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I Take You You Take Me To The Bus Center

Publié par : pourroutier38 le 10/09/2020

First of all thank you for your ratings and comments in MP on my stories. As you now know my stories are real without fantasy additions!   This one dates from 08/09/20.  It is 7:30 p.m., back from Lyon I decide to stop at the road center in search of some lonely truckers :-)   I know him well, a sanitary block with showers in the center and the trucks around, tonight the parking lot is armored , a few trailers without tractor but above all a lot of foreign trucks! On the first lap I spot a truck parked upside down from the others which catches my attention. I slow down as I pass under the cab, the driver observes me, turns his head to follow me with his eyes ... At the end of the parking lot, I walk past a foreign truck, the right door open, a man is seated, stocky, shaved head, in the setting sun I notice a multitude of tattoos. The cabin curtains are drawn, he is shirtless, bare thighs but I cannot see if there is a piece of fabric in between or if he is completely naked!   Although convinced that Pépère (it's me!) Takes (once again!) His desires for realities, I decide to go around the parking lot again in slow motion. Same merry-go-round with the truck in the opposite direction and once again this doubt in front of the driver at his door,   Third round of the merry-go-round! but this time I park in front of the door pretending to telephone, still not sure, especially since the sun has set, but a very strong suspicion. He sits in the shadows of the cabin and I see the incandescence of a cigarette, every now and then a muscular, tattooed arm comes out to make the ash fall.   I would have stayed but I am expected at home and his lack of reaction puts me in doubt. I regret going back but I intend to come back later to check if her nudity is real or just the product of my unbridled imagination!   On the way home a question torments me, if he is naked isn't he afraid of being seen by his colleagues? We are far from summer heatwaves and the macho environment of the road center is not really conducive to naturism!   A shower later I'm back on the way to the parking lot, I have a burnt headlight on my car (as a good student I also have a box of bulbs in the car but I can't change one without dismantling the engine or without to be a mechanic!) as well as a bull bar (not that there is an upsurge in free-roaming cattle in Isère but in wild boars and deer yes!) which makes it all the more recognizable day and night; -) and during my previous ride I took care to turn on my headlights!  First lap, but this time I take care to make a few insistent brake calls to the truck in the opposite direction, the cab light is on, the driver nods to me without further reaction. Arrived at the level of the other truck I notice that the door is still open, as evidenced by the small red nightlight making me think of that of a brothel but the cabin is plunged in ink black and impossible to discern whether or not there is someone. I park in front, open my window and wait. It's always difficult to go and see, either it works, or as it has already happened to me, the truck driver thinks I blame his cargo and goes out, a crowbar in hand! I smoke a cigarette so that he can see that I am not there to doze off :-)) he also smokes this is already a sign that he is not sleeping either! I turn on the ceiling light, my phone but his cabin remains in the dark! Half an hour goes by when he closes the tractor door, annoyed I start thinking that the evening is over.   Out of conscience more than anything else, I walk around the parking lot again, the driver in the opposite direction is sleeping, curtains drawn, light off :-( I walk back alongside the truck, the light is on, passenger curtain open and I actually see this handsome driver, muscular, shaved head, I can see the shadows of the tattoos ... Caught up in my momentum, I cannot stop at his height, I have to go back to the parking lot!   This time will be the good one, I am 'stop near his cabin, the door is open, I see the incandescence of a cigarette. I get out of the car and walk towards this little light ...  The man is waiting for me smiling and pleasant, in the half-light and because of his position it is always difficult for me to distinguish if he is naked, we exchange a few banalities, in English, ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Gay, Hetero, Bisexual, Blow job, Sodomy, Forty, Mature, European, Married, At work