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My discovery of cunnilingus and rimming.

Publié par : ancien67 le 22/07/2023

Before leaving for the Armed Forces, when I worked in construction I was a smoker, when it was time we did old-fashioned chimney sweeps.At that time we climbed on the roofs with the rope and the weighted hedgehog at the end. We also did complete building sites from the apartment to the roof since that was my job. When we were sweeping sometimes we were greeted by clients in scantily clad clothes but nothing ever happened because Mother Nature was not generous and I was ashamed to show myself. Yet I was popular with various types of women according to my companion but how to get naked in front of the one who wants to be filled and show her my toy. Only once in the top floors of an old building during a construction site where I was finishing plaster in a corridor of maids' rooms. there was a toilet with a wooden door made of open planks. A woman came out of her room to go there, greeting me as I passed. Being alone I rushed to mast, being as low as possible and looking through the boards if we saw anything. Yes I could see, the urine was flowing and her long hairs were moistened in passing, a few drops remained on the upper thighs under the buttocks, plus the smell of her passing urine. The noise of this golden yellow cataract made me hard, when I heard that they were calling me, like an idiot I answered by getting up near the toilet when I was supposed to be further down the hall. When she came out of the toilet she looked me straight in the eye and I turned red and looked down. A few days later my companion asked me to come and see a tenant who had some plaster touch-ups to do. When I saw where he was taking me I was panicked because it was the lady in question. Indeed there were small jobs to be done but I didn't want to miss the team. My companion reassured me by telling me that if he needed me he would come but we had almost finished the site a little early. So I could work at the quiet lady. He still had, I think, an idea in mind about me. The next morning when I came to her house, I knocked on her door and I heard her answer me from the WC. When she came out I was even more red knowing what she had just done. While I was preparing my site by demolishing the plaster that wanted to fall, I quickly realized that his wall was healthy and that there was not much to do. We were talking to her about her job as a teacher and I about mine while doing this work, about what we were doing as a construction site and about my personal situation. Me single at his mother's, no girlfriends and a lot of difficulty for me to feel comfortable in a couple because of my ridiculous size. On the other hand, she told me if your sex is shy your eyes are not, I pretended not to understand. The other day did you look at the bottom of the toilet door, before I answered she told me that the floor had traces of plaster when I was supposed to be working at the end of the corridor, and that with the light in the corridor she could see a shadow at the bottom of the door and that she had remained with her legs wide apart on purpose. I was paralyzed not knowing what to answer. As I had finished the plaster I asked her if she wanted me to do anything else for work. As she didn't answer I told her almost crying that I was sorry if I had come to watch but it was stronger than me and I needed it because it's the only pleasure I can afford. She tells me that I deserve my boss to know, I immediately apologize and ask him not to do anything otherwise I will be fired. She wanted to be mean and dominate me to get her hands on the immature kid in front of her. She asked me if I did that often and why. I explained to him that as nature had not spoiled me I was ashamed to show myself and that I was looking for other ways to have fun. At that time I jerked off all the time. What kind of pleasure are you looking for she said, more and more curious. I confided in myself, thinking that she wouldn't denounce me that way. I told him that when we were doing building sites I pretended to go to the bathroom or the WC to look for the basket of dirty laundry, to see if there were any women's panties to smell them. But you're a real pervert, I don't understand what you're looking for by doing that, you wouldn't prefer to smell and taste a woman's sex directly. Like a moron I answer that unfortunately it was about to happen given my apprehension to show myself naked. ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Hetero, Ados, First time, Submission/domination, Odors, At work