on one side then I go down on the other, I notice that his fingers have grabbed his fingers. nipples. He gives himself pleasure. His hand rests on my head, he strokes my hair without pressing. This is the moment that I choose to put his glans in, just the glans, my tongue goes around it, I release to tickle his meatus, his foreskin and the base of the glans with a very hard tip of the tongue. His tail escapes in front of the licks, my mouth pursues her to get hold of it. I hold the base of his tail between two fingers, like a pencil, with a slight back and forth movement, his pelvis follows the maneuver because it prints small strokes towards me. This is the moment when I put my hands on her buttocks and put his cock in, down to the throat, I pull her buttocks towards me. I slowly begin to suck him in slow and strong back and forth, my lips grip his shaft very hard, that he feels what a fellatio can provide. He moaned louder and louder, my hand took the base of his cock and imprints a wobbling movement in rhythm with my mouth. The other hand takes care of its groove, I insert a finger in its washer. He seems to like it because his movements back and forth are accentuated and this time, I manage to put my finger on him all the way. I eat his cock, my tongue goes around this big penis swollen with desire. He literally kisses my mouth uttering little cries "yes, oh yes, suck me hard, fuck me again, take it all". Suddenly he explodes in my mouth, sinks into my throat to empty his scholarships, big jets of semen fill my mouth, he squirts long jerks of male cum hits my palate. He squeals like a protruding sow and finally withdraws.After a while, I ask him how he felt: "wonderful, I enjoyed like never b ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Mature, European