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my first experience

Publié par : martin54 le 20/04/2021

this is my first real experience with a guy. Yes because like many, I spend on the keys pee or collective handjobs in boarding school with two or three friends, just to compare our tail and its power.It happened five years ago, I used to go for a walk in the forest quite regularly, without paying too much attention, I often met the same people and in particular a guy in his thirties. of years who was jogging. a super tough athletic guy (a sportsman what), quite the opposite of me who am a little chubby. One day that I was strolling quietly, the famous sportsman made his appearance, it was very hot, he was shirtless like a blue cyclist. He crosses me and we greet each other.I don't know why, but I turn around in his path and follow him with my eyes (I look at his muscular little ass). I am surprised by the effect that this vision gives me, without my penis swelling slightly in my shorts, I change direction and start to follow Marc, yes that's what he is called. I would never catch up with him. But here it is, I've been walking for a while and there sitting on a tree, Marc is resting, he sees me coming, he gets up and does some stretching, seeing him move like that gives me back strength, I feel my shorts swollen, my T-shirt in my hand, I hide my cock which is really starting to grow.A conversation settles between Marc and me, me sitting Marc is standing in front of me, several times my gaze falls on his penis well drawn in his cyclist. Marc having noticed (I think) my looks, moves away to go take a piss, I take a look and at the same time Marc always turns around with his penis in the air and gives me a smile, he comes back to me and says: " and you don't want to piss " surprised I mumble a" uh no ", Marc" too bad " then I get up and Marc notices the bump of my shorts, he approaches and puts his hand on my cock and starts a come and go while complimenting myself. I have a very hard tail I'm surprised, but I let myself go, I feel mys ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job