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Publié par : adilater le 16/02/2022

Everything happens one evening in December, a big desire falls on me, to find a hookup quickly before going home. At the bend of a bend a car in warning on horseback sure the road hinders traffic, despite everything I manage to circumvent it and park further to go see if I can help this driver who is waiting safe on the side. To my surprise the very well-dressed driver greets me (suit, bow tie) the class in Dallas!! he tells me that he has run out of gas, his old car (a Mercedes already old but very well maintained) no longer has a gauge. I therefore suggest that he take it to the nearest station. Back in the car, I empty the can, then to thank me offers me a drink.Never mind, I follow him to his place, a beautiful house in the middle of the countryside. He invites me to the living room and offers me a drink, we discuss, exchange our lives, he is retired from education, a widower for 10 years. tells me that he is sometimes bored, and that he is looking for naughty encounters, that's it, I feel my penis swollen, my desire suddenly comes back, asks me about my sexual attractions, a little embarrassed, I answer him that I was going to take a walk towards this parking lot where a lot of guys flirt at night. It was then that he began to tell me that he was looking for a docile guy ready to discover new sensations without sex penetration and with different objects. My penis swells again, curious, I answer him that I would be very interested. With a big smile, he tells me that it can take a couple of hours, that he ties up his pupil blindfolds him. I have a hard-on like crazy "YES YES I want to try" this sentence resounds in my head but it's getting late I have to go home, disappointed my ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Sodomy, Mature, Submission/domination