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The tableware rental company

Publié par : voyagheure le 01/06/2020

It's been a few years that I come too close to my biggest fantasy.He is a man, in his forties, straight and renter of dishes not far from my home near Vichy. 185cm for maybe 80kg, with a sympathetic expressive air. Married of course ,,, children too, athletic, not bad at all! Although he doesn't show off at all, but I don't know anything about his body other than his head and his hands.But I fantasize and although he is quite open with me, I never had the guts to get into him and only made rare allusions, which he pretended to understand or that he didn't. not even understood because he does not know that homosexuality exists.If I do not go free, it is because I do not want to take a wind, nor to show myself as a runner / deceiver guy because unfortunately he also knows my situation. But when he invited us one day to a restaurant with his wife, I rather wanted to ask him if he didn't want to invite me, AND all alone AND at the hotel ... But it doesn't come out.In my fantasy, naked it is of course perfect. Robust body built half muscular half "there is not only sport in life". Hairy as it should, maintained. Her sex is in perfect proportion to her body. And this combination of factors gets me in a frenzy assuming he does everything the way I like and then he can do anything to me!But how to put the chip in the I decide to count on his entourage to warn him that a typical advertisement `` wanted / WANTED '' described him.I told myself that the people who were going to read me, and who know him, would recognize him.Because he has, I hope, another life than the perfect one that we all dedicate to him. He is very likely to be a l ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Partly true, Pure fantasy, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Forty, First time, European, Sport, Married, At work