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I fucked my friend's sister ... (continued)

Publié par : enviintense le 06/09/2015

As me and the beautiful had remained unsatisfied, we had to see each other again at all costs. But not obvious how my friend and his sister lived with their parents ... I was thinking about how I was going to be able to proceed, knowing that I did not have his number, and at the time there was not all the social networks today ... A few days later I received a text message from the beauty, I asked her how she had managed to get my number, she replied that she asked her brother for my number. thank me for formatting his computer ...I was in heaven, the two of us decided to go have a drink, we went to Paris to have a drink the evening was perfect, and my beautiful was the prettiest of all the girls present at the pub ... We we had a good discussion that evening, but as it was getting late we left the pub, we decided to get back to the car I jumped on him we kissed passionately, and we left in a small parking lot that I know super quiet where there is never anyone and even less at night ...Once we got to the place, we got undressed, she started sucking me off, there I was in heaven, but I was so excited that I told her get out of the car, I'll take you. I put it on my hood and penetrated it, it was all wet I never knew if it was me or the place that put it in this state. I was going back and forth I heard him moan, it made me even crazier to hear that. Then she told me don't squirt I want you to end up in my mouth, I answered her ok, as the sauce started to set, I told her go suck me. And there she gave me a great blowjob, I was so excited and I loved it so much that I unloaded everything in her mouth .... And she swallowed ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Hetero, Masturbation, Blow job, Sodomy, Vaginal penetration, Married