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Double cool kiss effect

Publié par : bonami le 06/04/2023

8 a.m. I wake up... And although it's a Tuesday, I'm off today... I feel that my penis is tense, Slightly numb, I know why, I haven't didn't come, and I want sex.. Extremely rare thing, I log on to this famous site, even before having set foot out of bed and without having had a coffee!!I really have to want to fuck..... Immediately, on the home page, an announcement posted for 8 minutes appears, It comes from a couple passing through the region, and reports their presence that same day in a libertine sauna.. A visit to their profile tells me that they are both bisexual,Their main search is oriented towards 'bi' men. Which doesn't displease me, because even if my preference is always towards 'the fair sex', I like to share the naughty games of a couple in love and united.When an atmosphere of trust, friendly and intellectual complicity with Monsieur is created, I also know how to be a good playmate... In short, I send a message to this couple to inform them of my presence also in the sauna that day, Surprise , they answer me tit for tat that they are quite ready for a meeting, They plan to be on the scene around 5:30 p.m., So no panic.... Now, coffee !!!... ..5:30 p.m. I enter this temple of pleasure with soft padded warmth, dimmed lights, peppery scents... There are few people, that surprises me because often, when a couple announces their arrival in a place, it drains a whole fauna of curious, starved, rascals and other libertines well in all respects to which I believe to belong.. Quickly I see them, Because they are them, I am sure.. They are alone in an alcove open, composed of a bed, this niche is original in that it is separated from a second identical alcove by a grid, which gives it the air of a prison cell.I approach them and give them a 'hello rascals! We exchanged a few messages this morning...'They answer me in heart 'hi' With a nod and a knowing look.The scene is touching, Monsieur is lying on his back while Madame, astride, undulates her pelvis with fat, planted on this stake, she kisses him gently .. I put a hand on his shoulder and immediately the contact of his skin m electrifies immediately, It is a person 'Friend' That I feel under my fingers.. From there, everything is linked very quickly and naturally, I caress her back, her hips, her buttocks, I massage, feel, rolls his skin and suddenly Vlan!! A spanking Madame laughs.... we are already United by a beautiful complicity,Monsieur, who seems more discreet, also smiles, and I know that despite the impression he gives of being withdrawn, he is at the center of these festivities... Madame then turns to me and takes my cock in her mouth, divine feeling of warmth, voluptuousness, she pumps me gently, licks my glans while heaving satisfied sighs, Then she kisses her man full on the mouth, which seems to overexcite him, I now see Monsieur straightening up and heading towards me , He sucks me in turn, with great tact, his companion seems to find the scene exciting, she lies on her back, so that she can play with her tongue on my balls and my anus , while Monsieur eats my tail as if his life depended on it.I jerk off his cock with one hand to encourage him to suck me well, while with the other I caress Madame's wet Pussy, My fingers go from my mouth to her clit, from her clit to her vagina, from her vagina to her ass, Then the man lies down on his back again, Madame bends over him and sucks him in a deep throat, thus presenting me with his buttocks which is quite horny for me, he emerges from this woman a warmth, a benevolence and a delicious side of an ingenuous slut that overwhelms me.. I put on a condom and immediately plunge my cock deep inside her pussy, Immediate feeling of comfort, Like when you come home after a long day,The thrusts are virile, supported, without ...

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Keywords : 100% lived story, Bisexual, Masturbation, Blow job, Vaginal penetration