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I love all the tails

Publié par : dicklover83 le 20/04/2016

This morning, as I had announced on this site, I went to the Chaberte area to have a little fun before going to work. And frankly once again I was not disappointed.I met three beautiful cocks, very different but also good to suck. I don't have any particular preference when it comes to tails. But I must admit that at least once I would like to suck a very big black cock with very full balls, but then I digress. ; But back to our story. I arrive and park. I immediately go to the little wood and I see a man in his forties calling. I stare at him, telling myself that I will start the day well with him, but I continue on my way.As I don't see anyone, I turn back and meet my handsome stranger who is still on the phone. But this time he has his hand in his pants and I immediately understand the message. So I get on my knees and without saying anything he or I he pulls out his tail that I hasten to take in hand. She's a nice size and I start sucking her while he's still on the phone. I start giving him deep throats because I love the feeling of having a cock in my mouth. He doesn't stop his conversation so I keep sucking him. I also lick his penis, his balls and the entire length of his cock which grows with my efforts. I myself grips her thighs and there he goes back and forth in my mouth while continuing to phone and even informs his interlocutor where he is and tells him that he is getting sucked. But while I thought he was going to empty himself in my mouth he ends our little interview because he has to hurry. I leave it with regret but I tell myself that it is already not bad.I return to my car and there I notice a car that I had already noticed because its occupant corresponds enough to what I like, that is to say a mature man, presenting well. We meet on the small path and now I start sucking my second cock when it's barely ten minutes since I arrived.She is a good size, hairy balls and I admit that I take a certain pleasure in sucking it. While I lick his cock well over its entire length, a man also on the phone walks by and watches the scene and then I tell myself that if he stops ...

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Keywords : Partly true, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Forty, Mature